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28 April 2024 11:01 AM | UPDATED 6 months ago



A close up of a sign  Description automatically generatedPROJECT PORTFOLIO





First published 2021

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© 2021 RTO Works

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Business Works is a series of training and assessment resources developed for qualifications within the Business Services Training Package.

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A close up of a logo  Description automatically generatedContents

Section 1: Continuous improvement and innovation review                                                                     6

Section 2: Plan and implement continuous improvement and innovation                                                13

Section 3: Continuous improvement and innovation monitoring and evaluation                                       20

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Student name: 
Business (and work area if relevant) this assessment is based on: 
Role: What role will you assume? How does this role contribute to the broader work goals? 
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  A close up of a logo  Description automatically generatedSection 1: Continuous improvement and innovation review

Summarise the business or work area.

Review organisational documentation Which documents did you read? Which policies and procedures will guide your approach to approvals, project management and change management? Attach the documents (including the notes you made as you read them) to this section of the portfolio. Attach the policy and procedures (including the notes you made as you read them) to this section of the portfolio. 
Products and services What are the products and services? 
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Objectives List the key business objectives. 
Key decision makers Who are the key decision makers (stakeholders to whom you will report or seek advice from)? 
Operational processes Describe key operational processes. 
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Supply chain Summarise the supply chain associated with the work area or organisation. 
Performance Improvement Which strategies are currently used to monitor and evaluate the performance and sustainability of key systems and processes? Discuss the current continuous improvement systems, processes, and innovations being used. 
Policies and procedures What are the organisational requirements for approvals, change management, project management and knowledge management? 
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Summarise and analyse current performance to identify changes and improvement opportunities.

Analyse performance to identify performance variances from existing plans. Summarise the performance outcomes of your business. Include mathematical information in your summary How has the current business performance varied from what was planned? Attach documents showing performance information as evidence that you’ve collected the information. 
Identify and analyse trends and opportunities Describe current trends and opportunities associated with industry in which the business operates. Analyse how these trends and opportunities impact the business. 
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Analyse supply chains and operational and service systems to identify changes, improvements, and new ideas Perform Gap Analysis using the table provided to describe the current state of the supply chain and operational and service systems and the desired state of the supply chain and operational and service systems. Also identify solutions to bridge any gaps and the cost-benefit calculations of the solutions. You may identify more than one solution per issue
 Current state (at least four issues)Future stateGap solutions (these may be changes, improvement opportunities and new ideas)Cost-benefit 
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Set objectives What are the objectives for improving how things work? What are the continuous improvement objectives and desired outcomes? 

Identify team members and seek their input.

Identify at least two team members Who in the team do you believe is instrumental to ensuring continuous improvement and innovation? Give your rationale for this. 
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Best practices Describe best practice ways of working that teams can use to achieve continuous improvement and to be innovative. Give at least four examples. 
Learning opportunities What learning opportunities exist for the team to improve their skills and knowledge in relation to continuous improvement and innovation? Describe at least two. 
Seek input Insert a screen shot of your email to the team members or attach it as evidence to this section of your portfolio. 
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Attach:Documents and policies and procedures
Performance information
Email to team members (if relevant)
  A close up of a logo  Description automatically generatedSection 2: Plan and implement continuous improvement and innovation

Select most appropriate changes/opportunities/new ideas.

Select most appropriate changes, opportunities, and new ideas. Choose three solutions (from your Gap analysis) to focus on as part of your continuous improvement efforts. These should be the best solutions based on your Gap analysis and cost-benefit calculations. Say why you chose these three issues (consider resources, needs and constraints) 

Plan for continuous improvement.

Continuous Improvement Plan for [Add business name] Objectives and KPIs of the plan List the KPIS associated with the objectives of continuous improvement in your organisation. You have already developed objectives for continuous improvement in Section 1.
Continuous improvement systems and processes
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Establish the continuous improvement systems and processes that will be followed as you implement changes, opportunities, or new ideas.
Key actions, resources, constraints and timeframes Describe key actions, resources, constraints, and timeframes to achieve continuous improvement and innovation as you implement your chosen changes/opportunities/new ideas. List at least six key actions.
 Change/Opportunity/new ideaKey actions related to continuous improvement and innovation (e.g., brainstorming, implementing improvement registers, updating policies etc.)ResourcesConstraintsTime frames 
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Impact Describe the impact the changes/opportunities/new ideas and associated actions will have on the organisation or work area as well as the consequences for people. Describe actions or transition plans (following the policies and procedures that address approvals, project management and change management) that to will be taken to manage this.
 Change/Opportunity/new idea and associated actionsImpact of change and consequences for peopleTransition Plan 
Risk management Plan to manage the risks associated with your Continuous Improvement plan. One risk should be Non- performance of staff members.
 Risk What are the risks associated with your plan? List at least three.Potential outcomes List potential outcomes for each risk.Risk response Will you avoid, retain, share, transfer or reduce the risk?Contingency plan How will you manage the risk (e.g., progress reports, training, insurance etc.)? 
 Non-performance of staff    
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Communication Describe how the continuous improvement and innovation plan will be communicated.
 What must be communicated?Who will you communicate to?How will you communicate?When must the communication take place?Further comments 
Rewards Outline the rewards that will be put in place for staff for achievements in relation to continuous improvement, innovation, and learning.
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Knowledge management Select which of the activities below are used as part of your organisation’s knowledge management system to capture learnings from continuous improvement and innovation.
  Knowledge management itemHave learnings been captured and managed? 
  Knowledge sharing: ensuring there is a culture of sharing information in the company  
  Sharing of best practices  
  Establishing communities of practice within the organisation, as well as with other organisations  
  Cross-project learning, as well as post project reviews  
  Mentoring and coaching  
  Performance management  
  Social software such as blogs, wikis  
  Shared documents in cloud-based storage  

Mentor and coach team members.

 Plan for team meeting Who will you meet with? How will you facilitate effective group interaction? How will you build rapport with the team members to ensure positive working relationships? What questions will you ask about team member’s vision for continuous improvement and innovation to guide you mentoring? 
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How will you coach the team in innovation?   Attach your questionnaire to this section of the portfolio. 
Team meeting What feedback did you receive about how you ran the meeting? How can you improve your performance in future? If not viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of the team meeting to this section of your portfolio. 

Implement innovative processes.

Implement continuous improvement Which change/opportunity/new idea did you implement? Attach proof to this section of your portfolio. 
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Address impact of change/opportunity/new idea How did you address the impact? Attach proof to this section of your portfolio. 
Attach:Performance questionnaire
Team meeting (if not already viewed in person by your assessor)  ☐
Proof of implemented change
Proof of how you addressed the impact of change
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  A close up of a logo  Description automatically generatedSection 3: Continuous improvement and innovation monitoring and evaluation

Monitor and evaluate performance.

Continuous improvement systems, processes and innovation evaluation How well you are the continuous improvement systems, innovations and processes are working? 
Recognise successes What continuous improvement successes can be celebrated? Insert a screen shot of your email to team members or attach proof of the draft email to this section of the portfolio. 
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Continuous improvement or innovation failure (non- performance) Describe the failure and analyse the causes. Attach proof of implemented contingency measures. 
New challenges and opportunities What are new challenges and opportunities? 

Manage new challenges and opportunities.

Update Continuous Improvement plan to show new challenges or opportunities. Also confirm that knowledge management systems have been used as planned.

Continuous Improvement Plan for [Add business name] Objectives and KPIs of the plan List the KPIS associated with the objectives of continuous improvement in your organisation. You have already developed objectives for continuous improvement in Section 1.
Continuous improvement systems and processes
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Establish the continuous improvement systems and processes that will be followed as you implement changes, opportunities, or new ideas.
Key actions, resources, constraints and timeframes Describe key actions, resources, constraints, and timeframes to achieve continuous improvement and innovation as you implement your chosen changes/opportunities/new ideas. List at least six key actions.
 Change/Opportunity/new ideaKey actions related to continuous improvement and innovation (e.g., brainstorming, implementing improvement registers, updating policies etc.)ResourcesConstraintsTime frames 
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Impact Describe the impact the changes/opportunities/new ideas and associated actions will have on the organisation or work area as well as the consequences for people. Describe actions or transition plans (following the policies and procedures that address approvals, project management and change management) that to will be taken to manage this.
 Change/Opportunity/new idea and associated actionsImpact of change and consequences for peopleTransition Plan 
Risk management Plan to manage the risks associated with your Continuous Improvement plan. One risk should be Non- performance of staff members.
 Risk What are the risks associated with your plan? List at least three.Potential outcomes List potential outcomes for each risk.Risk response Will you avoid, retain, share, transfer or reduce the risk?Contingency plan How will you manage the risk (e.g., progress reports, training, insurance etc.)? 
 Non-performance of staff    
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Communication Describe how the continuous improvement and innovation plan will be communicated.
 What must be communicated?Who will you communicate to?How will you communicate?When must the communication take place?Further comments 
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Rewards Outline the rewards that will be put in place for staff for achievements in relation to continuous improvement, innovation, and learning.
Knowledge management Select which of the activities below tare used as part of your organisation’s knowledge management system to capture learnings from continuous improvement and innovation.
  Knowledge management itemHave learnings been captured and managed? 
  Knowledge sharing: ensuring there is a culture of sharing information in the company  
  Sharing of best practices  
  Establishing communities of practice within the organisation, as well as with other organisations  
  Cross-project learning, as well as post project reviews  
  Mentoring and coaching  
  Performance management  
  Social software such as blogs, wikis  
  Shared documents in cloud-based storage  
Attach:Email to celebrate successes
Implemented contingency measures
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Source: Sunbeam_11-Oct-232.0
Copyright © 2020 RTO Works


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