Information Technology

INT1012 Introduction To Web

13 April 2023 06:59 AM | UPDATED 2 years ago

INT1012 Introduction To Web :

For solution: +610482078788



INT1012  Introduction To Web
INT1012 Introduction To Web
Subject Code and NameINT1012 – Introduction to Web
Assessment Number1
Assessment TitleWritten Assessment
Assessment TypeIndividual Short Response Questions
Length or Duration700 words +/- 10%
Subject Learning OutcomesSLO 1, SLO 2
Submission Date / TimeDue by 11:55pm AEST Sunday end of Module 4 (Week 4).

Assessment Purpose

The purpose of this task is to assess your general theoretical knowledge of the internet and HTML markup language.

Assessment Task / Item

Your task is to conduct some research and respond to each question below, then submit a Word document containing your responses.

Assessment Instructions

Please complete the tasks below and document your answers in a Word document. Each response must be Harvard referenced and clearly identified by using a heading related to each question. Your submission should be no more than 700 words.

Task A

Answer the following questions.

  1. What is a computer server?What are the server’s main components?
  2. What happens when you type an address, for example, into your browser?Explain it from a technical perspective.
  3. What is the Internet of Everythings(IOE)? How does it differ from IoT?
  4. What does the term Internet Protocol (IP) mean? Explain it with an example.

Task B

In this task you will need to analyse the html code below and complete the given tasks (1 ,2 & 3).

Text Box: <!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Web Page</title>

<h1>W3Schools HTML Tutorial</h1>
<a href="">HTML Tutorial</a>
<h1 id="header1">This is Header 1</h1>
<h2>This is Header 2</h2>
<h3>This is Header 3</h3>
<h4>This is Header 4</h4>
<h5>This is Header 5</h5>
<h6>This is Header 6</h6>
<p><em>This is a paragraph</em></p>  
<p><strong>This is another paragraph</strong></p>  
<h2>Shopping List</h1>
<h2>Fruit List</h3>

<table style="border: 1px solid Black;">

<figure class=Text Box: <th >Column 1</th>
<th>Column 2</th>
<th>Column 3</th>

  1. Copy the above code into a text editor(Brackets), check if the html code is valid using the W3C markup validation tool ( ); provide screenshots of the validation results.
  2. The code is not valid and has some errors, analyse the errors, and explain what caused each error and how to fix it.
  3. Provide the final correct code. Validate the code again using the W3C markup validation tool and provide a screenshot showing the validation results.


Submit a PDF document containing the answers for both section A and B. Your document must have a cover page with the following details:

  • Subject title and subject code (INT1012 Introduction to Web)
  • Assignment title
  • Your full name and student ID number.

All work must be submitted via the LMS, in the assignments section appropriate to this brief. Please ensure the above mentioned submission date and/or time are adhered to, or penalties may apply.

When submitting your work, please save your files using the naming convention below. [Student_ID]_[Surname]_[First Name]_[SubjectCode]_[Assessment_#]

E.g.: 1234_Doe_John_INT1012_Assessment_01

For more information on late submission, please see the Assessment Policy.

Academic Integrity

The integrity of the assessment process is fundamental for ensuring appropriate evaluation at AIT. All work submitted should be your own, and where additional resources are used, they must be referenced according to the Harvard style. Additionally, TurnItIn is available in the LMS to test plagiarism in your writing.

For more information on academic integrity, please see the Academic Integrity and Academic Integrity Penalties Policies.


Fair application of the assessment rubric, rules and guidelines should be administered for each assessment. If you feel an evaluation requires further consideration, you may be entitled to an appeal.

For more information on your right to an appeal, please see the Assessment Appeals Procedure and Policy.


For access to the policies mentioned above and related to education at AIT, please see the footer of the AIT website, and follow the link named Education Policies and Procedures.


Assessment Rubric

Task Descriptor(F) Fail(P) Pass(C) Credit(D) Distinction(HD) High Distinction
Analyse the technical and theoretical aspects of the internet.     40%Incorrect explanation of Computer Server;   Unclear description on how a web browser works;   Inaccurate discussion on the internet of everything (IOE);   Explanation for Internet protocol(IP) is not provided;Mention of Computer Server provided without explanation of its components;   Minimal evidence provided on how a web browser works;     Internet of everything (IOE) briefly discussed with insufficient evidence provided for how it differs from IoT?   Brief or unclear explanation Internet Protocol (IP);   Responses consist of regular errors or inaccuraciesComputer Server described with some details of its components;   Brief description provided on how a web browser works;     Internet of everything (IOE) explained and a brief description of how it differs from IoT;   Internet Protocol (IP) described clearly without detail or examples;   Responses consist of some minor errors or inaccuraciesComputer Server described correctly, with clear explanation of its components;   Well considered description provided on how a web browser works;     Internet of everything (IOE) clearly explained with an accurate description of it differs from IoT;   Internet Protocol (IP)described correctly with example;   Responses consist of very few errorsComputer Server described succinctly and accurately, with clear and detailed explanation of its components;   Highly intelligent, concise analysis provided, on how a web browser works;     Internet of everything (IOE) succinctly and accurately explained with a clear description of its benefit and how it differs from IoT;     Internet Protocol (IP) described concisely and intelligently and supported by benefits and relevant example;
     Responses consist of no errors
Analyse a HTML markup code and identify errors   20%Fewer than two HTML errors are identified, but without providing any explanation.Some of the HTML errors are identified but without sufficient or accurate explanation;   Responses consist of regular errors or inaccuraciesMost of HTML errors are identified and briefly discussed, but with a slight lack of clarity;   Responses consist of some minor errors or inaccuraciesAll HTML errors are identified and clearly explained;   Responses consist of very few errors or are missing very few details.All HTML errors are correctly identified and concisely explained, with their impact clearly defined and supported by relevant evidence;   Responses consist of no errors
Use a Mark-up Validation tool to fix HTML errors     30%Fewer than two HTML errors are fixed.   Response consists of many errors or is missing many details.Some of the HTML errors are fixed.   Responses consist of regular errors or inaccuraciesMost of HTML errors are fixed   Responses consist of some minor errors or inaccuracies.All HTML errors are fixed; Relevant evidence is provided.   Responses consist of very few errors.All HTML errors are correctly fixed supported by relevant evidence;   Responses consist of no errors
Correct use of citations and external references.     10%Demonstrates inconsistent use of good quality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop ideasDemonstrates use of resources that are not all appropriate, or referenced correctly to support and develop ideas;Demonstrates of some credible and relevant resources to support and develop ideas;   Minor errors in citation accuracyDemonstrates use of at least four (4) relevant resources to support and develop arguments and statements;   References are cited correctlyDemonstrates use of more than five (5) high-quality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop arguments and position statements;
  Ideas are not always explicit or well developed    References are cited correctly


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