Finance and Management

4LI019 Managing Events In Hospitality Businesses

07 May 2023 15:52 PM | UPDATED 1 year ago

4LI019 Managing Events In Hospitality Businesses :

4LI019 Managing Events In Hospitality Businesses
4LI019 Managing Events In Hospitality Businesses

Faculty of Arts, Business and Social Sciences – Assessment Brief for Students – 2022/23

Module code and title4LI019 Managing Events In Hospitality Businesses
Module leaderNatasha Mooruth
DietFirst sit Resit
Assessment typeReport
Submission dateFirst sit: To submit on the 19th May 2023, 2pm. Resit: To submit by 10th July 2023, 2pm
Submission methodCanvas submission to the 4LI019 topic by 2pm
Assessment limits3,000 words
Assessment weighting100%
Assessment brief (if appropriate, please refer to module assessment briefing document)
Task   Write an individual report of 3,000 words which analyses the following case study:       Case Study   You are the conferencing and events manager at a 5 star hotel. One of your top clients, a YouTube Fashion Vlogger, wants to hire your Conference Hall in your hotel to hold a meet and greet event, where the press will be invited. You have agreed on the date of Saturday 14th February at 7pm. The cost of hiring the Conference Hall which accommodates 150 people, is £2000 + VAT at 20%.       In the lead up to this event, the Vlogger decides that they want to change their branding (logo and slogan). However, the digital and traditional promotional materials have already been produced, at a cost of £1000 + VAT charged at 20%.       Additionally, the Vlogger has also changed the time and date of the event without checking with the venue first; it is now a month earlier than you had agreed, on Saturday 13th January at 1pm. The Vlogger has already promoted this new date and time on their social media channels. Your hotel has limited availability on this new date, with only the smaller banqueting hall available, which can accommodate 50 people. This costs £1,000 + VAT at 20%, but holds 100 people less.       The Vlogger wants the event to be in the Conference Hall, however this room is not available on this new date. Furthermore, the client who has already booked the Conference Hall has too many delegates to move it into the smaller banqueting hall, so this is not an option.   Event Budget is £25,000 for your YouTube fashion vlogger event   Your report should focus on answering the following questions:   1. Provide an overview of the event requested by the Vlogger, including designing an aim for the event and a set of SMART


  • What is the impact of the event being rescheduled on the following areas?
  • The Project Plan and timings for the Vlogger’s meet and greet event
  • The customer (delegate) experience
  • The budget
  • The client relationship and expectations
  • The morale of the hotel events team
  • What could be done to ensure that the Vlogger’s event goes ahead? In your report, provide a detailed plan, which assesses the feasibility of the rescheduled event, which can be put forward to your client (the Vlogger). It must include an itemised budget for the rescheduled event.

By completing the tasks detailed above, you will meet the requirements of the task and learning outcomes 1, 2 and 3.

You should apply and critique recognised and suitable concepts, theories and models to support your arguments. Furthermore, please ensure your report is fully cited throughout, and provide a full reference list, which is presented in line with Harvard conventions at the end of your report.

Guidance Notes

Suggested concepts, models and theories you could apply as part of your answer, these could include, but are not limited to:

  • The Event Cycle
  • Event Typologies
  • Fixed and variable costs
  • SMART Objectives

Price list for budgeting purposes

Conference Hall hire = £2000 + VAT charged at 20% Banqueting Hall hire = £1000 + VAT charged at 20%

Digital promotional materials = £1000 + VAT charged at 20%

Day delegate rate of £80pp x 150 delegates – this includes the following:

  • Buffet lunch
Assessment Criteria (The actual assessment components for this assignment)
CriteriaWeighting (If applicable)
Demonstrate an understanding of the role of events in a hospitality business by producing a detailed plan for a specific event50%
Produce a budget for a specific event in a hospitality business20%
Apply a range of suitable models, theories and concepts to the given case study scenario.20%
Demonstrate a wide range of reading, which you will reference in your report according to Harvard conventions, including citations and a reference list10%
Pass mark  Undergraduate                                                                                                                40%
Performance descriptors in use; University of Wolverhampton                                                                                          Yes x No •Professional or Statutory Body                                                                                       Yes •   No xModule specific                                                                                                               Yes •   No xOther (specify below) Yes • No x
Return of assessments (Instructions for return / collection of assessments)  Work will be marked and returned to students not more than four working weeks after the submission date.
 This assessment is testing Module Learning outcomesTick if tested here
LO1Demonstrate an understanding of the role of events in the context of a hospitality business.
LO2Understand the importance of formal financial planning through key document analysis.
LO3Apply key concepts, problem-solving and decision-making skills to a case study  scenario.

Additional information for students

The University’s Learning Information Services have produced a series of guides covering a range of topics to support your studies, and develop your academic skills including a guide to academic referencing

Your module guide and course handbook contain additional and important information regarding;

  • The required referencing style for your assignment.*

Whilst many modules require referencing in accordance with the Harvard Referencing convention, some modules – for example those within the School of Law – require Oxford Referencing. Please familiarise yourself with the requirements of your module.

  • Submission of your work
    • Marking, feedback and moderation in accordance with the University of Wolverhampton Assessment Handbook
    • Extensions on submission dates *
    • Additional support *
    • Academic conduct with regards to cheating, collusion or plagiarism *
    • Links to appropriate sources of relevant information *
  • Further information regarding these and other policies can be accessed through your student portal on

Always keep a copy of your work and a file of working papers

The requirement to keep a file of working papers is important. There may be circumstances where it is difficult to arrive at a mark for your work. If this is the case, you may be asked to submit your file and possibly meet with your tutor to answer questions on your submission.

When you submit your work you will be required to sign an important declaration confirming that:

  • The submission is your own work
    • Any material you have used has been acknowledged and appropriately referenced
    • You have not allowed another student to have access to your work
    • The work has not been submitted previously.

The following information is important when:

  • Preparing for your assignment
    • Checking your work before you submit it
    • Interpreting feedback on your work after marking.

Module Learning Outcomes

Module Learning Outcomes are specific to this module, and are set when the module was validated.

4LI019 Managing Events In Hospitality Businesses Assessment Criteria

The module Learning Outcomes tested by this assignment, and precise criteria against which your work will be marked are outlined in your assessment brief.

Performance Descriptors

Performance descriptors indicate how marks will be arrived at against each of the assessment criteria. The descriptors indicate the likely characteristics of work that is marked within the percentage bands indicated.

To help you further:

  • Re-sit opportunities are available for students who are unable to take the first sit opportunity, or who need to re take any component.
  • Refer to the VLE topic for contact details of your module leader / tutor, tutorial inputs, recommended reading and other sources, etc. Resit details will also appear on the VLE module topic.
  • The University’s Learning Information Services offer support and guidance to help you with your studies and develop your academic skills

Level Descriptors

The following table shows the SEEC (2016) level descriptors. These descriptors are aligned with the England, Wales and Northern Ireland (EWNI) Credit Level Descriptors, which are summarised in the first row.

Summary of Hospitality Businesses

 Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7Level 8
EWNI Summary credit level descriptorsApply knowledge and skills in a range of complex activities demonstrating comprehension of relevant theories; access and analyse information independently and make reasoned judgements, selecting from a considerable choice of procedures in familiar and unfamiliar contexts and direct own activities, with some responsibility for the output of others.Develop a rigorous approach to the acquisition of a broad knowledge base; employ a range of specialised skills; evaluate information, using it to plan and develop investigative strategies and to determine solutions to a variety of unpredictable problems; and operate in a range of varied and specific contexts, taking responsibility for the nature and quality of outputs.Generate ideas through the analysis of concepts at an abstract level with a command of specialised skills and the formulation of responses to well- defined and abstract problems; analyse and evaluate information; exercise significant judgement across a broad range of functions; and accept responsibility for determining and achieving personal and/or group outcomes.Critically review, consolidate and extend a systematic and coherent body of knowledge, utilising specialised skills across an area of study; critically evaluate concepts and evidence from a range of sources; transfer and apply diagnostic and creative skills and exercise significant judgement in a range of situations; and accept accountability for determining and achieving personal and/or group outcomes.Display mastery of a complex and specialised area of knowledge and skills, employing advanced skills to conduct research, or advanced technical or professional activity, accepting accountability for related decision- making, including use of supervision.Make a significant and original contribution to a specialised field of inquiry, demonstrating a command of methodological issues and engaging in critical dialogue with peers and accepting full accountability for outcomes.


 Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7Level 8
 Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7Level 8
Operational ContextOperates inOperates in a rangeOperates inOperates in complexOperates in complexOperates in complex
 predictable andof varied butsituations of varyingand unpredictableand unpredictableand unpredictable
 defined contexts thatpredictable contextscomplexity andcontexts, requiringand/or specialisedand/or specialised
 require the use ofthat require the usepredictabilityselection andcontexts, requiringcontexts at the
 given techniques andof a specified rangerequiring theapplication from aselection andforefront of
 information sources.of techniques andapplication of a widerange of largelyapplication from aknowledge.
  information sources.range of techniquesstandard techniqueswide range of 
   and informationand informationadvanced techniques 
   sources.sources.and information 
Autonomy andActs largely underActs with limitedActs with limitedActs with minimalActs with initiative inActs autonomously
responsibility fordirection orautonomy, undersupervision andsupervision ordecision-making andand with initiative,
actionssupervision, withindirection ordirection withindirection withinaccessing supportoften in a professional
 defined guidelines.supervision, withindefined guidelines,agreed guidelines,within professional orcapacity with
 Takes responsibilitydefined guidelines.acceptingtaking responsibilitygiven guidelines,responsibility for self
 for initiating andTakes responsibilityresponsibility forfor accessing supportaccepting fulland often others.
 completing tasks andfor the nature andachieving personaland acceptingaccountability for 
 procedures.quality of outputs.and/or groupaccountability foroutcomes. 
   outcomes and/ordetermining and  
   outputs.achieving personal  
    and/or group  

Knowledge and Understanding

 Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7Level 8
 Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7Level 8
Knowledge and understandingHas an understanding of defined areas of the knowledge base. Demonstrates an awareness of current areas of debate in the field of studyHas a broad understanding of the knowledge base and its terminology or discourse. Appreciates that areas of this knowledge base are open to ongoing debate and reformulation.Has detailed knowledge of well- established theories and concepts. Demonstrates an awareness of different ideas, contexts and frameworks and recognises those areas where the knowledge base is most/least secure.Has a systematic understanding of the knowledge base and its inter-relationship with other fields of study. Demonstrates current understanding of some specialist areas in depth.Has a deep and systematic understanding within a specialised field of study and its interrelationship with other relevant disciplines. Demonstrates an understanding of current theoretical and methodological approaches and how these affect the way the knowledge base is interpreted.Works with theoretical/research knowledge at the forefront of the discipline. Demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of techniques and methodologies applicable to the discipline.

Cognitive Skills

 Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7Level 8
Conceptualisation and critical thinkingRelates principles and concepts to underlying theoretical frameworks and approaches.Identifies principles and concepts underlying theoretical frameworks and approaches, identifying their strengths and weaknesses.Identifies, analyses and communicates principles and concepts, recognising competing perspectives.Works with ideas at a level of abstraction, arguing from competing perspectives. Identifies the possibility of new concepts within existing knowledge frameworks and approaches.Uses ideas at a high level of abstraction. Develops critical responses to existing theoretical discourses, methodologies or practices and suggests new concepts or approaches.Develops ideas at a high level of abstraction. Develops theoretical discourses, methodologies or practices, critically analysing their development and application.
 Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7Level 8
Problem solving, research and enquiryCarries out defined investigative strategies and communicates results effectively in a given format.Identifies a well- defined focus for enquiry, plans and undertakes investigative strategies using a limited and defined range of methods, collects data from a variety of sources, and communicates results effectively in an appropriate format.Undertakes research to provide new information and/or explores new or existing data to identify patterns and relationships. Uses appropriate theoretical models to judge the significance of the data collected, recognising the limitations of the enquiry.Demonstrates confidence and flexibility in identifying and defining complex problems. Identifies, selects and uses investigative strategies and techniques to undertake a critical analysis, evaluating the outcomes.Designs and undertakes substantial investigations to address significant areas of theory and/or practice. Selects appropriate advanced methodological approaches and critically evaluates their effectiveness.Acts independently and with originality in problem solving. Develops or adapts appropriate advanced methodological approaches and critically evaluates their effectiveness.
Synthesis and creativityCollects information to inform a choice of solutions to standard problems in familiar contexts.Collects information from a variety of authoritative sources to inform a choice of solutions to standard problems in familiar contexts.Collects and synthesises information to inform a choice of solutions to problems in unfamiliar contexts.Applies knowledge in unfamiliar contexts, synthesising ideas or information to generate novel solutions. Achieves a body of work or practice that is coherent and resolved.Flexibly and creatively applies knowledge in unfamiliar contexts, synthesises ideas or information in innovative ways, and generates transformative solutions.Synthesises and applies new approaches, in a manner that can contribute to the development of methodology or understanding in that discipline or practice.
 Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7Level 8
Analysis and evaluationAnalyses a range of information using pre-defined principles, frameworks or criteria.Judges the reliability of data and information using pre-defined techniques and/or criteria.Analyses a range of information, comparing alternative methods and techniques. Selects appropriate techniques/criteria for evaluation and discriminates between the relative relevance and significance of data/evidence collected.Analyses new, novel and/or abstract data using an appropriate range of established subject-specific techniques. Judges the reliability, validity and significance of evidence to support conclusions and/or recommendations. Suggests reasons for contradictory data/results.Undertakes analysis of complex, incomplete or contradictory evidence/data and judges the appropriateness of the enquiry methodologies used. Recognises and argues for alternative approaches.Undertakes independent analysis or evaluation, managing complexity, incompleteness of data or contradictions in areas of knowledge.

Performance and Practice

 Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7Level 8
Adaptation to contextUndertakes a given and clearly defined role.Locates own role in relation to specified and externally defined parameters.Identifies external expectations and adapts own performance accordingly.Identifies external expectations and adapts own performance accordingly.Autonomously adapts performance to multiple contexts.Autonomously adapts performance to contexts requiring professional outputs.
PerformanceUndertakes given performance tasks that may be complex.Undertakes performance tasks that may be complex and non-routine, engaging in self- reflection.Undertakes complex and non-routine performance tasks. Analyses performance of self and others and suggests improvements.Seeks and applies new techniques and processes to own performance and identifies how these might be evaluated.Autonomously implements and evaluates improvements to performance, drawing on innovative or sectoral best practice.Has technical mastery, performs smoothly with precision and effectiveness, can adapt or develop skills and procedures for new situations.
4LI019 Managing Events In Hospitality Businesses
 Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7Level 8
Team and organisational workingAdapts own behaviour to meet obligations to others.Works effectively with others and recognises the factors that affect team performance.Interacts effectively within a team, giving and receiving information and ideas and modifying responses where appropriate. Recognises and ameliorates situations likely to lead to conflict.Works effectively within a team, supports or is proactive in leadership, negotiates in a professional context and manages conflict. Proactively seeks to resolve conflict.Works effectively with multiple teams as leader or member. Clarifies tasks and make appropriate use of the capacities of team members, resolving likely conflict situations before they arise.Leads and/or works effectively with often multiple teams in multiple roles. Manages the capacities of members to achieve outcomes, handling conflict with confidence.
Ethical awareness and applicationHas an awareness of the ethical issues in the main areas of study.Demonstrates awareness of ethical issues and is able to discuss these in relation to personal beliefs and values.Is aware of personal responsibility and professional codes of conduct.Is aware of personal responsibility and professional codes of conduct and incorporates this into their practice.Incorporates a critical ethical dimension to their practice, managing the implications of ethical dilemmas. Works proactively with others to formulate solutions.Analyses and manages ethical dilemmas and works pro-actively with others to formulate and implement solutions.
4LI019 Managing Events In Hospitality Businesses

Personal and Enabling Skills

 Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7Level 8
Personal evaluation and developmentAssesses own capabilities against given criteria. Engages in guided development activity.Is aware of own capabilities in key areas and engages in development activity through guided self- direction.Assesses own capabilities using justifiable criteria set by self and others, taking the wider needs of the context into account. Uses feedback to adapt own actions to reach a desired aim and reviews impact.Takes responsibility for own learning and development using reflection and feedback to analyse own capabilities, appraises alternatives and plans and implements actions.Uses personal reflection to analyse self and own actions. Makes connections between known and unknown areas, to allow for adaptation and change.Reflects on own and others’ functioning in order to improve practice. Is independent and self-critical as a learner. Guides and supports the learning of others and manages own professional development.
4LI019 Managing Events In Hospitality Businesses
 Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7Level 8
Interpersonal andUses interpersonalUses interpersonalAdapts interpersonalSets criteria for, andIdentifies, evaluatesDisplays consultancy
communication skillsand communicationand communicationand communicationis effective in,and maintainsskills. Communicates
 skills to clarify tasksskills to clarify tasksskills to a range ofprofessional andcapabilities andcomplex or
 and communicateand identify andsituations, audiencesinterpersonalqualities to supportcontentious
 outcomes in narrowlyrectify issues in aand degrees ofcommunication in aeffectiveinformation clearly
 defined contexts.range of contexts.complexity.wide range ofcommunication in aand effectively to the
    situations.range of complex andtarget audience.
     specialised contexts. 
4LI019 Managing Events In Hospitality Businesses

University of Wolverhampton Mark Descriptors


Marking bandWork demonstrates:
90-100% Exceptionalexceptional originality and/or independent thought a breadth of knowledge and understanding beyond the taught material no errorsexceptional problem-solving and/or analytical and/or creativity skills
80-89% Outstandingoutstanding level of originality and/or independent thoughta breadth of knowledge and understanding beyond the taught materialvery few errorsoutstanding problem-solving and/or analytical and/or creativity skills
70-79% Excellentexcellent level of originality and/or independent thoughta breadth of knowledge and understanding beyond the taught materiala few minor errorsexcellent problem-solving and/or analytical and/or creativity skills
60-69% Very goodoriginality and independent thought in the way that material has been presentedvery good breadth of knowledge and understanding that aligns with the key concepts introduced by the taught materiala few minor errorsvery good problem-solving and/or analytical and/or creativity skills
50-59% Goodsome originality and evidence of independent thought in the way that material has been presentedgood breadth of knowledge and understanding that draws on key elements of the taught materialsclear presentation, but with a few errorsgood problem-solving and/or analytical and/or creativity skills
40-49% Sufficientbasic, possibly derivative, presentation of materialsufficient breadth of knowledge and understanding to address the assessment criteria / learning outcomes at a threshold levelsome errors in the worksufficient problem-solving and/or analytical and/or creativity skills
30-39% Insufficientpoor presentation of materialseveral errors in the workinsufficient breadth of knowledge and understanding that misses and/or misunderstands many elements of the taught materialssome assessment criteria / learning outcomes not met at the threshold level
0-29% Poorvery poor presentation of material for assessmentmultiple errors in the workpoor breadth of knowledge and understanding that fails to draw upon most elements of the taught materialsmajority, or all, assessment criteria / learning outcomes not met at the threshold level
4LI019 Managing Events In Hospitality Businesses


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