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SITXWHS006 Workplace Safety Plan

27 April 2023 14:03 PM | UPDATED 1 year ago

SITXWHS006 Workplace Safety Plan :

SITXWHS006  Workplace Safety Plan
SITXWHS006 Workplace Safety Plan

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Workplace Health and Safety Plan


The purpose of this WHS Plan is to ensure that a risk based approach is used to identify and prioritise their hazards tasks and plan actions to reduce the risk of injury or illness associated with those hazards or hazardous tasks. This includes risk assessment and control.

Roles and responsibilities

Event Managers are responsible for providing events that is, as far as reasonably practicable, safe and healthy for staff, contractors, participants and others.

Workers must take reasonable care for their own health and safety while they are at work and take reasonable care that their acts or omissions do not adversely affect the health and safety of other persons.

Identification of hazards and risks

Hazard and risk assessment is to be undertaken as follows:

Review available information relevant to

Identify all hazards and populate the Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment in the Work Health and Safety Plan.

Discuss the completed checklist with staff during a meeting.

File the completed Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment.

Add to the Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment following visit to the event site.

All subsequent event planning will use this completed checklist and take it out to event sites for addition to as required.


That events are conducted safely and there are no incidents.

Risk assessment

Risk analysis involves considering the causes and sources of risks and comprises three factors:  consequence, likelihood and risk.

ConsequenceWhat would be the outcome of the event occurring? How severe would the outcome be?
LikelihoodWhat is the chance of the event/consequence happening? Has the event/consequence happened before? Is it likely to happen again?
Risk levelThe combined result of likelihood and consequence

Analyse the level of risk by using a table to identify the severity or insignificance of the consequence:

Almost certainMHHVHVH

Evaluate how soon you should act to remove or control the hazard to achieve an ‘acceptable’ level of risk. Any task with a very high level of risk level is unacceptable.

Risk levelAction
Very highThe proposed task or process activity must not proceed. Steps must be taken to lower the risk level to as low as reasonably practicable using the hierarchy of controls.
HighThe proposed task or process activity can only proceed, provided that:
MediumThe proposed task or process can proceed, provided that:
LowManaged by local documented routine procedures, which must include application of the hierarchy of controls.

Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment

Description of Event (include a detailed description of the event including who it is aimed at, the format of the day and where it will be held, as well as approximately how many event staff and participants there will be) 

List at least 10 hazards. List at least 10 hazards. The hazards you list must include at least one actual or foreseeable hazard from the following list:

  • Physical environment
  • Plant
  • Work practice
  • Security issue

Describe each one and include the risk rating and a suggested risk control. Identify who is responsible. Ensure the risk rating is scored as per the risk legend included with this plan.

Hazards (Actual or Foreseeable)Description of the hazard (include enough information and examples to show that this hazard has the level of risk you are assigning)Risk RatingRisk ControlsResponsible
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