Finance and Management

ECOM5005 Business Analytics And Data Visualisation

12 April 2023 09:59 AM | UPDATED 1 year ago

ECOM5005 Business Analytics And Data Visualisation :

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ECOM5005 Business Analytics And Data Visualisation
ECOM5005 Business Analytics And Data Visualisation

Business Analytics and Data Visualisation (ECOM5005) Business Report – Semester 2, 2022

The International Union of Accountants is a body of many accounting firms across the globe who seeks to improve their reporting of corporate governance. Each year the Board of the International Union of Accountants conducts a review of their compliance with corporate governance. The Accounting Director of the International Union of Accountants was analyzing the average environmental accounting compliance (EAC) scores of the accounting firms under her control (the score is out of 100). Accordingly, she took a sample of 50 accounting firms across the globe and, for each, determined the mean score of this year, last year and the year before last year, the percentage of accountants in each firm who have at least one university degree in accounting, and the type of country. The data is stored in file ECOM5005_2022_s2_BR_data.xlsx with the following variables.

Column 1: Accounting firm

Column 2: year (at EAC scores this time t)

Column 3: EAC scores last year (at time t-1)

Column 4: EAC scores the year before last year (at time t-2)

Column 4: Percentage of accountants in each firm who have at least one university degree in accounting, recorded as at time t (this year)

  • 1 = less than 50%
  • 2 = at least 50%

Column 5: Country classification

  • 1= first world country
  • 2 = second world country
  • 3 = third world country

Present a report of your findings (by answering the questions below) as the Accounting Director to the International Union of Accountants. In your report, answer the following questions.

  1. Is the percentage of accountants in each firm who have at least one university degree in accounting related to country type?
  • Is there evidence to suggest that this year environmental accounting compliance (EAC) scores of accounting firms which has less than 50% accountants with at least one university degree in accounting is lower than this year environmental accounting compliance (EAC) scores of accounting firms which has at least 50% accountants with at least one university degree in accounting?
  • Is there evidence of different environmental accounting compliance (EAC) scores over the three-year period?


Your business report is due on Friday 14th October 2022 at 5pm (Perth time).

  • There are two components of your business report that need to be submitted: written report and Excel working file. They should be submitted in Blackboard
    • The           name           of           your           Excel           file           should           be


your name, student ID and email address in the header of the written report.

  • When submit to Blackboard, you should convert your written report to pdf file, and the name of your report should be “YourStudentID_LastName_report.pdf”
  • The location of Blackboard submission points for the written report and Excel workings is “Assessments \ Assessments 2: Business Report [40%]”

If your business report is not submitted by the due date,

  • a deduction of 5% of the total marks allocated (i.e. 5% of 40 = 2 marks) for the business report will be deducted from the assessment mark if they are submitted within the first 24 hours of the due date,
  • for each additional 24-hour period, an additional penalty of 10% of the total marks allocated (i.e. 10% of 40 = 4 marks) will be deducted from the assessment mark, and
  • zero mark will be recorded after seven (7) days from the due date.


  • The report covers hypothesis tests from Module 5 to Module 8. However, Module 4 which contains data collection and sampling should be discussed in your report.
  • The report should have the following structure: Introduction, Statistical Analyses (where you perform hypothesis tests for each of the questions) and Conclusions (where you summarize the findings and discuss the limitations).
  • Your report should also include technique identification and any underlying assumptions required (with checking for the required assumptions).
    • Why do you use a particular technique? Consider the types of data – quantitative, qualitative or ranked? How many samples? Are these samples independent?
    • What are the underlying assumptions? Have you checked the assumptions?
      • If checking for normal distribution, consider to put up the histogram and discuss the shape.
      • If you found it is not normally distributed, keep doing the test with the underlying assumption, but need to discuss this as one of your limitations in the overall conclusion.
  • The parameter of interests and populations must be clearly defined.
  • Checking normal distributions by observing histograms
    • Histograms can be obtained from Excel
    • Excel automatically produce the histogram with gap (default at 150%). You need to reduce the gap to 0% (right click to the histogram, then choose Format Data Series, then reduce the Gap Width to 0%).
  • For each of the hypothesis tests, you need to perform at 3 significance levels (1%, 5% and 10%) and the decision to reject or accept the null hypothesis must refer to all 3 significance levels.
  • This is a computing assignment. You are expected to use Excel to perform relevant tests. A copy of Excel file showing your workings should be submitted via Blackboard. Descriptive statistics are also obtained from Excel.
    • You need to describe the procedure of obtaining relevant tests.
    • The results obtained from Excel are presented in the report. The tables must be clear to read. Each test has to be performed for 3 levels of statistical significance (1%, 5% and 10%).
      • Do not present 3 tables for each significant level. Please condense all the results in one table only.
  • For t-test and z-test, Excel reports the results for one-tailed and two-tailed tests. You need to report only the critical value of one-tailed test or two-tailed test depending your alternative hypothesis, but not both.
  • The following tests are not embedded in Excel: testing for the difference between two proportions, and chi-square test.
    • You can use Excel for calculations based on textbook formulae, then find critical values from Appendix A of the textbook.
  • The report must not exceed 12 pages; marks will be deducted for exceeding the limit. Pages must be correctly numbered throughout.
  • For each required question, perform separate statistical tests to answer the questions. This assignment should be presented in a professional manner and you need to demonstrate that considerable thought has gone into the analysis of data.
  • The marking criteria for each of the questions should be as follows:
    • Technique identification: why should you use a certain technique?
    • Define the populations and parameters of interest
    • Checking the conditions of the chosen technique: If a certain condition is not met, you keep doing the test as usual but need to discuss the limitation in the Conclusions part
    • Following 6 steps in the hypothesis testing procedure
    • Decision to reject or accept the null hypothesis must be referred to all 3 significance levels, that is, 1%, 5% and 10%.

Mark allocation of the written report:

  • The total mark for the written report is 40 (account for 40% of final marks)
  • Each question from 1) to 3) is worth 10 marks
    • Please see the above marking criteria for each question.
  • 3 marks for presentation
    • Your report should be clear for reading, presented in a good format with separate sections for (original) Introduction, Statistical Analyses and Conclusions.
    • Please use the font size 12, Times New Roman, 1.25 line spacing.
    • You should put your name, student ID and email address in the header of the written report.
  • 3 marks for the Excel workings file.
    • The Excel workings file should have a separate tab for each of the three questions
  • 4 marks for an overall summary of your results, interpretations and any limitations.
    • The summary should be an evaluative response of the results of significant differences found amongst the variables conducted in the tests and any qualifying statements made about the nature of the testing data used.
    • Limitations of the tests should be discussed.


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