
Understanding Structure In Food And Beverage

18 April 2023 11:17 AM | UPDATED 2 years ago

Understanding Structure In Food And Beverage :

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Understanding  Structure In Food And Beverage
Understanding Structure In Food And Beverage


AssessmentsWeightDueLearning Outcomes Assessed (LOA)Course Learning Outcomes (CLO)Graduate Attributes (GA)
1. In-Class Test: Applying Knowledge to Questions (open and closed)30%Week 3-11LO1 LO2 LO3 LO4 LO5CLO1 CLO9 CLO11GA1 GA4
2. Information Search and Compilation: Written Report Restaurant Proposal Group (2 Students)40%Week 11LO2 LO3 LO4 LO5CLO1 CLO2 CLO3 CLO4 CLO5 CLO6 CLO7 CLO8 CLO10GA1 GA4 GA9 GA10 GA11
3. Presentation to Class: Restaurant Proposal Group (2 Students)20%Weeks 11-12LO2 LO3 LO4 LO5CLO1 CLO2 CLO3 CLO5 CLO6 CLO7 CLO8GA1 GA4 GA9
4. Tutorial Participation: Students’ performance in class will be assessed and marks will be provided based on their participation in the class discussion.10%Throughout semesterLO1 LO2 LO3 LO4 LO5CLO1 CLO2 CLO3GA3 GA4 GA8


Assessment Task 1: In-class Test

Aim – to test understanding of structure and systems in food and beverage from lectures, tutorials and readings W3-11

(ULOs 1, 2,3,4,5)

Weighting -30%

Due Date – Week 3-11

Format – Close book questions

Duration – 30 minutes Online

AssessmentCompletion of a 5 multiple-choice and 5 short answers test in class
FormatStudents are required to undertake a classroom test which will be conducted during week 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11. The test consists of multiple-choice and short answers that addresses material from the readings, lecturers, and class tutorials for Weeks 1-11. The topics will be assessed for each test are only coving the topic prior to the test. e.g.: Week 3 test will only cover topics from week 1 to week 3. Week 5 test will only cover topics from week 4 to week 5.   To do this, students will attend class and complete the set of questions that will be given out on the day. Students will be given 60 minutes to complete the exam. The exam will consist of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions. In total, there will 5 test and each test will be worth 6% (6% X 5 = 30%).   After marking an assessment grade will be given.   This is a formative and summative assessment and serves as the first assessment of the learning that students are expected to achieve. This test aims to provide feedback to students to help them evaluate their progress in this unit. (ULOs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
CriteriaCorrect answers to the questions
Generic skills assessedInformation literacy

Assessment Task 2: Information Search and Compilation – Group Written Report

Aim – To research and create a report that clearly outlines the initial planning phase of food and beverage operations for a new venue.

Students are required to outline different aspects of food and beverage contents for a planned restaurant. The focus should be on the process and procedures best suited for the venue and the applications of food and beverage operations under controlled conditions.

Discuss your venue idea with your lecturer or tutor prior to commencing the report.

Students are required to compose a well-organised and well-structured report containing the topics outlined below.

  • A description of the venue concept
  • Detail overview of menu selection
  • Food purchasing, receiving and storage
  • Food production and service system
  • Recruitment and selection
  • Monitoring staff performance
  • Establishing work health and safety system
  • Managing quality

On completion students need to evaluate challenges related to overall venue project and make recommendations.

Students are required to use at least 5 references sources for the information cited. (ULOs 2,3,4,5)

Weighting – 40%

Due Date – Week 11

Group Size – Maximum of 2 students

Format – Report Writing

Assessment 2 – Group Written Report Rubric

CriteriaHigh Distinction 80% –Distinction 70%- 79%Credit 60-69%Pass 50-59%Fail 0-49%
Introduction 8%Introduction is logical, comprehensi ve and succinct. Background to restaurant proposition isIntroduction is logical, detailed, and succinct. Background to restaurant proposition is given with anIntroduction is logical, with some detail. Background to restaurant proposition is given with some level ofIntroduction is logical, but a little under- developed Background to restaurant proposition is also lacking inThere is insufficient work to demonstrate the required level of understandin g.
 given with a good level of details and appropriate references.adequate level of details and appropriate referencesdetails and appropriate referencesdetail with mostly appropriate referencesIntroduction is lacking structure and coherence.
Specific, organised information about restaurant 8%Detailed comprehensi ve and well organised information are provided on all categories (as listed in assessment details). Appropriate references are used and referenced.Detailed specific and organised information are provided on all categories (as listed in assessment details). Appropriate references are used and referenced.Reasonably detailed specific and organised information are provided on most categories (as listed in assessment details). Appropriate references are used and referenced.Adequate specific and organised information are provided on some categories (as listed in assessment details). Mostly appropriate references are used and referenced.Poor coverage of specific and organised information. Insufficient or poorly referenced sources are used.
Challenges and recommendat ions 8%Comprehensi ve and appropriately referenced section on major challenges associated with trends. Excellent recommenda tion on addressing challenges are made based on readings and critical thought.Detailed and appropriately referenced section on major challenges associated with trends. Some very good recommendat ions on addressing challenges are made based on readings and critical thought.Reasonably detailed and mostly well referenced section on major challenges associated with trends. Good recommendat ions on addressing challenges are made based on readings and critical thought.Adequate and mostly well referenced section on major challenges associated with trends. Some basic recommendat ions on addressing challenges are made based on readings and critical thoughtPoor coverage of section on major challenges associated with trends. No recommendat ions made, no references or critical thought
Report writing and referencing 8%Highly structured and well written, highly developed. Appropriatel y referenced report.Well- structured and well written, well- developed. Appropriately referenced report.Structured, reasonably well- developed and well- written. Adequately referenced report.Adequately structured, and well- developed and well- written. Adequately referenced report.Poor coverage and writing and insufficiently developed and structured report. Poorly referenced.
Reference citations and reference listWide range of contemporarGood range of contemporary referencesFair range of contemporary referencesLimited range of contemporaryInadequate or very limited references
Understanding Structure In Food And Beverage
8%y references and sources cited appropriatelyand sources cited appropriatelyand sources mostly cited appropriatelyreferences, some errors of citationand poor citation
Understanding Structure In Food And Beverage

Assessment Task 3: Group Presentation

Aim – To present a viable food and beverage business concept and explain the issues and challenges of planning for and opening a food and beverage venue.

In this part of the assessment, you are required to effectively communicate the key aspects of food and beverage venue. Students are required to summarise the main information covered in the report section of the assessment

The presentation must summarise the concept and analysis topics from your report. Please include graphs, tables, infographics, and visuals in your presentation.


Weighting – 20%

Due Date – Weeks 11 and 12

Group Size: Maximum of 2 students

Format – 15-minute presentation to class

Assessment 3 – Group Presentation Rubric

CriteriaHigh Distinction 80% –Distinction 70%- 79%Credit 60-69%Pass 50-59%Fail 0-49%
Use of technology and audio/visual aids 4%Very competent use of technology. Visual information is uncluttered and reinforces, compliments and assists clarificationCompetent use of technology. Visual information is uncluttered and reinforces, compliments and assists clarification of presentation contentGenerally competent use of technology. Visual information is generally uncluttered and reinforces, compliments and assists clarificationSome evidence of unpreparedne ss/ unfamiliarity with technology. Generally adequate use of visual information; some PowerPointClear evidence of unpreparedne ss/ unfamiliarity with technology. Most PowerPoint slides/visuals are cluttered/poor ly created and
Understanding Structure In Food And Beverage
 of presentation content throughout.throughout.of presentation content.slides/visuals are cluttered/not explained and, therefore, do not reinforce, compliment or assist clarification of presentation content/ or not explained and, therefore, do not reinforce, compliment or assist clarification of presentation content.
Organization 4%Organization of ideas is very well designed to maintain audience interest. The flow of ideas is seamless.Organization of ideas is well designed to maintain audience interest. The flow of ideas is seamless.Organization of ideas is generally appropriatel y designed to maintain audience interest. The flow of ideas is generally smooth.Organization of ideas is adequately designed Inconsistencie s in the flow of ideas do not detract significantly from the overall coherence of the ideas presented.Illogical organization of ideas, which either obscures the meaning or detracts significantly from the clarity/relevan ce of the ideas presented.
Presentation Characteristics 4% Clear voice Little reading Audience engagement EnthusiasmHigh level of fulfilling all criteria Clear voice Little reading Audience engagement EnthusiasmCompetent level of fulfilling all criteria Clear voice Little reading Audience engagement EnthusiasmGood level of fulfilling all or most criteria Clear voice Little reading Audience engagement EnthusiasmAdequate level of fulfilling all or most criteria Clear voice Little reading Audience engagement EnthusiasmLow level across 2 or more criteria Clear voice Little reading Audience engagement Enthusiasm
Introduction 4% engages the audience and -introduces speakers -outlines the main aim/ definition of key terms and provides the overallHighly engaging introduction clearly gains audience attention, establishes excellent rapport and stimulates enthusiastic audienceAdequately engaging introduction, gains audience attention, establishes rapport and generally stimulates audience interest.Engaging introduction generally gains audience attention, establishes rapport and stimulates audience interest.Adequate introduction, gains some audience attention, stimulates some audience interestGenerally, fails to gain audience attention, establish rapport or stimulates interest.
organization of main ideasinterest    
Discussion develops 4% main theme/ provides supporting evidence and illustrative examples. Informs/ interests the audience.Present insightful and comprehensi ve description and supporting evidence of: Concept Developme ntMenu SelectionFood purchasing, receiving and storageFood production and service systemManaging physical assetsMonitoring staff performan ceEstablishin g work health and safety systemManaging qualityPresent detailed description and supporting evidence of: Concept Developme ntMenu SelectionFood purchasing, receiving and storageFood production and service systemManaging physical assetsMonitoring staff performan ceEstablishin g work health and safety systemManaging qualityPresent description with good level of detail and supporting evidence of Concept Developme ntMenu SelectionFood purchasing, receiving and storageFood production and service systemManaging physical assetsMonitoring staff performan ceEstablishin g work health and safety systemManaging qualityPresent description with some detail and supporting evidence of: Concept Developmen tMenu SelectionFood purchasing, receiving and storageFood production and service systemManaging physical assetsMonitoring staff performanceEstablishing work health and safety systemManaging qualityNone or insufficient description and supporting evidence of Concept Developmen tMenu SelectionFood purchasing, receiving and storageFood production and service systemManaging physical assetsMonitoring staff performanceEstablishing work health and safety systemManaging quality

Assessment 4: Tutorial Participation & Activities (10%)

Students will be expected to

  • Contribute to whole class and group discussions
  • Demonstrate preparation and skills in leading discussions
  • Show facilitating skills by asking questions and responding to peers’ contributions: in small group

discussions or debate

CriteriaAreas to be coveredWeight
Outstanding participationContributing to whole class discussionsIllustrating high quality of the contributions: to readings, materials, assessing the key issues, analysing problemsDemonstrating high level of preparation and skills in leading discussionsHigh level of facilitating skills and responding to peers’ contributions: in small group discussions or debate Leading group discussions10
Good participationContributing to good class discussionsIllustrating good quality of the contributions: to readings, materials, assessing the key issues, analysing problemsDemonstrating good preparation and skills in leading discussionsDemonstrate facilitating skills and responding to peers’ contributions: in small group discussions or debate Illustrating some leading group discussions7
Satisfactory participationContributing to whole class discussions at timesIllustrating some quality of the contributions: to readings, materials, assessing the key issues, analysing problemsDemonstrating some level of preparation and skills in leading discussionsDemonstrating some level of facilitating skills and responding to peers’ contributions: in small group discussions or debateIllustrating effort in leading group discussions5
Poor participationContributing to whole class discussions is absentIllustrating minimal quality of the contributions: to readings, materials, assessing the key issues, analysing problemsDemonstrating minimal level of preparation and skills in leading discussionsDemonstrating minimal level of facilitating skills and lacking responds to peers’ contributions: in small group discussions or debateIllustrating minimal effort in leading group discussions0


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