Age care

Students Presentation Assessment

18 April 2023 11:52 AM | UPDATED 2 years ago

Students Presentation Assessment :

For solution: +610482078788



Students Presentation Assessment
Students Presentation Assessment

Assessment 3: Presentation 25%

Due Date: Week 7, 8, and 9

Presentation assessments require you to research a particular topic and then prepare and deliver an oral presentation on the topic. Some presentations are completed in a small group and require teamwork. Presentations are often accompanied by slides projected onto a screen, or shown as part of a video or online presentation.

Students are required to complete a 5-minute presentation.

Students will choose an agency that delivers services to vulnerable people in the Australian community and discuss the methods that agency uses to address power imbalance.

A presentation follows the usual structure; it has an introduction, a body and a conclusion. In your introduction, outline what you are going to talk about, how your talk is going to be structured, and perhaps what you are intending to achieve with the talk. You can engage the audience and begin strongly by giving a powerful quotation, surprising statistics or information, or by asking a question.

In the body of your presentation, you should have clearly defined sections and evidence and examples. You may also have some tables, graphs or images as visual support material. You should deliver information step-by-step so that your audience can follow your ideas.

In your conclusion, recap the main points and reinforce the importance of your topic. You could go for a ‘big finish’ by inviting questions from the audience, or you can present some questions or issues to your audience to create further discussion. 

Some examples of disempowered clients could include:

·      Refugees,

  • People with a Disability,

·      International students,

  • Victims of Domestic Violence and abuse, and

·      People who are homeless

  • Give an introduction/opening statement to introduce the main points that you will discuss in the presentation
  • Provide a definition
  • Use APA 7 referencing, where applicable
Criteria for PresentationWeight: 100%
Presentation is clear (audio and visual)15%
Clarity of concepts and structure: introduction, body and conclusion20%
Thoroughness, accuracy, and depth of understanding25%
Understanding of the20%
Communication skills: tone of voice, non-verbal cues, body language, body posture and eye contact20%


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For solution: +610482078788

