Information Technology

ISY100 Professional And Ethical Practice

13 April 2023 07:34 AM | UPDATED 2 years ago

ISY100 Professional And Ethical Practice :

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ISY100 Professional And Ethical Practice
ISY100 Professional And Ethical Practice
UnitBISY1001/ISY1000/ISY100 Professional and Ethical Practice
Assessment TypeGroup Report 
Assessment NumberTwo 
Assessment Name WeightingPart 1 15% 
Alignment with Unit and CourseUnit Learning OutcomesGraduate Attributes Assessed
ULO 1: Describe and discuss the principles of ethical practice as they pertain to the information technology and business sectors.   ULO 2: Demonstrate comprehension of professional IT dilemmas such as privacy, computer crime, systems reliability, intellectual property, copyright, the impact of technology on the society.   ULO 3: Demonstrate and understanding of basic problem solving and decision-making skills.   ULO 4: Identify and discuss the regulatory obligations relating to an IT environment.   ULO 5: Describe issues surrounding professional codes of ethics, file sharing, infringement of intellectual property, security risk assessment, internet crime, identity theft, etc.GA 1: Communication GA 2: Critical Thinking GA 3: Ethical Behaviour GA 4: Collaboration GA 5: Flexibility
Due Date/TimeWeek 3 Online Moodle Submission: Friday, 5pm (AEDT) 
Assessment DescriptionThis group report assesses students’ ability to assess information, formulate arguments and critically evaluate different alternatives to issues or problems.   You are required to write a report of 2,000 words in response to the case study in page 3.   Your report should be a synthesis of ideas researched from a variety of sources and expressed in your own words. It should be written in clear English and be submitted at the end of week 7 in electronic format as either a Word document of a pdf file. This electronic file will be checked using Turnitin for any evidence of plagiarism. You are expected to use references in the normal Harvard referencing style.
Detailed Submission RequirementsOnline Moodle Submission via Turnitin.
Special considerationStudents whose ability to submit or attend an assessment item is affected by sickness, misadventure or other circumstances beyond their control, may be eligible for special consideration. No consideration is given when the condition or event is unrelated to the student’s performance in a component of the assessment, or when it is considered not to be serious.   Students applying for special consideration must submit the form within 3 days of the due date of the assessment item or exam. The form can be obtained from the AIH website ( students/student-forms/) or on-campus at Reception.   The request form must be submitted to Student Services. Supporting evidence should be attached. For further information please refer to the Student Assessment Policy and associated Procedure available on (   Referencing and Plagiarism It is essential to use IN TEXT referencing. If you are using the exact words from a reference then you must use quotation marks. You can use Harvard Style referencing, with a listing at the end of the report. Remember that this is a Turnitin assignment and plagiarism will be subject to severe penalties. Please refer to the AIH Academic Misconduct Policy: content/uploads/2017/11/StudentAcademic-Misconduct-Policy.pdf   DO NOT COPY AND PASTE FROM THE INTERNET OR COPY OTHER STUDENTS’ WORK!
Detailed Submission RequirementsBefore submission, students ensure the submitted work satisfies the following requirements:   The assignment is to be written in a report format. It must have separate sections for each of the THREE tasks above.The report should additionally, include an Introduction, Conclusion and ReferencesSubmit as a PDF or Word document through the Turnitin assignment submission tool on Moodle.Include a title page that has your name, subject, date, report title and WORD COUNT. Please do not include an assignment cover page as this will match with other students at AIH.The assignment should not exceed 2,600 words with a minimum of 2,500 words, excluding references.


Dylan is a manager at a leading consumer electronics company. In his role, he must frequently interact with industry partners and customers. One day, Dylan met with a customer of one of his company’s custom products. The custom product was a special chip for an electronic appliance that was currently in its final stages of review before market release. During the meeting, the customer wanted to know the method of making the chip, a process which was not specified in the given datasheet. The client claimed this information was needed to ensure that the chip would function properly when it was integrated with electronic appliances.

At first, Dylan was uncertain. He wanted to give his customer more details if it was for the benefit of his client’s final product, but, at the same time, was concerned because the requested information was protected under his company’s non-disclosure agreement (NDA).

Dylan decided to discuss the matter with his supervisor; however, Dylan’s manager was overseeing many projects and, knowing that Dylan was capable and experienced, entrusted him to take care of the situation. When he returned to work the next day, Dylan received an email from his customer. The message stated that, if the chip’s manufacturing methodology was not disclosed, the customer would cease further investments in the product.

Shocked, Dylan believed that if the customer could not abide by the NDA, he should tell the contract should be broken off. However, doing so would mean losing a significant amount of profit they had intended on garnering from selling the chip. On the other hand, sharing confidential information with his customer could cause negative repercussions, especially if his company were to discover the legal breach.

Although it is highly unlikely that the extra chip information would be used by Dylan’s client for malicious purposes, its disclosure could potentially affect his company’s reputation, lead to mistrust in the company and compromise Dylan’s position.

From the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University.


Based on your knowledge of the ACS Code of Professional Conduct (see Session 1), what should Dylan do?

Rubric for Report (15 marks)

RequirementsTotalHigh DistinctionDistinctionCredit PassPassFail
Depth and Breadth of10A convincing andA well-definedA report based onA limited reportA report that is
Coveragemarkswell-defined report based on the givenreport based on the given case study,the given case study, that draws on thebased on the given caseneither coherent nor based on the
  case study, thatthat draws on theACS Code ofstudy, thatgiven case study,
  draws on the ACSACS Code ofProfessionaldraws on theand does not draw
  Code of ProfessionalProfessionalConduct.ACS Code ofon the ACS Code
  Conduct.Conduct. Professional Conduct.of Professional Conduct.
Structure, Language and5All aspects of theMost aspects ofMost aspects of theThe reportThe report is not
Conventions & Reportmarksreport conform tothe reportreport conform todisplaysof an academic /
Format a highacademic /conform to a highan acceptablebasicprofessional
  professionalacademic /academic /structure.standard.


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