
SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety

05 May 2024 10:22 AM | UPDATED 6 months ago

SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety:

SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety

SITXFSA005 – Use hygienic practices for food safety
SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety


This form is for the assessor’s use only.

This Observation Form outlines the specific criteria that the candidate must demonstrate/perform while completing Workplace Assessment Task 1.

This form is to be completed by the candidate’s assessor to document their observation of the candidate’s performance in Workplace Assessment Task 1.

Task Overview

This task requires the candidate to demonstrate hygienic food handling practices according to organisational policies and procedures, while being observed by the assessor. These hygienic food handling practices must be demonstrated on at least three occasions.

Each of the three occasions must relate to food handling activities within the scope of your job role. This can include working in any of the following:

  • Food preparation/cooking
  • Serving food to customers.

This task requires the candidate to complete the following while being observed by the assessor:

On each occasion of food handling:

  • Wear the following before conducting food handling activities:
  • Appropriate uniform for food handling
  • Personal protective equipment
  • Use effective personal hygiene practices before actual food handling activity.
  • Demonstrate correct handwashing procedures.
  • Prevent food contamination by demonstrating the following while handling food:
  • Avoid unnecessary direct contact with the following:
  • Clothing
  • Other personal items
  • Ready-to-eat food
  • Ensure hygienic personal contact with the following:
  • Food
  • Food contact surfaces
  • Use appropriate bandages and coverings, when required.
  • Use hygienic cleaning and sanitising practices to prevent food-borne illnesses after food handling activity.

Instructions to the Assessor

Before the assessment

  • Access and review the following:
  • Organisational hygiene and food safety policies and procedures from the candidate’s workplace.

These policies and procedures can be presented either as documents or diagrams like written documents or flowcharts.

  • Copy of candidate’s job description.

This will be used to identify the candidate’s tasks in relation to food handling.

  • Review the items in this checklist and contextualise, as appropriate to the workplace context of the candidate.
  • Discuss the resources required by the candidate to complete the task and ensure that they have access to these resources prior to the practical observation.
  • Discuss this assessment task with the candidate, including the practical skills they need to demonstrate and the criteria to satisfactorily demonstrate each skill.
  • Review this form with the candidate and address any queries or concerns they may have about it.

While observing the candidate

  • For each practical skill listed in this Observation Form:
    • Tick YES if you confirm you have observed the candidate demonstrate/perform the practical skill.
    • Tick NO if you have not observed the candidate demonstrate/perform the practical skill.
  • For skills where you ticked YES, indicate the date when you observed the candidate demonstrate this skill.
  • For skills where you ticked NO, provide additional information on how the candidate can satisfactorily demonstrate the practical skill for this task.
  • Write specific comments on the candidate’s performance in each criterion. Your feedback/insights will help address any area(s) for improvement.

After observing the candidate

  1. Complete all parts of the Observation Form, including the Assessor Declaration on the last page of this form. Your signature must be handwritten.

Candidate Details

Candidate Name     

Assessor/Observer Details

Assessor/Observer Name     
Training Organisation     
Relevant Qualifications Held     

Assessment Context

Assessment Environment☐ Candidate’s Workplace☐ Simulated Workplace
Mode of Observation☐ Direct Observation Assessor must be physically present in the assessment environment.
☐ Observation via video recording Candidate and the assessment requirements must be present in the video recording.
Date of Observation     
Resources required for assessment☐ Organisational hygiene and food safety policies and procedures from the candidate’s workplace These policies and procedures can be presented either as documents or diagrams like written documents or flowcharts. ☐ Copy of candidate’s job description. This will be used to identify the candidate’s tasks in relation to food handling. ☐ Receptacles for storage and display purposes ☐ Serving utensils These refer to kitchen tools used to aid in to serve food items in individual plates. Serving utensils include: TongsLadleKnivesForksBig spoons ☐ Appropriate changing facilities ☐ Appropriate uniform for food handling task Uniform will vary depending on the food handling task e.g. for working in the kitchen and serving food to customers. ☐ Personal protective equipment relevant to job role Common personal protective equipment used in food handling include: Face masksFood handler glovesHair nets ☐ Appropriate facilities for handwashing. This must include ALL of the following: ☐ Designated hand washing sink ☐ Antiseptic liquid soap ☐ Single use towels ☐ Warm running water ☐ First aid kit ☐ Ready to eat food items

Candidate Assessment Briefing

Date of assessment briefing     
The assessor confirms:YES/NO
They have discussed with the candidate the workplace task they are required to complete for this assessment.☐ YES     ☐ NO
They have discussed with the candidate the resources they are required to access to complete the workplace task.☐ YES     ☐ NO
The candidate understands they will be assessed while completing this workplace task, as well as any document(s) they will complete as part of this task.☐ YES     ☐ NO
They have discussed with the candidate the instructions on how they are to undertake the workplace task.☐ YES     ☐ NO
They have provided the candidate guidance on how they can satisfactorily complete the task.☐ YES     ☐ NO
They have discussed with the candidate the practical skills (outlined below) they are required to meet to satisfactorily complete the task.☐ YES     ☐ NO
They have addressed the candidate’s questions or concerns about the workplace task and the assessment process.☐ YES     ☐ NO

To the Assessor: Candidate must be observed demonstrating hygienic food handling practices according to organisational policies and procedures. These hygienic food handling practices must be demonstrated on at least three occasions. Complete one copy of this observation for each occasion the candidate is observed.

SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety

During food handling, candidate:YES/NOAssessor’s comments
Identifies the food handling activity the candidate will take part in Food handling activity demonstrated by the learner must correspond to the job description accessed and reviewed in this task.
Check the box to identify the food handling activity the candidate completes according to their job role ☐ Food preparation or cooking ☐ Serving food to customers☐ YES   ☐ NO     
Wears appropriate clothing for food handling activity Candidate must change into appropriate clothing in their designated changing facilities before entering the food service area and before conducting food handling activity. In demonstrating this, candidate shows ALL of the following.
Wears appropriate uniform for food handling task. This refers to clothing food handlers must wear as prescribed by their organisation as required by their work role.
Check the box to identify the food handling activity the candidate completes according to their job role ☐ Uniform/Clothing for working in the kitchen ☐ Uniform/clothing for serving customers☐ YES   ☐ NO     
During food handling, candidate:YES/NOAssessor’s comments
Candidate’s uniform:
Is a fresh or a new set.☐ YES   ☐ NO     
Is free of any stain or dirt.  ☐ YES   ☐ NO     
Is free of creases (ironed).  ☐ YES   ☐ NO     
Wears personal protective equipment relevant to food handling Personal protective equipment refers to clothing worn to prevent contamination when handling food. Personal protective equipment to be worn will vary depending on the candidate’s work role e.g. if the learner is working in the kitchen or serving food to the customers. The candidate must be seen always wearing personal protective equipment during the food handling activity. Assessor must tick NA, if criteria does not apply to the candidate. Candidate must be observed wearing one or more personal protective equipment based on their work role:
Face mask☐ YES   ☐ NO ☐ NA     
Food handler gloves This may not be applicable when candidate is serving food directly to customers.☐ YES   ☐ NO ☐ NA     
Hair nets This may not be applicable when candidate is serving food directly to customers.☐ YES   ☐ NO ☐ NA     
Apron Apron to be worn will depend on the candidate’s work role or food handling activity being demonstrated.
Check the box to identify the type of apron the candidate wears ☐ Apron for working in the kitchen Must be a full body apron ☐ Apron for serving food to customers Must be from the waist downþ YES   ☐ NO     
Enclosed shoes☐ YES   ☐ NO     
During food handling, candidate:YES/NOAssessor’s comments
Demonstrates effective personal hygiene practices Effective personal hygiene practices refer to sanitary habits an individual performs daily before and during food handling activities. These are performed to ensure the health of self and others while performing food handling activities. Personal hygiene practices must be observed in ALL of the following
Skin/body In demonstrating this, candidate 
Keeps skin clean In demonstrating this, candidate
Washes face and arms before entering the food service area. Candidate must ensure arms and face are dry before food handling activity. ☐ YES  ☐ NO     
Prevents sweat from dripping on face by wiping with clean face towel Candidate must wash hands after doing this. ☐ YES  ☐ NO     
Wears minimal or no make up Candidate is not wearing heavy make up like powder, lipstick or false lashes. ☐ YES ☐  NO      
Has no visible wounds. Wounds must be covered by appropriate bandages. ☐ YES ☐  NO      
Has no body odour ☐ YES  ☐ NO      
Hair In demonstrating this, candidate
Washes hair before entering the food service area. ☐ YES ☐  NO      
Dries hair before conducting the food handling activity. ☐ YES ☐  NO      
Wears a hair net☐  YES ☐  NO      
During food handling, candidate:YES/NOAssessor’s comments
Maintains long hair Hair is considered long when it is six inches longer from the nape. Assessor must tick NA, if criteria does not apply to the candidate. In demonstrating this candidate
Use a hair tie Pushes hair to the back and ties it in a bun ☐ YES ☐  NO ☐ NA     
Wears a hair net after tying long hair No hair should be sticking out of the hair net ☐ YES ☐  NO ☐ NA     
Beard Keeps beard shaven or well-trimmed, if applicable Assessor must tick NA, if criteria does not apply to the candidate. ☐ YES ☐  NO ☐ NA     
Nails In demonstrating this, candidate
Keeps nails short ☐ YES ☐  NO     
Does not wear nail polish or other nail accessories. ☐ YES ☐  NO     
Removes or covers ALL piercings before food handling. This refers to all rings and earrings. ☐ YES  ☐ NO     
During food handling, candidate:YES/NOAssessor’s comments
Washes hands at appropriate times throughout the food handling activity At a minimum, candidate must wash hands during the following instances:
Candidate must wash hands during ALL of the following instances below:
Upon entering food service area☐ YES   ☐ NO     
Before commencing or recommencing work with food☐ YES   ☐ NO     
Immediately after the following instances, if applicable: Assessor will tick N/A if candidate was not observed doing any of the instances below.
Handling raw food☐ YES   ☐ NO ☐ NA     
Handling money☐ YES   ☐ NO ☐ NA     
Smoking☐ YES   ☐ NO ☐ NA     
Coughing, sneezing, or blowing the nose☐ YES   ☐ NO ☐ NA     
Eating or drinking☐ YES   ☐ NO ☐ NA     
During food handling, candidate:YES/NOAssessor’s comments
Touching the hair or scalp☐ YES   ☐ NO ☐ NA     
Touching any wound☐ YES   ☐ NO ☐ NA     
Using the toilet☐ YES   ☐ NO ☐ NA     
Using cleaning products or chemicals☐ YES   ☐ NO ☐ NA     
Using point of sales terminals☐ YES   ☐ NO ☐ NA     
Washes hands using appropriate facilities for hand washing. In demonstrating this, candidate must use ALL of the following appropriate facilities when washings hands:
Designated hand washing sink Designated hand washing sink must be a different sink from where food and utensils are washed.☐ YES   ☐ NO     
Antiseptic liquid soap This refers to antibacterial liquid soaps used to eliminate bacteria or germs effective for hand washing.☐ YES   ☐ NO     
Single use towels☐ YES   ☐ NO     
Warm running water☐ YES   ☐ NO     
During food handling, candidate:YES/NOAssessor’s comments
Demonstrates correct handwashing procedures This refers to the step-by-step process the candidate must follow when washing hands. This process must be consistently followed whenever candidate washes hands during each instance of hand washing This must correspond to the procedures found in the organisational hygiene and food safety policies and procedures accessed and reviewed in this task. In demonstrating this, candidate is seen performing ALL of the following in proper order during handwashing:
Wets hands with warm running water☐ YES   ☐ NO     
Applies soap enough to cover entire hands Candidate must use antiseptic liquid soap☐ YES   ☐ NO     
Rubs hands together for at least 20 seconds While demonstrating this, candidate rubs ALL of the following surfaces of the hands  
Back of the hands☐ YES   ☐ NO     
Wrists☐ YES   ☐ NO     
Between fingers☐ YES   ☐ NO     
Nails☐ YES   ☐ NO     
Rinse hands with warm running water No soap must be visible after rinsing☐ YES   ☐ NO     
Turn off running water using a towel or a paper towel This is to avoid direct contact with the faucet☐ YES   ☐ NO     
Dry hands thoroughly using a clean hand towel. Candidate must use a single-use towel to dry hands.☐ YES   ☐ NO     
During food handling, candidate:YES/NOAssessor’s comments
Prevents food contamination from clothing and other personal items   This refers to hygienic practices that must be followed to prevent contact of contaminants with clothing and personal items during food handling activities. In demonstrating this, candidate:
Correctly wears personal protective equipment at ALL times. For example, face mask covers nose and mouth.☐ YES   ☐ NO     
Removes ALL jewellery before food handling.☐ YES   ☐ NO     
Prevents direct contact with ready to eat food This refers to avoiding unnecessary contact with react to eat food during food handling activities. Ready-to-eat food refer to food items that do not need to be cooked or reheated before serving. This includes fruits, vegetables, bread, salads and cold meats. In demonstrating this, candidate
Wears gloves to when holding ready to eat food☐ YES   ☐ NO     
Uses serving utensils, These are kitchen tools used to aid in serving food items into individual plates.
Check the box to identify the serving utensils the candidate uses ☐ Tongs ☐ Spoons ☐ Forks ☐ Ladles ☐ Knives ☐ Spatula☐ YES   ☐ NO     
During food handling, candidate:YES/NOAssessor’s comments
Uses other tools/items to handle food These are other items besides gloves or serving utensils that can be used when handling food.
Check the box to identify the other tools/items the candidate uses ☐ Waxed paper ☐ Napkins ☐ Deli paper☐ YES   ☐ NO     
Maintains hygienic personal contact with food contact surfaces. Food contact surfaces refer to all surfaces in the food service area that come in direct contact with food. Food contact surfaces include utensils, tables, cutting boards, work benches, etc. In demonstrating this, candidate:
Removes remaining food in surfaces This refers to remaining debris of food from food handling activity.☐ YES   ☐ NO     
Places used utensils in the dishwashing sink for cleaning☐ YES   ☐ NO     
Soaks used utensils with running water before cleaning☐ YES   ☐ NO     
Wipes surfaces using clean towel or wiping cloth☐ YES   ☐ NO     
During food handling, candidate:YES/NOAssessor’s comments
Uses appropriate coverings to injuries, when required These injuries refer to possible cuts, wounds or burns the candidate gets while performing food handling tasks. The candidate must not continue food handling activity if the injury is severe. Assessor must tick NA, if criteria does not apply to the candidate. In demonstrating this, candidate
Applies dressings to injuries appropriately Dressings are used to cover wounds, burns, or cuts before applying bandages. In demonstrating this, candidate
Uses appropriate dressing like gauze pad on top of the injury☐ YES   ☐ NO ☐ NA     
Completely covers the injury using the dressing. No exposed wound must be seen☐ YES   ☐ NO ☐ NA     
Applies bandages to injuries appropriately Bandages are applied as an added layer or protection after dressings. In demonstrating this, candidate
Uses appropriate bandages on injuries. This must be a brightly coloured bandage for visibility.☐ YES   ☐ NO ☐ NA     
Completely covers the injury using the bandage. No exposed wound must be seen☐ YES   ☐ NO ☐ NA     
Wears gloves to cover the injury This applies when the cut or wound is in the candidate’s hands.☐ YES   ☐ NO ☐ NA     
SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety
During food handling, candidate:YES/NOAssessor’s comments
Uses hygienic cleaning practices to prevent food-borne illnesses Hygienic cleaning practices refer to specific cleaning methods used to remove visible dust, grease, dirt, stains or odours of food and the food service area. These are completed during food handling to avoid the risk of food-borne illnesses Hygienic cleaning practices must correspond to the organisational policies and procedures for hygiene and food safety accessed and reviewed in this task. In demonstrating this, candidate:
Washes food thoroughly In demonstrating this, candidate
Rinses ALL fruits and vegetables with running water.☐ YES   ☐ NO     
Rinsesmeat with running water.☐ YES   ☐ NO     
Removes dirt from food washed.☐ YES   ☐ NO     
Uses clean wash cloth to wipe food contact surfaces such as tables☐ YES   ☐ NO     
Washes used utensils after using or before using them again In demonstrating this, candidate follows these steps
Rinses utensils with warm running water.☐ YES   ☐ NO ☐ NA     
Applies dishwashing soap on utensil☐ YES   ☐ NO ☐ NA     
Uses a clean sponge to rub all areas of the utensil.☐ YES   ☐ NO ☐ NA     
Rinses utensils to remove soap. No soap must be visible after rinsing.☐ YES   ☐ NO ☐ NA     
Stores clean utensils in proper dish rack after washing. This is to prevent cross contamination with clean and dirty utensils.☐ YES   ☐ NO     
During food handling, candidate:YES/NOAssessor’s comments
Uses hygienic sanitising practices to prevent food-borne illnesses Hygienic sanitising practices refer to specific sanitising methods used to minimise or kill off bacteria or germs using chemicals in the food service area. These are completed during food handling to avoid the risk of food-borne illnesses. Hygienic sanitising practices are found in the organisational policies and procedures for hygiene and food safety accessed and reviewed in this task In demonstrating this, candidate:
Removes ALL ready-to-eat food away from area being sanitised.☐ YES   ☐ NO     
Sprays or applies sanitising chemicals on contact surfaces. This includes alcohol and disinfectants for tables, stove and counter tops where food handling was completed☐ YES   ☐ NO     
Wipes surfaces using clean cloth☐ YES   ☐ NO     
Places utensils used in hot water to sanitise☐ YES   ☐ NO     
Wears proper personal protective equipment when using sanitising chemicals. In demonstrating this, candidate is observed wearing the following while sanitising
Face mask☐ YES   ☐ NO     
Gloves☐ YES   ☐ NO     
Hair net☐ YES   ☐ NO     

Assessor Declaration By signing here, I confirm that I have observed the candidate, whose name appears above, follow hygienic food handling practices according to organisational policies and procedures on at least three occasions. I confirm that the information recorded on this Observation Form is true and accurately reflects the candidate’s performance during their completion of the workplace task.
Assessor’s signature     
Assessor’s name     
Date signed     
SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety



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