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BSBPMG430 Assessment Task 1 Define project and develop plan

01 July 2023 06:25 AM | UPDATED 1 year ago

BSBPMG430 Assessment Task 1 Define project and develop plan :

BSBPMG430 Assessment Task 1 Define project and develop plan
BSBPMG430 Assessment Task 1 Define project and develop plan
BSBPMG430 Undertake projec18-Mar-2022t work Assessment Task 1: Define project and develop plan
Feedback Cover Sheet
Student Name  Student Id 
Assessor Name 
Evidence CollectedBenchmark Requirements Met
Part A 1.0 Project Initiation
Part B Clarify scope OBC1 Clarify Scope (completed on canvas)
Part C: 2.0 Plan
Part D Team Consultation Meeting OBC2 Team Consultation (completed on canvas)
Part E Finalise and gain approval Email to General manager seeking approval
OutcomeSatisfactory ☐Not Satisfactory
Feedback To Student
Assessor’s Signature Date 
Students please note: Your results will be made available in your Student Portal. Your Assessor will also email you with feedback on your performance, including where gaps are identified. Please ensure you regularly login to your student portal and Stanley College email to check this information. All decisions, including Assessments Outcomes can be appealed. For more information please refer to our Complaints and Appeals Policy (available from Student Services team or via our website)
Summary of Evidence (Please insert the relevant documents below)
Part A 1.0 Project InitiationBSBPMG430_Project Workbook (AT1)
Part B Clarify scope OBC1 Clarify Scope (completed on canvas)
Part C: 2.0 Plan
Part D Team Consultation Meeting OBC2 Team Consultation (completed on canvas)
Part E Finalise and gain approval Email to General manager seeking approval

Assessment Task 1: Define project and develop plan


Access and review  the simulated business documentation, including policies and procedures, in the document ‘Max Lionel Realty simulated businesses. Access and review the scenario information provided in the Appendix 1 Max Lionel Project Brief.Access the templates contained in the document ‘Project Workbook’ for possible use or adaptation in completing project requirements. You will utilise this workbook to complete all the requirements of this assessment.
BSBPMG430_Max Lionel Realty Business Background Appendix 1 Max Lionel Realty Project Brief BSBPMG430_Project Workbook
Important information: Project Workbook Throughout the tasks you will meet with the general manager and your team members.  You will need to ensure that you establish and maintain required recordkeeping systems throughout the project you must: Keep a record of meetings and key tasks completed, this can be done on the front of your project workbookDocument your team members on the front of the project workbook.
Part A Project Initiation
Prepare your project initiation documentation Using the information, you have accessed and reviewed in the Introduction and your project workbook you will begin defining your project and developing your documents in preparation for your meeting with the General Manager Operations (assessor) Complete the following information on the Initiate pages in your project workbook Project purpose and rationale The justification and validity of the project needs to be confirmed before the project proceeds. This document is used to clarify the project purpose and justification and to gain approval to proceed to the next phase. Determine what the purpose, need and feasibility and scope of the project Project title the working title of the project Background and Strategic Context Explain the background to the project and how it relates to the key strategic plans. Priority Determine the importance and or urgency of the project to the organization Related projects Determine if there are any other projects that have either been undertaking in the past or are currently in progress Project Stakeholders Project Owner who requires the project to be undertaken Project sponsor Who is providing the funds and has overall authority in the project Project manager who has the responsibility of the day to day management of the project Project Status What has already been decided about the project? What decisions have already been made? What work has already been done in relation to the project? Any assumptions or constraints? Special provisions Are there any special regulations, ethical considerations, legislation
Part B Clarify scope
Meet with Operations General Manager (the assessor) to discuss and clarify the parameters of the project as documented in your Initiation page. You must make notes during the meeting in your initiate section of the project workbook for each of the areas listed below   During the meeting the general manager you will discuss all of the following and the GM will provide you with additional information in regard to;Project scopeProject deliverablesDefine project stakeholders and Identify personal responsibilities and reporting requirements.Communication – Determine how you will engage and manage stakeholders to achieve project objectivesResources and access to resources Determine project management tools, such as software (e.g. Microsoft Word, MS Excel, and MS Project) and templates, etc.BudgetTimelinesTeam MembersClarify relationship of project to other projects, systems, business operations, strategic aims of organisation, and legislative requirements (such as WHS legislation, anti-discrimination legislation, ethical principles, codes of practice, privacy laws, environmental issues etc.)Additional documentation required to determine project and develop deliverables Review the observation criteria below to familiarise yourself with the expectations during the meeting.  BSBPMG430 OBC1 Clarify Scope Learner Observation Instructions Please log into canvas to access the observation checklist Read the instructions provided Once you have read and understood the instructions, please write ” I understand and I am ready for assessment” click submit to continue. The assessor will then set up a time to complete this observation and complete the checklist on Canvas Meeting with Operations General Manager The assessor will observe you whilst you are completing the task and will make notes on the checklist. The Assessor may stop the assessment on occasions to: As questions or get you to repeat a step/actionAsk you to explain what and why you are doing somethingIf they observe anything unsafe   Oral communication and interaction with others. use of clear and appropriate languageClear and appropriate language may include:semi-formalprofessional clearly spoken no mumbling use of active listening skills   Active listening skills may include: Maintaining eye contactRepeating what the speaker has said to confirm understandingAsking questions use of questioning skills to elicit information   use of open questions to obtain informationuse of closed questions to confirmuse of clarifying questions use culturally appropriate communication skills to negotiate professionally with the project team including;Semi-formal languageActively listening and questioningPositive Body LanguageSeeking clarification as and when required   Specific Task Observations discuss project scope?discuss other relevant documentation determine project and to provide content for project deliverables?define project stakeholders and responsibilities?clarify the relationship of the project to other projects and to the organisation’s objectives?determine and access available resources to undertake the project?develop a project plan including timelines, work breakdown structure, roles and responsibilities and other details of how the project will be managed in relation to the project parameters?identify and access appropriate project management tools (such as MS Word, MS Excel, MS Project, PERT charts etch)?formulate a risk management plan for the project, including work health and safety (WHS) considerations? develop and approve the project budget?  
Part C: 2.0 Plan
Once you have collected, clarified and determined all your requirements you will need to formulate this into a Project plan. Please go to the 2.0 Project Plan section of your Project Workbook and complete all of the following information.
Project Plan – Using the information you have already collected, complete the overarching project plan cover page  Note: The project plan is the basis for monitoring and controlling the project. All project information is consolidated to date, forming the basis for monitoring and controlling once implementation of the project commences. Schedule Using the information, you generated in the work breakdown structure, update the schedule. Include a Gantt chart or additional planning information in the Appendices. Include a work breakdown structure: stages of development or of task completion (Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate); opportunities for (peer and stakeholder) review and feedback; coordination of roles and sharing of responsibility for deliverables; dependencies Project Scope Document Project Scope Document This template is a tool that can be used with key stakeholders to clearly define the logical boundaries of the project. Ensure that you note any requirements that are OUT of scope to achieve absolute clarity about what is and is not covered by this project, and to avoid the potential for problems later on Risk Register[1] This template is used to record identified risks associated with your project, analyse the impact and determine resultant action to be taken. Identify, assess and suggest treatment of at least three additional risks, including financial risk and WHS Risk. Record risks on a risk register and complete a risk assessment document for each risk. Stakeholder Analysis Use this template to identify areas, groups or individuals who may participate in, or are affected by the project. Include everyone who has a vested interest. A useful question to ask is ‘What will make this project a success for you?’ Communication Plan Include a high-level communications plan here. Include a more detailed communications management plan in the appendices if required. Roles and Responsibilities It is important to identify who the major players are on the project. List the major project roles, responsibilities and the actual people involved. Add in any additional roles as required. Resource and Cost Plan Resource planning is where you determine what resources (people, equipment and materials) and what quantities of each should be used to perform activities. Once the resources have been determined, estimate the project costs. Include a more detailed resource and cost plan in the appendices if required. You will need to ensure that the costings you allocate are Appropriate to market price (research) Budget  – Develop your budget for the project. The project budget is a prediction of the costs associated with a particular project. These costs include labour, materials, and other resources required to complete the project.
Part D Team Consultation Meeting
Before finalising your project plan, you will need to consult with your allocated team and take their views into account in the plan. Arrange a meeting with your allocated team through the General manager (assessor) to discuss you planning document. You must make notes in your Team Consultation Meeting notes page in the section 1.0 Initiation to discuss the following agenda items: Overview of projectProject deliverablesResponsibilitiesTimelineBudgetMake appropriate changes to your project plan ensuring that you include their feedback and views into your plan Review the observation criteria below to familiarise yourself with the expectations during the meeting.      OBC2 Team Consultation Learner Observation Instructions Please log into canvas to access the observation checklist Read the instructions provided Once you have read and understood the instructions, please write ” I understand and I am ready for assessment” click submit to continue. The assessor will then set up a time to complete this observation and complete the checklist on Canvas Meeting with Operations General Manager The assessor will observe you whilst you are completing the task and will make notes on the checklist. The Assessor may stope the assessment on occasions to: As questions or get you to repeat a step/actionAsk you to explain what and why you are doing somethingIf they observe anything unsafe Context of Assessment Oral communication and interaction with others. use of clear and appropriate languageClear and appropriate language may include:semi-formalprofessional clearly spokenno mumbling use of active listening skills   Active listening skills may include: Maintaining eye contactRepeating what the speaker has said to confirm understandingAsking questions use of questioning skills to elicit information   use of open questions to obtain informationuse of closed questions to confirmuse of clarifying questions use culturally appropriate communication skills to negotiate professionally with the project team including;Semi-formal languageActively listening and questioningPositive Body LanguageSeeking clarification as and when required   Specific Task observations negotiate roles and responsibilities?discuss the project plan? discuss a risk management plan?discuss the budget?gain necessary approvals to commence project and to proceed to the next phase?
Part E Finalise and gain approval
Finalise your plan, include any additional information gained from the team Draft and send an email to the general manager (assessor) and include a copy of your Project Workbook. providing an overview of the document to be reviewed, list the teams suggestions for considerationrequest their approval to commence the project according to your documented project plan Please include the following in the subject line: BSBPMG5430 AT1_Part D_Student number_student Name_ Request for approval_Group # Please Note: If the general manager provides you with feedback on your project plan you will need to make amendments to the plan and resubmit for approval clearly showing the changes made.  You will need to provide the full email form the general manager as part of your evidence showing approval to proceed.
BSBPMG430 Assessment Task 1 Define project and develop plan

End of Assessment Task 1.  You must now submit the full Project workbook.

[1] Refer to Appendix 1


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