Finance and Management


11 June 2023 08:58 AM | UPDATED 1 year ago



Cover page

Year, Trimester2023, Trimester 1

Assessment DetailsNameIndividual Assignment
Due Date and Week26 / 05 / 2023, Week #10

Individual Student DetailsStudent Number 
First Name 
Family Name 

Submission DeclarationIntegrity DeclarationI have read and understand academic integrity policies and practices and my assessment does not violate these.
Full Name 
Submission Date 


Academic Integrity InformationHolmes Institute is committed to ensuring and upholding academic integrity. All assessment must comply with academic integrity guidelines. Important academic integrity breaches include plagiarism, collusion, copying, impersonation, contract cheating, data fabrication and falsification. Please learn about academic integrity and consult your teachers with any questions. Violating academic integrity is serious and punishable by penalties that range from deduction of marks, failure of the assessment task or unit involved, suspension of course enrolment, or cancellation of course enrolment.
Format InstructionsMost assessments must be in MS Word format with no spacing, 11-pt Calibri font and at least 2cm margins on all four sides with appropriate section headings and page numbers. You must name your file with the Unit Code and Student ID (e.g. “HI5003- GWA1995”).Check that you submit the correct document, as special consideration is not granted if you make a mistake.Student ID needs to be indicated on the cover page.
PenaltiesAll work must be submitted on Blackboard by the due date and time, along with a completed Assessment Cover Page. Late penalties apply.Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using Holmes Institute Adapted Harvard Referencing. Penalties are associated with incorrect citation and referencing.

Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines
TrimesterT1 2023
Unit CodeHI5020
Unit TitleCorporate Accounting
Assessment TypeIndividual Assignment
Assessment TitleRaising funds for corporate operations and liabilities, provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets. Measurement Basis for Assets.
Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping)This assignment aims at developing a clear understanding of students on different sources of funds used/raised by companies. They will need to identify different sources of funds used by three selected companies and discuss the evolution of the sources of funds used by the selected companies over a period of two years. They will have to relate the relative merits of different sources of funds used by the selected companies and shed light on why the selected companies are using different sources of funds differently. Students will also have to summarise the key concepts under the AASB 137 ‘Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets’ and identify the use of this standard by the selected companies. Students will have to identify all different categories of assets recorded by the selected companies and examine the measurement basis used by the company for each class of assets. (ULO 2, 3, 4).
Weight35 % of the total assessments
Total Marks35
Word limit3000 words ±500 words
Due DateAssignment submission: Final Submission of individual Assignment: 11:59 pm Friday, Week 10   Late submission incurs penalties of five (5) % of the assessment value per calendar day unless the lecturer has granted an extension and/or special consideration before the assessment deadline.
Submission GuidelinesAll work and a completed Assignment Cover Page must be submitted on Blackboard by the due date.The assignment must be in MS Word format, with no spacing, 12-pt Arial font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings and page numbers.Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using the Holmes Adapted Harvard referencing guide.

Assignment Specifications

Assessment task:

Collect the latest annual reports of THREE (3) ASX-listed companies for the last two years. Based on your collected annual reports, do the following tasks:

  • Identify the different sources of funds that your selected companies have used
  • Examine the evolution of the sources of funds used by the company over the last two years period with a specific focus on the changes in different sources of funds
  • What percentage of the fund is internally generated, and what percentage of the fund is externally generated?
  • Explain the relative merits and demerits of the different sources of funds used by your selected companies.
  • Critically examine different types of liabilities shown in the balance sheet of your selected companies. Identify which of the liabilities are interest-bearing and which ones do not interest is bearing.
  • Critically examine the key provisions under the AASB 137 ‘Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets.
  • Identify if your selected companies have referenced this particular standard (AASB 137) in their annual reports.
  • Identify all different categories of assets recorded by the selected companies
  • Critically examine the measurement basis used by the company for each class of assets recorded by the company

Assignment Structure should be as the following:

Marking criteria

Marking criteriaWeighting
List of content & overall presentation of the assignment1%
Identify the different sources of fund that have been used by your selected companies1%
Examine the evolution of the sources of fund used by the companies over the two years period with specific focus on the changes of different sources of funds4%
What percentage of the fund is internally generated and what percentage of the fund is2%

externally generated. 
Explain the relative merits and demerits of the different sources of fund used by your selected companies.3%
Critically examine different types of liabilities shown in the balance sheet of your selected companies? Identify which one of the liability interest bearing and which one is not interest is bearing.3%
Critically examine the key provisions under the AASB 137 ‘Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets.4%
Identify if your selected companies have made any reference to this particular standard (AASB 137) in their annual reports.4%
Identify all different categories of assets recorded by the selected companies4%
Critically examine the measurement basis used by the company for each class of assets recoded by the company5%
TOTAL Weight35%

Marking Rubric

 ExcellentVery GoodGoodSatisfactoryUnsatisfactory
Identify theSpecific sourcesSpecificGrossGrossHas failed to
differentof liabilities andsources ofamount ofamount ofidentify
sources ofequities haveliabilities andliabilities andliabilities anddifferent
fund thatbeen clearlyequities haveequities haveequities havesources of fund
have beenidentified.been clearlybeenbeenused by the
used by yourDemonstrate aidentified.identifiedidentifiedcompany. Many
selectedclear withoutwithouterrors in the
companiesunderstanding specificspecificanswer or has
 of each sources identificationidentificationmisunderstood
   of eachof eachthe question
    There are 
    some errors 
Examine theThe evolutionTheTheTheHas answered
evolution ofof differentevolution ofevolution ofevolution ofthe question
the sourcessources ofdifferentdifferentdifferentwith many
of fund usedfunds withinsources ofsources ofsources oferrors and
by thethe companyfunds withinfunds withinfunds withinmisunderstandi
company(with specificthe companythe companythe companyng or has not
over the lastfocus on their(with specific(with specific(with specificanswered the
two yearschanges) hasfocus onfocus onfocus onquestion
period withbeen discussedtheirtheirtheir 
specificcomprehensivelchanges) haschanges) haschanges) has 
focus on they.beenbeenbeen 
changes of discusseddiscusseddiscussed 
different with minorwith majorwith major 
sources of errors.errors.errors. The 
funds   answer still 
    make sense 
WhatHas shown theHas shownHas shownHas shownHas not shown
percentagepercentage ofthethethethe percentage
of the fundeach sources ofpercentagepercentagepercentageof each sources
is internallyfunds used byof eachof eachof eachof funds used by
generatedthe companysources ofsources ofsources ofthe company.
and whatdistinguishingfunds usedfunds usedfunds usedExternally
percentagebetweenby theby theby thegenerated funds
of the internally
is externallygeneratedExternallyExternallyExternallygenerated funds
generated.funds andgeneratedgeneratedgeneratedhave not been
 internallyfunds andfunds andfunds anddistinguished.
 generated fund.internallyinternallyinternally 
  funds havefunds havefunds have 
  beenbeennot been 
  with minorwith major. 

Explain theThe relativeThe relativeThe relativeThe relativeInsignificant or
relativemerits andmerits andmerits andmerits andno acceptable
merits anddemerits of thedemerits ofdemerits ofdemerits ofattempt has
demerits ofdifferentthe differentthe differentthe differentbeen made to
the differentsources ofsources ofsources ofsources ofthe relative
sources offunds used byfunds usedfunds usedfunds usedmerits and
fund used bythe companyby theby theby thedemerits of the
yourhave beencompanycompanycompanydifferent
selectedexplained withhave beenhave beenhave beensources of funds
companies.particularexplained.explainedexplainedused by the
 reference to theHas madewith minorwith majorcompany have
 context of thereference toerrors. Haserrors andnot been
 selectedthe contextmadeconfusions.explained
 companies.of thereference toNo reference 
  selectedthe contexthas been 
  companiesof themade to the 
  with minorselectedcontext of 
  errorscompaniesthe selected 
   with majorcompanies 
CriticallyAll differentAll differentAll differentMinor errorsHas not been
examinetypes oftypes oftypes ofin identifyingable to identify
differentliabilities haveliabilitiesliabilitiesdifferentdifferent types
types ofbeen identified.have beenhave beentypes ofof liabilities. Has
liabilitiesHas correctlyidentified.identified.liabilities.not been able to
shown in theidentifiedMinor errorsMajor errorsMajor errorsidentify interest
balanceinterest bearingin identifyingin identifyingin identifyingbearing and
sheet ofand non-interestinterestinterestnon-interest-
yourinterest-bearingbearing andbearing andbearing andbearing
companies? bearingbearingbearing 
Identify liabilities.liabilities.liabilities. 
which one of     
the liability     
bearing and     
which one is     
not interest     
is bearing.     
CriticallyHas shown anHas shown aHas shown aHas shown aHas not shown
examine theexcellent graspgood level ofbasic level ofpoor level ofany acceptable
keyof the conceptsunderstandinunderstandinunderstandinlevel of
provisionsunder AASB 137g of theg of theg of theunderstanding
under the conceptsconceptsconceptsof the concepts
AASB 137 under AASBunder AASBunder AASBunder AASB
‘Provisions, 137137.137.137.

Liabilities and Contingent Assets.     
Identify ifHas been ableHas beenHas beenHas beenHas not been
yourto identify andable toable toable toable to identify
selectedexplain theidentify andidentify andidentify andand explain the
companiesareas where theexplain theexplain theexplain theareas where the
have madeselectedareas whereareas whereareas whereselected
anycompanies havethe selectedthe selectedthe selectedcompanies have
reference tomade referencecompaniescompaniescompaniesmade reference
thisto AASB 137have madehave madehave madeto AASB 137.
particular reference toreference toreference to 
standard AASB 137AASB 137AASB 137 
(AASB 137) with minorwith majorwith major 
in their errors.confusionsconfusions 
annual  or errors.or errors. 
Identify allHas completelyHasHasHasHas not
differentidentified allidentifiedidentifiedidentifiedprovided an
categories ofdifferent classesdifferentdifferentdifferentacceptable
assetsof assetsclasses ofclasses ofclasses ofanswer.
recorded byrecorded by theassetsassetsassets with 
the selectedcompany. Therecorded byrecorded bymajor errors. 
companiesfocus is onthe companythe companyHas mixed up 
 classes ofwith minorwith majorassets with 
 assets, not onerrors.errorsother 
 individual  elements of 
 assets.  the balance 
CriticallyHasHasHasHasHas failed to
examine thecomprehensivelexaminedexaminedexaminedidentify the
measuremey examined thethethethemeasurement
nt basis usedmeasurementmeasuremenmeasuremenmeasuremenbasis used by
by thebasis used byt basis usedt basis usedt basis usedthe company.
company forthe companyby theby theby theHas failed to
each class ofwithcompany.companycompanydemonstrate
assetsdemonstrationHaswith minorwith majorany acceptable
 of excellentdemonstrateerrors. Haserrors. Haslevel of
 level ofd a gooddemonstratedemonstrateunderstanding
 understandinglevel ofd a basicd a poorof the concepts
 of the conceptsunderstandinlevel oflevel ofof historical cost
 of historicalg of theunderstandinunderstandinand fair value
 cost and fairconcepts ofg of theg of the 
 value.historicalconcepts ofconcepts of 
  cost and fairhistoricalhistorical 
  value.cost and faircost and fair 


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