Finance and Management

SITXCOM010 Manage Conflict Assessment

16 April 2023 10:11 AM | UPDATED 1 year ago

SITXCOM010 Manage Conflict Assessment :

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SITXCOM010 Manage Conflict Assessment
SITXCOM010 Manage Conflict Assessment
Student ID:      ……………………………………………………………………………………Name:              ………………………………………………………………………………  


Introduction  3

Assessment for this unit 3

Student assessment agreement 4

Task 1 Cover Sheet 5

Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions  6

Information for students  6

Questions  7

Assessment Task 1: Checklist 14

Task 1 Cover Sheet 15

Assessment Task 2: Practical task – Role plays  16

Information for students  16

Activities  17

Assessment Task 2: Checklist 30

Final results record  34


Welcome to the Student Assessment Tasks for SITXCOM010 Manage conflict. These tasks have been designed to help you demonstrate the skills and knowledge that you have learnt during your course.

Please ensure that you read the instructions provided with these tasks carefully. You should also follow the advice provided in the Hospitality Works Student User Guide. The Student User Guide provides important information for you relating to completing assessment successfully.

Assessment for this unit

For you to be assessed as competent, you must successfully complete two assessment tasks:

Student assessment agreement

Make sure you read through the assessments in your student assessment booklet before you fill out and sign the agreement below.

If there is anything that you are unsure of, consult your assessor prior to signing this agreement.

Have you read the assessment requirements for this unit?☒ Yes☐ No
Do you understand the requirements of the assessments for this unit?☒ Yes☐ No
Do you agree to the way in which you are being assessed☒ Yes☐ No
Do you have any specific needs that should be considered☒ Yes☐ No
If so, explain these in the space below.  
Do you understand your rights to reassessment?☒ Yes☐ No
Do you understand your right to appeal the decisions made in an assessment?☐ Yes☒ No
Student name 
Student ID number 
Student signature 
Assessor nameNoreen Altaf
Assessor signature 

Task 1 Cover Sheet

Student declaration

To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses.

☒  I declare that this task is all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student(s).

☒ I understand that if I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me according to the process explained to me.

☒ I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

Student name 
Student ID number 
Unit code and titleSITXCOM010 – Manage Conflict
Student signature 

Assessor declaration

☒ I hereby certify that this student has been assessed by me and that the assessment has been carried out according to the required assessment procedures.

Assessor nameNoreen Altaf
Assessor signature 
Assessment outcomeSNSDNSResubmissionYN


Student result response

☒ My performance in this assessment task has been discussed and explained to me.

Student signature 

A copy of this page must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.

Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions

Information for students

Knowledge questions are designed to help you demonstrate the knowledge which you have acquired during the learning phase of this unit. Ensure that you:

  • review the advice to students regarding answering knowledge questions in the Hospitality Works Student User Guide
  • comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide
  • adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines
  • answer all questions completely and correctly
  • submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced
  • submit a completed cover sheet with your work
  • avoid sharing your answers with other students.
Speech Bubble: Rectangle: iAssessment information
Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix A of the Hospitality Works Student User Guide.Refer to the appendix for information on: where this task should be completedthe maximum time allowed for completing this assessment taskwhether or not this task is open-book. Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A template is provided in Appendix B of the Student User Guide. However, if your RTO has provided you with an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that.


Provide answers to all of the questions below.

  1. Identify three common warning signs of conflict.


  • Describe, in your own words, the five stages of conflict.
Latent stage 
Perceived stage 
Felt stage 
Manifest stage 
Aftermath stage 
  • List the four recognised levels of conflict.


  • Identify three factors that can lead to conflict in a hospitality environment.


  • Describe what conflict theory says about the results that come from dealing with conflict.


  • Explain how the use of each of the following communication strategies can be effective in conflict situations.
Active listening 
Non-verbal communication 
Style of language 
Questioning techniques 
Communicating in a culturally competent manner 
  • Describe how the following conflict resolution techniques can be used for effective conflict resolution:
Use of appropriate communication 
Acknowledging the views of all involved parties and providing them with opportunities to express them 
Responding to all involved parties in a sensitive, courteous, respectful, and discreet manner 
Minimising the impact of conflict on other colleagues and customers 
  • Identify four pieces of information you would expect to find in an organisation’s policies and procedures for complaints, conflicts, and dispute resolution.


  • For each person/group below, identify one scenario where they may be required to assist in managing conflict.
Internal security staff 
Other staff 
Senior staff 
  1. List three common conflict situations that can occur in a workplace and their typical causes.
Conflict situationsTypical cause

Assessment Task 1: Checklist

Student’s name: 
Did the student provide a sufficient and clear answer that addresses the suggested answer for the following?Completed successfully?Comments
Question 1 
Question 2 
Question 3 
Question 4 
Question 5 
Question 6 
Question 7 
Question 8 
Question 9 
Question 10 
Task outcome:☐ Satisfactory☐ Not satisfactory
Assessor signature: 
Assessor name:Noreen Altaf

Task 1 Cover Sheet

Student declaration

To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses.

☐ I declare that this task is all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student(s).

☒ I understand that if I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me according to the process explained to me.

☒ I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

Student name 
Student ID number 
Unit code and titleSITXCOM010  – Manage Conflict
Student signature 

Assessor declaration

  • I hereby certify that this student has been assessed by me and that the assessment has been carried out according to the required assessment procedures.
Assessor nameNoreen Altaf
Assessor signature 
Assessment outcomeSNSDNSResubmissionYN


Student result response

☐ My performance in this assessment task has been discussed and explained to me.

  • I would like to appeal this assessment decision.
Student signature 

A copy of this page must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.

Assessment Task 2: Practical task – Role plays

Information for students

Tasks required for this unit This unit of competency requires that you:
Instructions for how you will complete these requirements are included below.


Complete the following activities.

Carefully read the following information.

AtomSuccessful completion of this unit requires that you can resolve complex or escalated complaints and disputes with internal and external customers and colleagues. You will need to participate in a number of role plays to demonstrate your skills and knowledge. Below is a guide to the skills and knowledge you must demonstrate when you are completing each activity step. We have provided a number of documents to assist you and you will find these in the student resources including: your learning resources and other information for reference your Complaints Policy and Proceduresyour Conflict Resolution Policy and Proceduresyour Customer Service Policy and Proceduresyour Complaints Register templateyour Incident Report template. You will be required to complete three role plays that require you to take action to resolve escalated complaints or disputes with customers or staff members. What do I need to demonstrate? During your practical assessments, you will be required to demonstrate a range of the skills and knowledge that you have developed during your course. These include: Identify conflict situations by:identifying potential for conflict and take action to prevent escalationidentifying situations where personal safety of customers or colleagues may be threatened and organise appropriate assistanceidentifying and use resources to assist in managing conflict.Resolve conflict by:establishing and agreeing on the nature and details of conflict with all parties and assess impactmanaging conflict within scope of own role and responsibilitiesmanaging conflict following organisational procedurestaking responsibility for seeking a solution to conflict within scope of own role and responsibilitiesseeking assistance where requiredidentifying and evaluating the impact of conflict on business reputation and legal liabilityevaluating options to resolve the conflict, within organisational policies and constraints.implementing the best solution and complete required reports.Evaluate conflict resolution by:communicating with parties involved to seek and provide feedback on conflict and its resolutionevaluating and reflecting on the conflict and effectiveness of the solutiondetermining possible causes of workplace conflict and provide input for workplace enhancement and improvements. How will I provide evidence? Your assessor will observe you throughout each role play. In most cases they will be participating in the role play as a customer or colleague. They will complete a checklist to record their observations. You will also need to complete and submit; a completed Incident Report a completed Complaints Register.

  1. 1.      Role play: 1
Chat  Read the scenario. You are working as the supervisor of the Bridge Hotel. It’s Mother’s Day and the kitchen has been under pressure since the early breakfast service. As part of the Bridge Hotel’s Mother’s Day promotion, the kitchen has been providing take away service for families who prefer to stay at home and celebrate. Customers who purchase take away can order from an ‘abbreviated’ menu (meaning they do not have access to the full range of menu items as in-house diners) and the Bridge Hotel will have delivery drivers send out the meals. The busy lunch service is almost over, and you are just about ready to breathe a sigh of relief. One of the wait staff approaches you and hands you the phone. The customer on the other end of the line is not happy and this is the second time they have called today. They have asked to speak to the manager as no one else is able to help them. Additional information about the role-play: Role plays 1 The main reason for the customer call is because he ordered the delivery service for his family, which consists of his wife, two young children and his mother-in-law. The customer was informed by the person who took your order (over the phone) that the wait would be approximately 30 minutes. After 50 minutes the customer decided to call and chase up your order. He was told that it had been dispatched and was en route, due to arrive within the next five minutes based on your location. The order did arrive, but a further 15 minutes later. To add insult to injury, the order was incorrect. The kid’s menu items he ordered for his children were not provided and the meals were cold. You are not aware that at first the customer tried to place a restaurant booking online in advance and it was cancelled due to someone double booking the table. The customer was keen to give the Bridge Hotel another chance and have not had any poor service previously, but his wife and mother-in-law were not happy about the cancelled booking, and they are very upset about the poor service in relation to their lunch delivery. As the customer, is frustrated and flustered and has a disappointed family members to deal with. The customer is not happy with the resolution put forth by the you initially, but then become more understanding and choose an appropriate outcome. However, feels that the business should look at their booking system and staff training and determine why double bookings are happening.   The role play will begin at this stage. During this role play you must:
Person eatingAt the end of the role play, you will need to complete the Complaints Register and document your ideas for improvement.
Open envelopeYou will also need to write an email to the customer and ask them to provide you with feedback about the outcome. Ensure that this is written clearly, respectfully, and professionally.

Role Play Script:


Email to the customer:

ChatTo ensure realism, you will not be provided with any background information about this conflict situation. Your assessor will tell you where you need to stand at the beginning of the role play. You are then to respond to the situation as it unfolds. The scenario revolves around a wrong order served to the customer, your role in this scenario is of a supervisor. This role play reflects a scenario in which staff member inattention and lack of competence leads to a customer’s special dietary request not being respected. You are at the Bridge Hotel for dinner. More information about the scenario: The staff involved in this conflict is relatively new to the Bridge Hotel; it is their second week on the job, who has been hired for work through the reference of a couple of friends work in the kitchen. The staff tried taking the order, but the customer kept changing their mind. They asked several questions about the menu items because they have a couple of special dietary requirements, as they have a condition which is linked to a dietary requirement that could led to anaphylaxis or an illness of some type) Once the order was made the new staff took it to the kitchen. Later the staff served the food to the customer and walks away. The scenario should start with the customer and the staff member in a heated discussion. You are across the room from this situation and come over to find out what is wrong. The customer, tells you the following: The wait staff to retaliates to these statements questioning their customer service skills, the wait staff claims the following: As a supervisor you need to show that they can avoid the situation from escalating and requesting the new employee to let them handle it. During this role play you must:
Person eatingAt the end of the role play, you will need to complete the Complaints Register and document your ideas for improvement.
Open envelopeYou will also need to write an email to the wait person involved that does the following:

Role Play Script:


Email to the customer:

ChatThis role play is linked to Role play 2 and occurs the next day. The same staff from the night before are coming in to start their shift. Your assessor will provide you with some guidance about where you are to begin the role play. This role play occurs the day after the incident with the customer with special dietary requests. There has been a fight after that service (out of work hours) between the wait person and the kitchen hand (their friend). The kitchen hand has an unknown drug problem, which they have managed to keep undetected (until now). The waitstaff has threatened the kitchen hand to tell the supervisor (the student) that the kitchen hand takes drugs and perhaps the mix up was because they were not paying attention. The kitchen hand, distressed at the thought of losing job and angry at their friend for intending to snitch on him for using drugs and coming to work drug affected. Besides the kitchen hand there are a couple of other people who may suffer the consequence if you report the kitchen hand to the duty supervisor. The kitchen hand has now become more aggressive towards the waitstaff, he gets into the wait person’s personal space and threatens to harm. The kitchen hand knocks over a chair, In agitation, he say; that he will punch the wait staff if he even threatens to report him to the management. This situation soon becomes violent and leads to physical confrontation.   The end of the scenario should involve the Supervisor (You) calling for venue security to remove the kitchen hand, as per Bridge Hotel’s procedures. The role play can then be stopped.   Refer to the assessment checklist for guidance with marking. During this role play you must: Note that this role play will include some aggressiveness from a Bridge Hotel staff member who is under the influence of drugs. Speak to your assessor before if you are concerned or feel uncomfortable about this scenario.
 At the end of the role play, you will need to complete an incident report that clearly details the situation that occurred. Use the Incident Report template to do this

Role Play Script:


Complete the incident report form to record the incident that occurred in the role play.

Bridge Hotel

This form is to be completed in the event of an incident or emergency.

Details of incident
Date:/       /Time: Location: 
Name of person/s involved in incident: 
Location of incident: 
Provide details of the incident.
Describe any injuries.
Outline actions taken as applicable.
Describe hazards that may have contributed to or caused the injury.
Other notes and comments.
Signature of person completing report: 
Print name: Date:/       /
ChatMeet with your assessor once all role plays are complete. This is an opportunity to reflect on your performance and how you felt you resolved the situations. You will also discuss the impacts of each situation and how this could have negatively affected the business had it not been resolved. Discuss any improvements you would make to your own performance and whether you feel that the solution was the most effective, based on the circumstances. Discuss the causes of the conflicts that occurred and what you would do to make sure these do not happen again. You can refer to your Complaint Register for this part of the discussion.
Date of complaintComplainant namePerson responsibleDescription of complaintCauseResolutionSystemic improvement required
DocumentEnsure that all your pieces of documentation are clear and complete. Submit:
Open envelopeSend or submit the completed documentstoyour assessor.

Assessment Task 2: Checklist

Has the following been completed?Completed successfully?Comments
Role play 1:
The student has satisfactorily identified potential for conflict. 
The student has satisfactorily taken swift and tactful action to prevent escalation. 
The student has satisfactorily identified and used relevant resources to assist in managing conflict. 
The student has satisfactorily established and agreed on the nature and details of conflict. 
The student has satisfactorily determined impact of conflict. 
The student has satisfactorily managed conflict and taken responsibility to seek a solution within scope of own role and responsibilities as per Complaints Policy and Procedures and Customer Service Policy and Procedures. 
The student has satisfactorily evaluated options to resolve the conflict, taking into account organisational policies and constraints, and implemented best solution. 
The student has satisfactorily completed required reports. 
The student has satisfactorily sought feedback from the customer about the outcome. 
The student has satisfactorily reflected on the conflict, their handling of the situation and the solution they decided upon. 
The student has satisfactorily identified the causes of the conflict and identified workplace enhancements and/or improvements. 
The student has satisfactorily demonstrated effective communication skills during the role play. 
Role play 2:
The student has satisfactorily identified potential for conflict. 
The student has satisfactorily taken swift and tactful action to prevent escalation. 
The student has satisfactorily identified and used relevant resources to assist in managing conflict. 
The student has satisfactorily established and agreed on the nature and details of conflict. 
The student has satisfactorily determined impact of conflict. 
The student has satisfactorily managed conflict and taken responsibility to seek a solution within scope of own role and responsibilities as per Complaints Policy and Procedures and Customer Service Policy and Procedures. 
The student has satisfactorily evaluated options to resolve the conflict, taking into account organisational policies and constraints, and implemented best solution. 
The student has satisfactorily completed required reports. 
The student has satisfactorily sought feedback from the customer about the outcome. 
The student has satisfactorily reflected on the conflict, their handling of the situation and the solution they decided upon. 
The student has satisfactorily identified the causes of the conflict and identified workplace enhancements and/or improvements. 
The student has satisfactorily demonstrated effective communication skills during the role play. 
Role play 3
The student has satisfactorily identified potential for conflict. 
The student has satisfactorily taken swift and tactful action to prevent escalation. 
The student has satisfactorily identified and used relevant resources to assist in managing conflict. 
The student has satisfactorily established and agreed on the nature and details of conflict. 
The student has satisfactorily determined impact of conflict. 
The student has satisfactorily managed conflict and taken responsibility to seek a solution within scope of own role and responsibilities as per Complaints Policy and Procedures and Customer Service Policy and Procedures. 
The student has satisfactorily evaluated options to resolve the conflict, taking into account organisational policies and constraints, and implemented best solution. 
The student has satisfactorily completed required reports. 
The student has satisfactorily participated in a debrief (if required) and followed up on actions required. 
The student has satisfactorily reflected on the conflict, their handling of the situation and the solution they decided upon. 
The student has satisfactorily identified the causes of the conflict and identified workplace enhancements and/or improvements. 
The student has satisfactorily demonstrated effective communication skills during the role play. 
Task outcome:☐ Satisfactory☐ Not satisfactory 
Assessor signature:  
Assessor name:Noreen Altaf 

Final results record

Student name: 
Assessor name:Noreen Altaf
Unit name:SITXCOM010- Manage conflict
Qualification name:SIT40521 – Certificate IV Kitchen Management

Final assessment results

SatisfactoryUnsatisfactoryDid not submit
Assessment Task 1Knowledge Questions☐ S☐ U☐ DNS
Assessment Task 2Practice Task – Role Plays☐ S☐ U☐ DNS
Overall unit results☐ C☐ NYC 


☒My performance in this unit has been discussed and explained to me.

Student signature: ___________________________________________   Date: _________________

☒I hereby certify that this student has been assessed by me and that the assessment has been carried out according to the required assessment procedures.

Assessor signature:   _________________________________________   Date:  _________________


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