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Critical Reviews Of Literature

18 April 2023 12:47 PM | UPDATED 2 years ago

Critical Reviews Of Literature :

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Critical Reviews Of Literature
Critical Reviews Of Literature

Critical Reviews of literature on Benefits and Challenges of adopting electronic health sectors

Table of Contents

Abstract. 2

Introduction. 3

Methods. 4

Results. 5

Discussion. 6

Challenges. 6

Benefits. 7

Recommendations. 8

Conclusions. 8


In order to use electronic health records (EHRs) as effectively as possible in health sector  practice, it was important Critical Reviews Of Literature for such a research to analyze the relevant literature on present difficulties as well as provide solutions. One of the more significant applications in the healthcare industry, the electronic health record (EHR), provides several benefits toward the healthcare market across the board. The purpose of our study is to carry out a thorough, systematic literature analysis on EHR adoption in diverse healthcare settings in order to pinpoint the adoption concepts that are most commonly was using and their necessary conditions of Adoption. Between January 2005 and July 2022, we searched databases such as Science Direct, PubMed, IEEE Digital Library, Web of Science, Springer, Scopus, and Wiley. As a result, 18 articles that were discovered were published in 25 international journals and conferences.


When Weed1 issued a study inside this 1960s about how a lack of inter professional communication about patient care was impacting the quality of the treatment provided, the validity all medical files came into doubt. The problem-oriented medical record (POMR), which he devised, was considered to be critical to patient care as well as the education of healthcare” whilst also him. Due because of stress this need for more full information placed on working clinicians, the online format evolved. Instead of a real Nhs, early attempts to join the electronic health record (EHR) movement led to the deployment of barcoded note-capturing software. The program was predicted significantly improve health efficiency and reduce out on paperwork time. The software firms believed their barcoded systems would let laparoscopic procedure more individuals all through course of a single shift. This first EHR system’s flaw that it primarily offered a list the patients’ health problems that was structured, lack of sufficient variation or customization to accurately record the details of the interaction with patients. This led to the repeating of terminology, conclusions, treatment plans, results, durations, & doses. Due to the electronically produced repetitious information, this sort of note-capturing produces consistent daily notes. It did not provide evidence of the patient care. The methodology used to acquire epidemiological data required fill a CEA model, including the costs related specific method therapy services and the chances of migrating within states, is a little less consistent. Modeling studies commonly depend on different datasets are gathered from various reliable information which are abundantly observed via research or “trying to check” searches and include extra preconceptions. Estimation may be produced from tiny non-probability populations in examinations of subgroups of the population. The accuracy & external validity of budget numbers based on models might be compromised by these processes.


In 2022, a Critical Reviews Of Literature review was carried out. And with keywords documentation, electronic health record, implementation, advantages, and obstacles, and STARLITE (sampling method, somewhat of investigation, techniques, range of years, restrictions, inclusion & exclusions, phrases utilized, electronic sources) sampling techniques was used10 (Fig 1). Narrative reviews, comments, case studies, case series, surveys, clinical case studies, randomized controlled trials, government reports, and insurance provider news stories were all incorporated into the research. Reports upon that quality of the documentation, the experiences at teaching facilities, and the development of Electronic health records were also included in the research. 

Fig: The strategy diagram used for search


The use of EHRs in healthcare has increased during the last 14 years, as determined by an examination of the use data. According to Hing16, office-based doctors used 34.8% of such universal healthcare records. This indicated a 91% rise over the numbers from 2001. In 2013, use rose from 34% to 78% of doctors with offices. Thus according Smith of the American Chiropractic Association, just 33% more chiropractors now practice their profession, which is less than other office-based doctors. Over the last 12 years, that migration of paper files in electronic health records rapidly grown. EHR usage was so much more prevalent among group practices (74.3%) than among solo practices (20.6%). Multispecialty practices (52.5%) used EHRs more often than single-specialty offices (30.3%), practices not connected to hospitals (20%), and nonacademic practices (14%). The 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act contained funds the encourage practitioners’ use of EHRs, which will lead to an increase in the use of EHRs for documentation. All providers’ categories have received $20 billion in incentives as of March 2015. 16 Chiropractic offices are using an increasing number if federally approved, meaningful use EHRs; $195 million of this sum has gone to chiropractors, for example.

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act also mandated the use of health information technology in encourage better treatment that is more effective and efficient while also lowering medical mistakes. EHRs were embraced several hospitals; 76% did so in 2014, according to 97% of those who reported having a certified EHR. Smaller doctor’s offices took longer to adapt. Only 17% of branch doctors used EHRs in such capacity in 2008, according to the American Medical Association (AMA), and only 4% of them were completely operational in the office. This is a lower percentage than just the government health statistics. Only 2% of office-based doctors were eligible for stage 2 meaningful uses in 2014, according to the AMA. 25 It seems that despite the inducement the promote EHR adoption, full-feature capabilities were also not developed and real implementation was delayed in the independent offices.


To the researchers’ knowledge, this is the initial study that examines the literature mostly on problems and solutions associated with implementing an EHR in a chiropractic office. The results show stated sufficient certification, budgetary limitations, logistical changes the workflow, intrusion into the doctor-patient relationship, and difficulties in adjusting to the new procedure were just the main issues with EHRs. The literature highlighted the dangers of adding fresh inaccuracies onto patient data. Depending on the scale of something like the practice, healthcare, or educational center, different dangers existed.


This investigation of the literature showed that issues also with usage of templates and macros are often encountered.

These produced an excessive number of memos having unneeded and pointless details. Like illegible handwritten letters, the large volume led the ineffective review time. If a button is pressed its incorrect box, called up outdated information, or used an outdated memo as a template without updating that part of the record or note, format notes often supplied false info to the record. This issue would get worse if one doctor took over patient care from the next.

Implementing EHRs incorrectly would cause financial issues, practical issues, and inherent misuse or abuse of the system. Its challenge of integrating EHRs into treatment is exacerbated by expensive rates, lack of certification for such devices, and early disruptions to clinics.

The level of adoption and also use is dependent on the extent to which professionals are satisfied with the EHR’s use. Doctors’ dissatisfaction with practice is mostly due to the EHR and or the meet the qualifications it places on practitioners, according to a 2013 Friedberg assessment for the AMA conducted by RAND (Research and Development organization).


Electronic health files contain built-in advantages that may just lead to more effective professional recording with higher improving quality of care. Only few chiropractic EHR applications are related to a massive dataset of prescribed medication. One such lessens dependence on a person’s capacity to accurately repeat drug lists because letting chiropractors could learn critical data about just the medicines a person receiving.

According to Samaan, overall adoption of EHRs resulted in a decrease as in incidence on blank records three days after a visit and an increase in evaluation/management level coding, resulting in both led to higher earnings. The number of support employees kept falling throughout the prolonged project implementation. It’d show that EHRs have the ability to increase clinical effectiveness and budget of the chiropractic clinic.


Basic Documentation Needs Physiotherapy EHR systems must include capabilities that enable customizing each encounter in order to accommodate the required documents for the most fundamental documentation requirements. The application of clinical judgment, the risk-benefit analysis, and people’ ability to engage in their own treatment are some of the fundamental guidelines for documentation that Gutheil stated. He makes reference to the need to record both the hazards and the benefits of treatment. In order to comply with fully informed participation, this is very crucial. EHR funding in chiropractic Small practices, which are the majority in chiropractic, have financial pressures when switching to EHRs. Other incentives are required to urge the transition now that the government incentive has expired.


Insufficient documentation to support the importance and quality of treatment was found to be a problem with said existing documentation quality in EHRs, the findings of this study. Chiropractic practitioners and certain other healthcare professionals also made multiple mistakes while utilizing the EHRs. These mistakes were most often the consequence from issues with software misuse and misuse, financial restrictions, inadequate training, or carryover mistakes previous manual techniques. Documentation mistakes may very well be reduced via training in electronic health records, ongoing economic incentives, suitable implementation procedures, and utilization of current software capabilities.


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