Finance and Management

BSBSTR601Manage Innovation Assessment

10 April 2023 05:30 AM | UPDATED 2 years ago

BSBSTR601Manage Innovation Assessment :

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BSBSTR601Manage Innovation Assessment
BSBSTR601Manage Innovation Assessment
STUDENT ASSESSMENT BOOKLETBSBSTR601Manage Innovation and Continuous Improvement
Student Name: _________________________________ Date Commenced: ______________________________   

Assessment Overview. 4

Assessment Task Summary. 4

Assessment Documents. 4

Required Additional Documents. 4

Assessment Task Cover Sheet 5

The Assessment Process and Your Rights. 5

Submitting your Assessment Tasks. 5

Assessment Attempts and Resubmissions. 5

Assessment Outcomes. 5

Plagiarism, Cheating and Collusion. 6

Assessment Appeals. 6

Reasonable Adjustment 6

Information About Assessment 6

Dimensions of Competency. 6

Principles of Assessment and Rules of Evidence. 7

Principles of Assessment 7

Rules of Evidence. 8

Glossary of Instructional Task Words. 8

Assessment Plan. 9

Assessment Task Cover Sheet – Assessment Task 1. 11

Assessment Task 1: Written Questions. 15

Assessment Task Cover Sheet – Assessment Task 2…………………………………………………………….28

Assessment Task 2: Develop Continuous Improvement Strategies………………………………………………31

 Part A: Identify and Analyse Operational Performance……………………………….………………………….32

Part B: Develop Continuous Improvement Strategies…………………………….……………………………………..37

Part C: Identify and Analyse Operational Performance……….……………………………………………………38

Part D: Analyse Strategies….………………………………………………………………………………….……40

Part E: Develop Contingencies…………………………………………………………………………….……….42

Assessment Task Cover Sheet – Assessment Task 3……………………………………………………………45

Assessment Task 3: Implement Continuous Improvement Strategies………………………………………….48

Part A: Promote Continuous Improvement Strategies………………………………..…………………….50

Part B: Plan Implementation ……………………………………………….…………………………..……..51

Part C: Implement a Contingency Plan and Investigate Issue…………………………………………….53

Part D: Evaluate and Communicate Outcomes of Strategies……………………………………………….54

Assessment Overview

Assessment Task Summary

Part A: Identify and Analyse Operational PerformancePart B: Develop Continuous Improvement StrategiesPart C: Identify and Analyse Operational PerformancePart D: Analyse StrategiesPart E: Develop Contingencies
Part A: Promote Continuous Improvement StrategiesPart B: Plan ImplementationPart C: Implement a Contingency Plan and Investigate IssuePart D: Evaluate and Communicate Outcomes of Strategies
Assessment Documents

Required Additional Documents

  • CBSA organisational policies and procedures(available as a separate document)
  • Business Plan(available as a separate document)
  • Email template(available as a separate document)
  • Policy and Procedure Template(available as a separate document)
  • Contingency Plan Template(available as a separate document)
  • Lesson Learned Form. (available as a separate document)

Assessment Task Cover Sheet

The Assessment Process and Your Rights

Submitting your Assessment Tasks

Assessment Attempts and Resubmissions

  • resubmit incorrect answers to questions (such as for written tasks and case studies)
  • resubmit all or part of a project, depending on how the error affects the overall outcome of the task
  • redo a role-play after being provided with appropriate feedback about their original performance
  • be observed a second (or third) time undertaking any tasks or activities that were not completed satisfactorily the first time, after being provided with appropriate feedback.
  • be given 30 days in which to resubmit incorrect responses to written tasks, projects and so on
  • be provided with on-the-day feedback about their performance in a role-play and then redo the task immediately
  • need to redo workplace-based tasks (if applicable) during the same workplace visit or in a later observation – you should discuss arrangements with the student’s supervisor to agree on a suitable time and date for reassessment.

Assessment Outcomes

Plagiarism, Cheating and Collusion

  • cheating – seeking to obtain an unfair advantage in the assessment of any piece of work
  • plagiarism – to take and use the ideas and/or expressions and/or wording of another person or organisation and pass them off as your own by failing to give appropriate acknowledgement. This includes material from any sources, such as staff members, other students, authors, texts, resources and the internet, whether published or unpublished
  • collusion – unauthorised collaboration between students.

Assessment Appeals

Reasonable Adjustment

  1. the views of the student
  2. the potential effect of the adjustment on the student and others
  3. the costs and benefits of making the adjustment.
Information about Assessment

Dimensions of Competency

Principles of Assessment and Rules of Evidence

Principles of Assessment

Rules of Evidence

Glossary of Instructional Task Words

Assessment Plan
Assessment Task 1: Written Questions
2.     Assessment Task 2: Develop Continuous Improvement Strategies
3.     Assessment Task 3: Implement Continuous Improvement Strategies
Agreement by the student
   Yes  No
   Yes  No
   Yes  No
   Yes  No
   Yes  No
   Yes  No
Assessment Task Cover Sheet – Assessment Task 1
  • Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately. Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.


  1. None of this work has been completed by any other person.
  2. I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s in the completion of this work.
  3. I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
  4. I understand that if I am found to be in breach of the RTO’s policies, disciplinary action may be taken against me.













Assessment Task 1: Written Questions

Task Summary
This is an open-book written assessment. There are fifteen questions and some questions have sub-parts. You must answer all questions and their parts correctly to achieve a Satisfactory outcome for this task.

Resources and Equipment Required
Access to your learning materialsAccess to a computer, a printer and the internet Access to Microsoft Word (or a similar program)

Where and When This Task Will be Completed
You will complete this task in your own time, or you may be provided with time to complete it in class (where applicable).You will be advised of the due date for this task.

What Happens if You Get Something Wrong

Submission Requirements
Your answers for each question

Task Instructions
This is an open-book written assessment – you can refer to your learning materials.You must answer all questions and their parts correctly to achieve a Satisfactory outcome for this task.Refer to the Glossary of Instructional Task Words for descriptions of instructional words that will guide you in the level of response required in each question.

Question 1

  1. Define ‘continuous improvement’.
It means to constantly improving the ways to work and bringing new ideas to the table so that it can effectively Improve the quality of service, workflows, and mindsets, which leads to less waste.              
  • Describe two types of continuous improvement.
….In an organisation where employees are free to give their feedback on workflows and processes and changes them for improvement and convenience.

Question 2

Plan – in planning, we identify the problem and try to solve it with various methods such as root cause analysis. Do – the solutions we have gathered. Test them on small scale and if not applicable start from planning again. Check – this is a stage where outcomes gather and the we look for comprehensive results. Act – final solution will be implemented so that the cycle of continuous improvement runs again.

Question 3

Question 4

  • Incremental innovation
  • Disruptive innovation
  • Architectural innovation
  • Radical innovation

Question 5

Theory of innovation by Schumpeter says that for innovation to be successful in any company it needs to meet three points first which are – structural variables, cultural variable and human variable.   Five types of innovations are – Radical innovation Architectural innovation Disruptive innovation Revolutionary innovation Incremental innovation

Question 6

  1. Explain ‘cost-benefit analysis’.
  • Explain two cost-benefit analysis methods.
Payback – how much profit from an investment been gained.Return on investment – It uses to check efficiency of net investment

Question 7

  1. Explain the purpose of a knowledge management system.
  • Provide at least three examples of the information held in a knowledge management system.

Question 8

Question 9

This theory is about continuously improving the organisations state while reducing the cost and wastage. There are five principles for lean in total and in six sigma’s it mainly focuses on methodologies and other tools for ex. DMAIC and DMADV.
It is a management tool which is used to improve processes and products. It is also known as shewart cycle.  
There are various tools to gather data which helps in decision making. They are:- Check sheets Pareto charts Cause and effect diagram Control diagram Histogram bar chart Scatter diagram Flow charts.

Resource ; manage innovation and continuous improvement booklet page n. – 10 – 11

Question 10

  • Integrating risk into decision making
It is usually done with risk analysis matrix.
  • Strong risk management culture
  • Disclosing risk information
  • Continuously improving risk management
It focuses on improving organisation processes by cutting off extra and unnecessary tasks and processes. It helps to give netter customer service as well

Resource; google scholars.

Question 11

  • Supply
  • Operation
  • Distribution
Distribution explains itself as transportation, delivery and return of products or services. It can always be improved for better customer service and company profits.
  • Integration


Question 12

resource; manage innovation and continuous improvement booklet page n. – 8

Question 13

  1. Explain the purpose of a gap analysis
The purpose of gap analysis is to reduce the gap between the expected result and result on hand. By this we can compare our organisation to the market and competition and improve ourselves.
  • List and describe the four steps in conducting a gap analysis.

resource; (website)

Question 14

  • Explain two changes businesses made as a result of COVID-19 restrictions.
  • Identify two opportunities or trends businesses could adopt/did adopt for business continuity during COVID-19 or similar pandemic situations.

resource; Google Scholars.

Question 15

CYO – Create your own environment can be introduced in the office.
Assessment Task Cover Sheet – Assessment Task 2
  • Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately. Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.
Abhishek Thapar


  1. None of this work has been completed by any other person.
  2. I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s in the completion of this work.
  3. I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
  4. I understand that if I am found to be in breach of the RTO’s policies, disciplinary action may be taken against me.












Assessment Task 2: Develop Continuous Improvement Strategies, select ‘Log in’ and enter your username and password prior to completing your assessment tasks.

Task Summary
In Part A, students will analyse operational performanceIn Part B, students will develop continuous improvement strategiesIn Part C, students will consult on the strategies you have developedIn Part D, students will analyse their contingency improvement strategiesIn Part E, students will develop contingency plans for their strategies

Resources and Equipment Required
Access to your learning materialsAccess to a computer, a printer and the internet Access to Microsoft Word (or a similar program)CBSA policies and procedures (available as a separate document)Business Plan (available as a separate document)Email template (available as a separate document)Policy and Procedure Template (available as a separate document)Contingency Plan Template (available as a separate document)Three additional students for role-play activities

Where and When This Task Will be Completed
You will complete this task in your own time, or you may be provided with time in class to complete it (where applicable).You will complete this task at work or on your placement.You will be advised of the due date for this task.

What Happens if You Get Something Wrong

Task Instructions
You must complete all parts of the task outlined below.
Part A: Identify and Analyse Operational Performance

Attachments Below:

  • Strategic Plan Overview.docx
Strategic Plan Overview
Implement innovation and excellenceProvide ways to help customer grow so they are successfulEmpower and inspire our customersBehave honesty with respect for all individualsAct professionally with our customers and each otherContinually pursue new knowledge and share this openly with othersAcquiring five new clients per monthMaintain 90% retention rate of our existing customersGrow our business financially by 25%Implement three new services for our clients Grow our workforce to support new services and expected growth
  • Operational Performance Data.docx
Operational Performance Data
Strategic Goal Performance Measures Service Delivery Issues An average of five client complaints are received each month.Complaints generally relate to the following themes:Customer service staff are unable to provide adequate service adviceCustomer service staff are not friendly at timesLengthy wait times on the telephone to discuss services or chase up appointment schedulingDifferences between appointment stated and actual appointment time staff member is turning up onThere also appears to be some further issues relating to the length of time in between responding to complaints and identifying and implementing procedures to address issues identified through complaints. Staff Turnover Analysis At the start of the year there were 27 employeesAt the end of the year there were 29 employeesTwo new roles at the organisation were createdThere were two employees that left throughout the yearMoved interstateLeft to raise familyAt the start of the year there were 29 employeesAt the end of the year there were 29 employeesThere were six employees that left throughout the yearLow pay – got a higher paying job at a competitorHigh workload expectations – feeling overwhelmed and stressedFeeling undervalued and not being listened to by managementJob did not meet expectationsGrowth opportunities not availableMoved with family overseas
  • Performance Report Template.docx
Performance Report Template
Performance Report Overview Organisation overview   CBSA – Complete Business Solutions Australia is a company with a goal of Implement innovation and excellence. They provide all sorts of services to support their customers for e.g., Finances, human resource, and sustainability services. They tend to grow with strategic goal of 25% increment in all business services.   Services offered   CBSA offers various services and are listed below: Compliance Finances Human resources information technologyOther business needs to ensure that businesses have the expertise and support they need to survive and prosper.Technologies used   CBSA use a cloud-based server and shared equipment’s in their offices to be sustainable. They use PCs and laptops to process all their documentation and communication tasks. Operational Analysis Performance measures CBSA uses a matrix-based performance measurement system. System is divided into three parts. First is Goals and a year performance is calculated by divided it in two quarters.   Performance assessment They have divided calculations time to two quarters. In each quarter they have different percentages of retention rate, financial growth, and other goals. As per the data, they are not meeting the goals due to various reasons.   This matrix is effective only if all the employees put equal efforts and work towards the goal otherwise the data provided is saying it is not achievable via current working flow and processes. SWOT analysis   SWOT Analysis –   Strength – CBSA has a strength of maintaining retention rate and financial growth up to some level, but this can also be Improved.Weakness – CBSA weakness is their employees not being reliable and not understanding to meet the company’s goalOpportunity – CBSA have an opportunity to improve their customer service by being polite to their customers and try to provide more adequate service.Threat – According to the data provided, CBSA have a huge chance of failing as a company and can go out of business soon.   Performance issues and trends   Retention rate – In 1st quarter it is 80% and in 2nd quarter 75%, whereas the goal is to be at 90%. It is gradually dropping, which is harmful for company’s growth.Financial growth – In first two quarters, there is increment by 10% in financial growth which is good in a way but still not meeting the goal.Acquire new clients – they are not meeting the goals with acquiring new clients. Supposed to acquire 5 clients but only acquiring 2 per quarter.Implement new services – There is no growth at all in this area. This can add up to reasons why company is having issues.Growing workforce by hiring – There is minimum to no growth in this sector of company. According to data provided, there is a complaint of long wait time from customers in between their issues to be resolved and in addition, employees having hard time finding and implementing the solutions to the issues.

Task Instructions

  • Undertake research, documenting your notes for the following:
  • Review the organisation’s Business Plan to determine what the organisation does, the services it offers, and the technologies it utilises to deliver those services
  • Review the attached Strategic Plan Overview and analyse the attached Operational Performance Data to identify and analyse the organisation’s strategic goals, current variances from those goals, and performance trends and issues
  • Seek specialist advice from websites or other sources (technical experts) to identify possible technological improvements.
  • Document performance analysis:

Using Microsoft Word (or similar), document your research, analysis and thoughts into the Performance Report Template, ensuring that you:

  • Provide a brief overview of CBSA, the services it offers, and the technologies it currently uses
  • Provide a brief overview of the strategic performance measures CBSA uses
  • Provide a brief overview of CBSA assessment tools/techniques
  • Provide a SWOT analysis highlighting one organisational strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat
  • Provide a detailed breakdown of trends and the issues that the organisation is currently facing.

Submission Requirements: Part A
Performance Report
Part B: Develop Continuous Improvement Strategies
Managing Director

Task Instructions

  1. Document continuous improvement strategies:

Based on the issues/trends you have identified in the previous assessment task, identify strategies that can be used to try and address these issues. Document these using a word processor where you identify each issue, and the strategy to address this.

As an example, if an issue is ‘Lack of sustainability initiatives’ then a strategy may be to ‘Ensure sustainability is built into procurement processes’ or ‘Implement a paper-free workplace’ or even ‘Develop a Sustainability policy’.

  • Develop policy:
  • Develop a Continuous Improvement Policy for CBSA using the organisation’s Policy and Procedures Template. As a minimum, your policy must include:
  • purpose of the policy
  • scope of the policy
  • continuous improvement principles
  • continuous improvement model
  • continuous improvement strategies that should be implemented
  • staff participation and communication
  • tools to support the continuous improvement process
  • responsibilities.
  • Ensure that your policy is written in a suitable format and complies with relevant legislative requirements.
  • Develop continuous improvement tools:
  • Develop at least two continuous improvement tools identified through your research in the previous assessment task (for example, continuous improvement registers and forms, feedback forms, intranet forms/surveys) to provide support to the continuous improvement strategies.
  • You must refer to these in the Continuous Improvement Policy as applicable.

Submission Requirements: Part B
Continuous Improvement StrategiesContinuous Improvement Policy and ProceduresContinuous Improvement Tools     Answer 1 Retention rate – It is directly related to handling customers complaints in a better way, make them satisfied. So that the retention rate starts to grow. We can also listen to their feedbacks and work on them.Financial growth – Financial growth is also relied on customers, making customers satisfy should be the prime goal, because customers bring more business than advertisements.Acquire new clients – CBSA needs to reach out more and market themselves about their services and products. This will indeed increment in clients gain.Implement new services – Making new services and improving old ones will help business to grow. And listening to feedbacks can also help in improving services.Growing workforce by hiring – Not only hiring but hiring people with good work ethnics. And make a reward system for keeping them staying with the company. Answer 2 Purpose The purpose of this policy and procedure is to ensure that CBSA deliver quality products and meet all its set goals. This policy affective to all the employees of CBSA. Policy Excellent customer service in the market. Hardworking workforce. CBSA listens to every customer. CBSA is what it promises. Giving excellent and hassle-free services every time. Procedures Staff dealing with customers directly must undertake mandatory training on how to treat the customers. Employees must give an adequate reason to apply for leave. Feedbacks must be checked every month. So that it can be made sure company is on right track. A budget plan needs to be placed for advertising the business. Related policies, procedures, forms, and documents Policy – Greener offices is the goal of CBSA. Procedure – Sustainable measures will take place such as reducing paper mails and sharing carbon emitting equipment’s.     Answer 3   Continuous improvement tools are listed below:   The register includes the:   • improvement identified. • action to be taken. • person responsible for actioning. • staff, participant, or other stakeholder participation required and undertaken. • date of completion and • review date.

The employee feedback form:   How the relations are getting with customers.Is phone wait time is being reduced?Are they happy what they are getting paid?Are they meeting with monthly goals ?  
Part C: Identify and Analyse Operational Performance
Managing Director

Task Instructions

  • Provide an outline of the issues you have identified and your strategies to address these
  • Provide an overview of your Continuous Improvement Policy and Procedures
  • Provide an overview of the continuous improvement tools you have developed to support the policy.
  • Seek feedback by asking questions and brainstorming to identify improvement opportunities with your strategies, policy and/or improvement tools.
lead the consultation and document feedback from attendees in relation to the strategies, policy and toolsparticipate in a variety of spoken exchanges with co-workers and stakeholders take the audience, purpose and contextual factors into account when making decisions about what to communicate, with whom, why and howbuild rapport with the attendees to establish positive and effective relationshipscollaborate with others to achieve joint outcomes, playing an active role in encouraging innovation and facilitating effective group interaction

Submission Requirements: Part C
No submission is required for this part.
Part D: Analyse Strategies
undertaking a risk assessment of each strategyundertaking a cost-benefit analysis of each strategyproviding your recommendations as to which strategies we should proceed with and which ones we shouldn’t.
Managing Director

Attachment Below:

  • Trial Report Findings.docx
Trial Report Findings
Training each employee for customer service.Introducing creative workplaces by placing more group meetings and posters around the offices.Need to make higher working post for employees for motivation. 5 $10000 $50000


 Email Template

To:<<[email protected] >>
From:<< [email protected]>>
Date/time:<<21:00, 04.06.2022>>

To Gavin Stead,

I am attaching trial report findings for review.

Training each employee for customer service.Introducing creative workplaces by placing more group meetings and posters around the offices.Need to make higher working post for employees for motivation. 5 $10000 $50000

Kind regards

Henry Thomas

<<Add your job position here>> 300 Fictional Way, Sydney, NSW 2000 Phone: 1800 111 222

Task Instructions

    • Undertake analysis:

Using the Trial Report Findings template, you are to document your analysis, including the following:

  • List each strategy under the ‘Strategies to be trialled’ heading.
  • Undertake cost-benefit analysis (CBA) for each strategy. You must:
  • list each strategy in the table
  • calculate a cost for each strategy
  • calculate the likely benefit in monetary terms for each strategy
  • calculate a ratio for each strategy based on its costs and benefits.
  • Use the Risk Management Policy and Procedures as a guide, undertake risk analysis for each strategy. You must:
  • identify one risk for each strategy
  • provide a description for each risk
  • determine the potential consequences and the likelihood of the risk occurring
  • calculate a risk rating level for each risk.
  • Providing recommendations as to which:
  • strategies should be implemented and why
  • strategies should not be implemented and why.
    • Seek approval for your findings:

Using the Email Template draft an email to Gavin Stead sending the report and asking for review and approval. In the email:

  • You must specify who the email is to.
  • You must specify who the email is from.
  • You must specify the date and time you sent the email.
  • You must specify a subject.
  • You must specify the report as the attachment.
  • You must complete the body part of the email detailing why you are sending this email and that you are seeking review and approval of your recommendations based on your analysis.
  • You must complete the email footer specifying the job position you are role-playing

Submission Requirements: Part D
Trial Report FindingsEmail  
Part E: Develop Contingencies
Managing Director

Task Instructions

  • document each business risk
  • document the impact for that risk
  • document the likelihood for that risk
  • document a possible mitigation strategy for each risk to mitigate or minimalise its impact
  • document a contingency plan for each risk which should be enacted when the risk occurs

Submission Requirements: Part E
Contingency Plan

Risk assessment

List the potential risks to your business (in order of most likely) and any strategies or contingencies to reduce the risk. Also consider the secondary impacts of disaster events for your business.

Business riskDamage by fire or flood.
ImpactDamage of infrastructure
LikelihoodVery Low
Mitigation strategy
Contingency plan
Business risk
Mitigation strategy
Contingency plan
Business risk
Mitigation strategy
Contingency plan


Assessment Task Cover Sheet – Assessment Task 3
  • Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately. Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.


  1. None of this work has been completed by any other person.
  2. I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s in the completion of this work.
  3. I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
  4. I understand that if I am found to be in breach of the RTO’s policies, disciplinary action may be taken against me.











Assessment Task 3: Implement Continuous Improvement Strategies

Task Summary
In Part A, you will be promoting the continuous improvement strategiesIn Part B, you will be planning the implementation of the continuous improvement strategiesIn Part C, you will be implementing a contingency planIn Part D, you will be reporting on the continuous improvement strategies

Resources and Equipment Required
Access to your learning materialsAccess to a computer, a printer and the internet Access to Microsoft Word (or a similar program)CBSA organisational policies and procedures (available as a separate document)Business Plan (available as a separate document)Email template (available as a separate document)Lesson Learned Form (available as a separate document)Contingency Plan (created in the previous assessment task)

Where and When This Task Will be Completed
This task may be done in your own time as homework or you may be given time to do this task in class (where applicable). You will be advised of the due date for this task.

What Happens if You Get Something Wrong

Task Instructions
You must complete all parts of the task outlined below.
Part A: Promote Continuous Improvement Strategies
provide an overview of what continuous improvement is and why it is so important in businessprovide an overview of what sustainability is and why it is so important in businessprovide a brief overview of each strategy.
Managing Director

Task Instruction

  • you must specify who the email is to (you can simply state ‘All Staff Members’)
  • you must specify who the email is from
  • you must specify the date and time you sent the email
  • you must specify a subject
  • you must complete the body part of the email detailing why you are sending this email and provide:
  • an overview of what continuous improvement is and why is it so important in business
  • an overview of what sustainability is and why it is so important in business
  • a brief overview of each strategy
  • you must complete the email footer specifying the job position you are role-playing.

Submission Requirements: Part A
Part B: Plan Implementation
the objectives and their measures are clearly definedtransition planning is documentedaction planning is documentedcommunication planning is documented.
Managing Director

Attachment Below:

  • Implementation Plan.docx
Continuous Improvement Implementation Plan

Task Instructions

  • At least two objectives for the plan and how they will be measured to determine whether the plan has been successful or not.
  • A transition plan detailing any transition details. Each strategy may require a transition action or not depending on what it is. If a transition is required, such as a new technology or process being implemented, then the transition must detail what is to occur, who will be affected, and when this will take place. As an example, if a strategy is to implement emergency efficiencies by introducing new lighting technologies for the office, then you should detail who will be affected by this and when it will occur.
  • An action plan detailing what actions need to occur to implement each strategy, who will be responsible for each action, what the timeline is for completion. Each strategy will require at least one action. You should use the Org Chart in the Business Plan to determine responsibility for each action as appropriate. As an example, if a strategy is to employ a new person, then actions might include developing a job advertisement, interviewing applicants and inducting the new employee, with responsibility given to the Human Resources department for each of these actions.
  • A communication plan detailing when communications need to be sent, who they should be sent to, the format of the communication, and what it is to contain. You must detail at least three possible communications. Think about communications around reporting and monitoring. As an example, when an action is completed in the Action Plan, you should be notified by the person who was responsible for the action by email, with the content to be that the action has been completed successfully and its relation to the scheduled timeline (prior to the deadline, on deadline, after deadline).

Submission Requirements: Part B
Implementation Plan
Part C: Implement a Contingency Plan and Investigate Issue

Task Instructions

  • a brief summary of what has occurred (action and associated risk)
  • details of what contingency action was taken
  • an analysis of what you would change in the future to reduce or minimalise the impact of the risk occurring again so that lessons can be learned.

Submission Requirements: Part C
Investigation report
Part D: Evaluate and Communicate Outcomes of Strategies
identified what worked wellidentified what didn’t work so wellidentified what improvements could be made to the continuous improvement process
Managing Director

Task Instructions

    • Communicate outcomes:

Using the Email Template (available as a separate document) draft an email to all staff members that details the outcomes of the strategies. In the email, you must:

  • specify who the email is to (you can simply state ‘All Staff Members’)
  • specify who the email is from
  • specify the date and time you sent the email
  • specify a subject
  • complete the body part of the email detailing why you are sending this email and provide details of the successful outcomes of the strategies identifying the objectives for the strategy implementation and the cost savings and benefits from each strategy
  • complete the email footer specifying the job position you are role-playing.
    • Document lessons learned:

Review your experiences for this assessment and then use the Lessons Learned Form to document:

  • what worked well with the continuous improvement process
  • what didn’t work so well with the continuous improvement process
  • what recommendations for improvements could be made to the continuous improvement process.

Submission Requirements: Part D
EmailLesson Learned Form

[1] Source: Innovation & Business Skills Australia. (2015). BSB business services training package: implementation guide. Retrieved from


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