Finance and Management

BUS 101 Assessment

16 May 2023 11:17 AM | UPDATED 1 year ago

BUS 101 Assessment :

BUS 101 Assessment
BUS 101 Assessment

Word Count: 1200-1500 words (not including reference list or title page)

You are employed at a company called Here’n’There, a consultancy firm to help corporations improve their intercultural communication. One of your clients, GoGlobal, is based in Australia and is looking to expand into new markets. However, before doing so, the CEO of GoGlobal, would like to know more about the national and organisational cultures in these countries to ensure GoGlobal, is prepared and cultural miscommunication is minimized.

You have been commissioned with writing a report for the CEO of GoGlobal, to identify the main cultural similarities and differences between Australia and the country assigned to you. You will need to highlight these cultural differences and recommend areas in which cultural miscommunication may occur.

To identify the cultural differences, refer to Hofstede’s cultural dimensions, and Hall’s Context Model, at a minimum.


A BUS 101 Assessment report is written to compile information that has come from analysing an issue, problem or data. Its purpose is to both inform and to provide recommendations in relation to the issue/problem/ data. In this report, you will provide recommendations of how Australian GoGlobal employees  should modify their behaviour when operating in your assigned country.

You may use the template provided to you in Moodle to assist you.

An example structure you can use for your report is:

 Title PageGive a title to your report, student name, Number
1.0Executive SummaryThis is the ‘abstract’, a short, one sentence description of each of the sections.
2.0Table of ContentsInclude page numbers; be mindful of formatting.
3.0IntroductionDescribe the importance of intercultural communication; Introduce the theories used to make comparisons.
4.0Findings – Country Profiles 
4.1Australia  Use data from your research (e.g.. Hall/Hofstede) to highlight Australia’s national/organisational culture.
4.2Assigned CountryUse data from your research (e.g.. Hall/Hofstede) to highlight Australia’s national/organisational culture.
5.0RecommendationsExplain recommended behaviour for Australian staff when operating in your given country, with examples.
6.0ConclusionSum up the content of the report.
7.0Reference ListList your references according to CIHE policy.
BUS 101 Assessment Report

Useful Readings:

This is a list of some useful resources that you may use for research. However, you are expected to expand further in your research and use other sources. A good place to start could be the ProQuest Database.

Hofstede’s cultural dimensions

C21, Communicating in the 21st Century, Ch. 15, pp. 534-539

A tool to help you compare countries according to Hofstede’s cultural dimensions:

Hofstede’s 6 Dimensions:

Hofstede’s 6 Dimensions with examples: cultural-dimensions/

Hofsetede’s 6 Dimensions – Marketing

House’s GLOBE Project

C21, Communicating in the 21st Century, Ch. 15, 539-542

Hall’s Context Model

C21, Communicating in the 21st Century, Ch. 15, pp. 543-546


Japanese get word from on high. Drop the formality. formality.html

Part B: Presentation (Group) Marks : 10

Weighting: 10%

In the oral presentation, you will present on the findings of your report:

  • discuss the theories used to examine the cultural differences of the countries,
  • explain the cultural dimensions of Australia
  • compare the Australian data with the three countries assigned to your group
  • make recommendations as to what this means for expansion into these countries

This presentation will be ten (10) minutes in duration.

Remember: Your presentation will NOT simply be your report put into a powerpoint. It is a different channel of communication (from written to spoken, with visuals), and your presentation should reflect this.

Below is a guide as to where you should be with assessments 2A and 2B. The actions should be completed prior to the workshop of the given week.


5Your lecturer will assign a country to you.Research the theory of Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions and Hall’s contextual model.
6Research Australia and your assigned country in terms of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions and Hall’s contextual model.Start forming your groups (of 4) for the presentation section of the assessment.
7Create your first draft of the report and proofread for spelling, grammar, referencing and content errors.Email lecturer with group names, OR, email lecturer if you do not have a group.
8Write second draft. Proofread again for errors.Collaborate with your group and distribute tasks for assessment 2B – the presentation.
9Write final draft and submit individual report.Collaborate with your group for assessment 2B – create ppt slides.
10Collaborate with group – practice the presentation of your slides.
11Submit assessment 3B and deliver presentation.
BUS 101 Assessment


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