Finance and Management

PRJM 6000 Project Management Overview

19 May 2023 12:01 PM | UPDATED 1 year ago

PRJM 6000 Project Management Overview :

PRJM 6000 Project Management Overview
PRJM 6000 Project Management Overview


1A – What is an organisation?

PRJM 6000 Project Managing Overview

1B. List 2 things an  organisational chart tells you?

PRJM 6000 Project Managing Overview

2A. How do you know what roles you need in your project?  

PRJM 6000 Project Managing Overview

2B. How do you acquire people to undertake these roles?

PRJM 6000 Project Managing Overview

2C List 2 ways you can improve competencies, team interaction, working environment for the project tea

PRJM 6000 Project Managing Overview

2D List 2 ways you can track team member performance

PRJM 6000 Project Managing Overview

3. Define authority and responsibility

authority =      
responsibility =      
PRJM 6000 Project Managing Overview

5A. What is the project manager’s primary responsibilities

PRJM 6000 Project Managing Overview

5B.  What are 2 other project manager’s responsibilities

PRJM 6000 Project Managing Overview

6. How does the project manager obtain authority?

PRJM 6000 Project Managing Overview

4. Case Study

Jim has only recently been assigned from the Engineering Department to the Project Management Department in order to work on one of the organisation’s new products. This new product was really a second-generation to a product that had been produced for the past three years. However shifts in preferences has led the organisation to make changes to the product in order to improve its marketability.

A Project Group has been created and assigned the responsibility for seeing that the necessary changes, identified by the Marketing Department, were incorporated by Production into the new model. Since Jim has worked a couple of years previously on part of the development of the product, it seemed natural for him to be assigned the Project Manager responsible for completing the new model.

At the present time Jim was feeling frustrated because Production were simply too busy turning out other products to devote the appropriate input to this project. The Production team did not appear to appreciate the importance of the project to the organisation and consequently they were not meeting deadlines. Also, Jim felt that his suggestions for solutions to technical problems being encountered were being ignored.

What are 2 problems in this project? And how could they have been avoided?

problemshow avoided
PRJM 6000 Project Managing Overview

7.  What are 3 responsibilities of the Project Sponsor?

PRJM 6000 Project Managing Overview

8. How can a PM facilitate effective sponsorship?

PRJM 6000 Project Managing Overview

9. For these tasks for a wedding project, list any stakeholders along top row . The enter letter in each cell describing involvement

R — Responsible: At least one R for every task. = person/people responsible for carrying out task

A — Accountable or Approver: “The buck stops here.”  Only one individual accountable.

C — Consult: Consulted before decision made. Input required.

I — Informed: Don’t provide input, just need to know

WBSBride  GroomMother-In-Law  Priest     
Select guests               
Buy wedding dress               
PRJM 6000 Project Managing Overview



  • The functional structure organises an enterprise around its major specialist activities
  • Each department has clear responsibility for its own activities. No PM formally assigned
  • Project passes through functional departments with each functional manager responsible for own input, and coordination assumed by a combination of functional and upper level managers; or


  • Project organised as a self-contained project unit.
  • Dedicated full-time functional members. Staff often collocated.  Disbanded on completion of the project
  • The PM of project unit has total and direct authority over the entire project.


  • Horizontal management line over functional structure to integrate functional units providing input in a project.
  • Either temporary for specific project or permanent for ongoing flow of projects.
  • PM full-time on project, functional staff used when required.

1.  Rate each organisation structure (either  Good/OK/Poor)  for following factors

clarity of authority & responsibility   
integration of project team   
focus on project objectives   
PRJM 6000 Project Managing Overview

2. Which organisational structure would be most suitable for:

project requiring multi-functional inputs on a part-time basis 
large number of similar projects 
project important to the firm’s reputation 
PRJM 6000 Project Managing Overview

3. How would the following factors determine whether a matrix is strong or weak:

the level in the client organisation at which the project manager reports      
PRJM 6000 Project Managing Overview

the physical distances between project members and their functional department      
PRJM 6000 Project Managing Overview

4. In a matrix structure, would the project manager or functional manager decide the following matters regarding a functional task:

DecisionPM or FM ?
what is to be done 
when it is to be done 
why it is to be done 
how it is to be done 
where it is to be done 
who will do it 
how much money is available for it 
PRJM 6000 Project Managing Overview


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