Finance and Management

Research Design Proposal

21 April 2023 13:29 PM | UPDATED 2 years ago

Research Design Proposal :

Research Design Proposal
Research Design Proposal

Due: Sun, 17th October, 23.59 (AWST)


What is it?

Research Design Proposal are to document the process and outcomes of a design task. They communicate to your reader about:

  1. How well you have understood the problem.
  2. The proposed solution
  3. How the solution will be tested for viability
  4. The specifications and limitations of the proposed solution
  5. Ethical considerations that need to be applied

The following diagram outlines the steps taken:

Figure 1: Plans for solution design (adapted from:

For the purpose of this assessment, your design report will  have to cover the conceptual design and its viability (stop at phase 3 point no.7 (Model or analyse design) – refer to Figure 1). At this point you need to provide details about how you will analyse your design for viability. You are required to write a detailed proposal for the solution that you are suggesting.  In this assessment, you will draw on the feedback from Problem Statement feedback to explain how you will execute a conceptual design. Your proposal shood not exceed 1200 words excluding references.


This assignment will require you to complete a proposal that draws together the practical and ethical considerations necessary to undertake a project in your chosen engineering discipline based on a task that was set (engineering problem related to floods in NSW) or your own issue.  This activity will help you in your future engineering research endeavours.

A proposal of this nature is designed to:

  • convince the assessor that the research is worthwhile and you are the appropriate investigator to undertake it successfully;
  • be well aware of previous and current work in the area through a critical review of previous literature to identify the gaps in knowledge and formulate appropriate research question(s);
  • have considered the social and ethical implications of your research, including relevant legislation, data management provisions and/or occupational health and safety as applicable to their discipline. Research in this sense is your analysis and evaluation of the viability of your conceptual design;
  • have a sound, workable and achievable research methodology that includes a realistic timeline and considers contingency plans to ensure a timely and successful project completion.


 You should make use of the material gained from all the lectures and workshops, as well as your own additional reading to formulate the approach and methodology. 

Your report should have the following basic elements:

  1. The Executive Summary
  2. Introduction (Background and Problem Statement)
  3. Project Description (Project objectives and information about how it will be tested for viability)
  4. Ethical Considerations
  5. Timelines

Refer to the following resource for details:


Please submit your typed work as a Word document or PDF before the due date and time using Blackboard.  This will pass your work through the text-matching service Turnitin. If you submit work after the due date, it will be marked as late or not marked at all if received greater than seven calendar days after the due date.  Emailed assignments will not be accepted.  The PDF must be named as follows:

“[student ID][student name]-RM2.pdf”, e.g., “12345678JoeBloggs-RM2.pdf”


The student work will be assessed against four criteria, each having a number of sub criteria, to arrive at a mark out of 100 that represents 60% of the final mark for students enrolled in NPSC4000/SPAT4008 and 50% of the final mark for students enrolled in NPSC5000/SPAT6001.

  1. Executive Summary and Introduction (Background and aims, significance and innovation)(30 marks): The background must be thorough, and aims well-articulated and linked to a gap the literature.  There must be clear and measurable outcomes.  The significance and innovation must be clearly demonstrated, with compelling demonstration of the likely outcomes.
  2. Approach and methodology (30 marks): The approach and methodology must be clearly articulated, with a purposeful design to the research, appropriate methods for the question at-hand and within the norms of the discipline, and contingency plans in place to allow for a successful outcome.
  3. Research ethics and contingency plans (15 marks): There must be a clear articulation of the research ethics, legislative requirements, occupational health and safety, and/or data management and sharing implications of this research.  This should be in the form of an impact statement and must demonstrate a risk analysis approach.  Some thought to addressing contingencies is expected. Appropriate Curtin policies should also be consulted.
  4. Structure and style (25 marks): The proposal must adhere to strict specifications, with each section completed.  The overall structure should be clearly signposted, with an identifiable structure within each paragraph and connection between paragraphs.  The students must adopt a formal and consistent scientific writing style, using appropriate syntax, grammar, punctuation and spelling.  References must be integrated into the text and use an appropriate referencing style (e.g. APA, Chicago, Vancouver, etc) and prominence (author or information).

Self evaluation (introspection)

You should review your work using the rubric/ marking criteria document before you submit the assignment.  However, your final mark will be derived from staff assessment, rather than your self-evaluation.  The purpose of this self-evaluation is to help you learn to accurately judge the quality of your proposal.  Read the proposal with the assessment questions in mind and determine how well you have answered them.  In short, you should come away from reading your proposal thinking that it is “ready to go” and could be given to someone else in your discipline as a recipe for them to do the work under your guidance.


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