Finance and Management

PUBH7033 Policy brief

16 May 2023 11:51 AM | UPDATED 1 year ago

PUBH7033 Policy brief :

PUBH7033 Policy brief
PUBH7033 Policy brief

2.5.2 Summary: Policy brief

Type of Collaboration:Individual
Due:Week 9 – 5th May 2023 at 11.59pm
Submission:Microsoft Word Document submitted TurnitIn on vUWS
Format:For Assessment 2, you will need to revise your Literature Review using the feedback you received from Assessment 1 [clearly indicated with TRACKED CHANGES] and include it for submission in Assessment 2 as follows: Assessment 1: Revised Literature Review (1000 words) [revisions clearly indicated with TRACKED CHANGES in Microsoft Word] AND Assessment 2: Policy Brief (500 words) Policy options and implications (approximately 200 words)Recommendations for action (approximately 100 words)How the recommendations will address the issues identified (approximately 200 words) AND Revised Academic Integrity and Honesty (200 words) [clearly indicated with TRACKED CHANGES in Microsoft Word] AND Revised References (APA Style) [A minimum of 15 References are required i.e. 10 for Assessment 1 and 5 for Assessment 2] Note: Assessments need to be submitted in Microsoft Word Format.
Length:500 words
Curriculum Mode:Professional Task
PUBH7033 Policy brief

 Based on your Literature Review, the Minister is convinced that the social determinants you identified are significantly contributing to health inequities and require urgent attention. The Federal Budget is currently being arranged and the Minister requires support in ensuring these issues are on the agenda and that there is a strategy to address them. The Minister has requested a Policy Brief on addressing the two social determinants you have identified in the specific population group from Assessment 1.

To complete this assessment you will need to use the of the feedback you received from Assessment 1 to revise your literature review. Your revisions should be clearly indicated with Tracked Changes on Microsoft Word version of your PUBH7033 Policy briefing Assessment.

What is a policy brief?

A policy brief is a concise summary of a particular issue, the options in terms of policy to deal with it, and some recommendations on the best option. It is typically presented in a one-page word document. Guidance on writing the policy brief will be discussed in further detail in tutorials and more information on how to write a Policy Brief can be found here: What should a policy brief do?

A policy brief should:

  • Provide enough background for the reader to understand the problem. (You will have done this in Assessment 1. You will include your revised Literature Review with tracked changes at the beginning of your submission) – Convince the reader that the problem must be addressed urgently.
  • Provide information about alternative ways to address the problem.
  • Provide evidence to support one alternative.
  • Stimulate the reader to make a decision.

What should a policy brief contain?

To achieve its objectives, a policy brief should:

  • Be short and to the point. It should focus on a particular problem or issue. Do not go into all the details. Instead, provide enough information for the reader to understand the issue and come to a decision.
  • Be based on firm evidence, not just one or two experiments or a single year’s experience. It should draw evidence from various sources – preferably from several different areas or organisations.
  • Focus on meanings, not methods. Readers are interested in what you found and what you recommend. They do not need to know the details of your methodology.
  • Relate to the big picture. The policy brief may build on context-specific findings, but it should draw conclusions that are more generally applicable.

How to do Assessment 2?

The Policy Brief should be specific to the two determinants you had chosen in PUBH7033 Policy briefing Assignment 1 (e.g., social exclusion and restricted finances) and the population group (e.g., homeless people). The Policy Brief will include the following: – Policy options and implications: This section should include at least 3 policy options (2 need to be specific existing policies or legislation and 1 may be plans or programs) relatable to your population group and social determinants. A critical discussion of the existing policies (including strengths and limitations) is required to build a foundation for your recommendations.

  • Recommendations for action: Based on the critical discussion of the existing policies, you should provide your own recommendations (supported by evidence). This section should include specific and comprehensive recommendations addressing the limitations of existing policies.
  • How the recommendations will address the issues identified: This section should include the justification of the effectiveness of the recommendations provided in the above section by relating the recommendations to the two determinants and your population group using supportive evidence.

NOTE: Submissions that do not include a revised Assessment 1: Literature Review with tracked changes at the start of Assessment 2: Policy Brief will not be assessed.

Academic Honesty: Please provide specific examples of what you did in your Assessment 1 and 2 to ensure your Turnitin similarity is low.

Assessments need to be submitted via Turnitin. Email submissions will be scored a 0.

PUBH7033 Policy briefing Assessments need to be submitted in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) format.

Marking Criteria:

CriteriaHigh DistinctionDistinctionCreditPassUnsatisfactory
Class and Peer Participation (Weeks 3,4, 5, 6, 7) (2.5%)Student interacts and engages actively, respectfully, appropriately and constructively with peer group members and the tutor. Is attentive to others, shows interest, and acknowledges their contribution AND Contributions are informed by extensive reading and critical reflection. Contributions advance the discussion.Student interacts and engages actively, respectfully, appropriately and constructively with group members and the tutor. Is attentive to others and shows interest AND Contributions are thoughtful, informed by significant reading and reflection. Contributions extend the discussion.Interacts and engages actively, respectfully, appropriately and constructively with group members and the tutor. AND Contributions are informed by reading and reflection and not only personal opinion. Engages with others’ views and contributes to the discussion in a constructive way.Interacts appropriately, respectfully and constructively with group members and the tutor. AND Contributions make some relevant points, although they are anecdotal with little use of literature/readings.Is disruptive, disrespectful or rude. Easily distracted. AND Limited focus on the task. Comments are generally not scholarly or relevant to the discussion.
Assessment 1: Revised Title and Literature Review (2.5%)The title is concise and grabs the readers’ attention AND A clear and concise review of literature that incorporates feedback and covers all important and relevant information and provides a strong rationale for policy prioritisation/changeThe title grabs the readers’ attention AND A detailed review of literature that incorporates feedback and covers important and relevant information and rationale for policy prioritisation/changeThe title is appropriate AND A basic review of literature that incorporates feedback and covers some important and relevant informationThe title is appropriate, although too verbose or missing the main point AND Attempts to provide some review of literature and integrate feedback, though some information may be superficial or irrelevantThe title does not reflect the Policy Brief AND No or limited review of literature that misses most important information, OR no integration of feedback OR most information provided is irrelevant or missing
Policy options and implications (20%)Policy options are clearly and concisely articulated, AND with an assessment of local and international policy responses AND implications are all relevant and significantPolicy options are well articulated, with some evidence from local and international settings AND implications are all relevant and significantPolicy options are well presented, although some details are irrelevant, AND implications are relevant but their significance might not be as highAttempts to provide some policy options, although some information is superficial or irrelevant, AND attempts to present some implications, but some of them are of very marginal significance or irrelevantNo or limited attempt to provide policy options and implications
Realistic recommendations for action based on firm evidence (30%)Provides recommendations that are well developed, achievable and significant to the health issue and the target population, AND recommendations are all supported up by sound evidenceProvides recommendations that are well developed, and significant to the health issue and the target population, AND recommendations are all supported by sound evidenceProvides recommendations that are relevant to the health issue and the target population, although some links might not be clear, AND recommendations are all supported by sound evidenceProvides recommendations but they are basic or some may be irrelevant, AND limited use of evidence to support recommendationsNo or limited attempt to provide recommendations OR recommendations are not relevant and not supported by evidence
Compelling argument (30%)Argument is both compelling and insightful with a persuasive call to actionArgument is compelling but not always insightful, OR argument is insightful but not always compellingArgument is strong, although not always compellingProvides an adequate argument but with flaws that impact on stakeholders being fully convinced of the urgency for actionArgument is flawed
PUBH7033 Policy brief

CriteriaHigh DistinctionDistinctionCreditPassUnsatisfactory
Structure and writing (10%)Assignment is consistently well constructed with clear and concise paragraphs, AND conventional UK spelling, grammar and punctuation with no errors, AND advanced use of vocabulary and expressions, AND professional presentationAssignment is consistently well constructed, AND conventional UK spelling, grammar and punctuation with no errors, AND advanced use of vocabulary and expressions, AND professional presentationAssignment is mostly well constructed, AND conventional UK spelling, grammar and punctuation with some errors, AND good use of vocabulary and expressions, AND professional presentationAssignment is mostly well constructed AND conventional UK spelling, grammar and punctuation with some errors, AND professional presentationAssignment is poorly constructed, OR poor use conventional UK spelling, grammar and punctuation
Referencing (2.5%)Referencing consistently follows APA style, with no errorsReferencing follows APA style with three or less minor individual errorsReferencing follows APA style with more than three minor individual errorsReferencing follows APA style with more than five minor errorsDid not use APA style guide
Revised Academic Honesty and Integrity from Assessment 1 and 2 (2.5%)Academic Honesty and Integrity is discussed comprehensively and with clear examplesAcademic Honesty and Integrity is discussed with clear examplesAcademic Honesty and Integrity is discussedAcademic Honesty and Integrity is minimally addressedAcademic Honesty and Integrity is missing entirely
PUBH7033 Policy brief


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