
SITXHRM009 Lead and manage people

25 April 2024 11:22 AM | UPDATED 6 months ago

SITXHRM009 Lead and manage people:

SITXHRM009 Lead and manage people

  Assessment Manual

SITXHRM009 Lead and manage people.

Objective of assessments

We are committed to your learning by providing a training and assessment framework that ensures the knowledge gained through training is translated into practice in your work in the workplace with consistent and competent work performance. The purpose of the assessment process is to assess your ability:

  • to apply skills and knowledge using written and demonstration activities that apply to tasks and activities of a workplace.
  • to translate your learning into your work performance in a workplace through demonstration.
  • to apply skills and knowledge actively, correctly, and consistently for work in a workplace.

Assessment process

The assessment process is known as competency-based assessment. This means that evidence of your current skills and knowledge will be measured against national standards, not against the learning you have undertaken either recently or in the past. Some of the assessment will be concerned with how you apply your skills and knowledge in a workplace, and some in the training room as required by each unit. The assessment tasks have been designed to enable you to demonstrate skills and knowledge application and produce the critical evidence to successfully demonstrate competency at the required standard.

Your assessor will ensure that you are ready for assessment and will explain the assessment process. Your assessment tasks will outline the evidence to be collected and how it will be collected, for example, a written activity, case study, or demonstration and observation. The assessor will also have determined if you have any special needs to be considered during assessment. Changes can be made to the way assessment is undertaken to account for special needs and this is called making Reasonable Adjustment provided to you in the assessment guide separately.

Assessment TaskAssessment MethodEvidence Gathering Techniques (Document and observation used to assess you)Where? (Assessment location)When? (Due date)
Assessment Task 1Written Task (Questioning)Written answers of consistent application of knowledgeTraining RoomRefer to timetable
Assessment Task 2Case studyWritten Solutions Observation of your consistent application of skills and knowledge in performance and demonstrationTraining Room (Simulated workplace environment)Refer to timetable  

Assessment guide

Your assessment guide that is provided to you will explain the following. Please refer to assessment guide for the following information before commencing your written work and demonstration:

  1. Your responsibilities during the assessment.
  2. Assessor responsibilities during the conduct of assessment.
  3. Your rights to appeal if the assessment outcome appears as “Not Yet Competent” for one or more assessment tasks.
  4. The process to apply if you already possess the knowledge and skills to be able to demonstrate competence in this unit.
  5. The formats and structure of the written assessment work for submission.
  6. The length, breath and the quantity of your written work, plagiarism, collusion, cheating and how to use references for sources of information.
  7. How to achieve a satisfactory outcome against the criteria for each type of assessment task.
  8. Application of reasonable adjustments where necessary.
  9. Requirements for demonstration, performance for practical assessment tasks and activities.
  10. Your assessment performance with commitment, consistency, clarity, capacity, capability, correctness, and completeness.


  1. Each assessment task provides you with assessment information that includes answers to what, why, how, when, in what condition, what materials, resources and equipment to use and evidence requirements.
  2. Read the applicable information and if unsure seek clarification from your assessor.
  3. Before and during assessment demonstration and interacting with others, ensure you follow simulated workplace policies and procedures.
  4. Ensure you follow hygiene procedures, social distancing rules and ethics before, during and after assessment tasks and activities.
  5. Undertake your preparation activities and demonstration activities as specified and directed by your assessor.
  6. In any situation during the assessment, if you find that you are unable to perform due to any condition (health or safety), stop your work and inform the assessor of the condition.
  7. Ensure you are obligated with your rights as a candidate and respects the rights of your assessor during the assessment performance.
  8. For interactive and role-play activities, organise role-play settings and individuals for role-play in collaboration with assessor and training mates.
  9. Submit your written work when it becomes due and avoid the requirements of extensions.
  10. Use provided self-assessment checklists by checking as you progress in assessment to ensure you do not miss anything that may lead to unsatisfactory outcomes.

Submission specifications

  1. Fill your submission details in the front page of assessment template separately provided to you and attach any additional documents and any other evidence as specified and required by your assessor.
  2. Follow the institution submission requirements of assessment. I.e., electronic submission (LMS) or hard copy submission or as specified by your assessor for differing assessment situations.


DefineLength approximately 4 typed lines = 50 words.
IdentifyWrite dot points of the number of items to identify according to the question.
OutlineSummarise in a line or set of lines the required number of items or develop appropriate meaningful answers according to the question but not in detail.
Identify and briefly describeIdentify in dot points and provide a description of each with a minimum of 4 typed lines = 50 words.
DescribeProvide a description with minimum 8 typed lines = 100 – 150 words or appropriately described to provide a meaningful answer with consistent knowledge application in length according to the question.
ExplainExplain the procedure with minimum 8 typed lines = 100 – 150 words or appropriately explain to provide a meaningful answer with consistent knowledge application in length according to the question.
Distinguish / differentiateDistinguish means recognise or treat (someone or something) as different. To differentiate is to show or find the difference between things which are compared. It simply means that they are not the same but does not qualify them as being unique and possibly not related.  Length approximately 4 – 8 typed lines = 50 – 100 words for each question.
What?This is to assess your knowledge of something related to the subject area asking you to specify one or more things related to what is being asked in the question. This is generally asking for a short answer for which you need to provide a short description answering the question where the reader understands the answer to the question. Approx. 4 – 8 lines = 100 – 150 words.
How?This method of question is to assess your ability to explain or describe the ways, methods, manner, procedure, or process of something related to the question being asked. You need to provide sufficient description of how (ways, methods, manner, procedure, or process) it can be performed for the reader to understand the ways or procedure. Approx. 4 – 8 lines = 100 – 150 words.
Why?This question is to assess your knowledge of something and the purpose of it. You need to provide sufficient description of why (the purpose/objective or aim) it is used for the reader to understand the reason or purpose of it. Approx. 4 – 8 lines = 100 – 150 words.


Written Task – Questioning

You are required to read the following assessment information, requirements, and instructions before commencing. This task is about written questioning for you to provide written answers as evidence of your knowledge application. Ensure you follow the terms and conditions applied in undertaking written task during the assessment as specified and facilitated by your assessor.

Assessment InformationDescription
1Assessment methodWritten questioning
2Assessment typeSummative
3Assessment description (What?)This assessment task is a written task for which you are required to provide written answer solutions to the questions demonstrating your knowledge required to lead and manage people individually and in teams, and support and encourage their commitment to the organisation. Read the following information related to your assessment to prepare and perform to provide evidence of your knowledge.
4Purpose (objective) of the assessment (Why?)To gather evidence of your ability to apply knowledge consistently to lead and manage people individually and in teams, and support and encourage their commitment to the organisation.
5Assessment Instructions (How?)  Read the theoretical component of the learner workbook.Conduct research and review literature relevant to the unit. Provide answer solutions to each question using your own words. Note: do not just copy past the answers from other materials. You may refer to learning materials and other sources of information as agreed by your assessor.You may word-process your answers using MS Word /Mac document.The assessment is due for completion on the date/s and time/s. specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.Submit your work with any required evidence attached. See the specifications below for details of submission requirements. Read the following requirements for this assessment completion:  
6Assessment date/s and timing/s (When?)This assessment will be conducted according to the training delivery session plan. Assessor will specify the timings of assessment and submission of evidence. Time allowed for the assessment is 3 hours within 20 hours of training delivery of week 2.
7Specifications (What structure, format, and demonstration)    Write answer solutions to all the questions using word-processed documents. Provide specified length and numbers mentioned in each question.Submit the answers with a cover page that includes your name, student ID, unit name/code, date of submission and assessor name.If a separate word-process document is used for your responses, include header (unit name/code) and footer (page no. student name and ID).
8Assessment context (Where and in what condition)  Assessment is conducted in the training room and safe environment where you are required to provide answer solutions to the questions in a word-processed document with evidence that demonstrates consistent knowledge application.
9Required resources (What resources, equipment, tools, and materials)Assessment task with instruction and assessment informationLearner workbook and other training handouts if or as allowed by your assessor.Computer with Internet access. Word-process software (MS Word/Mac).Workspace, table, chair, and stationery.
10Evidence requirements/ (What assessor is looking for)To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, you must prove application of knowledge consistently relevant to vocational contexts and: Provide answers to all the questions using the assessment template provided to you for submission.Answers must be with appropriate and sufficient length by following assessment guidelines for written tasks above.Answers must be relevant to the question and its sub parts.Your assessor may verbally assess to confirm your knowledge application in case your answer is not correct or not clear to one or more questions.  

Your Task – Write answers (Knowledge Application)

The following is a set of knowledge-based questions. Read the text section ‘introduction’ in the learner workbook, refer to training undertaken and provide your answer solutions to the following questions using your own words to demonstrate your consistent knowledge application.

Ensure you answer all the following questions using the length guidelines above and quantity requirements applicable for the following relevant questions using the assessment template provided to you for submission.

Note: Some questions will ask you to answer to more than one specific area. Read the question carefully and understand what exactly the question is about. When you understand the question clearly, you are already there with the right answer. Do not copy paste text from online sources or any other sources for which your answers will be marked as ‘not satisfactory’, and assessor will provide you negative feedback.


  1. Briefly describe the following roles of and functions performed by supervisors and managers:
    1. Decision making.
    1. Delegation of tasks.
    1. Monitoring performance.
    1. Provision of feedback.
    1. Motivation through recognition and rewards.
    1. Planning and organising.
  2. Briefly describe the roles of and functions performed by supervisors and managers providing following information:
  1. Organisation performance.
    1. Changes in organisational policies.
    1. Marketing information and targets.
    1. Overall organisational objectives.
    1. Plans for new equipment.
    1. Rationale for management decisions.
    1. Technology updates.
    1. Training developments.
  2. Briefly describe the following expectations, roles, and responsibilities of team members:
  1. Adhering to policies and procedures.
    1. Cooperative and open communication.
    1. Nature and scope of work.
    1. Relationships with others in the workplace and interdependent areas of activity.
    1. Reporting requirements.
  2. Briefly describe the following considerations in the individual development of staff:
  1. Change in job responsibilities.
    1. External training and professional development.
    1. Formal promotion.
    1. Internal training and professional development.
    1. Opportunity for greater autonomy or responsibility.
  2. Identify and briefly describe features of at least three different leadership styles.
  1. Principles of teamwork.
    1. Characteristics of effective teams.
    1. Roles and attributes of team members.
    1. Organisation of teams.
    1. Potential team problems.
    1. Benefits of effective teamwork.
  2. Briefly describe the role and theories of motivation as they apply to the management of individuals and teams.
  1. Briefly describe the role of group dynamics in successful team management.
  1. Briefly describe the following forms of recognition and reward applicable to leading staff:
  1. Acknowledging individual good performance to the whole team.
    1. Incentive initiatives.
    1. Informal acknowledgement.
    1. Presenting awards.
    1. Written reports to management.
  2. Briefly describe the types of organisational plans and planning processes.

—End of Written Task Activities—

Assessment Task 2 – Case Study

                                                             (Includes role-plays)                                   

lead and manage people

You are required to read the following assessment information, requirements, and instructions before commencing. This task has simulated workplace reference. Ensure you access the simulated workplace resources (planning documents, policies, and procedures etc.), equipment, applicable legislation, regulation, standards, and code of conduct during the assessment as specified and facilitated by your assessor.

Assessment InformationDescription
1Assessment MethodCase study (simulated workplace)
2Assessment TypeSummative
3Assessment Description (What?)This assessment task is a case study for you to consult with stakeholders to manage resources according to lead and manage people individually and in teams, and support and encourage their commitment to the organisation. You are required to analyse the case scenario and provide written solutions to task activities by demonstrating applicable foundation skills and knowledge. You must also provide performance solutions to specific role-play activities relevant to case study in role-plays as agreed by your assessor. You must read the following information related to your assessment to prepare and perform in order to provide evidence of your skills and knowledge related to the unit of competency.
4Purpose (objective) of the Assessment (Why?)To gather evidence of your ability to apply skills and knowledge consistently to manage resources according to lead and manage people individually and in teams, and support and encourage their commitment to the organisation.
5Assessment Instructions (How?)    Review the skills application section/s of the learner workbook.Read the task performance requirements and foundation skills application for each task activity.Conduct research and review literature relevant to the unit. Provide solutions to each written and performance activity using skills and knowledge and demonstrating your foundation skills. Note: Use word-process document for written activities to provide written evidence as specified in the task. you may use MS Word /Mac documents for your written evidence. This task requires you to play roles. As specified and agreed by your assessor, role-play the relevant activities demonstrating relevant skills.The assessment is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.Submit your work with any required evidence attached. See the specifications below for details of submission requirements. Continue to read the following assessment requirements:
6Assessment Date/s and Timing/s (When?)This assessment will be conducted according to the training delivery session plan. Assessor will specify the timings for assessment and evidence submission date/s and timing/s. Time allowed for the assessment completion is 4 hours within 20 hours of training delivery of the week 4.
7Specifications (What structure, format, and demonstration)Provide written solutions to all the case study activities and questions using word-processed documents. You may use this MS Word /Mac document for your answering. Provide specified length and numbers mentioned in each written activity.For role-play activities, play the role as specified by your assessor demonstrating foundation skills and knowledge application while being observed by your assessor.Submit the written activities with a cover page that includes your name, student ID, unit name unit code, date of submission and assessor name. Include header (unit name/code) and footer (page number, student name and student ID number)
8Assessment Context (Where and in what condition)  Assessment is conducted in the training room simulated and safe environment where you must perform consistently applying skills and knowledge. You must also provide written solutions to the activities in a word-processed document with evidence that demonstrates consistent skills and knowledge application in various conditions specified in the assessment task. Assessed in a simulated off-the-job situation that reflects the real workplace.
9Required Resources (What resources, equipment, tools, and materials)Assessment task with instruction and assessment informationLearner workbook and other training handouts.Access to simulated workplace business equipment and resources.Access to simulated workplace policies and procedures.Computer with Internet access word-process software (MS Word/Mac).Workspace, table/s, chair/s, and stationery as required.Case study and/or real workplace scenarioAccess to relevant legislation, regulations, standards, and code of practiceSpecified timing for assessment
10Evidence Requirements (What assessor is looking for)To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, you must demonstrate consistent performance and provide evidence of your ability to provide leadership for a program of work.   In the course of above, you must: Provide written solutions to all the case study activities reflecting vocational application,Demonstrate performance and role-play activities consistently applying foundation skills and,Demonstrate consultation and communication effectively with relevant stakeholders (assessor and fellow trainees in role-plays).

Case Study (Skills and Knowledge Application)

Using the simulated workplace and the scenario in the appendix, provide solutions to lead and manage people individually and in teams, and support and encourage their commitment to the organisation.  

Your role

You work as the kitchen manager who operate independently and are responsible for leading and motivating people and teams at My Kind of Kitchen & Restaurant (Case study in the appendix.

Your Task

Complete the following workplace activities demonstrating skills and knowledge to lead and manage people individually and in teams, and support and encourage their commitment to the organisation:

A: Model high standards of performance and behaviour.

  1. Read the case study that includes your work role, your team, plans, goals, and objectives of the organisation including scenarios to undertake this task.
  2. Identify your role and determine how to act as a role model through your individual performance and note down in dot points.
  3. Write an email script to your work team in a positive and professional manner and show your support for and commitment to organisational goals in day-to-day work performance.

B: Develop team commitment and cooperation.

  • Develop a work plan that includes:
    • short, medium, and long-term plans and objectives.
    • expectations, roles, and responsibilities of team members.
    • innovative approaches to work.
    • open and supportive communication within the team.
    • information from the wider business environment to communicate to team members.
    • team interests in the wider business environment.
  • Develop guidelines for at least four (4) of the following to lead and manage people in a role-play session:
    • Decision making.
    • Delegation of tasks.
    • Information provision.
    • Monitoring performance.
    • Provision of feedback.
    • Motivation through recognition and rewards.
    • Planning and organising.
  • Role-play activity 1. Read the role-play brief to undertake this task. Meet with your team to establish team commitment and cooperation. During the meeting communicate the following:
    • short, medium, and long-term plans and objectives consistent with organisational goals.
    • Present your innovative approaches to work and encourage team members to develop innovative approaches to work.
    • Seek feedback from team members to implement changes and respond to feedback.
    • Seek feedback and respond to feedback about organisational goals and policies including performance of work, communication effectiveness, and efficiency or deficiency in workplace practices.
  • Role-play activity 2. Read the role-play brief to undertake this task. Meet with the team in a role-play and motivate individuals and teams to achieve optimum performance and:
    • run amentoring and coaching session to support team members of at least four of the following areas to motivate:
      • Decision making.
      • Delegation of tasks.
      • Information provision.
      • Monitoring performance.
      • Provision of feedback.
      • Motivation through recognition and rewards.
      • Planning and organising.
    • Seek and respond to feedback of above requirement of optimum performance and coaching session including:
      • allocation or performance of work.
      • effectiveness of communication within team, between other teams or within organisation.
      • efficiency or deficiency in workplace practices.

C: Manage team performance.

  • Identify barriers to delegation in your team and determine how to overcome barriers to delegation.
  • Develop a plan to delegate tasks and responsibilities to your team.
  • Read the case study scenario and evaluate team member skills and determine what opportunities you need to provide for individual development.
  • Develop a monitoring plan to monitor team performance to ensure progress towards achievement of goals.


A: Model High Standards of Performance and Behaviour

2. Identify your role and determine how to act as a role model through your individual performance:

Role: Kitchen Manager (Sam)

  • Punctuality and Preparedness:
    • Arrive early, well-prepared, and ready to set a positive tone.
  • Effective Communication:
    • Communicate clearly and respectfully with the team, promoting cooperation and open dialogue.
  • Work Ethic:
    • Actively participate in food preparation, cooking, and plating, motivating others to do their best.
  • Attention to Detail:
    • Pay meticulous attention to detail, ensuring every dish meets high standards.
  • Problem-Solving:
    • Remain calm and composed in challenging situations, providing effective solutions.
  • Continuous Learning:
    • Actively seek opportunities to expand knowledge and skills, fostering a culture of improvement.
  • Support and Mentorship:
    • Provide guidance and support to team members, encouraging their professional growth.
  • Positive Attitude:
    • Maintain a positive attitude, motivating the team to stay focused and persevere.

3. Write an email script to your work team:

Subject: Embracing Excellence Together

Dear Team,

I hope this message finds you well. As we embark on another exciting day at My Kind of Kitchen & Restaurant, I want to express my gratitude for the incredible effort each of you puts into making our kitchen a thriving hub of creativity and culinary excellence.

Today, I encourage us all to approach our tasks with enthusiasm, dedication, and a commitment to perfection. Let’s build on our strengths, collaborate seamlessly, and strive for continuous improvement. Remember, each dish we create contributes to the exceptional dining experience we promise our guests.

Feel free to reach out if you have ideas, concerns, or simply want to share your thoughts. Our kitchen is not just a workplace; it’s a community where each member plays a crucial role in our collective success.

Let’s inspire each other, learn together, and make today memorable for our guests and ourselves.

Warm regards, Sam (Kitchen Manager)

B: Develop Team Commitment and Cooperation

4. Develop a Work Plan:

a. Short, Medium, and Long-Term Plans and Objectives:

  • Short-Term:
    • Improve kitchen efficiency and reduce wastage.
    • Enhance menu offerings with seasonal specials.
    • Implement staff training programs for enhanced skills.
    • Strengthen food safety and hygiene protocols.
  • Medium-Term:
    • Expand the customer base through marketing.
    • Enhance online presence and social media engagement.
    • Establish strategic partnerships with local suppliers.
    • Implement cost-saving initiatives without compromising quality.
  • Long-Term:
    • Establish the restaurant as a renowned fine-dining destination.
    • Explore expansion opportunities and franchising.
    • Develop sustainable practices using locally sourced ingredients.
    • Foster a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.

5. Develop Guidelines for Role-Play:

b. Expectations, Roles, and Responsibilities of Team Members:

  • Clearly define job roles and responsibilities.
  • Implement a fair system for task allocation and rotation.
  • Provide training and development opportunities.
  • Regularly review individual performance.
  • Recognize and reward exceptional performance.

c. Innovative Approaches to Work:

  • Encourage creativity in menu development.
  • Support experimentation with new dishes.
  • Foster a culture that values innovation.
  • Recognize and implement innovative ideas.

d. Open and Supportive Communication:

  • Promote an open-door policy for communication.
  • Conduct regular team meetings to discuss updates and challenges.
  • Utilize various communication channels for effective information flow.
  • Encourage cross-team collaboration.

6. Role-Play Activity 1:

Meeting Agenda: Team Commitment and Cooperation

  • Share organizational goals and policies.
  • Discuss short, medium, and long-term plans.
  • Define expectations, roles, and responsibilities.
  • Present innovative approaches to work.
  • Share information from the wider business environment.
  • Explain representation of team interests.
  • Seek feedback for continuous improvement.

7. Role-Play Activity 2:

Motivation and Optimum Performance

  • Conduct a mentoring and coaching session.
  • Focus on decision making, delegation, information provision, and feedback.
  • Seek and respond to feedback for performance improvement.
  • Address efficiency or deficiency in workplace practices.
  • Evaluate communication effectiveness within the team.
  • Encourage a collaborative and supportive environment.

C: Manage Team Performance

8. Identify Barriers to Delegation:

Barriers to Delegation:

  • Lack of trust in team members’ abilities.
  • Fear of losing control over tasks.
  • Inadequate communication channels.
  • Insufficient training and development.

How to Overcome Barriers:

  • Build trust through effective communication.
  • Provide training and development opportunities.
  • Gradually delegate tasks to build confidence.
  • Establish clear communication channels.

9. Develop a Plan to Delegate Tasks:

Delegation Plan:

  • Identify tasks suitable for delegation.
  • Assess team members’ skills and capabilities.
  • Provide clear instructions and expectations.
  • Monitor progress and offer support as needed.
  • Provide constructive feedback for improvement.

10. Evaluate Team Member Skills:

Opportunities for Individual Development:

  • Identify areas for improvement in culinary skills.
  • Assess time management and organizational abilities.
  • Evaluate communication and teamwork skills.
  • Recognize strengths and areas needing development.
  • Tailor training and development opportunities accordingly.

11. Develop a Monitoring Plan:

Monitoring Plan for Team Performance:

  • Regularly observe individual and team performance.
  • Implement quality checks for food preparation.
  • Assess adherence to standard operating procedures.
  • Evaluate time management and organization.
  • Provide feedback and support for ongoing improvement.



This part is a role-play where you must organise role-play settings as agreed and facilitated by your assessor for a consultation meeting including training room place, tables, chairs, a computer with Internet, papers, pens, and any other resources as required.

Details of the task being observedYou undertake the active part of the task participating and using oral communication skills in a consultation meeting with relevant managers.
Assumptions to be madeFellow learner chosen for the role-play play the role of kitchen staff team members.
Persons involvedYou, and any at least three of other learners chosen by your assessor.
Involvement and contribution from role-play participants.Respond to the role-player with responses according to case study information and task activity of the unit of competency. Play the role of team members of the simulated kitchen and contribute to the consultation of role-player for short, medium, and long-term plans and objectives. Assessor is to observe the role-play.
Timing for the role-play:7 – 10 minutes per candidate plus your assessor will decide any additional time required based on your participation behaviour and ability to perform
Conditions under which the observation is conductedSkills in this assessment are demonstrated by the candidate and observed by assessor in a simulated environment where the conditions are typical of those in a working environment in this industry. This includes access to: Workplace or simulated workplace policies and proceduresrelevant legislation, regulations, standards, and codesworkplace documentation and resources relevant to required performance evidence.
Observation to be conductedIn this role play you must portray an assigned role as a way of experiencing that role by performing the following assessment task activities. While you are portraying the assigned roles, assessor will observe and analyse application of skills and the performance behaviour and mark competency accordingly.
Foundation skills and observable application of skills.  Take the lead role and communicate effectively.Discuss goals and objectives for work teams.Explain expectations, roles, and responsibilities of team members.Present your innovative approaches to work.Encourage team t to achieve optimum performance.Provide mentoring and coaching.Seek and respond to feedback.

Role-play Brief for role-play 1

Establishing Team Commitment and Cooperation

Role: Restaurant Manager/Team Leader (You)


You are a team leader at My Kind of Kitchen & Restaurant (MKKR), a fine-dining restaurant located in St Kilda, Melbourne. Your role is to foster team commitment and cooperation among your team members to achieve organizational goals. Today, you will be conducting a team meeting to communicate important information and encourage a sense of ownership and innovation within the team.


The objective of this role-play is to effectively communicate organizational goals, policies, and plans, establish clear expectations and roles for team members, encourage innovation, share information from the wider business environment, and seek feedback to implement changes.


  1. Gather your team members in a suitable meeting space where you can conduct the role-play without distractions.
  2. Begin the meeting by welcoming everyone and expressing your appreciation for their attendance and commitment to the team.
  3. Clearly communicate the organizational goals and policies that guide the team’s work, emphasizing the importance of aligning individual efforts with the overall objectives of MKKR.
  4. Present the short, medium, and long-term plans and objectives that have been established to support the organizational goals. Explain how these plans contribute to the success of the team and the restaurant.
  5. Discuss the expectations, roles, and responsibilities of team members, emphasizing the importance of taking ownership of their work and contributing to the overall team success.
  6. Share your innovative approaches to work and encourage team members to develop their own innovative approaches. Emphasize the value of creativity and problem-solving in improving efficiency and customer satisfaction.
  7. Provide updates and share relevant information from the wider business environment that may impact the team’s work. This could include industry trends, customer feedback, or changes in regulations.
  8. Explain how you represent the team’s interests in the wider business environment, such as in meetings with management or other departments. Highlight the importance of effective communication and collaboration in advocating for the team.
  9. Encourage open and honest feedback from team members, creating a safe space for them to share their thoughts, ideas, and concerns. Listen actively and demonstrate your willingness to implement changes based on their feedback.
  10. Conclude the meeting by thanking everyone for their active participation and commitment to the team. Reinforce your confidence in their abilities and encourage them to continue working together towards the shared goals of MKKR.

Note: During the role-play, maintain a positive and inclusive tone, encourage active participation from team members, and foster a supportive and collaborative environment.

Role-play Brief for role-play 2

Motivating Individuals and Teams for Optimum Performance

Role: Restaurant Manager/Team Leader (You)


You are a team leader at My Kind of Kitchen & Restaurant (MKKR), a fine-dining restaurant located in St Kilda, Melbourne. Your role is to motivate individuals and teams to achieve optimum performance by providing mentoring and coaching support. Today, you will be conducting a mentoring and coaching session with team members to enhance their motivation and effectiveness in various areas.


The objective of this role-play is to run a mentoring and coaching session to support team members in decision making, delegation of tasks, information provision, monitoring performance, provision of feedback, motivation through recognition and rewards, and planning and organizing. Your goal is to empower team members, improve their skills and confidence, and foster a high-performing and motivated team.


  1. Schedule a one-on-one mentoring and coaching session with each team member individually or in small groups, depending on their availability and preferences.
  2. Start the session by creating a supportive and encouraging atmosphere. Emphasize that the purpose of the session is to enhance their skills, boost motivation, and help them achieve their best performance.
  3. For each of the areas mentioned (decision making, delegation of tasks, information provision, monitoring performance, provision of feedback, motivation through recognition and rewards, planning and organizing), discuss the importance and impact it has on their individual and team performance.
  4. Identify specific challenges or areas of improvement related to each area and guide team members on strategies to overcome those challenges and improve their skills.
  5. Provide practical examples and scenarios to illustrate effective approaches and techniques for each area. Encourage team members to share their own experiences and provide guidance based on their individual roles and responsibilities.
  6. Help team members identify their strengths and areas for improvement within each area. Offer constructive feedback and guidance on how they can further develop their skills and capabilities.
  7. Discuss the importance of recognizing and rewarding individual and team achievements. Brainstorm together on creative ways to motivate and reward team members for their hard work and contribution.
  8. Encourage team members to set personal goals and develop action plans for improvement in the identified areas. Support them in defining clear objectives and creating a roadmap to achieve their goals.
  9. Provide ongoing support and guidance, emphasizing your availability as a mentor and coach. Encourage open communication and create a safe space for team members to seek advice or share their concerns.
  10. Conclude the session by expressing your confidence in their abilities and commitment to their growth and development. Reinforce the importance of continuous improvement and teamwork in achieving optimum performance.

Note: During the role-play, demonstrate active listening, empathy, and patience. Tailor your coaching approach to the individual needs and learning styles of each team member. Encourage open dialogue, offer constructive feedback, and inspire a positive and supportive environment.

—End of Case Study Task Activities—

Appendix 1

Case Study (Simulated Workplace)

My Kind of Kitchen & Restaurant (MKKR)

My Kind of Kitchen & Restaurant is a 60 seat fine-dining restaurant with a 20-seat lounge. We focus on our New Australian-Swedish menu with a touch of Asian influence. MKK is located in the booming, and rapidly expanding, borough of St Kilda, Melbourne ‘on the shore.’

The menu will be inspired from different countries’ specialties and appeal to a diverse clientele. You can get Swedish specialties like herring, gravlax, and meatballs, or you can go a little bit more International and choose a red curry chicken with basmati rice, or an Asian grilled shrimp with spinach, tofu, and black bean sauce. We will also have a special pasta dish entree every day plus the ‘all Australian meal’ such as barbecue beef ribs and baked beans. Adding value will be an interesting business lunch menu with specialties every day. The menu will change every 3-4 months but keep the favourites. Prices will be competitive with other upscale restaurants in the area. However, it is the strategy of My Kind of Kitchen & Restaurant to give a perception of higher value than its competitors, through its food, service, and entertainment.

Work roles

Cooks and chefs at My Kind of Kitchen & Restaurant (MKKR) involve in food service operations where food is prepared using fixed and handheld equipment, cooking utensils, and various types of ingredients according to recipes being prepared. Cook’s duties include preparation of following food items according to food safety requirements and regulations and the specific requirements for the food type.


Leading and Managing Kitchen Operations

Role: Sam (Kitchen Manager)

As the Kitchen Manager at My Kind of Kitchen & Restaurant (MKKR), you are responsible for overseeing and managing all kitchen operations to ensure efficiency and high-quality food production. Your role involves coordinating with other departments, training and mentoring staff, and maintaining compliance with food safety standards. Your team consists of the following individuals:

  • Sous Chef: Assists you in managing the kitchen operations, supervises the staff, and ensures food quality and consistency.
  • Line Cooks: Responsible for preparing and cooking food items on the menu, following recipes and portion control guidelines.
  • Pastry Chef: Specializes in creating and preparing desserts and pastries for the restaurant.
  • Prep Cooks: Assist in food preparation tasks such as chopping vegetables, marinating meats, and preparing sauces to ensure smooth kitchen operations.
  • Dishwashers: Responsible for washing and sanitizing dishes, utensils, and kitchen equipment, as well as maintaining cleanliness in the kitchen area.

In this scenario, you are tasked with leading and managing your kitchen team to deliver exceptional food quality and ensure efficient operations. You need to demonstrate effective leadership and management skills in the following areas:

  • Decision Making: Making informed decisions regarding menu changes, ingredient substitutions, and handling unexpected situations.
  • Delegation of Tasks: Assigning specific responsibilities to your team members based on their skills and expertise.
  • Information Provision: Communicating important updates, changes, and expectations to the kitchen staff.
  • Monitoring Performance: Regularly assessing the performance of your team members, providing constructive feedback, and addressing any issues or concerns.
  • Provision of Feedback: Recognizing and acknowledging the achievements and efforts of your team members, providing feedback to help them improve and grow.
  • Motivation through Recognition and Rewards: Implementing a system to reward and recognize outstanding performance, fostering a positive and motivated work environment.
  • Planning and Organizing: Developing efficient workflows, scheduling staff shifts, and ensuring adequate inventory and supplies.

Throughout the scenario, you will face various challenges and opportunities to lead and manage your team effectively, ensuring the smooth functioning of the kitchen and the delivery of high-quality culinary experiences to guests.

Role modelling

In your role as the Kitchen Manager at My Kind of Kitchen & Restaurant (MKKR), you are expected to act as a positive role model for your team through your individual performance. Your actions and behaviours set the standard for professionalism, work ethic, and dedication within the kitchen. Here’s a scenario that highlights your role as a positive role model:


Demonstrating Professionalism and Excellence

It’s a busy evening at MKKR, and the kitchen is bustling with activity. As the Kitchen Manager, you lead by example and showcase your exceptional skills and qualities to inspire your team. Here’s the scenario:

  1. Proactive Approach: You arrive early to the kitchen, well-prepared and ready to start the day. Your punctuality and preparedness set a positive tone for the entire team.
  2. Effective Communication: Throughout the shift, you communicate clearly and respectfully with your team members, ensuring everyone understands their tasks, priorities, and any changes in the menu or procedures. Your communication style promotes cooperation and open dialogue.
  3. Work Ethic: You demonstrate a strong work ethic by actively participating in food preparation, cooking, and plating alongside your team members. Your dedication and willingness to get involved motivate others to do their best.
  4. Attention to Detail: As you oversee the food preparation and presentation, you pay meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that every dish meets the high standards set by the restaurant. Your precision and focus inspire your team to follow suit.
  5. Problem-Solving: When challenges arise, such as a sudden increase in orders or an equipment malfunction, you remain calm and composed. You quickly assess the situation, devise effective solutions, and guide your team in handling the issue efficiently.
  6. Continuous Learning: Throughout the shift, you actively seek opportunities to expand your knowledge and skills. You stay updated with industry trends, experiment with new recipes or techniques, and share your learnings with the team, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.
  7. Support and Mentorship: You provide guidance and support to team members, offering constructive feedback, coaching, and mentoring as needed. Your approachable and supportive demeanour encourages their professional growth and development.
  8. Positive Attitude: You maintain a positive attitude even during challenging moments, motivating your team to stay focused and persevere. Your optimism and resilience create a harmonious and energized work environment.

Demonstrate support for and commitment.

As the Kitchen Manager at My Kind of Kitchen & Restaurant (MKKR), one of your responsibilities is to demonstrate support for and commitment to the organizational goals in your day-to-day work performance. Your actions and behaviours should align with the overall vision and objectives of the restaurant. Here’s a scenario that highlights your support and commitment to the organizational goals:

Scenario: Promoting Excellence and Customer Satisfaction

  • Leading by Example: You start your shift by addressing the kitchen team and reminding them of the restaurant’s vision, which focuses on delivering an exceptional dining experience to customers. You emphasize the importance of consistently maintaining high standards of food quality, presentation, and service.
  • Quality Assurance: Throughout the day, you proactively monitor the quality of dishes being prepared and plated. You ensure that all meals meet the restaurant’s standards in terms of taste, appearance, and portion sizes. Your attention to detail and commitment to quality reflect the organization’s goal of providing an outstanding culinary experience.
  • Collaboration with Front-of-House: You maintain open and effective communication with the front-of-house team, including the waitstaff and host/hostess. You collaborate to ensure that customers’ needs and preferences are met, and any special requests or dietary requirements are accommodated. This collaborative approach reinforces the organizational goal of delivering exceptional customer satisfaction.
  • Continuous Improvement: You actively seek feedback from customers and take it into consideration when making improvements to menu items or kitchen processes. By regularly evaluating customer feedback and implementing changes accordingly, you contribute to the organization’s goal of continuous improvement and staying attuned to customer preferences.
  • Efficient Operations: You constantly strive to optimize kitchen operations, ensuring smooth workflow, minimizing wastage, and maximizing efficiency. You regularly review and update standard operating procedures to enhance productivity and minimize costs. Your commitment to efficient operations aligns with the organization’s goal of maximizing profitability while delivering a high-quality dining experience.
  • Staff Training and Development: You invest in the training and development of your kitchen staff, providing them with opportunities to enhance their skills and knowledge. By nurturing their professional growth, you contribute to the organization’s goal of building a skilled and motivated workforce that can deliver exceptional culinary experiences.
  • Flexibility and Adaptability: In a dynamic restaurant environment, you demonstrate flexibility and adaptability by swiftly adjusting kitchen operations to accommodate changes in customer demand or unexpected circumstances. Your ability to handle challenges with grace and composure aligns with the organization’s goal of maintaining seamless operations and customer satisfaction.
  • By consistently showing support for and commitment to the organizational goals, you contribute to the overall success of My Kind of Kitchen & Restaurant. Your dedication and leadership inspire the kitchen team to work towards achieving the shared vision of providing an exceptional dining experience to every customer.

As the Kitchen Manager at My Kind of Kitchen & Restaurant (MKKR), it is important for you to interact with your team members in a positive and professional manner. Your communication and behaviour should foster a collaborative and supportive work environment. Here’s a scenario that demonstrates your positive and professional interactions with team members:

Team Collaboration and Support

  1. Open and Approachable: You start each day by greeting your team members with a warm and friendly demeanour. You create an open-door policy, encouraging them to approach you with any questions, concerns, or suggestions. Your approachability fosters a sense of trust and openness among the team.
  2. Active Listening: During team meetings and one-on-one conversations, you actively listen to your team members. You provide them with your undivided attention and seek to understand their perspectives. By practicing active listening, you show respect for their ideas and opinions.
  3. Constructive Feedback: As you observe your team members’ performance, you provide constructive feedback to help them improve and grow. You offer praise and recognition for their achievements, and when necessary, offer guidance on areas where improvement is needed. Your feedback is specific, actionable, and delivered in a respectful manner.
  4. Empowerment and Autonomy: You empower your team members by delegating tasks and responsibilities to them. You provide clear instructions and trust them to take ownership of their assigned tasks. By allowing them to exercise their skills and knowledge, you foster a sense of autonomy and job satisfaction.
  5. Conflict Resolution: In situations where conflicts arise among team members, you mediate and facilitate constructive discussions. You encourage open dialogue, ensuring that all parties have an opportunity to express their perspectives. Through effective communication and conflict resolution skills, you promote a harmonious work environment.
  6. Recognition and Appreciation: You regularly acknowledge and appreciate the efforts of your team members. Whether it’s a simple “thank you” or a public recognition of their achievements, you make an effort to show gratitude and celebrate their contributions. Your recognition boosts team morale and motivates them to perform at their best.
  7. Professionalism and Integrity: You consistently model professionalism and integrity in your interactions with team members. You treat everyone with respect, regardless of their role or position. Your behaviour sets the tone for a positive and respectful work environment.

As the Kitchen Manager at My Kind of Kitchen & Restaurant (MKKR), you play a crucial role in leading and managing the performance of individuals and the team. Here’s a scenario that demonstrates your leadership and management roles in decision making, task delegation, information provision, performance monitoring, feedback, motivation, and planning and organizing:

Team Performance Management

  1. Decision Making: You are responsible for making important decisions that impact the kitchen operations. For example, when faced with a menu change request from the executive chef, you gather input from the team members, consider cost implications, customer preferences, and operational feasibility, and make a well-informed decision that aligns with the restaurant’s goals.
  2. Delegation of Tasks: Recognizing the strengths and skills of your team members, you delegate tasks effectively. For instance, you assign the responsibility of recipe development to the sous chef, oversee the line cooks in preparing specific menu items, and entrust the pastry chef with creating and presenting desserts. You ensure that tasks are distributed based on each team member’s capabilities and expertise.
  3. Information Provision: You keep your team members well-informed by providing clear instructions and sharing relevant information. For example, you communicate updates on menu changes, special dietary requirements, and customer feedback. By keeping the team informed, you promote efficiency, accuracy, and a shared understanding of expectations.
  4. Monitoring Performance: You closely monitor the performance of individual team members and the overall team. Through regular observations, quality checks, and communication, you ensure that tasks are executed according to standards and timelines. You provide guidance and support to address any performance gaps or challenges and maintain high-quality standards.
  5. Provision of Feedback: You provide constructive feedback to your team members on their performance. Whether it’s positive reinforcement for a job well done or guidance for improvement, you deliver feedback in a timely and respectful manner. You encourage open communication, address concerns, and provide actionable suggestions for growth and development.
  6. Motivation through Recognition and Rewards: You motivate your team members by recognizing and rewarding their achievements. This can be done through verbal appreciation, public acknowledgment, or incentives such as employee of the month. By celebrating their successes and contributions, you create a positive and motivating work environment.
  7. Planning and Organizing: You play a vital role in planning and organizing the kitchen operations. This includes developing work schedules, coordinating with other departments for seamless workflow, and ensuring that resources, such as ingredients and equipment, are available and well-managed. Your planning and organizing skills contribute to efficient operations and customer satisfaction.

Through your effective leadership and management roles, you create a high-performing team that is motivated, well-informed, and aligned with the goals of My Kind of Kitchen & Restaurant. Your decision making, task delegation, information provision, performance monitoring, feedback, motivation, and planning and organizing skills contribute to the overall success of the kitchen team and the organization.

Evaluation of team performance

As part of your role, you are responsible for evaluating the skills of your team members to ensure their ongoing development and performance.

One of your team members is Mark, a dedicated line cook who has been with the restaurant for six months. While Mark has shown promise, you feel it is important to assess his skills to identify areas for improvement and provide the necessary support for his growth.

To evaluate Mark’s skills, you plan to observe him during his regular shift in the kitchen. You will pay close attention to his food preparation techniques, cooking skills, and adherence to standard operating procedures. You will evaluate the taste, presentation, and overall quality of the dishes he prepares. Additionally, you will assess his technical skills, such as knife handling and knowledge of cooking temperatures and times.

During the evaluation, you will also consider Mark’s time management abilities, observing how he organizes his workstation, manages his time effectively, and handles multiple orders simultaneously. You will assess his adherence to standard operating procedures, particularly focusing on food safety and sanitation practices.

Communication and teamwork skills are also important in a fast-paced kitchen environment. You will evaluate Mark’s ability to effectively communicate with other team members, take direction from superiors, and collaborate as part of the kitchen team.

Following the evaluation, you will provide Mark with constructive feedback based on your observations. You will discuss his strengths and areas for improvement, offering specific examples and suggestions for further development. Together, you will create a development plan that outlines clear goals, training opportunities, and timelines for improving his skills.

Your role as the kitchen manager is to support and guide Mark’s professional growth within the kitchen team. By conducting this evaluation and providing feedback, you aim to help him enhance his skills, contribute to the success of MKKR, and further his career in the culinary industry.

Organisational Goals and Policies for My Kind of Kitchen & Restaurant:

Allocation or Performance of Work:

Goal: To ensure effective allocation and performance of work within the kitchen team to optimize productivity and quality.


  • Clearly define job roles and responsibilities for each team member.
  • Implement a fair and transparent system for task allocation and rotation.
  • Provide training and development opportunities to enhance skill sets and job performance.
  • Regularly review and assess individual performance to identify areas for improvement.
  • Recognize and reward exceptional performance to motivate and encourage team members.

Effectiveness of Communication:

Goal: To promote effective communication within the kitchen team, between other teams, and throughout the organization.


  • Foster an open and supportive communication culture that encourages sharing of ideas, feedback, and concerns.
  • Implement regular team meetings to discuss updates, challenges, and improvements.
  • Utilize various communication channels, such as in-person meetings, digital platforms, and notice boards, to ensure information flow.
  • Encourage cross-team collaboration and communication to enhance coordination and cooperation.
  • Provide communication training and resources to enhance interpersonal and organizational communication skills.

Efficiency or Deficiency in Workplace Practices:

Goal: To ensure efficient and effective workplace practices that contribute to the overall success of the organization.


  • Continuously evaluate and streamline operational processes to minimize waste and maximize productivity.
  • Implement standard operating procedures (SOPs) for key tasks and processes to ensure consistency and efficiency.
  • Regularly review and update workplace practices to align with industry standards and best practices.
  • Provide necessary resources, tools, and equipment to support efficient work practices.
  • Encourage and reward innovative ideas and suggestions for improving workplace practices.

Short-Term Plans and Objectives:

  • Improve kitchen efficiency by streamlining processes and reducing wastage.
  • Enhance menu offerings by introducing seasonal specials and innovative dishes.
  • Implement staff training programs to enhance culinary skills and customer service.
  • Enhance food presentation and plate aesthetics to create a visually appealing dining experience.
  • Strengthen food safety and hygiene protocols to ensure compliance with regulations.

Medium-Term Plans and Objectives:

  • Expand the customer base by implementing targeted marketing campaigns and promotional events.
  • Enhance online presence by developing a user-friendly website and engaging social media platforms.
  • Establish strategic partnerships with local suppliers to source high-quality ingredients.
  • Implement cost-saving initiatives to improve profitability without compromising quality.
  • Enhance employee engagement and retention through recognition programs and professional development opportunities.

Long-Term Plans and Objectives:

  • Establish My Kind of Kitchen & Restaurant as a renowned fine-dining destination in the region.
  • Expand the restaurant’s footprint by opening additional locations or exploring franchising opportunities.
  • Establish a strong brand identity and reputation for exceptional culinary experiences.
  • Develop sustainable practices by incorporating locally sourced and environmentally friendly ingredients.
  • Foster a culture of continuous improvement and innovation to stay ahead of industry trends.

These plans and objectives are designed to guide the growth and development of My Kind of Kitchen & Restaurant in the short, medium, and long term. They encompass various aspects such as operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, employee development, marketing strategies, and sustainability to ensure the overall success and sustainability of the business.


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