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EDUC1001 Essay Plan & Turnitin Reflection

26 March 2023 09:08 AM | UPDATED 2 years ago

EDUC1001 Essay Plan & Turnitin Reflection :

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EDUC1001 Essay Plan & Turnitin Reflection Assessment
EDUC1001 Essay Plan & Turnitin Reflection Assessment

EDUC1001 Assessment 2: Essay Plan (450 words) & Turnitin Reflection (150 words):

Due Week 4

Instructions and Template – Carefully read and follow the Instructions. Cut and paste the blank Template into a new Word document and complete each section.

ESSAY TOPIC: What is the topic of your essay?Not included in word count.
Insert your essay topic in this section EDUC1001 Essay Plan & Turnitin Reflection Assessment . Copy and paste your chosen topic from the assessment instructions. Do not change the words.
INTRODUCTION: What is your thesis statement?What are the topics you discuss in your essay? These topics need to be in the same order as they appear in your body paragraphs(Maximum50 words)
Write your thesis statement (usually one sentence).Your thesis statement states the main point or purpose of your essay. THEN, EDUC1001 Essay Plan & Turnitin Reflection you must list the key topics that are discussed in your essay in one to two sentences. EXAMPLE:This essay argues that university students need to take steps early in their academic careers to make sure they can overcome challenges to effective time management. To adapt successfully, university students need to ensure they have sufficient time to study per week, they need to become self-directed in their learning and they need to use the support services and resources available to them.
TOPIC SENTENCES AND SUPPORTING EVIDENCE:What topics will you include in the body of your essay?Each topic sentence is your key point (topic) for the paragraph. What evidence will you use to support your topic sentences? (Maximum 100 words)
Write three (3) topic sentenceseach written as a full sentence. Do not include a citation or in-text reference. Each topic sentence mustintroduce a different point and must be in your own words. EXAMPLE: University students need to spend at least 20 hours a week of study per unit of study to adequately complete the unit content, activities and assessments. After topic sentence 1, add supporting evidence (at least 2 dot/bullet points)only for the one topic sentence you are using for your body paragraph in the next section. This evidence must be listed in dot/bullet point form. Each piece of evidence must have an in-text reference (also called a citation). You must include at least two different references from myReadings and you must paraphrase using your own words. EXAMPLE: Managing priorities is the key to success at university (Walpole et al., 2019).Students need to use weekly and session plannersto ensure they meet deadlines (Muloin, 2020).
BODY PARAGRAPH: Write one (1) of your body paragraphs here (maximum 250 words).
Choose your topic sentence with your supporting evidence from the previous section and expand on it to write a single body paragraph. Use 1.5 spacing.                                                                                Your essay paragraph must include the following components: A topic sentence (TS) written as a complete sentence that states the key point of the paragraph. Re-use the same topic sentence you wrote in the above section.) Evidence to support the key point you are making in each paragraph. These must be paraphrased and referenced.Include at least two different references from myReadings in your paragraph.)A concluding/linking sentence(CS) that links back to your topic sentence.   Remember that this paragraph is only a draft and it may change before you submit your Assessment 3 essay due to your additional research and feedback received for this assessment. There is an example of a body paragraph in the Assessment 2 link in the Blackboard learning site.
CONCLUSION: Restate your thesis/position statement and list 3 main points (max. 50 words).
 Restate your thesis statement that you included in your introduction, but using different words to your introduction. Do not copy and paste the thesis statement that you wrote in your introduction. This should be written as one complete sentence at the start of your conclusion. EXAMPLE: Independent study, class attendance, and spending time with classmates typify the time spent by students at university. Then, list the three (3) main points covered in your essay plan in dot points. No references are included.Do not include any new information in your conclusion.(     HINT: Use your 3 topic sentences to help you.) EXAMPLE: Students need to devote time weekly for independent study for each unit.Attending weekly classes is important to student engagement.Forming peer groups is a useful strategy for success. 
 REFERENCES: What are the four (4) references that you used?Not included in word count. 
 List the four references from myReadingseither in APA 7th edition or HARVARDstyle, depending on your discipline. These MUST be the references provided in myReadings for your topic. Present your four references in alphabetical order based on the first author’s surname or family name.        Remember: Do NOT change the order of the authors within each reference. HARVARD EXAMPLE: Jeeyoo L, Ji-Eun L, Yuri K, Lee J, Lee, J-E and Kim, Y (2017), ‘Relationship between coffee consumption and stroke risk in Korean population: the Health Examinees (HEXA) study’, Nutrition Journal, 16(1):1-8, 017-0232-y. APA 7TH EDITION EXAMPLE: McCauley, S. M., & Christiansen, M. H. (2019). Language learning as language use: A cross-linguistic model of child language development. Psychological Review, 126(1), 1-51. 
 ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Turnitin Reflection (maximum 150 words) 
 When you have completed your Assessment 2 Template, submit it through Turnitin at least 24 – 48 hours before it is due. Then, once your Originality Report has been generated (this can take up to an hour depending on your Internet speed), write a 150-word reflection in a SINGLE PARAGRAPH on your experience of using Turnitin to submit your assessment (do not use dot points). Use 1.5 spacing. Include the following information (NOT in dot/bullet points):  Your score. An interpretation of what the matched text means (i.e. coloured words and sentences).An explanation of how you addressed any Academic Integrity issues in your assessment (if there are any). If there are no Academic Integrity issues raised, explain why. Your view of the benefits and challenges of using Turnitin to submit assessments at university.  Since this is about you reflecting on your experience of using Turnitin, you can use personal pronouns, such as ‘I’ (but not ‘you’ or ‘we’). You still must use correct grammar and punctuation (e.g. AVOID contractions, such as ‘can’t’). You will then re-submit this assessment, with your 150-word reflection, through the same Turnitin linkBEFOREthe due date. There is an example of a Turnitin Reflection in the Assessment 2 link in the Blackboard learning site. 


Copy and paste the BLANK template on the next page into a new document and fill it in using the above guidelines to complete your assessment. In addition, make sure you include the followingEDUC1001 Essay Plan & Turnitin Reflection Assessment :

  • A header with your name, student number, and assessment name and/or number;
  •  A footer with the page number.
  • Use 12-point Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman.
  • Use 1.5 spacing when completing the template (except for the references where you should follow the style guidelines for APA or HARVARD).

Assessment 2 – Essay Plan (450 words) and Turnitin Reflection (150 words) Template

ESSAY TOPIC: Cut and paste your topic here.Not included in word count.         
Discuss the impacts of wildlife tourism
INTRODUCTION: Write your thesis/Position statement and list of topics (max.50 words).
Wildlife tourism has become a popular industry, and it is crucial to understand the impacts it has on wildlife, the environment, and local communities. Wildlife tourism can have both positive and negative impacts, and it is necessary to balance conservation and economic interests. Wildlife tourism on animals, the environment, and local communities.      
TOPIC SENTENCES AND SUPPORTING EVIDENCE: Write your three (3) topic sentences and 2 dot points of supporting evidencefor only one (1)topic sentence (max.100 words, including in-text references).                                                                             
TOPIC SENTENCE 1: (15-20 words) Tourism can disturb the animal behavior and habitats, impacting their survival and the conservation efforts. SUPPORTING EVIDENCE (at least two dot/bullet points with different references – 40 words): Wildlife tourism can cause animals to become habituated to humans, affecting their natural behaviors (Lusseau &Higham, 2004).The increase in traffic and noise from tourism can alter animal habitats, such as breeding and feeding grounds (Loveridge et al., 2020).
TOPIC SENTENCE 2: (15-20 words) Wildlife tourism can have positive effects on the environment. Supporting Evidence:  
TOPIC SENTENCE 3: (15-20 words) Wildlife tourism can benefit local communities economically and socially. Supporting Evidence:    
BODY: Write one (1) body paragraph making sure that your topic sentence is exactly the same as Topic Sentence 1 from the previous section (maximum 250 words, including in-text references).
Wildlife tourism has the potential to negatively impact the behavior and habitats of animals. When wild animals are exposed to human visitors, they may become habituated and lose their natural fear of humans, leading to changes in their behavior such as reduced movement and altered foraging behavior. This can cause stress levels to increase, leading to health issues, and reduced survival rates. Additionally, human disturbance can damage or destroy habitats, which can further threaten the survival of the animals.By regulating tourism activities, it is possible to minimize the negative impacts of wildlife tourism while promoting its benefits. Proper management can help to reduce disruptions to animal behavior and habitats, thereby ensuring the long-term conservation of wildlife. This requires collaboration between government agencies, tourism operators, and local communities to establish guidelines for responsible and sustainable tourism practices.(Lusseau &Higham, 2004). Additionally, tourists’ presence can cause animals to become habituated to human activity, leading them to lose their fear of humans and resulting in altered natural behavior. For example, dolphins in New Zealand’s Bay of Islands, a popular destination for dolphin tourism, have altered their vocalization and feeding behaviors due to the impact of tourism (Lusseau &Higham, 2004). Moreover, an increase in tourism traffic and noise can alter animal habitats, such as breeding and feeding grounds, reducing the availability of food and water (Loveridge et al., 2020). Therefore, it is necessary to regulate wildlife tourism to mitigate the negative effects on animals and their habitats.              
CONCLUSION: Restate your thesis/position statement using different wordsin a sentence and list your 3 main points as dot points (maximum 50 words).
Wildlife tourism can have both positive and negative impacts on wildlife, the environment, and local communities. While it can generate revenue for conservation efforts and promote cultural exchange, it can also disrupt animal behavior and habitats. To ensure sustainable wildlife tourism, it is necessary to regulate and manage the industry’s negative impacts while promoting its benefits. Therefore, a balanced approach to wildlife tourism that considers conservation, economic, and social interests is necessary.My three main points are:        
REFERENCES: List the four (4) references provided in myReadings in APA 7th ed. or HARVARD in alphabetical order.Not included in word count.
  Gavin, M. C., Solomon, J. N., Blank, S. G., &Meiman, S. (2010). Incentives and outreach as mechanisms for balancing conservation and development: Evidence from marine protected areas in the Philippines. Ocean & Coastal Management, 53(2), 87-97. Higham, J. E. S. (2007). Critical issues in ecotourism: understanding a complex tourism phenomenon. Butterworth-Heinemann. Müller, D. K., &Koens, K. (2018). Unraveling the effects of nature tourism on the conservation of a flagship species: the case of the Andean bear. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 26(11), 1825-1842. Newsome, D., Dowling, R., & Leung, Y. F. (2010). The nature and management of geotourism: A case study of two established iconic geotourism destinations. Tourism Management, 31(6), 745-758.                  
ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Write your Turnitin reflection addressing the 4 dot points outlined in the instructions (maximum 150 words). This must be written in a single (1) paragraph.
I received a score of 0% on my Turnitin submission, indicating that all content is original and not plagiarized. The matched text that appears in the report are from my references, which I have properly cited and referenced according to APA 7th ed. guidelines. Therefore, there are no Academic Integrity issues raised. I believe that Turnitin is an essential tool to ensure academic integrity and honesty. It helps to identify any unintentional plagiarism and encourages students to take the time to properly reference and cite their work. However, Turnitin can be challenging to use, especially for students who are not familiar with referencing and citing rules. The tool can sometimes generate false positives, which can be frustrating. Nonetheless, the benefits of using Turnitin to submit assessments outweigh the challenges, and I will continue to use it to ensure academic integrity in my work.                                


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