Finance and Management

BMB4001M Student Assessment

17 April 2023 05:14 AM | UPDATED 2 years ago

BMB4001M Student Assessment :

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BMB4001M Student Assessment
BMB4001M Student Assessment
Module CodeBMB4001MModule TitleDavid Kelsey
Level4Module Tutor 
Credit Value of Module20Feedback ProcessOnline via Grademark
Type of SubmissionEssayExpected Feedback DateFriday 16th December 2022 at 5pm
Assessment Task1
Weighting70% (2500 words)  
Due DateFriday 25th November 2022 (week 9) at 12noon   Please note that this is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). If you live in another time zone then you must still submit by the date above.
Assessment Regulations
  In order to pass the module, students must achieve at least a mark of 20 in each component and an overall pass mark.
Module Specific Requirements
  To be successful in the module students should be able to:   Explain key concepts relating to responsible businessIdentify aspects within the ongoing academic debate regarding responsible businessApply ideas from the ongoing academic debate regarding responsible business to ‘real- world’ business examples
Learning Outcomes
  See module specification for details: the module aligns with PLOs from across the York Business School suite of programmes.
Assignment Description
  Write an essay on the following title:   To what extent is responsibility a feature of an organisation’s/industry’s (delete as appropriate) behaviour? An analysis of (add specifics e.g. ‘Primark’)
Additional Information
  You can choose to write your essay from either a business (e.g. Primark) or an industry (e.g. the fashion industry) perspective.   Use concepts from the module to develop this full assessment and support your claims throughout. Support in this context means using examples from the organisation or industry, as well as quality academic sources/literature. You must use the York St John University approach to Harvard referencing. Follow the Cite Them Right guide for details: https://www-

You should consider features of capitalism. Assess whether the module of BMB4001M Student Assessment content supports a deeper understanding of why businesses behave as they do.

Consider the following questions:

  • Is there evidence of responsibility or irresponsibility?
  • How and why do you believe it is responsible or irresponsible, and to what extent?
  • What evidence can be used to support your points?

You could use the module content to include recommendations for the future.

Try to develop a cohesive and coherent piece of work of BMB4001M Student Assessment in an academic style. Use the assessment details, marking criteria, and the support throughout the module to support you in this.

Remember to:

  1. Write formally and clearly
  2. Avoid the use of the first person (e.g. “I think that”)
  3. Have a clear sense of focus throughout
  4. Demonstrate a balanced understanding
  5. Use appropriate academic sources

Please ensure that you use the document “ BMB4001M Student Assessment Assessment 1 PRBB Guidance” to support your approach. You should also use the seminar time to discuss work with your tutor.

Business Assessment Descriptors (Undergraduate levels 4, 5, and 6)

SUMMARY DESCRIPTOR: Learning accredited at undergraduate will reflect the ability to display mastery of a complex and specialised area of knowledge and skills, employing advanced skills to conduct research or advanced technical/professional activity, accepting accountability for related decision-making, including use of supervision.

 1st (100-85) – Exemplary.1st (84 – 70) – Excellent.2:1 (69 – 60) – Very good.2:2 (59 – 50) – Good.3rd (49 – 40) – Sufficient.(39 – 20) – Insufficient.(19 – 0) – Minimal to None.
SUMMARY DESCRIPTOR: Learning accredited at undergraduate will reflect the ability to display mastery of a complex and specialised area of knowledge and skills, employing advanced skills to conduct research or advanced technical/professional activity, accepting accountability for related decision-making, including use of supervision.
General Characteristics (UG)
Knowledge &You have shownYou have shown excellentYou have demonstrated a veryYou have demonstrated a goodYou have demonstrated aYour knowledge andYour knowledge and
understandingexemplary knowledge andknowledge and understandinggood breadth and depth ofbreadth and depth of subjectsufficient depth of knowledgeunderstanding of materialunderstanding of the
e.g., knowledgeunderstanding of materialof material taught in thisknowledge and understandingknowledge and understandingand understanding in keytaught in this modulesubject are inadequate, without
andtaught in this module, wellmodule, well beyond theof material taught in thisof material taught in thisaspects of the field of study,are below the thresholdthe required breadth or depth,
understandingbeyond the thresholdthreshold expectation ofmodule, showing a clear,module, which are sometimessufficient to deal withstandard and insufficient towith deficiencies in key areas.
of materialexpectation of a student at thisa student at this level.critical insight.balanced towards theterminology, facts, anddeal with some key aspects of 
taught in thelevel.  descriptive rather than theconcepts.the subject. 
module.   critical or analytical.   
Research &You have shown exemplaryYou extensively engage withYou have drawn on relevantYour research is limited toYou have rarely drawn onLittle to no use of academicYou have not drawn on any
Evidencelevels of research, engagingthe reading list and showmodule material, as well asmodule material and restrictedacademic sources. Your worksources. Your work has notacademic sources Your work
e.g.,with the reading list, andstrong relevant independentappropriate academic sourcesin scope. Your work does notrarely engages with relevantengaged with relevant readinghas not engaged with relevant
engagementshown outstanding relevantresearch that furthers thefrom your own independentdemonstrate any reading ofreading material either withinmaterial from the module orreading material from the
with academicindependent research thatmodule material. Your workresearch. Your work usesacademic sources that goesor beyond module material.beyond.module or beyond.
literature.furthers the module material.uses ample high-qualityappropriate high-qualitybeyond the module material,   
 Your work uses ample high-academic sources which areacademic sources which areand any additional sources that   
 quality academic sourcesboth appropriate for yourlargely appropriate for youryou have used are of poor   
 which are both appropriate forargument and far reachingargument and reach beyondquality or inappropriate.   
 your argument and far reachingbeyond module material.module material.    
 beyond module material.      
Analysis &You have made consistentYou have made consistent,You have demonstrated theYou have argued logically,You have shown the ability toYou can provide explanations,Your arguments and
Evaluationlogical, coherently developed,logical, coherently developed,ability to make coherent,with supporting evidence, anddevise and sustain anbut your argument is neitherexplanations are weak and/or
e.g., logic andand substantiated arguments,and substantiated arguments,substantiated arguments, ashave demonstrated the abilityargument, with somesustained nor sufficientlypoorly constructed, and you are
argument;and have demonstrated theand have demonstrated thewell as the ability to consider,to consider and evaluate aconsideration of alternativesupported by alternativenot able to critically evaluate
analyticalability to systematicallyability to systematicallycritically evaluaterange of views andviews and ability to explainviews.the arguments of others or
reflections;consider, critically evaluateconsider, critically evaluateand synthesise a range ofinformation. You have clearlyoften complex matters and consider alternative views
organisationand synthesise aand synthesise a wide range ofviews and informationand consistently explainedideas. required at this level.
andcomprehensive range of viewsviews and information (beyond(appropriate to the expectedcomplex matters and ideas.   
communicationand information (substantiallythe expected level). You havelevel). You have demonstrated    
of ideas andbeyond the expected level).demonstrated sophisticateda thorough, perceptive, and    
evidence.You have demonstratedperception, critical insight, andthoughtful interpretation of    
 sophisticated perception,interpretation of complexcomplex matters and ideas.    
 critical insight, andmatters and ideas in most     
 interpretation of complexaspects of your work.     
 matters and ideas in all aspects      
 of the work.      
BMB4001M Student Assessment
Communicatio n & Academic Writing Style e.g., logic and structure; formatting; grammar.You have shown an exemplary level in your academic writing style. An exemplary structure has been used to effectively communicate your point, and your work is grammatically and logically appropriate.You have an engaging, academic writing style. Your work effectively communicates your point, is clearly structured, and is grammatically and logically appropriate.Your writing style is clear and mostly academic. Your work effectively communicates your point but needs a more logical structure and/or grammatical improvement.Your style is somewhat clear, but is sometimes colloquial. Your structure, grammar, and syntax need improvement and your work implies a lack of proof reading.Your style often gets in the way of effectively communicating your meaning. Your writing is mostly colloquial, with frequent grammar and/or syntax errors which would have been prevented with proof reading. You may consider contacting our academic skills team for improvement.Your style is unclear and prevents understanding of your point. Your writing is colloquial, non-academic, and in need of proof reading to correct frequent grammar and syntax errors. You may consider contacting our academic skills team for improvement.Your style is minimal and very unclear, preventing understanding. Your writing is colloquial, non-academic, and in need of proof reading to correct frequent grammar and syntax errors. You may consider contacting our academic skills team for improvement.
Citations & Referencing. Harvard Referencing StyleYou have cited and referenced all necessary ideas accurately in Harvard style.You have cited and referenced all necessary ideas and the vast majority are accurate and in the Harvard styleYou have cited everything but there are some errors in formatting. Take a look at the Harvard ‘quick guide’ or use ‘cite them right’ to help next time.There are some errors in formatting and some missing citations. Take a look at the Harvard ‘quick guide’ or use ‘cite them right’ to help next time.There are many citations that are missing, and/or there are significant mistakes in referencing style. Take a look at the Harvard ‘quick guide’ or use ‘cite them right’ to help next time.You have not cited or referenced your work appropriately. Take a look at the Harvard ‘quick guide’ or use ‘cite them right’ to help next time.Little to no attempt at referencing your work. Take a look at the Harvard ‘quick guide’ or use ‘cite them right’ to help next time.
Creativity & OriginalityYou have shown exemplary levels of originality of thought, and/or independence far beyond the expectation(s) of the level of study.You have shown an excellent and sustained originality of thought, and/or evidence of substantial independent study.You have shown very good examples(s) of originality of thought, and/or evidence of wide-ranging independent study.You demonstrated good evidence of originality of thought, and/or clear evidence of study independent of set/ recommended material.You have shown limited evidence of originality of thought, and/or study independent of set/recommended material.You have shown very limited originality of thought and/or evidence of study independent of set/recommended material.You have shown no originality of thought and/or evidence of independent study.
Graduate employability Skill: Problem SolvingYou are exceptionally competent at autonomously defining and solving a range of complex problems and you have demonstrated an outstanding ability to apply knowledge and methods to your solution far beyond the expectations of this level.You are competent at autonomously identifying and defining a range of complex problems and you are excellent at applying knowledge and methods to your solution beyond the expectations of this level.You are competent at autonomously identifying and defining a range of complex problems and you are very good at applying knowledge and methods to your solution appropriate at this level.You are competent at autonomously identifying and defining complex problems and you are good at applying knowledge and methods to your solution appropriate at this level.You are mostly competent at autonomously identifying and defining complex problems and you apply some knowledge and methods to your solution but this is often inconsistent.You have not gained the skills required at this level of study. There are significant weaknesses evident which suggest that further development is needed in this area.You have demonstrated little or no evidence of the required skills at this level.
Graduate employability skill: PracticalYou have an exemplary ability to autonomously evaluate your own strengths and weaknesses, and you have shown an outstanding range of professional and practical attributes that are needed for graduate level employment.You are able to show excellent autonomy in evaluating your own strengths and weaknesses, and you have shown an excellent range of professional and practical skills that are needed for graduate level employment.You are very good at evaluating your own strengths and weaknesses, and you have shown a very good range of professional and practical skills that are needed for graduate level employment.You are good at evaluating your own strengths and weaknesses, and you have shown a good range of professional and practical skills that are needed for graduate level employment.You are able to recognise your own strengths and weaknesses, and you have shown some professional and practical skills that are needed for graduate level employment.You have demonstrated insufficient evidence of the graduate skills identified in the programme specification. There are significant weaknesses evident, which suggest that you have not gained the skills necessary for students at this level.You have demonstrated little or no evidence of the required graduate skills identified in the programme specification at this level.
BMB4001M Student Assessment


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