Finance and Management

Case Study Analysis In Report Format

03 May 2023 15:22 PM | UPDATED 1 year ago

Case Study Analysis In Report Format :

Case  Study Analysis In Report Format
Case Study Analysis In Report Format

Assessment 1: Case Study Analysis (20%)

Assessment 1: Case Study Analysis (20%)

Value: 20%

Total Word Limit: 1500 words (plus or minus 10% excluding title page, executive summary, introduction, conclusion, reference list, appendices (if using). All headings, sub-headings and in-text citations are included in the word count.

Mode of submission: Turnitin upload link will be provided in assessment 1 folder under “Assessments’ tab on Blackboard; we provide for 1 link for draft submissions to check the Turnitin similarity percentage of the document and 1 final submission link

Task:  You are required to analyse the prescribed case study and write your answers to the three questions (approximately 500 words for each answer). The case study will be available via Blackboard by the beginning of second teaching week (Look under the Assessments Tab in ‘Assessment 1 folder’ for Assessment 1 case study).

This assignment has the following objectives:

  • Investigate the key elements of the case with a special emphasis to aspects of management & organizational behaviour concepts covered in this unit
  • Develop theoretical and applied research skills in relation to:
  • Identifying key problems in the case
  • Locating and summarising information relevant to the topic
  • Presenting balanced arguments regarding the issues discussed
  • Critically analysing problems, current theories, ideas and contributions
  • Presenting meaningful and relevant recommendations to solve the problems identified
  • Writing and referencing professionally
  • Synthesise the relevant theory and practice

When reviewing your written responses to the questions you should reflect on the following areas:

  • Is your diagnosis and recommended action practical to implement and/or a good fit for the context presented in the case study?
  • Is the diagnosis and recommended action you put forward based on a sound theoretical basis?
  • Have you demonstrated critical thinking skills in responding to these issues, i.e. have you gone beyond description and demonstrated deep, critical analysis to arrive at their recommendations/solutions?
  • Have you used appropriate academic writing style and referencing?

Structure of Assessment 1: Case study analysis (20%)

The case study analysis should be presented in a ‘report’ format with following sections:

—  Title page

—  Executive summary (one page): a complete summary of the report, state main problems, summary of recommendations, theories/models used

—  Introduction (one paragraph): Background information on the company and reiterate main problems

—  Analyse the 3 questions at the end of the case study in 3 sections (each approx. 500 words)

—  Conclusion

—  Reference list

—  Appendices (if using) 

Minimum 10 academic peer reviewed journal articles to be cited in addition to the textbook and other non-scholarly sources.

Chicago 17B referencing style

Formatting guidelines: Time New Roman or Arial font, font size 12, normal margins and double line spacing. Please number the pages.

Good luck with your assignment and please use the discussion board for posting your queries. 


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