Finance and Management


13 April 2023 07:12 AM | UPDATED 2 years ago


For solution: +610482078788



Due dates:Midnight 9th December 2022
Limits:2,000 words +/- 10%
Submission method:Moodle


Conduct an investigation into the management MBA603 SUPPLEMENTARY ASSESSMENT practices at Method cleaning products company. Identify how and why this company’s founders Eric Ryan and Adam Lowry and other senior managers succeeded in implementing the four essential functions of management – Leading, Planning, Organising and Controlling

– to develop innovative products and services then expand sales beyond its home base in San Francisco, California, USA to global markets including Australia.

To complete this investigation, complete the following tasks:

  1. Explore Method’s website and other online sources then summarise how and why its two founders planned to develop and launch innovative eco-friendly cleaning products into a market already dominated by big brands with global market power.

Begin your investigation with these websites:

(Refer to key concepts in Lecture 1: The Contemporary Workplace and answer in 250 words+)

  1. Assess Method’s deliberately ‘weird’ organisational culture including:
  2. its Code of Conduct
  3. how and why its managers organise but don’t aim to control its team meetings
  4. its recruitment policies and staff training and development procedures

(Include key concepts from Lecture 4: Information and Decision-making and answer in 300 words +)

  • Analyse how and why Method’s leaders and managers are confident that its uniquely ‘weird’ (cool, hip, funky) organisational culture contributes to highly motivated employees with good communication and interpersonal skills – and contribute to its unique brand. (Refer to key concepts in Lecture 9 and answer in 300+ words)
  • Identify and explain if Method’s organisational culture and its management style would suit you, or not

– is it the kind of workplace culture that you would like to join, or avoid? (Answer in 300+ words

  • Analyse Method’s claims that its products are eco-friendly and socially responsible. Do you accept that these claims are true? (Include relevant concepts from Lecture 3: Ethical behaviour and Social Responsibility and answer 300+ words)
  • Select any two of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs – that you think are relevant to Method company. Assess how well Method meets these goals and make a recommendation for improvement. Include relevant concepts from Lecture 3 and answer in 300+ words)
  • In 2013 Method was acquired by/merged with Ecover, another company based in Europe. Identify and evaluate the business advantages that Method’s owners and senior managers were seeking to gain from this acquisition that “feels more like a merger” (Adam Lowry – quoted in the online article below: Green merger: Method bought by Ecover.

Begin by exploring the articles below and refer to key concepts in Lecture 2: The International Dimensions of Management, then answer in 250 words:

What Makes Method’s sale to Ecover so Different?

Green merger: Method bought by Ecover. The companies say their union creates the world’s largest green cleaning company

Belgium-Based Ecover Acquires Method to Create Largest Green Cleaning Company green-cleaning-company/62596

A Soap Maker Sought Compatibility in a Merger Partner discusses-its-sale.html


Your Supplementary Individual Case Study must include:

  1. Title Page with your name and student number
  • A brief Executive Summary (3 paragraphs) of your case study key findings, analyses, recommendations and conclusions
  • Table of Contents showing all headings, sub-headings and the reference list, with their page numbers

  Resources and Referencing                                                                                    

  • In addition to URLs provided above, search for articles on Method in the Harvard Business Review, Bloomberg, Wall Street Journal, The Economist and other sources.
  • All sources of quotations, paraphrasing, information and ideas from journal articles, newspapers and other sources must be referenced in-text.
  • Include accession dates or viewing dates for all online articles (i.e. the date when you accessed an article from an online journal or other source
  • Use the Harvard (Cite Them Right) referencing format: Harvard Referencing (Cite Them Right): The Basics


  • Include each question/ MBA603 SUPPLEMENTARY ASSESSMENT task and its number – copy and paste
  • 12 pt. Arial or Calibri font, black
  • 1.5 line spacing
  • Double-justified
  • Main headings in capitals and underlined
  • Headings and Subheadings in bold
  • A blank line space between paragraphs
  • Pictures, graphs etc. are permitted but all sources must be referenced.

  Subject Learning Objectives (SLO)                                                                          

This MBA603 SUPPLEMENTARY ASSESSMENT develops and assesses your ability to:

  • identify management and leadership dilemmas and using relevant concepts and information from credible sources, make recommendations
  • describe and illustrate using examples, models, concepts, and theories relevant to management and leadership
  • identify and describe current trends in management and leadership
  • discuss how managers and organisations make, socially responsible decisions

  Graduate Attributes (GA)                                                                                      

This assessment develops and assesses the following graduate attributes.

  1. Knowledgeable and skilled in their profession
    1. Effective communicators and work well as members of a team
    1. Ethical and socially responsible in their practice

  Performance Standards                                                                                                                                           

Table 1: Rubric

CriterionSLO/GAHigh Distinction (HD) 85-100Distinction (D) 75-84Credit (C) 65-74Pass (P) 50-64Fail (FO) 0-49
Recommendations (15%)SLO 2 GA 1You identify and investigate at least 4 dilemmas. You include a recommendation for each of the dilemmas identified and the recommendation is a logical outcome of the investigation included. The investigation and recommendations are each supported with research from more than one academic journals. You include at least one instance of critical thinking supported with research from academic journals.You identify and investigate at least 4 dilemmas. You include a recommendation for each of the dilemmas identified and the recommendation is a logical outcome of the investigation included. The investigation and recommendations are each supported with research from more than one academic journals.You identify and investigate at least 3 dilemmas, one for each of the areas required. You include a recommendation for each of the dilemmas identified. The investigation and recommendations are each supported with research from credible source(s).You identify and investigate at least 2 dilemmas. You include a recommendation for each of the dilemmas identified. The investigation is supported with research from credible source(s).You have not met the requirements of the pass criteria.
Theory (15%)SLO 3 GA 1You demonstrate relevant knowledge of concepts in all 3 topics of the report beyond what is given in the subject. Your demonstration is illustrated with examples researched from academic journals.You demonstrate relevant knowledge of concepts in all 3 topics of the report beyond what is given in the subject. Your demonstration is illustrated with examples researched from academicYou demonstrate relevant knowledge of concepts in at least 2 topics of the report. Your demonstration is illustrated with examples researched from credible sourcesYou demonstrate relevant knowledge of concepts in at least 2 topics of the report. Your demonstration is illustrated with examples.You have not met the requirements of the pass criteria.
CriterionSLO/GAHigh Distinction (HD) 85-100Distinction (D) 75-84Credit (C) 65-74Pass (P) 50-64Fail (FO) 0-49
  You include a critical review of theory in at least one of the topics.journals meeting the C.R.A.P criteria. You can link appropriately, concepts in two of the topics in the report.   
Current Trends (15%)SLO 4 GA 1You include relevant trends in all 3 of the topics of the report. The trends included are supported by academic journals meeting the C.R.A.P criteria.   You include a critical review of at least one of the trends included.You include relevant trends in all 3 of the topics of the report. The trends included are supported by academic journals meeting the C.R.A.P criteria.You include relevant trends in at least 2 of the topics of the report. The trends included are supported by credible sourcesYou include relevant trends in at least 2 of the topics of the report.You have not met the requirements of the pass criteria.
Social Responsibility (20%)SLO 4 GA 1, 3You provide three perspectives on the organisation’s approach(es) to social responsibility and present an opinion on their approach and include an area for improvement. You include a critical review of your opinion and/or area for improvement.You provide three perspectives on the organisation’s approach(es) to social responsibility and present an opinion on their approach and include an area for improvement. Your discussion, including opinion and area for improvement is supported with research fromYou provide three perspectives on the organisation’s approach(es) to social responsibility and present an opinion on their approach and include an area for improvement. Your discussion is supported with research from credible sources.You provide two perspectives on the organisation’s approach(es) to social responsibility and present an opinion on their approach and include an area for improvement.You have not met the requirements of the pass criteria.
CriterionSLO/GAHigh Distinction (HD) 85-100Distinction (D) 75-84Credit (C) 65-74Pass (P) 50-64Fail (FO) 0-49
  Your discussion, including opinion, area for improvement and critical review is supported with research from academic journals meeting the C.R.A.P criteria.academic journals meeting the C.R.A.P criteria.   
Language and expression (15%)GA 2Your written expression of ideas is clear, logical, and well organised. Your writing style is fluent and appropriate to a business report. Your grammar and spelling are accurate.Your written expression conveys meaning. Your report is well organised. Your grammar and spelling are correct with at most only very minor errors.Your written expression conveys meaning. Your grammar and spelling are mostly correct.Your written expression conveys meaning.Your written expression did not meet the pass criteria.
Teamwork (20%)GA 2Your team meets all of the following All team members are highly engaged. Team members showed respect for each other. Conflict was resolved in a productive manner. There is clear learning from team members to produce output that is clearly more than the sum of the team members.Your team meets most of the following All team members are highly engaged. Team members showed respect for each other. Conflict was resolved in a productive manner. There is clear learning from team members to produce output that is clearly more than the sum of the team members.Your team meets some of the following All team members are highly engaged. Team members showed respect for each other. Conflict was resolved in a productive manner. There is clear learning from team members to produce output that is clearly more than the sum of the team members.Individual members of your team contribute equitably to the projectYour team did not meet the pass criteria.
CriterionSLO/GAHigh Distinction (HD) 85-100Distinction (D) 75-84Credit (C) 65-74Pass (P) 50-64Fail (FO) 0-49
  Communication protocols are clearly established. Team roles are clearly established and adhered to. Goals are clearly established. Group decision processes are clearly established and followed. Report was submitted on time.Communication protocols are clearly established. Team roles are clearly established and adhered to. Goals are clearly established. Group decision processes are clearly established and followed. Report was submitted on time.Communication protocols are clearly established. Team roles are clearly established and adhered to. Goals are clearly established. Group decision processes are clearly established and followed. Report was submitted on time  


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