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4LI017 Concepts In International Hospitality

07 May 2023 16:02 PM | UPDATED 1 year ago

4LI017 Concepts In International Hospitality :

4LI017 Concepts In International Hospitality
4LI017 Concepts In International Hospitality


Faculty of Arts, Business and Social Sciences – Assessment Brief for Students – 2022 / 2023

Module code and title  4LI017 Concepts In International Hospitality
Module leader  Amanda Ross
DietFirst attempt  / Resit  
Assessment type  Essay – 3000 words
Submission date  First attempt: Submit by 14:00 hours on 12th May 2023 by 2pm   Second attempt: Submit by 14:00 hours on 14th July 2023 by 2pm
Submission method  Upload essay to Canvas course 4LI017 by 2pm
Assessment limits  3000 words, excluding reference list
Assessment weighting  100%
Assessment brief  (if appropriate, please refer to module assessment briefing document)  
  PESTLE analysis (political, economic/tourism, social, technological, legislative, environmental) describes a framework used to understand macro-environmental factors that hospitality managers need to take into consideration in the management of hospitality operations.     Assessment Question   You are required to include three out of the six PESTLE (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legislative, Environmental) factors as a framework to address the essay question:   “What are the current issues impacting upon the ability to deliver hospitality?”   For each PESTLE factor selected, you are required to identify at least two related concepts, for example for the Social element, you may wish to choose ‘Social Inclusion’ and ‘Eating Habits’ as your two concepts. For Environmental, you may wish to discuss ‘Sustainability’ and ‘Plastic Pollution’.   You must use examples from real hospitality business to illustrate your points and show how your chosen elements have impacted on specific businesses.   As a guide the following points might prove useful in shaping your essay:   Provide a brief introduction (approx. 300 words) to the topic under discussion (in relation to the title). Establish your chosen three PESTLE macro environmental Factors and related concepts e.g. social: social inclusion (remember that you will need to identify at least one concept per PESTLE element).   A discussion using the three chosen factors from the PESTLE framework to address the essay question “What are the current issues impacting upon the ability to deliver hospitality?”              Remember that you must underpin your points with academic ideas/theory, and also practical examples from hospitality businesses, based on research from appropriate news sources, for example, The Caterer, Big Hospitality, BBC News, The Guardian, and other credible sources of industry news.   Higher grades will draw from a number of relevant referenced sources to inform the discussion.                You should use one paragraph per PESTLE element – Approximately 800 words per paragraph.   Your conclusion (approx. 300 words) should draw out the major points made in the discussion, include referenced sources, and demonstrate how you have addressed the assessment question (aim). Work must be referenced according to Harvard Conventions – you are advised to visit the University study skills page for guidance:    
Assessment Criteria (The actual assessment components for this assignment)
CriteriaWeighting (If applicable)
hospitality management theories and concepts through appropriate construction of an academic essay.N/A
Pass mark             Undergraduate                                                                                                                        40%  
Performance descriptors in use;
Return of assessments (Instructions for return / collection of assessments)You will receive your feedback 4 weeks after hand in. If you require support in understanding your feedback, you may request a feedback tutorial with your tutor by emailing them directly to arrange.  
 This assessment is testing Module Learning outcomesTick if tested here
LO1Apply theories and concepts relating to the dynamic hospitality landscape, considering political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental dimensions to the management of hospitality operations
LO2Demonstrate understanding of the impacts of the external business environment on hospitality management through use of a range of examples related to specific hospitality businesses
LO3Demonstrate understanding and application of research skills and academic writing

Additional information for students

The University’s Learning Information Services have produced a series of guides covering a range of topics to support your studies, and develop your academic skills including a guide to academic referencing

Your module guide and course handbook contain additional and important information regarding;

Whilst many modules require referencing in accordance with the Harvard Referencing convention, some modules – for example those within the School of Law – require Oxford Referencing. Please familiarise yourself with the requirements of your module.

* Further information regarding these and other policies can be accessed through your student portal on

Always keep a copy of your work and a file of working papers

The requirement to keep a file of working papers is important.  There may be circumstances where it is difficult to arrive at a mark for your work. If this is the case, you may be asked to submit your file and possibly meet with your tutor to answer questions on your submission. 

When you submit your work you will be required to sign an important declaration confirming that:

The following information is important when:

Module Learning Outcomes

                      Module Learning Outcomes are specific to this module, and are set when the module was validated.

Assessment Criteria

The module Learning Outcomes tested by this assignment, and precise criteria against which your work will be marked are outlined in your assessment brief.

Performance Descriptors

Performance descriptors indicate how marks will be arrived at against each of the assessment criteria. The descriptors indicate the likely characteristics of work that is marked within the percentage bands indicated. 

To help you further:

FoSS Generic Assessment Performance Descriptors

Based on – University Performance Descriptors (updated September 2015)

Note that these are generic descriptors that apply mainly, though not exclusively, to written academic work. The relevant performance descriptors for the appropriate level (as below) should appear in the module guide.

Any further module-specific assessment criteria, such as number of words, should be clearly stated in the assignment brief.

The pass rate at levels 3 -6 = 40%

 Level 4
90-100%    Focused and comprehensive engagement with the question, showing evidence of in-depth understanding of the issues. Extremely clearly structured and demonstrating a coherent argument throughout. Evidence of wide, independent reading. No obvious errors in referencing or grammar or syntax as appropriate.
80-89%Detailed response to all relevant parts of the question with evidence of clear understanding of the issues. Well structured with evidence of independent reading supporting the argument. Very few errors in referencing or grammar or syntax as appropriate.
0-79%      Identification and very good understanding of issues in the assessment. Full answers to all questions/task. Very clear argument with relevant examples used to illustrate response. Clear evidence of reading outside the module list. Few errors in referencing or grammar or syntax as appropriate.
60-69%  Goodunderstanding of the issues. Engages directly with the question. Clear argument with good examples used to support it. All main points and important issues of the question/task covered. Some evidence of reading outside the module list Some small repeated errors in referencing or grammar or syntax as appropriate
50-59%      Generally sound understanding of basic concepts. Content relevant to the question/task. Competently deals with main issues. Reading based on main texts or materials, but not always fully utilised in supporting arguments. Some repeated errors in referencing or grammar or syntax as appropriate.
40-49% 40% Pass mark  Satisfactory evidence of understanding of basic concepts/issues and demonstration that the learning outcomes have been met. Content broadly relevant but with limited or little application of theory. Almost totally descriptive.
30-39% Compensatable FailSome learning outcomes and / or assessment criteria not met. Repetition of taught content with minimal attempt to focus on the given question or issue. Little evidence of structure. Evidence of sufficient grasp of learning outcomes to suggest that the student will be able to retrieve the module on resubmission.
20-29% FailNo learning outcomes fully met. Little evidence of attempts to engage with module materials.
10-19% FailLittle attempt to engage with assignment brief and has not met learning outcomes. Inadequate demonstration of knowledge or understanding of key concepts, theories or practice.
0-9% Fail    No real attempt to address the assignment brief or learning outcomes  
4LI017 Concepts In International Hospitality



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