Cover page
Unit Details | Name | CORPORATE ACCOUNTING |
Code | HI5020 | |
Year, Trimester | 2023, Trimester 1 |
Assessment Details | Name | Individual Assignment |
Due Date and Week | 26 / 05 / 2023, Week #10 |
Individual Student Details | Student Number | |
First Name | ||
Family Name |
Submission Declaration | Integrity Declaration | I have read and understand academic integrity policies and practices and my assessment does not violate these. |
Full Name | ||
Submission Date |
Academic Integrity Information | Holmes Institute is committed to ensuring and upholding academic integrity. All assessment must comply with academic integrity guidelines. Important academic integrity breaches include plagiarism, collusion, copying, impersonation, contract cheating, data fabrication and falsification. Please learn about academic integrity and consult your teachers with any questions. Violating academic integrity is serious and punishable by penalties that range from deduction of marks, failure of the assessment task or unit involved, suspension of course enrolment, or cancellation of course enrolment. |
Format Instructions | Most assessments must be in MS Word format with no spacing, 11-pt Calibri font and at least 2cm margins on all four sides with appropriate section headings and page numbers. You must name your file with the Unit Code and Student ID (e.g. “HI5003- GWA1995”).Check that you submit the correct document, as special consideration is not granted if you make a mistake.Student ID needs to be indicated on the cover page. |
Penalties | All work must be submitted on Blackboard by the due date and time, along with a completed Assessment Cover Page. Late penalties apply.Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using Holmes Institute Adapted Harvard Referencing. Penalties are associated with incorrect citation and referencing. |
Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines | |
Trimester | T1 2023 |
Unit Code | HI5020 |
Unit Title | Corporate Accounting |
Assessment Type | Individual Assignment |
Assessment Title | Raising funds for corporate operations and liabilities, provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets. Measurement Basis for Assets. |
Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) | This assignment aims at developing a clear understanding of students on different sources of funds used/raised by companies. They will need to identify different sources of funds used by three selected companies and discuss the evolution of the sources of funds used by the selected companies over a period of two years. They will have to relate the relative merits of different sources of funds used by the selected companies and shed light on why the selected companies are using different sources of funds differently. Students will also have to summarise the key concepts under the AASB 137 ‘Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets’ and identify the use of this standard by the selected companies. Students will have to identify all different categories of assets recorded by the selected companies and examine the measurement basis used by the company for each class of assets. (ULO 2, 3, 4). |
Weight | 35 % of the total assessments |
Total Marks | 35 |
Word limit | 3000 words ±500 words |
Due Date | Assignment submission: Final Submission of individual Assignment: 11:59 pm Friday, Week 10 Late submission incurs penalties of five (5) % of the assessment value per calendar day unless the lecturer has granted an extension and/or special consideration before the assessment deadline. |
Submission Guidelines | All work and a completed Assignment Cover Page must be submitted on Blackboard by the due date.The assignment must be in MS Word format, with no spacing, 12-pt Arial font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings and page numbers.Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using the Holmes Adapted Harvard referencing guide. |
Assignment Specifications
Assessment task:
Collect the latest annual reports of THREE (3) ASX-listed companies for the last two years. Based on your collected annual reports, do the following tasks:
- Identify the different sources of funds that your selected companies have used
- Examine the evolution of the sources of funds used by the company over the last two years period with a specific focus on the changes in different sources of funds
- What percentage of the fund is internally generated, and what percentage of the fund is externally generated?
- Explain the relative merits and demerits of the different sources of funds used by your selected companies.
- Critically examine different types of liabilities shown in the balance sheet of your selected companies. Identify which of the liabilities are interest-bearing and which ones do not interest is bearing.
- Critically examine the key provisions under the AASB 137 ‘Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets.
- Identify if your selected companies have referenced this particular standard (AASB 137) in their annual reports.
- Identify all different categories of assets recorded by the selected companies
- Critically examine the measurement basis used by the company for each class of assets recorded by the company
Assignment Structure should be as the following:
Marking criteria
Marking criteria | Weighting |
Abstract | 1% |
List of content & overall presentation of the assignment | 1% |
Introduction | 1% |
Identify the different sources of fund that have been used by your selected companies | 1% |
Examine the evolution of the sources of fund used by the companies over the two years period with specific focus on the changes of different sources of funds | 4% |
What percentage of the fund is internally generated and what percentage of the fund is | 2% |
externally generated. | |
Explain the relative merits and demerits of the different sources of fund used by your selected companies. | 3% |
1% | |
Critically examine different types of liabilities shown in the balance sheet of your selected companies? Identify which one of the liability interest bearing and which one is not interest is bearing. | 3% |
Critically examine the key provisions under the AASB 137 ‘Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets. | 4% |
Identify if your selected companies have made any reference to this particular standard (AASB 137) in their annual reports. | 4% |
Identify all different categories of assets recorded by the selected companies | 4% |
Critically examine the measurement basis used by the company for each class of assets recoded by the company | 5% |
Conclusion | 1% |
TOTAL Weight | 35% |
Marking Rubric
Excellent | Very Good | Good | Satisfactory | Unsatisfactory | |
Identify the | Specific sources | Specific | Gross | Gross | Has failed to |
different | of liabilities and | sources of | amount of | amount of | identify |
sources of | equities have | liabilities and | liabilities and | liabilities and | different |
fund that | been clearly | equities have | equities have | equities have | sources of fund |
have been | identified. | been clearly | been | been | used by the |
used by your | Demonstrate a | identified. | identified | identified | company. Many |
selected | clear | without | without | errors in the | |
companies | understanding | specific | specific | answer or has | |
of each sources | identification | identification | misunderstood | ||
of each | of each | the question | |||
sources. | sources. | ||||
There are | |||||
some errors | |||||
Examine the | The evolution | The | The | The | Has answered |
evolution of | of different | evolution of | evolution of | evolution of | the question |
the sources | sources of | different | different | different | with many |
of fund used | funds within | sources of | sources of | sources of | errors and |
by the | the company | funds within | funds within | funds within | misunderstandi |
company | (with specific | the company | the company | the company | ng or has not |
over the last | focus on their | (with specific | (with specific | (with specific | answered the |
two years | changes) has | focus on | focus on | focus on | question |
period with | been discussed | their | their | their | |
specific | comprehensivel | changes) has | changes) has | changes) has | |
focus on the | y. | been | been | been | |
changes of | discussed | discussed | discussed | ||
different | with minor | with major | with major | ||
sources of | errors. | errors. | errors. The | ||
funds | answer still | ||||
make sense | |||||
What | Has shown the | Has shown | Has shown | Has shown | Has not shown |
percentage | percentage of | the | the | the | the percentage |
of the fund | each sources of | percentage | percentage | percentage | of each sources |
is internally | funds used by | of each | of each | of each | of funds used by |
generated | the company | sources of | sources of | sources of | the company. |
and what | distinguishing | funds used | funds used | funds used | Externally |
percentage | between | by the | by the | by the | generated funds |
of the fund | externally | company. | company. | company. | and internally |
is externally | generated | Externally | Externally | Externally | generated funds |
generated. | funds and | generated | generated | generated | have not been |
internally | funds and | funds and | funds and | distinguished. | |
generated fund. | internally | internally | internally | ||
generated | generated | generated | |||
funds have | funds have | funds have | |||
been | been | not been | |||
distinguished | distinguished | distinguished | |||
with minor | with major | . |
errors. | errors. | ||||
Explain the | The relative | The relative | The relative | The relative | Insignificant or |
relative | merits and | merits and | merits and | merits and | no acceptable |
merits and | demerits of the | demerits of | demerits of | demerits of | attempt has |
demerits of | different | the different | the different | the different | been made to |
the different | sources of | sources of | sources of | sources of | the relative |
sources of | funds used by | funds used | funds used | funds used | merits and |
fund used by | the company | by the | by the | by the | demerits of the |
your | have been | company | company | company | different |
selected | explained with | have been | have been | have been | sources of funds |
companies. | particular | explained. | explained | explained | used by the |
reference to the | Has made | with minor | with major | company have | |
context of the | reference to | errors. Has | errors and | not been | |
selected | the context | made | confusions. | explained | |
companies. | of the | reference to | No reference | ||
selected | the context | has been | |||
companies | of the | made to the | |||
with minor | selected | context of | |||
errors | companies | the selected | |||
with major | companies | ||||
errors | |||||
Critically | All different | All different | All different | Minor errors | Has not been |
examine | types of | types of | types of | in identifying | able to identify |
different | liabilities have | liabilities | liabilities | different | different types |
types of | been identified. | have been | have been | types of | of liabilities. Has |
liabilities | Has correctly | identified. | identified. | liabilities. | not been able to |
shown in the | identified | Minor errors | Major errors | Major errors | identify interest |
balance | interest bearing | in identifying | in identifying | in identifying | bearing and |
sheet of | and non- | interest | interest | interest | non-interest- |
your | interest-bearing | bearing and | bearing and | bearing and | bearing |
selected | liabilities. | non-interest- | non-interest- | non-interest- | liabilities. |
companies? | bearing | bearing | bearing | ||
Identify | liabilities. | liabilities. | liabilities. | ||
which one of | |||||
the liability | |||||
interests | |||||
bearing and | |||||
which one is | |||||
not interest | |||||
is bearing. | |||||
Critically | Has shown an | Has shown a | Has shown a | Has shown a | Has not shown |
examine the | excellent grasp | good level of | basic level of | poor level of | any acceptable |
key | of the concepts | understandin | understandin | understandin | level of |
provisions | under AASB 137 | g of the | g of the | g of the | understanding |
under the | concepts | concepts | concepts | of the concepts | |
AASB 137 | under AASB | under AASB | under AASB | under AASB | |
‘Provisions, | 137 | 137. | 137. | 137. | |
Contingent |
Liabilities and Contingent Assets. | |||||
Identify if | Has been able | Has been | Has been | Has been | Has not been |
your | to identify and | able to | able to | able to | able to identify |
selected | explain the | identify and | identify and | identify and | and explain the |
companies | areas where the | explain the | explain the | explain the | areas where the |
have made | selected | areas where | areas where | areas where | selected |
any | companies have | the selected | the selected | the selected | companies have |
reference to | made reference | companies | companies | companies | made reference |
this | to AASB 137 | have made | have made | have made | to AASB 137. |
particular | reference to | reference to | reference to | ||
standard | AASB 137 | AASB 137 | AASB 137 | ||
(AASB 137) | with minor | with major | with major | ||
in their | errors. | confusions | confusions | ||
annual | or errors. | or errors. | |||
reports. | |||||
Identify all | Has completely | Has | Has | Has | Has not |
different | identified all | identified | identified | identified | provided an |
categories of | different classes | different | different | different | acceptable |
assets | of assets | classes of | classes of | classes of | answer. |
recorded by | recorded by the | assets | assets | assets with | |
the selected | company. The | recorded by | recorded by | major errors. | |
companies | focus is on | the company | the company | Has mixed up | |
classes of | with minor | with major | assets with | ||
assets, not on | errors. | errors | other | ||
individual | elements of | ||||
assets. | the balance | ||||
sheet | |||||
Critically | Has | Has | Has | Has | Has failed to |
examine the | comprehensivel | examined | examined | examined | identify the |
measureme | y examined the | the | the | the | measurement |
nt basis used | measurement | measuremen | measuremen | measuremen | basis used by |
by the | basis used by | t basis used | t basis used | t basis used | the company. |
company for | the company | by the | by the | by the | Has failed to |
each class of | with | company. | company | company | demonstrate |
assets | demonstration | Has | with minor | with major | any acceptable |
of excellent | demonstrate | errors. Has | errors. Has | level of | |
level of | d a good | demonstrate | demonstrate | understanding | |
understanding | level of | d a basic | d a poor | of the concepts | |
of the concepts | understandin | level of | level of | of historical cost | |
of historical | g of the | understandin | understandin | and fair value | |
cost and fair | concepts of | g of the | g of the | ||
value. | historical | concepts of | concepts of | ||
cost and fair | historical | historical | |||
value. | cost and fair | cost and fair | |||
value. | value. |
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