Finance and Management

ACCT 2002 Cost Analysis for Decision Making

19 May 2023 11:19 AM | UPDATED 1 year ago

ACCT 2002 Cost Analysis for Decision Making :

ACCT 2002 Cost Analysis for Decision Making
ACCT 2002 Cost Analysis for Decision Making

School of Accounting, Economics and Finance

ACCT 2002 Cost Analysis for Decision Making

Work Compilation Requirements for ACCT 2002 Cost Analysis for Decision Make

The Work Compilation is a portfolio of your work and is an individual assessment. The Work Compilation will make up 40% of your overall mark and will be a compilation of work from modules 7 to 10, inclusive. The questions to be addressed in the work compilation assessment will be made available in Blackboard in the Work Compilation folder under the ACCT 2002 Cost Analysis for Decision Make Assessments tab on 1 May 2023.

The Work Compilation is an assessment of your ability to apply the concepts that you have learnt. There will be four (4) questions that you will be required to address, covering each of modules 7 to 10, inclusive. Your work compilation will be marked on your ability to address the questions as tasked, including the ability to utilise Excel where required. Each question will be worth 10% of your overall mark. Please refer to the marking rubric in Blackboard for this ACCT 2002 Cost Analysis for Decision Make assessment. This will be released together with the questions on 1 May 2023.

There will be two (2) submission points: one for questions not requiring Excel and another for questions requiring Excel. Though there are two submission points, they are both due at the same time as stated below. You may submit into the respective submission point at any time prior to the due date/time. You may continue to re- submit as many times as you wish until the due date/time. If you wish to re-submit after the due date/time, penalties will apply as per Curtin’s Assessment and Student Progression Manual.

Your work compilation fof ACCT 2002 Cost Analysis for Decision Make submission must be word-processed.

  1. For questions of ACCT 2002 Cost Analysis for Decision Make where there are no requirements to utilise Excel, using Excel is permissible, but the outcome must be transferred into a word- processed document (ie workings to be copied and pasted from Excel to Word, no Excel formulas required). The Word document must be submitted through Turn-it-in.
  2. Where a question specifically states that you must use Excel, then an Excel file must be submitted through the Excel submission point. Failure to submit an Excel file for a question requiring Excel will result in marks being deducted for Excel requirements.
  3. No handwritten work will be accepted. You must label each question clearly and you must not include the question verbatim into your submission document.
  4. Do not include any cover page(s) nor table of contents. Do not include the rubric as well.
  5. Use your student number, last name, first initial and question number as your file name for submission eg “12345678KeK_Q1.docx” or


ACCT 2002 Cost Analysis for Decision Make assessment is due on Wednesday, 24 May 2023 at 2359hrs WAST. There will be two submissions required as stated above: one for non-Excel questions and one for Excel questions. Both must be submitted through their respective submission point within the Work Compilation folder under the Assessments tab. The electronic files submitted must be readable. It is a student’s responsibility to ensure that assessments are complete and have been successfully uploaded in a readable format. You are advised to check that your file can be opened and that all sections are present and readable.

No hard copy of the work compilation will be accepted. Please do not email copies of your work to your tutor as these will not be accepted.

Please make sure that you keep a copy of the receipt from Turnitin as evidence of successful submission. Successful submissions will display a green success message once submitted and you will receive a receipt or notification of successful submission via email. If you do not receive this confirmation, your is not submitted. For Blackboard assessment submissions, you will get a success message at the top of the screen, an email confirming submission, and can see it listed as submitted in the ‘my grades’ tool. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that ACCT 2002 Cost Analysis for Decision Make assessments are successfully submitted. Late penalties will apply for post due date/time identification of unsuccessful submissions.

The work you submit must be your own. Any plagiarism from other students’ work, from ‘solutions’ circulating from prior years, from ‘solutions manuals’ or published material will result in significant penalties being imposed. The University policy on plagiarism and academic misconduct can be found on this webpage:

Extensions to the work compilation submission due date must be submitted online using the online form. Assessment extension applications must include supporting documentation as well as the in-progress assessment which must demonstrate progress relative to assessment requirements and due date. This is in keeping with

2.10 of the Extensions policy.

You are strongly advised to ensure work is backed up to a separate, retrievable location, as extensions are unlikely to be granted for last-minute computer failure.


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