Age care

INT103 Human Development Across The Life-Span

12 April 2023 05:00 AM | UPDATED 1 year ago

INT103 Human Development Across The Life-Span :

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INT103 Human Development Across The Life-Span
INT103 Human Development Across The Life-Span

Logo  Description automatically generatedINT103 Human Development Across the Life-Span

Assessment 1: Comparative Essay (30%)

Due Date: Week 5

Word Count: 1500 Words

Text Box: Humans are a product of their environment.

Using two (2) of the following theories, discuss the impact of the environment on the development of individuals.
(E.g. language, family, social systems, natural disasters, war, access to resources, school)

•	Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory
•	Piaget’s Cognitive Theory
•	Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory
•	Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory

Integration of material from the textbooks and readings on Moodle is essential.

Your written essay should include at least 5 current (less than 10 years old)

scholarly journal articles, as well as textbook references.

Adherence to the course formatting guidelines (e.g. spacing, font, coversheet, word count) is essential; these are listed in the Assessment section on the unit site. APA 7 referencing is required.

Do NOT utilize sources such as and other such web materials as these in no way constitute academic references for the purpose of your assignments. If you rely on such sources for theoretical support, you will be deemed NOT to have met the requirements of the assessment.


INT103 Assessment 1 – Comparative Essay Marking Guide (30%)

REPORT CRITERIAWeightF 0 – 49%P 50 – 59%C 60 – 69%D 70 – 79%HD 80 >
Presentation10%No coversheet. Formatting guidelines not followed.Coversheet present with missing details. Formatting guidelines observed but not in full.Completed coversheet. Most formatting guidelines observed.Correctly completed coversheet including word count. Formatting guidelines observed with minor inconsistencies.Correctly completed coversheet with all required information provided. Fully observes formatting guidelines.
Academic Writing20%Poor word choice; Poor syntax; Incorrect/poor use of language.Satisfactory attempt in academic writing; Syntax and structure evident butCorrect written expression; Good syntax and structure of assessment with someClear, concise and correct writing; Very good syntax andSophisticated clarity, conciseness, and correctness of writing;
   with multiple errors.errors.structure of assessmentExcellent written
     with few errors.expression.
Introduction10%Introduction absent, poorly written or not related to the topic.Mentions topic.Covers topic.Covers topic; Provides direction for assessment.Covers topic clearly; Provides context & direction of assessment.
Discussion30%Discussion of theories poor or absentTheories identifiedIdentification & discussion of theories; Attempt made at compare and contrast of impact on developmentIdentification & comparison of theories; Application of theories; Discussion of impact on developmentClear identification & in depth comparison of theories; Appropriate application of theories; Clear, logical discussion of impact on development
Conclusion10%No summary or conclusion.Poor summary and conclusion.Good summary and conclusion.Very good summary and conclusion; attempt at integration of personal learning.Excellent summary and conclusion; integration of personal learning.
Research10%No evidence of research.References scarcely used; Weak, outdated or inappropriate external sources used.References cited; Attempt at using credible academic sources.References used well; Current, peer reviewed academic sources used effectively.References used effectively; Credible, peer reviewed & current academic sources used effectively and extensively to support discussion; use of text- book.
Referencing10%No in-text referencing; Reference List absent or poorly presented; APA 7 not used or poorly observed.Attempt made at in-text referencing; Reference List has errors; APA 7 guidelines observed but not in full.In-text references cited; Reference List has some errors; APA 7 guidelines observed to some extent.In-text references cited with few errors; Reference list presented with few errors; APA 7 observed well.In-text references correctly cited; Reference list presented with no errors; APA 7 guidelines observed fully.


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