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Social Media For Professional Communication

21 April 2023 13:13 PM | UPDATED 1 year ago

Social Media For Professional Communication :

Social Media For Professional Communication
Social Media For Professional Communication

Assessment 3

Assessment type: Individual assessment – Design and discussion – 1000 words (+/- 10%)

Value: 35%     Due: Sunday 15 January 2023 (Week 9) by 5pm – upload to Turnitin

Purpose: Using a social media platform to design and develop an engaging multimodal text which persuades readers to act. Support with discussion which outlines the benefits of social media as an effective communication tool and justify reasons for language and design choices of the text in terms of its audience and intended purpose. This assessment relates to a, b and c learning outcomes.

Topic: Social Media for Professional Communication – using multimodal texts for persuasive effect

Task details: 

You are to use the social media platform, LinkedIn, to put forward a creative idea which persuades students to attend an ‘English Club’ to develop their communication skills at university.

Design a professional LinkedIn profile page, using your details, that presents yourself positively and professionally. As a discussion post, outline the purpose of the ‘English Club’, details of the event and who it is aimed towards, and adapt your language to suit the text’s function and the intended audience. Outline any images, video links, sound recording you would use and justify your design ideas.

Structure and language: (use the following sections as headings/sub-headings)

KOI cover page

Introduction: Outline the purpose of the task and the intended audience

Social media in educational practices: Provide a discussion which outlines the benefits of social media in educational settings. Consider one issue of using social media but recommend how this could be addressed. Support your discussion with relevant, recent research and include references.


  1. LinkedIn profile: Use the template provided in week X to draft your Linked in profile page.
  • Discussion Post: Grab the attention of the intended reader and outline details of the ‘English Club’ event including dates/times and who can attend. Use persuasive language to encourage them to attend the event and interactive elements for them to actively engage with your post

Ensure the language, images and any other visual/sound elements are appropriate to the context, purpose, and audience.

Conclusion: Outline key persuasive elements of your design and justify why they are appropriate for the intended purpose and audience

Format:   Double spaced text, right and left justified. Double, double spaced between paragraphs and references where appropriate. Use subheadings as required

Referencing:   Provide at least two references to academic sources. Using the Harvard referencing style ensuring the References are in alphabetical order by the Authors surname. References are not included in the word count. It is essential that you use the Harvard style for citing and referencing.

Support: Ensure that you view all resources relating to this assessment including sample assessments and the ‘How to do Assessment 3’ video which can be found in the ‘assessments’ section on the BUS100 Moodle page

The Learning Support Centre It is highly recommended that you visit and consult the [email protected] for their advice before submitting your Assessment.

Academic Integrity All students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own and is appropriately referenced and academically written according to the Harvard guidelines


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