Age care

CHCCCS015 Provide Individualised Support

17 April 2023 09:03 AM | UPDATED 1 year ago

CHCCCS015 Provide Individualised Support :

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CHCCCS015 Provide Individualised Support
CHCCCS015 Provide Individualised Support

CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support
Student Assessment CHCCCS015
Version: 4.0
Responsibility: Director of Studies
Page 1/14
Implemented: 29 July 2016
Last Updated: 29 July 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
(This sheet is in the Student Assessment pack)
This form is to be completed by the assessor and used a final record of student competency. All student submissions
including any associated checklists (outlined below) are to be attached to this cover sheet before placing on the students
file. Student results are not to be entered onto the Student Management System unless all relevant paperwork is
completed and attached to this form.
Student Name: Click or tap here to enter text.
Student ID No: Click or tap here to enter text. Folder No. Click or tap here to enter text.
Final Completion Date:
Assessor Name: Rakesh Gudideveni
Unit Code/ Title CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support
Please attach the following documentation to this form Result
Assessment Task 1-
Observation & Logbook
 Observation Checklist in the Work Placement
Record Book (1 assessor observation)
 Work Placement Record Book attached (1
workplace supervisor observation)
Assessment Task 2-
Written Test  Written Test attached S / NYS
S = Satisfactory; NYS = Not Yet Satisfactory
Final Assessment Result for this unit C / NYC
C = Competent; NYC = Not Yet Competent
Assessor: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid,
reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I
have provided appropriate feedback.
Signature: ________________
Date: //

Student Declaration: I declare that I have been assessed
in this unit, and I have been advised of my result. I also am
aware of my appeal rights. I also declare that the work
submitted is my own, and has not been copied or
plagiarised from any person or source.
Signature: ____________________

Date: //
Administrative use only
Entered onto Student Management System  ________

Date Initials
CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support
Student Assessment CHCCCS015
Version: 4.0
Responsibility: Director of Studies
Page 2/14
Implemented: 29 July 2016
Last Updated: 29 July 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092

This information which is in the Student Assessment pack is to be handed to each student to outline the assessment
Student Instructions
This assessment is to be undertaken in a fully equipped aged care facility.

  1. For this assessment, you are to be observed on 3 separate occasions (2 observations
    by your workplace supervisor and 1 observation by your assessor). For this activity you
    are required to demonstrate your ability to provide support for three individuals as set
    out by their support plans.

  1. In your support of at least 3 clients you will need to demonstrate the following:
    a. Determine your role in the support of each person.
    b. Confirm individualised plans as required.
    c. Provide each person with information on their rights and the complaints
    d. Identify actions and activities that relate to the individualised plan.
    e. Provide each person with alternatives so they can make their own decisions.
    f. Follow all policies and procedures related to providing support.
    g. Ensure you respect each client.
    h. Instil trust in each person.
    i. Provide support services as outlined in the individualised plan including:
    i. Assemble equipment as required.
    ii. Consult with clients and carers.
    iii. Ensure duty of care and safety are maintained at all times.
    iv. Ensure dignity and privacy are maintained.
    v. Seek assistance if required.
    j. Monitor support activities including:
    i. Monitoring own work.
    ii. Gathering feedback from clients and carers/family members.
    iii. Review individualised plan to ensure all outcomes are being achieved.
    iv. Ensure self-determination of the person is maintained at all times.
    k. Complete all reporting requirements including:
    i. Keeping all information confidential and private.
    ii. Maintain organisational reporting requirements.
    iii. Identify issues of risk and respond appropriately.
    iv. Identify and report any unmet needs.
    v. Ensure all reporting in neat and within the organisations guidelines for

  1. During your observation you will need to discuss each of the following in relation to the
    workplace you are working in:
    a. How you have used person-centred planning when dealing with your clients.
    b. How strengths-based practice is incorporated into your work activities.
    c. The active support provided to each of your clients.
    d. The documentation and reporting requirements that you have in your role with
    the organisation.
    CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support
    Student Assessment CHCCCS015
    Version: 4.0
    Responsibility: Director of Studies
    Page 3/14
    Implemented: 29 July 2016
    Last Updated: 29 July 2016
    Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
    e. The roles and responsibilities of the whole care team for each client including:
    i. Carers and families
    ii. Client
    iii. Health professionals
    iv. Individual workers
    v. Supervisors
    f. The service delivery model used.
    g. The legal and ethical requirements that relate to your role and how you applied
    then during your support of each person including:
    i. Privacy, confidentiality and disclosure
    ii. Duty of care
    iii. Dignity of risk
    iv. Human rights
    v. Discrimination
    vi. Mandatory reporting
    vii. Work role boundaries – responsibilities and limitations
    Your 3 observations will be observed as follows:
     2 observations by your host employer / workplace supervisor that will be verified by your
    assessor from your College
     1 observation by an Assessor from your College
    (These are to be recorded in your Work Placement Record Book that will be given to
    you by your assessor)
    To be assessed on: Work Placement
    CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support
    Student Assessment CHCCCS015
    Version: 4.0
    Responsibility: Director of Studies
    Page 4/14
    Implemented: 29 July 2016
    Last Updated: 29 July 2016
    Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
    This information which is in the Student Assessment pack is to be handed to each student to outline the assessment
    Student Instructions
    This is an open book written test. Therefore, you are allowed to bring books/ resources that
    can help you to answer the test.
    Your assessor will set a date and time for this open book written test.
    On the test date:

  1. Your assessor will set ground rules including no phones, talking, etc.
  2. Your assessor will pass a copy of the assessment to you.
  3. Your assessor will allow time for reading and questions before commencing assessment.
  4. You will have 1.5 hours for this assessment. Your are not to leave the classroom within
    15 minutes of commencement of the assessment.
  5. Once assessment has commenced, no communication between students is allowed.
  6. If you repeatedly talk, or are caught cheating, you will be removed from the classroom, and
    reported to student administration. Your assessment will be marked as “incomplete”
  7. Remember – assessments are a participatory process, so your assessor can help re-word
    questions, but cannot lead to answers.
  8. Once completed, your assessment will be marked accordingly.
  9. In the event that a question is not answered correctly, your assessor will discuss the
    response with you to determine if you did not know the answer, or did not understand the
    10.In order to achieve competency, all questions MUST be answered correctly.
    This assessment will be done on: 28.11.2022
    CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support
    Student Assessment CHCCCS015
    Version: 4.0
    Responsibility: Director of Studies
    Page 5/14
    Implemented: 29 July 2016
    Last Updated: 29 July 2016
    Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
    Please complete below
    Student Name: Click or tap here to enter text.
    Student ID No: Click or tap here to enter text. Date: Click or tap here to enter
    Please refer to the instructions below regarding completing this assessment
    This is an open book written test. In the time allocated, you are to answer all of the following questions. Make sure you:
     Print Clearly
     Answer all questions
     Use a pen. Assessments written in pencil will not be accepted.
     Ask your assessor if you do not understand a question. Whist your assessor cannot tell you the answer, he/she may be able to reword the question for you
     Do not talk to your classmates. If you are caught talking, you will be asked to leave and your assessment will not be marked.
     Do not cheat or plagiarise the work of others. Anyone caught cheating will automatically be marked Not Yet Competent for this unit.
    There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule.

  1. For this task, you are to write a report about a time you have provided individualised
    support to a client in the community services industry. If you have not provided
    individualised support for a client in the community services industry, please complete
    this in conjunction with your observation task. Your report must include details on the
    a. How you determined the support needs of the client, including:
    i. How you clarified your own role in implementing the plan
    Click or tap here to enter text.
    CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support
    Student Assessment CHCCCS015
    Version: 4.0
    Responsibility: Director of Studies
    Page 6/14
    Implemented: 29 July 2016
    Last Updated: 29 July 2016
    Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
    ii. Processes you followed to confirm the plan details with clients, and their
    families and carers if appropriate
    Click or tap here to enter text.
    iii. How you ensured that the client was aware their rights and of complaints
    Click or tap here to enter text.
    CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support
    Student Assessment CHCCCS015
    Version: 4.0
    Responsibility: Director of Studies
    Page 7/14
    Implemented: 29 July 2016
    Last Updated: 29 July 2016
    Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
    b. How you provided support services for the client, including:
    i. What you did to prepare for the support activities, include information
    regarding assembling and required equipment
    Click or tap here to enter text.
    ii. How you developed and maintained trust with the client
    Click or tap here to enter text.
    CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support
    Student Assessment CHCCCS015
    Version: 4.0
    Responsibility: Director of Studies
    Page 8/14
    Implemented: 29 July 2016
    Last Updated: 29 July 2016
    Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
    iii. What methods you used to show respect to all involved throughout the
    Click or tap here to enter text.
    iv. If you sought any assistance throughout delivering the support
    Click or tap here to enter text.
    c. How you monitored your support activities, including:
    i. How you monitored your own work
    Click or tap here to enter text.
    CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support
    Student Assessment CHCCCS015
    Version: 4.0
    Responsibility: Director of Studies
    Page 9/14
    Implemented: 29 July 2016
    Last Updated: 29 July 2016
    Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
    ii. How you involved the client in discussions regarding their support
    Click or tap here to enter text.
    iii. Did the plan require reviewing? If so; why, who did you discuss it with and
    how did that discussion support the client’s self-determination?
    Click or tap here to enter text.
    d. All information regarding the reporting and documentation you completed as part
    of your support
    Click or tap here to enter text.
    CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support
    Student Assessment CHCCCS015
    Version: 4.0
    Responsibility: Director of Studies
    Page 10/14
    Implemented: 29 July 2016
    Last Updated: 29 July 2016
    Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092

  1. How would you work with a person to identify actions and activities that support their
    needs in relation to the individualised plan?
    Click or tap here to enter text.
  2. What would you do to ensure you provided support to a person according to the duty of
    care and dignity of risk requirements?
    Click or tap here to enter text.
  3. What assistance can you provide to ensure a person maintains a clean, comfortable,
    safe and healthy environment?
    Click or tap here to enter text.
    CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support
    Student Assessment CHCCCS015
    Version: 4.0
    Responsibility: Director of Studies
    Page 11/14
    Implemented: 29 July 2016
    Last Updated: 29 July 2016
    Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
  4. How would you respect individual differences in people?
    Click or tap here to enter text.
  5. To support a person’s self-determination what should you do?
    Click or tap here to enter text.
  6. What information do you need to keep confidential?
    Click or tap here to enter text.
    CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support
    Student Assessment CHCCCS015
    Version: 4.0
    Responsibility: Director of Studies
    Page 12/14
    Implemented: 29 July 2016
    Last Updated: 29 July 2016
    Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
  7. What would you have to do to comply with your organisations reporting requirements?
    Click or tap here to enter text.
  8. If you identify a situation of risk what should you do?
    Click or tap here to enter text.
  9. What should you do if you identify a client whose needs have not been met?
    Click or tap here to enter text.
    CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support
    Student Assessment CHCCCS015
    Version: 4.0
    Responsibility: Director of Studies
    Page 13/14
    Implemented: 29 July 2016
    Last Updated: 29 July 2016
    Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
  10. How should documentation be maintained?
    Click or tap here to enter text.
    12.How would you store client information?
    Click or tap here to enter text.
    13.What are two factors that affect people using your support services?
    Click or tap here to enter text.
    14.What practices have you used to support skill maintenance and development?
    Click or tap here to enter text.
    CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support
    Student Assessment CHCCCS015
    Version: 4.0
    Responsibility: Director of Studies
    Page 14/14
    Implemented: 29 July 2016
    Last Updated: 29 July 2016
    Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
    Before you hand in your written assessment, make sure that you:
  11. Re-check your answers and make sure you are happy with your responses
  12. Have written your Name, Student ID and Date
    Result: Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory
    Assessor: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid,
    reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I
    have provided appropriate feedback.
    Signature: ________________
    Date: //
    Student Declaration: I declare that I have been assessed
    in this unit, and I have been advised of my result. I also am
    aware of my appeal rights.
    Signature: ____________________

    Date: //__


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