
HLTWHS001 Participate In Workplace Health

17 April 2023 06:54 AM | UPDATED 2 years ago

HLTWHS001 Participate In Workplace Health :

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HLTWHS001 Participate In Workplace Health
HLTWHS001 Participate In Workplace Health

RTO No. 31736 | CRICOS 03010G


Student HLTWHS001 Participate In Workplace Health Assessment tool 2 of 3

Version control

DateVersionChanges madeAuthor
April 2022V2.1New assessment based on ComplianceOdette King
October 2022V2.2Update to transfer tasks from VPLB into simulated businessRobyn Beeston

Students, please complete this cover sheet. PRINT CLEARLY using Black or Blue Ink only.

Student name 
Student number 
Student email 
Assessor name 
Assessment due date 
Submission dateAttempt 1 Date:  Attempt 2 Date:  Attempt 3 Date:  
Result for attempt (S or NS)   

Please note this document includes copies of the student instructions.

Benchmark answers are in red and specific assessor instructions are in blue.

Copyright © 2022 Malekhu Investments trading as Queensford College. All rights reserved.


Version control 1

Student declaration of authenticity. 3

Assessment Tool 2 of 3 – Short answer questions. 4

Student instructions and benchmark answers. 4

How to submit this Assessment Tool 4

What you must do to achieve Satisfactory for this Assessment Tool 4

Instructions. 5

Written answer question guidance. 5

Question 1 – State/territory legislation. 5

Question 2 – State/territory WHS authority. 6

Question 3 – Hazardous manual tasks. 7

Question 4 – Infection control 7

Question 5 – Hazard identification. 8

Question 6 – Emergency procedures. 9

Question 7 – WHS policies and procedures. 10

Question 8 – Reflection and currency of safe work practices. 10

Question 9 – Fire evacuation – roleplay. 11

AT 2 of 3 Result (for use by assessor only) 13

Note:   You must sign the student declaration for your submission to be accepted.

Student declaration of authenticity

Before you submit this Assessment Tool you must declare the work is your own. Read the text below. Sign the declaration if you agree with all the statements. I declare: The answers I have given in this Assessment Tool are my own work, based on my own study and research and no part of it has been copied from any other source, except where due acknowledgement/reference has been made. (Plagiarism is not permitted in any form) A late submission fee of $150 per Unit of Competency will apply before my submission will be marked if my submission is made past the due time and date. I have kept a copy of my Assessment Tool if I have submitted the answers in any form other than a self-marking quiz on Moodle. Queensford College will retain this Assessment Tool as evidence of assessment for audit purposes. I give permission for my Assessment Tool to be reproduced, communicated, compared, and archived for the purposes of detecting plagiarism or collusion and to fulfil Queensford College’s requirements as an RTO. Any assessment marked as unsatisfactory will require me to undergo reassessment; reassessment may involve different assessment to that originally undertaken. I have read and understand the policies and procedures relating to assessment as outlined in the Queensford College Student Handbook (or the International Student Handbook) and the Student Assessment Guide.
Signed Dated 
Note: If you are completing this document electronically, use either a scanned and cropped jpg image of your signature or type your name in the space above. For documents submitted through Moodle, the inclusion of this declaration with any form of signature, however presented, with your submission, indicates you understand and agree the declaration is true. If you are completing this Assessment Tool as self-marking questions on Moodle, you will be required to agree to an electronic statement of authenticity at the beginning of the Knowledge questions before being able to proceed.

Assessment Tool 2 of 3 – Short answer questions

Assessor instructions

Download the AT2 of 3 each student submitted Complete marking criteria table/s.

Complete your determination for questions ensuring any areas NYS have specific comments and feedback.

Complete the final result page on each of the student submissions marked.

Give the HLTWHS001 Participate In Workplace Health Assessment Tool a grade on the front cover sheet.

Upload to Moodle to provide feedback to the students. Add the results to the Student Assessment Tracker. Arrange re-submission or re-attempts as required.

Student instructions and benchmark answers

PurposeThis assessment is designed to assess your required to participate in safe work practices to ensure your own health and safety, and that of others.
LocationYour assessor will advise the due date and time for this assessment. Make a copy of this document. Name it HLTWHS001 AT 2 of 3_[Your Name]_submission1 (if your first attempt, submission2 if your second etc.)
Resources supplied by your assessorHTLWHS001 ECEC Emergency evacuation procedures_V1.0
Resources supplied by youComputer and internet access

How to submit this Assessment Tool

What?1A copy of this Assessment Tool named: HLTWHS001 _[Your Name]_AT 2 of 3_submission1 (if first attempt, submission2 if your second etc.) Make sure you have: completed the cover sheet(s) completed the responses for each task composed and sent any required emails using the Moodle platform, in accordance with the ‘‘How to send emails from Moodle – Student’ instructions’ provided in the ‘Student Supporting Resources’ folder
When?Your assessor will advise the due date and time for this assessment.
Where?Upload to the submission link for Assessment Tool 2 of 3 in Moodle. If your assessor advises not to use Moodle, you may hand in your printed copy of this Assessment Tool however you MUST keep a copy.

What you must do to achieve Satisfactory for this Assessment Tool

This HLTWHS001 Participate In Workplace Health Assessment Tool is the second of three assessments for this Unit of Competency. You must achieve a Satisfactory result for each of the 2 Assessment Tools to achieve an overall mark of Competent of this Unit of Competency. Note to assessors The third assessment is in the vocational placement logbook. Do not mark this unit satisfactory until all assessments have been completed. You are permitted 3 attempts at this assessment.


Written answer question guidance

The following written questions use a range of “instructional words” such as “identify” or “explain”, which tell you how you should answer the question. Use the definitions below to assist you in providing the type of response expected.

Note the following guidance is the minimum level of response required.

AnalyseWhen a question asks you to analyse something, you should do so in detail, and identify important points and key features. One or two paragraphs is expected.
CompareWhen a question asks you to compare something, show how two or more things are similar, also indicate the relevance of the consequences. One or two paragraphs is expected.
ContrastWhen a question asks you to contrast something, show how two or more things are different, ensuring you indicate the relevance or the consequences. One or two paragraphs is expected.
DescribeWhen a question asks you to describe something, state the most noticeable qualities or features. Two to three sentences are expected. 
DiscussWhen a question asks you to discuss something, point out important issues or features and express some form of critical judgement. One or two paragraphs is expected.
EvaluateWhen a question asks you to evaluate something, put forward arguments for and against something. One or two paragraphs is expected.
ExamineWhen a question asks you to examine something, this is like “analyse” – provide a detailed response with key points and features and a critical analysis. One or two paragraphs is expected.
ExplainWhen a question asks you to explain something, make clear how or why something happened or the way it is. Two to three sentences are expected. 
IdentifyWhen a question asks you to identify something, you are asked to briefly describe the required information. Two to three sentences are expected. 
ListWhen a question asks you to list something you are expected to briefly state information in a list format.
OutlineWhen a question asks you to outline something, this means giving only the main points, A response two to three sentences is expected. 
SummariseWhen a question asks you to summarise something, this means (like “outline”) only giving the main points. Two to three sentences are expected. 

Question 1 – State/territory legislation

Identify workplace health and safety legislation applicable to your State/Territory. In the table below, document the necessary requirements specific to your State/Territory.

Your State/Territory: 
WHS legislation applicable in your State/Territory 
WHS regulation applicable in your State/Territory 
Duty of care of nominated supervisorOverview 
Duty of care of early childhood educatorsOverview 
List two (2) rights and two (2) responsibilities of a supervisor according the WHS Act.Rights 
List two rights and two responsibilities of Early Childhood Educators according to the WHS Act.Rights 
Assessors use onlySatisfactoryNot yet satisfactory
Comment if NYS 

Question 2 – State/territory WHS authority

Identify the WHS authority in your State/Territory and complete the table provided.

WHS authority 
How does the WHS authority implement WHS Regulations? 
How does the WHS authority implement Codes of Practice? 
How does the WHS authority Implement the National Quality Standard? 
Assessors use onlySatisfactoryNot yet satisfactory
Comment if NYS 

Question 3 – Hazardous manual tasks

Conduct research online to identify the hazardous manual task code of practice relevant in your state/territory. Using the table provided, document the code of practice and define the meaning of a hazardous manual task in an early childhood education and care (ECE). To verify your research, indicate the specific section in the legislation where you sourced your response, e.g. Part 2 (Section 1).

Code of practice title 
What hazardous manual tasks mean in ECE 
Assessors use onlySatisfactoryNot yet satisfactory
Comment if NYS 

Question 4 – Infection control

Access the Staying healthy: Preventing infectious diseases in early childhood education and care services. You can access the document here. Refer to Part 1: Concepts in infection control. In the table, explain how the two indicated infection control procedures are applied in an early years learning centre.

Infection control procedureHow it is applied in an early years learning centre
Effective hand hygiene 

Question 5 – Hazard identification

Imagine you are working as an early childhood educator in Sparkling Stars Childcare Centre. You are tasked to undertake a hazard identification procedure as part of maintaining work health and safety to the workers and children.

Access Sparkling Stars’ Workplace Health and Safety policy from this link: Sparkling Stars’ Workplace Health and Safety Policy

username: queensfordlearner

password: QueensfordCollege@123)

The indoor environment looks like this:

Based on your visual inspection and the policies and procedures, complete the table below.

Outline Sparkling Stars’ hazard identification procedures 
Identify at least three hazards present in this indoor environment 
Assessors use onlySatisfactoryNot yet satisfactory
Comment if NYS 

Question 6 – Emergency procedures

Imagine you are working as an early childhood educator in Sparkling Stars Childcare Centre. Access Sparkling Stars’ Workplace Health and Safety policy from this link: Sparkling Stars’ Workplace Health and Safety Policy

username: queensfordlearner

password: QueensfordCollege@123)

For each emergency scenario listed, explain the procedural steps you must follow.

ScenarioEmergency Procedure
You saw in the distance that a bushfire is happening near the vicinity of the early years learning centre. The fire alarm has already been activated and some of the children are panicking and crying. You move closer to the window to see the extent of the bushfire and realise that the fire is very near the children’s outdoor playground. 
One of your co-workers received an email detailing a bomb threat. The relevant personnel of the centre have been contacted, and none of the children has yet to be informed to avoid any disorder and panic. 
You were inside the classroom when suddenly tremors are felt for a few seconds. You wait for the tremors to end, but seconds passed, and the furniture of the building was already shaking. The children inside the classroom began to cry, unaware of what to do. 
Assessors use onlySatisfactoryNot yet satisfactory
Comment if NYS 

Question 7 – WHS policies and procedures

Access and review the policies listed in the table here: Sparkling Stars’ Policies & Procedures.

username: queensfordlearner    

password: QueensfordCollege@123

In your own words, outline the procedures of each of the two WHS policies.

WHS policyProcedures
Health, hygiene, and infection control policy 
Facilities and equipment policy 
Assessors use onlySatisfactoryNot yet satisfactory
Comment if NYS 

Question 8 – Reflection and currency of safe work practices

This HLTWHS001 Participate In Workplace Health task requires you to reflect on your levels of stress and levels of fatigue.

For each of the items above using the reflective journal below:

Your assessor of HLTWHS001 Participate In Workplace Health will read your reflective journal report and discuss this with you.

Reflective journal

Journal entry completed by 
Work role 
Date completed 
Reflection on levels of stress 
Possible cause 
Suggestion for improving work conditions 
Reflection on levels of fatigue 
Possible cause 
Suggestion for improving work conditions 
List 1 way you could maintain currency for each of the followingEquipment 
Workplace systems 
Discuss this with your supervisor/assessor
HLTWHS001 Participate In Workplace Health

Assessor only

Comment if NS 

Question 9 – Fire evacuation – roleplay

This task requires you to undertake a (simulated) fire evacuation following appropriate policy and procedures. To do this complete the following steps:

Step 1              Arrange a time with your assessor to observe you undertake the fire evacuation.


You are an educator working in the baby’s room. Your supervisor is outside playing with four children (who can walk) while you were putting Jack to sleep in the cot room. You hear the fire alarm.  You have been advised by your supervisor to bring Jack out to the playground, so you all can evacuate safely to the assembly point.

Follow the Sparkling Stars procedures to evacuate contained in your supporting resources folder in Moodle. Complete the checklist below:

Emergency evacuation checklist  
Were emergency services briefed on exercise prior to exercise being started?  
Did the person discovering the emergency alert the other occupants?  
Was the alarm activated?  
Was the emergency service notified promptly?  
Did staff direct persons from the building/site per the evacuation procedures?  
Were isolated areas searched?  
Was the evacuation logical and methodical?  
Did someone take charge? If yes, who?  
Did occupants act as per instructions?  
Was a roll call conducted for:  
Was someone appointed to liaise with the emergency service/s?  
Was someone appointed to liaise with the parents/community?  
Was the emergency service given the correct information?  
Did anyone re-enter the premises before the “all clear” was given?  
Did anyone refuse to leave the building/site?  
Area of Emergency plan tested by current exercise:  

T7 marking checklist fire evacuation

Your assessor will be looking for you to do the following
1remain calm when hearing the fire alarm
2get Jack from the cot
3Bring the emergency kit
4Confine the door to the babies room
5Leave the room in an orderly manner
6Meet at the correct assembly point
7Sign the evacuation sheet
8Follow procedures and instructions as given at the centre.
Observation resultSNS
Comment if NS 

AT 2 of 3 Result (for use by assessor only)

Has the declaration of authenticity been signed, or has it been done through Moodle?☐ Yes   ☐ No
Results for this Assessment ToolQuestion 1SatisfactoryNot Satisfactory
Question 2SatisfactoryNot Satisfactory
Question 3SatisfactoryNot Satisfactory
Question 4SatisfactoryNot Satisfactory
Question 5SatisfactoryNot Satisfactory
Question 6SatisfactoryNot Satisfactory
Question 7SatisfactoryNot Satisfactory
Question 8SatisfactoryNot Satisfactory
Question 9SatisfactoryNot Satisfactory
Name of assessor 
Signature of assessor   
Has reasonable adjustment been made by the assessor in assessing the student’s competency in respect of this Assessment Tool? ☐ Yes   ☐ No If yes, the assessor must specify the arrangements of the reasonable adjustment. Describe here:  
Date of marking assessmentClick here to enter a date.
If resubmission is required, provide dateClick here to enter a date.
If resubmission is required, specify requirementsResubmission due date and time:   The following must be resubmitted:  

Note to assessor: once this Result section is completed, copy the result of S or NS to the cover page and transfer result to the Student Assessment Tracker


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