Information Technology

ICTPMG505 Manage ICT Projects

13 April 2023 06:31 AM | UPDATED 2 years ago

ICTPMG505 Manage ICT Projects :

For solution: +610482078788



ICTPMG505 Manage ICT Projects
ICTPMG505 Manage ICT Projects


Manage ICT projects

Final ICTPMG505 Manage ICT Projects Assessment Task 2 Information


Complete the following activities:

  1. Carefully read the following:
AtomThis project requires you to manage an ICT Project. This project can be based on the case study business in the Simulation pack or you may like to base this on your own business, or a business you are currently working for or are familiar with. It is important that this business has a project outline and objectives brief and equipment specifications. Speak to your assessor to get approval if you want to base this on your own business or one you work for. You will be collecting evidence for this unit in a Project Portfolio. The steps you need to take are outlined below.
  • Preparation
Person eatingMake sure you are familiar with the business you are basing this assessment on and have read through the necessary background information and policies and procedures. For the case study business, this is all of the documents included in the ICT simulation pack. If it’s your own business or a business where you are working or are familiar with, it’s important at this step that you have your business or case study approved by your assessor. Complete Page 4 of your Project Portfolio for this unit. Read through the requirements of Section 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of your Project Portfolio which include detailed guidance relevant to all the assessment activities.
  • Project definition activities
Person eatingYou are now to complete Section 1 of your Project Portfolio by: Confirming and documenting the project governance policy and processes that will guide the project.  Confirming the business problem that necessitates the project,  opportunities and project objectives.Developing a project charter.Conducting a feasibility study Preparing a business case
DocumentComplete Section 1 of your Project Portfolio. You are then to submit this to management (your assessor) via email. Your email must seek feedback on and approval for your business case and project charter. Submit your Portfolio to your assessor. Your assessor will provide you with feedback and you must update your documents accordingly.
  • Project planning
Person eatingYou are now to complete Section 2 of your Project Portfolio by: Developing a project management plan using the template provided.
DocumentComplete Section 2 of your Project Portfolio. You are then to submit this to management (your assessor) via email. Your email must seek feedback on and approval for your project management plan. Submit your Portfolio to your assessor. Your assessor will provide you with feedback and you must update your documents accordingly.
  • Project management plan
ChatIn this activity you will present your Project Management Plan to your team and discuss your ideas on project team values and standards of behaviour expected. You are also to find out from your team as to their training and support needs using the questions you prepared in the previous activity. If you are completing this for the case study business, this will be a student group of approximately 2 or 3 other students.  Other students in your group will also present their project management plan and ideas on project team values and standards of behaviour which will allow you to collaborate as a team and gain further insights. Each person will have a turn (approximately 15 minutes per person) to present their work. If you are completing this at work, the meeting will be with your project team. Take notes so you can complete Section 3 Project Portfolio after the meeting. Your assessor will be looking to see that you can: demonstrate effective communication skills including:Speaking clearly and concisely Clearly confirming information (i.e. project requirements)Using relevant language associated with project managementAsking questions to identify the required information (training and support needs)Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding Encouraging discussion (regarding project team values and standard of behaviour)Responding to questions as required Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding
Speech Bubble: Rectangle: iThis can either be viewed in person by your assessor or you may like to video record the session for your assessor to watch later. Your assessor can provide you with more details at this step. Make sure you follow the instructions above and meet the timeframes allocated. Following the meeting, submit our final Project Management Plan to your assessor.
  • Project execution activities 
Person eatingIn this part of the assessment you are to manage project execution activities. This will involve: Monitoring activities and deliverables and providing a project status report.
 Work on Section 4 of your Project Portfolio.
  • Project execution and closure 
Person eatingIn order to finalise the project you are to: Managing testing of the new systems put in place and handing them over.Prepare IT support and maintenance plans for the new system.Update disaster recovery documentation.Obtain sign off for the project.Save and back up all project documentation.
 You are also to review the project that you conducted. As part of this you are also to use formal and informal networks focussing on project management to inform your review. The portfolio includes detailed questions on this. Work on section 5 of your Project Portfolio.
  • Submit your completed Project Portfolio 
DocumentMake sure you have completed all sections of your Project Portfolio, answered all questions, provided enough detail as indicated and proofread for spelling and grammar as necessary. Submit to your assessor for marking.


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