Finance and Management

BUS1002 Fundamentals Of Management

07 May 2023 16:37 PM | UPDATED 1 year ago

BUS1002 Fundamentals Of Management :

BUS1002 Fundamentals Of Management
BUS1002 Fundamentals Of Management

Trimester 1, 2023

BUS1002 Fundamentals Of Management Assessment Overview

Assessment TaskTypeWeightingLengthDueULO
Assessment 1: Online Quiz Quiz 1, Quiz 2, Quiz 3, Quiz 4. This quiz aims to provide early assessment of students’ understanding of the unit. The quiz will comprise of Multiple- Choice Questions and/or Fill in the Blank, and short answer questions.Individual   Invigilated See the source image        40%30 mins Each Quiz (Equ. To 500 words)Week 3 – Quiz 1 Week 5 – Quiz 2 Week 7 – Quiz 3 Week 9 – Quiz 4[ULO1]
Assessment 2: Applied project Analyse a new business – Provide ideas on Effective Management Practices critiquing the functions of management in a changing environmentIndividual            40%2000 wordsWeek 10[ULO1], [ULO2], [ULO3], [ULO4]
Assessment 3: Viva voce It contains a pre-recorded presentation of the assessment 2 following with question answerIndividual Invigilated20%15 MinutesWeek 11[ULO1], [ULO2], [ULO3], [ULO4], [ULO5], [ULO6]

Assessment 1: Online Quiz

Due date:Week 3, Week 5, Week 7, Week 9
Word count / Time provided:30 minutes
Unit Learning Outcomes:ULO-1

Management Assessment Details:

These quizzes will assess your knowledge of key content areas (Week 1-9 content) and to identify further support needs. For successful completion of the quizzes, you are required to study the material provided (lecture slides, tutorials, and reading materials), engage in the unit’s activities, and in the discussion forums. The prescribed textbook is the main reference along with the recommended reading material. By completing this assessment successfully, you will be able to identify key aspects of scope management as per best management practices

Marking Information: The quiz will be weighted 40% of the total unit mark.

Assessment 2: APPLIED PROJECT (Individual)

Due date:Week 10
Group/individual:Individual assignment
Word count / Time provided:2000 words
Unit Learning Outcomes:[ULO1], [ULO2], [ULO3], [ULO4]

Assessment Details:


Assess the student’s understanding of the theoretical learning to practical, real world situations. This is a great opportunity for the students to demonstrate their ability to:

  • contribute effectively to the task;
  • assess an organisational issue or problem as objectively as possible;
  • appreciate the potential of theory in managerial decision making and problem solving, and
  • take managerial responsibility by designing a practical course of action (rather than merely making recommendations).


Students will identify a problem situation (at least three problems) in an organisation they have access to (preferably an organisation where the student works or has worked recently). Do not focus on a problem that has already been solved.

The project report should be covering the following points:

  1. Provide a brief introduction of the organisation (it is acceptable to withhold the name of the organisation).
  2. Describe the problem, as much as possible in terms of the observable or measurable symptoms it manifests, for example: increased customer complaints; specific quality concerns; high staff turnover; contracts lost; decreased market share; loss of funding or loss of profit etc.,
  3. The issue/problem should then be considered and analysed in terms of material drawn from any two topics studied as part of this subject. To give some examples, your group may choose to apply a model of leadership to examine your problem or use models or concepts of motivation and organisational culture, or ethics and organisational design. Try to choose the topic models/concepts that seem to offer the most useful insights into the problem. Do not try to deal with many models or concepts. For example, two models, well applied and showing a good understanding of associated concepts would likely to give optimum results. Topics outside course coverage should not be selected.
  4. Explain the classical functions of management for your organisation which include planning, organising, leading and controlling. While the relevance of these functions has been attributed to the success of many organisations in the past, there has been a doubt on the relevance of these classical functions of management in the contemporary organisations that are witnessing continual changes in their organisational environments.
  • Students should provide an analysis on both how the functions of managements are constraining to the ability of organisations to adapt with the changes in their environment, and how

organisations could appropriately (i.e. which types, styles, or theories) plan, organise, lead and control in the contemporary workplace characterised by changing environments.

  • Design an intervention (a change program or set of activities and procedures) utilising some aspect or aspects of your analysis. The intervention should be intended to solve or improve the situation of the organisation. Please note you are not merely being asked for a list of recommendations.

Marking Criteria:

Marking CriteriaNot satisfactory (0-49%) of the criterion mark)Satisfactory (50-64%) of the criterion markGood (65-74%) of the criterion markVery Good (75-84%) of the criterion markExcellent (85-100%) of the criterion mark
Demonstrate an understanding of the principles and theories of management in contemporary business settings. (Marks 20)Inadequate understanding of principles and theories of management in contemporary business settings.Basic knowledge only of principles and theories of management.Exhibits breadth and depth of understanding of principles and theories of management.Exhibits detailed breadth and depth of understanding of principles and theories of management.Displays exceptional understanding of principles and theories of management.
Demonstrate an understanding of the nature and application of management tools as a means of enhancing organisational performance. (Marks 20)Inadequate understanding of the nature and application of management tools as a means of enhancing organisational performance.Basic knowledge only of the nature and application of management tools as a means of enhancing organisational performance.Exhibits breadth and depth of understanding of the nature and application of management tools as a means of enhancing organisational performance.Exhibits detailed breadth and depth of understanding of the nature and application of management tools as a means of enhancing organisational performance.Displays exceptional understanding of the nature and application of management tools as a means of enhancing organisational performance.
Identify the internal and external factors that influence the process of management and organizational development. (Marks 30)Inadequate understanding of problems and challenges confronting the organization.Basic knowledge only of problems and challenges confronting the organization.Exhibits breadth and depth of understanding of problems and challenges confronting the organization.Exhibits detailed breadth and depth of understanding problems and challenges confronting the organization.Displays exceptional understanding of problems and challenges confronting the organization.
Identify and critically assess the strategies organisations employ to affect management system. (Marks 20)Insufficiently identify and propose the strategies to affect management system.Relatively sufficiently identify and propose the strategies to affect management system.Relatively effectively identify and propose the strategies to affect management system.Exhibit detailed breadth and solvable strategies to affect management system.Display exceptional and solvable strategies to affect management system.
Demonstrate an understanding of the role of structure and design in organisational management. (Marks 10)Inadequate understanding of the role of structure and design in organisational management.Basic knowledge only of the role of structure and design in organisational management.Exhibits breadth and depth of the role of structure and design in organisational management.Exhibits detailed breadth and depth of understanding of the role of structure and design in organisational management.Displays exceptional understanding of the role of structure and design in organisational management.
BUS1002 Fundamentals Of Management

Assessment 3: Viva Voce (Individual)

Due date:Week 11
Group/individual:Individual assignment
Word count / Time provided:15 minutes
Unit Learning Outcomes:ULO-1 ULO-2 ULO-3 ULO-4 ULO-5 ULO-6
BUS1002 Fundamentals Of Management

Assessment Details: Viva voce

This assessment is designed to assess your understanding of the core concepts covered in the subject and working through the business plan. For successful completion of this assessment, you are required to prepare a pre-recorded power point presentation.

Marking Criteria:

Marking CriteriaNot satisfactory (0-49%) of the criterion mark)Satisfactory (50-64%) of the criterion markGood (65-74%) of the criterion markVery Good (75-84%) of the criterion markExcellent (85-100%) of the criterion mark
Comprehension Of the presentation. (40 Marks)Presentation is poorly structured, and the main points of the business plan are not accurately includedPresentation is reasonably structured, and the main points of the business plan are included with some points missing.Presentation is mostly structured, and the main points of the business plan included with one or two points missing.Presentation is highly structured, and the main points of the business plan are mostly accurately includedPresentation is highly structured, and the main points of the business plan accurately included
Visual Appeal Presentation slides, clarity, grammar, spelling and engaging (30 marks)Poor presentation skill. The slides were difficult to read and too much information had been copied onto them. There are many errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation. No Visual appeal.Partially good presentation skills. critical review of the chosen case. Minimal effort made to make slides appealing.Good presentation skills. There are few errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation. In some slides, too much information on two or more slides. Good visual appealVery good presentation skills. There are few errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Very good visual appeal.Excellent presentation skills. There are no errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Information is clear and concise on each slide. Excellent visual appeal.
Accuracy of answer to questions (30 Marks)Has not accurately answered most of the questions posed.Accurately answered some of the questions posed.Accurately answered most of the questions posed.Accurately answered almost all questions posedAccurately answered all questions posed.
BUS1002 Fundamentals Of Management


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