Civil Engineering

RIICWD601E Manage Civil Works Design

17 April 2023 07:48 AM | UPDATED 2 years ago

RIICWD601E Manage Civil Works Design :

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RIICWD601E  Manage Civil Works Design
RIICWD601E Manage Civil Works Design
Assessment Details
Qualification Code/Title 
Assessment TypeTask 1Time allowed 
Due Date Location Term / Year 
Unit of Competency
National Code/TitleRIICWD601E Manage civil works design processes
Student Details
Student Name Student ID 
Student Declaration:  I declare that the work submitted is my own and has not been copied or plagiarized from any person or source.Signature: ____________________ Date:         _____/_/_________
Assessor Details
Assessor’s Name 
Feedback to student:  
*If Student is Not Satisfactory Reassessment Required              ☐   Yes         ☐    No  Assessor Declaration:  I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback. Signature:    ________________________ Date:    ______/_______/___________
 Instructions to the Candidates   This assessment is to be completed according to the instructions given below in this document.Should you not answer the tasks correctly, you will be given feedback on the results and gaps in knowledge. You will be entitled to one (1) resubmit in showing your competence with this unit.If you are not sure about any aspect of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your assessor.  Please refer to the College re-submission and re-sit policy for more information. If you have questions and other concerns that may affect your performance in the Assessment, please inform the assessor immediately.Please read the Tasks carefully then complete all Tasks.To be deemed competent for this unit you must achieve a satisfactory result with tasks of this Assessment along with a satisfactory result for another Assessment.This is an Open book assessment which you will do in your own time but complete in the time designated by your assessor. Remember, that it must be your own work and if you use other sources then you must reference these appropriatelySubmitted document must follow the given criteria. Font must be Times New Roman, Font size need to be 12, line spacing has to be Single line.This is Individual Assessments. Plagiarism is copying someone else’s work and submitting it as your own. Any Plagiarism will result in a mark of Not Satisfactory. SCCM uses Safe Assign Plagiarism Checker to check the originality of the student assessment. Student must be aware of and understand the SCCM’s policy on plagiarism and certify that this assignment is their own work, except where, indicated by referencing, and that student have followed the good academic practices noted above.  

Welcome to the Student RIICWD601E Manage Civil Works Design Assessment Tasks for RIICWD601E Manage civil works design processes. These tasks have been designed to help you demonstrate the skills and knowledge that you have learnt during your course.

Please ensure that you read the instructions provided with these tasks carefully. You should also follow the advice provided in the Civil Construction Works Student User Guide. The Student User Guide provides important information for you relating to completing assessment successfully.

Assessment for this unit

For you to be assessed as competent, you must successfully complete two assessment tasks:

  • Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions – Students must answer all questions correctly.
  • Assessment Task 2: Project – Students must work through a range of activities and complete a Project Portfolio.
Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions

Information for students

Knowledge questions are designed to help you demonstrate the knowledge which you have acquired during the learning phase of this RIICWD601E Manage Civil Works Design unit. Ensure that you:

  • review the advice to students regarding answering knowledge questions in the Civil Construction Works Student User Guide
  • comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide
  • adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines
  • answer all questions completely and correctly
  • submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced
  • submit a completed cover sheet with your work
  • avoid sharing your answers with other students.
iAssessment information
Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix A of the Civil Construction Works Student User Guide.Refer to the appendix for information on: where this task should be completedthe maximum time allowed for completing this assessment taskwhether or not this task is open-book. Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A template is provided in Appendix C of the Student User Guide. However, if your RTO has provided you with an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that.
RIICWD601E Manage Civil Works Design


Provide answers to all of the questions below:

List three different legislation relevant to civil works design processes Identify the purpose of legislation Outline how the legislation applies to civil works design processes – give one example Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) 2002. Control of Compounds Hazardous to Health (COSHH) aims to prevent or drastically limit the possibility of negative health consequences resulting from exposure to potentially dangerous compounds. Businesses must handle nanomaterials and other potentially dangerous compounds in accordance with the Control of Compounds Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations of 2002. It is vital to first determine the health hazards to workers’ exposure to hazardous substances before selecting an effective mitigation approach in order to reduce or eliminate such exposure. Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations 1996. According to the Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations, an employer must consult with those employees who are not represented before taking any actions that could have a significant impact on their safety. Measures that may have a significant impact on employee safety should be considered with employees who are not, as required by the regulations, represented by a Safety Representative or Safety Committee. Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 Rules for organizing construction projects of all sizes and types. No matter what position you hold in the construction business, CDM’s main objective is to protect everyone’s safety by enabling the methodical, thorough planning required to reduce possible dangers at every step of a project.
Outcome☐            Satisfactory☐             Not Satisfactory
RIICWD601E Manage Civil Works Design
Complete the following table about Standards that you need to know about in relation to civil works design processes.
List three different Australian Standards relevant to civil works design processes Identify the purpose of the Standard Outline how the Standard applies to civil works design processes – give one example Code Australia’s drainage systems must adhere to the NCC’s uniform set of technical standards for their design, construction, and performance. When constructing in stages, a construction certificate must be obtained for each stage separately. The BCA version that corresponds to the application submission date will be used to evaluate the application. AS/NZS 4600 AS/NZS 4600 provides specifications for cold-formed steel structural members used for The purpose of AS/NZS 4600 is to provide specifications for cold-formed steel structural members used for load-bearing in buildings and other structures to designers of cold-formed steel structures. AS 4100 (for structural steel design) To replace AS 4100—1988, the Standards Australia Committee BD-001, Steel Structures, created this Standard. The aim of this Standard is to give specifications for steel structural members used for load-bearing purposes in buildings and other structures to designers of steel structures. The general expressions for steel member design used in Sections 5, 6, 7, and 8 of AS 4100 are applicable to a wide range of steels as long as the yield stress used in the design does not exceed the value of 450 MPa stated in Clause 1.11 (b) of AS 4100, which is roughly the top limit of available test data.
Outcome☐            Satisfactory☐             Not Satisfactory
RIICWD601E Manage Civil Works Design
Complete the following table regarding policies and procedures and general documentation you need to know about in relation to civil works design processes.
Policies and procedures/document Purpose of policy/procedure/document in relation to civil works design processes Risk assessment and management The organization’s biggest risks must be found, evaluated, and reported on by the RMA. It provides a comprehensive view of risk, taking into account both broad corporate risks and specific insurance-related exposures. Work health and safety Occupational health and safety is the term most often used to describe the field that is concerned with safeguarding employees and anybody else who could be affected by their occupations. Environmental management The procedures that will be done to avoid or minimize adverse effects on the local environment should be included in the environmental management plan for a construction project. Cultural and heritage management Any management strategy for cultural assets must take into account the preservation of places’ physical forms, the promotion of their educational, historic, and cultural value, as well as the revenue generating from tourism. Geotechnical management   A geotechnical engineer is an expert in the study of the structure of the ground, which is often a need for Local Authorities. This assesses a variety of soil mechanics that are essential to the project’s success and the safety of the workers and the surrounding area. Hydrological and meteorological management   In order to fulfill their fourfold mandate, the NMHSs must: (1) watch and monitor the atmosphere, ocean, and inland waterways; (2) conduct research to understand, model, and predict the behavior of atmospheric and related processes and phenomena; and (3) offer forecasts, warnings, and advisory services. Community relations and consultation Locals’ opinions are more crucial to consider while planning. The Coalition Government’s Localism Act mandated public consultation for certain projects of a specific size or for specific organizations, the requirements for which would be outlined in secondary legislation. Quality management plan   The quality of a project must be closely monitored from the beginning of planning through to final delivery, and this is stated in the quality management plan. It outlines the project’s quality requirements and clarifies who is in charge of what and how decisions are made. Performance management In order to maximize an employee’s performance and align it with the strategic goals of the company, performance management is an ongoing, continuous process of conveying and clarifying work assignments, objectives, performance expectations, and development planning. Documentation management (and to ensure all workplace recording and reporting occurs)   Everyone on your team learns more when you record your procedures. Your team will become more cooperative and strategic as more members develop the habit of sharing information. Civil works design process, including approval and review processes for civil works designs   The design process involves figuring out what needs to be done and then doing it. As you go forward, issues may need to be resolved, goals may need to be accomplished, or something new may need to be developed. The first and most crucial step is realizing that there is no “right method” to carry out any task throughout the design process. System close outs (project closure) The last phase of the project lifecycle is project closure.The process of assembling all of the project’s deliverables and delivering them to the client who requested their development is known as project handoff.
Outcome☐            Satisfactory☐             Not Satisfactory
RIICWD601E Manage Civil Works Design
Choose a structure that you may complete a civil works design for. Complete the following table identifying two materials that can be used for this type of structure and two characteristics and two limitations of the material.
Include the type of structure you have chosen here.   Material type Characteristics (2) Limitations (2) Concrete The capacity to endure adversity with courage and strength. A lack of fortitude Steel Steel will to overcome challenges The cost of fireproofing is considerable.
Outcome☐            Satisfactory☐             Not Satisfactory
Choose a type of CAD software that you may use to complete a civil works design. Complete the following table identifying two types of CAD software and two characteristics and two limitations of the software.
CAD Software Characteristics (2) Limitations (2) 2D CAD 2D CAD is built on flat designs, which are composed of shapes like lines, rectangles, and circles.The 1970s saw the introduction of the first instances of this software.Useful for illustrating concepts via the stages of drafting, sketching, and drawing.   1)One has to Make your own 2D diagram.     2)It prevents perspective or size from developing. 3D CAD 1)One of its many benefits is that it increases precision, which makes drawing to scale easier.   2)Allow for the building to be available for virtual tours. 1)Lower Capacity   2)Facilities for Production are Cutbacks
Outcome☐            Satisfactory☐             Not Satisfactory
Explain the use of safe work method statements (SWMS) with regard to identifying and evaluating potential site hazards, constraints and conditions.
Statements on Safe Work Methods provide every employee in a group uniform, unanimously agreed-upon guidance on how to act safely at all times. They can’t begin development until a thorough study of the risks has been done and every practicable measure to reduce those risks has been taken. A SWMS’s main objective is to educate employees on high-risk construction projects on how to safeguard themselves from danger while at work. The SWMS systematically sets out the actions that must be done. recognizes any potential threats around. A safe system of work (SOW) is another name for a statement of safe work practices (SWMS). On high-risk construction sites, this document, which outlines all the potentially hazardous work that will be done there as well as the safety measures that will be taken to prevent harm, is necessary. A technique for reducing hazards at work is the Safety and Health Management System (SWMS). As an example, think about the laws governing engineering. The Safe Work Methods Statement is used by managers, supervisors, and employees to monitor and assess the efficacy of different preventive and protective measures in the workplace. A safety and health management system (SWMS) is a strategy that identifies possible hazards and safety precautions for a specific workplace.   The specifics include: the risks associated with high-risk employment and how they could affect employees’ health and safety; the particular safeguards used to protect employees from harm.
Outcome☐            Satisfactory☐             Not Satisfactory
Outline a best practice technique for preparing a civil works functional specification.
Building Information Modeling (BIM), a newly developed IT tool for the construction sector, will improve and revolutionize every step of project delivery, including the specification stage. New information technology systems that are more functional and interoperable than existing systems and can make better use of design model information will be used to perform these upgrades and improvements. For people who are interested in work processes linked to specifications, BIM has created new options. BIM, for example, will ultimately improve both the process of developing specifications and the process through which contractors and suppliers use specifications. One potential future for requirements supported by building information modeling is the use of common standards that are included in the project design model and are easily changeable. If the system is connected to the design model, designers and specification writers may be better able to recognize which design factors, such as material strength or product type, need to be altered in order to satisfy the project’s design goals and/or corresponding technical restrictions. Practitioners should be aware of and prepared for the inevitable arrival of the specification process, even if academics and IT system developers are now concentrating on enhancing it.
Outcome☐            Satisfactory☐             Not Satisfactory
Outline a step-by-step approach for identifying and evaluating design options.
To the best of my knowledge, I have access to state-of-the-art 3D graphic design software. Artificial intelligence (AI), augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR), and voice user interfaces (VUIs) are few examples of cutting-edge technologies that are just now becoming commonplace (AI).   An outline of the procedures needed to develop and carry out a design may be seen below.   Asking the correct questions is always the first step in any design issue solution. Think about the problem’s pain point or requirement, the individuals who are affected, and the reasons why a solution is required. It’s crucial to take into account how your rivals are approaching this issue as well.     Make mental notes on what you discover about what works and what doesn’t by doing market research, looking into comparable initiatives, and analyzing the results. By doing market research, consumer behavior analysis, and competition analysis with your marketing and R&D teams, you may be able to gain a clearer idea of the market’s size.     Ideas will start to emerge after you’ve decided on the project’s goals and scope. The team should meet to brainstorm improvements to the product, then cast votes for the ones they believe would have the most effect. Personas, scenarios, and storyboards may provide you insight into the needs and desires of your target market, which can then guide the creation of your product and your marketing tactics.   To test your ideas, make a little representation of the result. Users’ feedback is priceless, and it’s possible to find fresh growth opportunities at the same time. Your prototype’s user testing results will highlight any issues that need to be fixed and shed light on key topics. You are free to utilize this critique as much as you like to help your prototype become better.   Start incorporating all of the criticism you heard about the prototypes into the “final” version. The next stage is to set up an examination of your final work before it is made available to the public.   Only after the product has been purchased, utilized, and evaluated can insight be obtained on its effectiveness in addressing the initial issue. It’s crucial to pay attention to and take into account user input while creating a new edition of a product. The modifications that must be performed in order to modernize the product and better meet the needs of the end user are described in this paper.     You may improve your product with the use of data from user testing, prototype testing, market research, and sales. Utilize this knowledge to develop a service or product that addresses the issues your target market is facing and satisfies their wants.
Outcome☐            Satisfactory☐             Not Satisfactory
Explain the process that you would follow to develop and implement a design plan. In your answer include an example of the latest technology that you could use to develop a design concept.
Top-down estimating may be substituted by bottom-up estimation. The first step in using this strategy is to estimate how much time and effort will be required for each stage or component of the project. The next step is to combine each of these individual cost estimates into a single, comprehensive estimate for the project. This method of estimate often yields more accurate results than the top-down strategy since each step is taken into account separately. However, this method requires more time.     Parametric modeling is another approach that uses data from previous projects and seeks to modify that data to each project’s unique requirements. Based on a proportionate split of previously completed projects, this strategy’s cost projections. Think about running a construction business. By dividing the total cost of all previous building projects by the total square footage of those projects, parametric modelling may quickly and easily establish the average price per square foot of a house. You may calculate the entire project cost by multiplying this number by the projected total square footage of the existing house.
Outcome☐            Satisfactory☐             Not Satisfactory
Outline two cost estimating techniques that can be used for calculating design costs.
CAD software may enable designers to speed up project completion, increase productivity, and lower manufacturing costs. Companies may cut down on their design staff if they wish to since designers are now more productive than ever. Companies are now able to produce high-quality products at competitive prices, deliver them to customers more quickly, and make adjustments as they go.     Previously, if the product’s functionality wasn’t up to par, the development team would have to start again. Using computer-aided design (CAD) software may provide creative teams more control over the correctness of the goods they produce. Before any physical prototypes are built, if an issue does occur, the software may be used to analyze it, figure out what’s wrong, and apply a fix. This is a prudent financial and environmental choice.     The use of computer-aided design (CAD) technologies in the fashion industry is widespread. Before spending any money on production, it enables designers to sketch outfits and test them on digital models. Computer-aided design makes it simple to change a design’s form or the materials used in it (CAD).
Outcome☐            Satisfactory☐             Not Satisfactory
Explain the benefit of using CAD for drafting and presenting engineering designs.
CAD software may enable designers to speed up project completion, increase productivity, and lower manufacturing costs. Companies may cut down on their design staff if they wish to since designers are now more productive than ever. Companies are now able to develop high-quality products at competitive rates, deliver them to clients more quickly, and make adjustments as they go.     Previously, if the product’s functionality wasn’t up to par, the development team would have to start again. Using computer-aided design (CAD) software may provide creative teams more control over the correctness of the goods they produce. Before any physical prototypes are built, if an issue does occur, the software may be used to analyze it, figure out what’s wrong, and apply a fix. This is a prudent financial and environmental choice.     The use of computer-aided design (CAD) technologies in the fashion industry is widespread. Before spending any money on production, it enables designers to sketch outfits and test them on digital models. Computer-aided design makes it simple to change a design’s form or the materials used in it (CAD).
Outcome☐            Satisfactory☐             Not Satisfactory
List two communication techniques that are useful when managing a civil works design process and that will assist with the collaboration process with clients, other external stakeholders and colleagues.
Establish a formalized chain of command for communication. Every successful building project is built on this. For communication to be successful, information must be sent and received at the appropriate moment. Everyone on the team has to be able to talk to one person about any queries or issues they may have.   Express oneself in a way that is current, easy to read, and simple to understand: When speaking to your workers, it’s crucial to purposefully eschew flowery language in favor of getting straight to the point. Do not assume that your employees are as knowledgeable about, instance, construction rules and permissions as you are.
Outcome☐            Satisfactory☐             Not Satisfactory
List three types of communication equipment that can be used during a civil works design process.
-Wireless Phone – Radio Transmission – Modems
Outcome☐            Satisfactory☐             Not Satisfactory
Outline a method that you could use to review and validate a design.
A specification’s construction and validation requirements are decided at the same time. As a result, the designer may decide whether or not a third party can verify the specification. Of course, a test engineer must do this before ever starting to develop a whole set of tests. Any modifications to the criteria should be communicated. The kind of measurements, materials, equipment, and physical locations needed to complete the verification process must be determined. Before we finish, we’ll discuss the verification method with the design team to resolve any outstanding difficulties. Some of the theories may be put to the test by being compared to comparable existing devices. When used to verify modifications to current infrastructure or to evaluate potential standard designs for integration into a brand-new application, this technique truly shines. Using a demonstration and/or analysis, it is possible to confirm needs and other product functions. To analyze the design and replicate the necessary capabilities, use simulation and mathematical modeling. We can make sure the finished design is capable of operating as anticipated by putting it through its paces. The whole testing procedure, from planning to reporting, must be recorded and kept alongside the other design files. Validation is thus the sum of all objects that have been confirmed. The manufacturer’s final design validation, which used comparable items to look for variations from the first manufacturing run, must be documented.
Outcome☐            Satisfactory☐             Not Satisfactory
List three best practice techniques that you can use to review performance of those involved in the civil works design process.
-Determining the effectiveness   – Terms and Conditions   – Used evidence
Outcome☐            Satisfactory☐             Not Satisfactory
Outline two techniques that can be used for negotiating with clients.
– Work Collaboration   – Evaluation of planning
Outcome☐            Satisfactory☐             Not Satisfactory
Outline three techniques that can be used for leading and coordinating a team.
Phase 2 involves using each team member’s skill set. Teams with members that constantly belittle and criticize one another can never succeed. Simply said, they will do the required duties, but only to a tolerable level. As a result, not only should the team’s goal be clearly stated, but so should each team member’s specific duties. Bring the team together and start working on this right now.     When it comes to creating a healthy work environment, nothing beats open lines of communication. A team will be more engaged if greater effort is made to maintain open channels of communication.     A strong work culture with the right attitude and approach results from effective communication in which all team members are encouraged to speak up and express their opinions while also listening to the leader’s remarks with respect and regard.
Outcome☐            Satisfactory☐             Not Satisfactory
Outline two principles of effective team management.
i. Every manager has to be able to reprimand and train employees. Never use discipline as a form of punishment; instead, use it to improve the performance of the person in question in their team position. Disciplined team members are better equipped to evaluate their behaviors and develop collectively. The effectiveness of discipline techniques varies amongst teams. The optimum course of action must be selected by the management. It is possible to construct a warning and penalty system. If you want your staff to take the rules seriously, follow through on your threats.     ii. Each member of the team is aware of their responsibilities and accepts accountability for their own job. Members of the team take proactive steps to guarantee they will have access to the tools they need to do their assignment and they notify management when there are issues. Members of high-performing teams constantly exhibit the behaviors that will assist the team accomplish its objectives in addition to knowing what those behaviors are. The crew is trusted to do work without supervision from management. Members of the group and the individual alike should be honored and encouraged.
Outcome☐            Satisfactory☐             Not Satisfactory

Assessment Task 1: Checklist

Student’s name: 
Did the student provide a sufficient and clear answer that addresses the suggested answer for the following?Completed successfully?Comments
Question 1   
Question 2   
Question 3   
Question 4   
Question 5   
Question 6   
Question 7   
Question 8   
Question 9   
Question 10   
Question 11   
Question 12   
Question 13   
Question 14   
Question 15   
Question 16   
Question 17   
Question 18   
Task outcome:SatisfactoryNot satisfactory
Assessor signature: 
Assessor name: 


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