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Bus100 Professional Communication Skills

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Bus100 Professional Communication Skills Assessment
Bus100 Professional Communication Skills Assessment


Bus100 Professional Communication Skills Bus100 Professional Communication Skills Assessment

Assessment 1         Assessment Type: Individual Bus100 Professional Communication Skills Assessment  750 words (+/- 10%)

Value: 20%      Due:   Sunday 24 July 2022 (Week 3) by 5pm

Purpose: By undertaking research on the topic covered in weeks one to four of BUS100 you will provide information and develop your own knowledge of written communication. For each Task research, plan and write a short response. Include an Author to support your ideas for each task. This assessment relates to learning outcomes a, b and c.

Topic: Evidence Based Response

Task details:

  1. Academic Integrity at KOI (250 words)
  1. Why do you think Academic Integrity is important?
    1. Are the penalties for breaches of Academic Integrity at KOI reasonable?
  • Academic Success at KOI (250 words)
  1. Identify your learning style according to Kolb. Why is it important to your degree success?
    1. Why do you need to manage your time to achieve our degree successfully?
  • Professional Communication (250 words)
  1. Discuss a model of Professional Communication. (Include a diagram.)
    1. Describe the main barriers and ways to enable successful Professional Communication.

Use the following:

Three academic references (all are on the BUS100 Moodle page) and provide in-text citations as a minimum for a pass.

  • The KOI Student Academic Misconduct Policy (2021).
  • Lawson. C., (2019) Communication Skills for Business Professionals (on Moodle).
  • The Harvard Guidelines

TAKEAWAYs and How Do I Do Assessment 1 on the BUS100 Moodle page.

Referencing: Provide one reference list for all tasks as the last page. Using the Harvard referencing style as shown in the Quick Guide on the Moodle page. Ensure the References are in alphabetical order by the Authors surname. References are not included in the word count. It is essential that you use the Harvard style for citing and referencing.

Provide: A Contract Page, a Content Page, Headings and Subheadings and References

Format: Double spaced text, right and left justified. Double, double spaced between paragraphs and references.

The assessment requires you to follow this process:

Text Box: 1. Research and readingsText Box: 2. Create a writing planText Box: 3. Write your first draft

Read all instructions thoroughly before you begin this assessment. Make sure you understand what to do and how to do it. Also ensure you understand the following Marking Rubric.

Feedback: Once you receive your marks check the feedback bubble and ensure you work on the areas mentioned by your tutor.

The Learning Support Centre It is highly recommended that you visit and consult the [email protected] for their advice before submitting your Assessment

Academic Integrity All students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own and is appropriately referenced and academically written according to the Harvard guidelines

Marking Rubric Assessment 1: 20%

  CriteriaFail   (0 – 49%)Pass   (50 – 64%)Credit   (65 – 74%)Distinction   (75 84%)High Distinction   (85 – 100%)
            Written communication 30%Difficult to understand for audience, no logical/clear structure, poor flow of ideas.   Audience cannot follow the line of reasoning.   Skills in written communication need work urgently (i.e., spelling, punctuation, grammar and academic conventions).Information, arguments and evidence are presented in a way that is not always clear and logical.   Line of reasoning is often difficult to follow.   Skills in written communication need work, as tasks only partially conform to spelling, punctuation and grammar conventions.Information, arguments and evidence are well presented in each task; mostly has clear flow of ideas and arguments.   Line of reasoning is easy to follow.   Written tasks conform to spelling, punctuation and grammar conventions with some errors, demonstrating solid skills in written communication.Information, arguments and evidence are very well presented in each task; presentation is logical, clear and well supported by evidence.   Tasks conform to spelling, punctuation and grammar conventions with minor errors, demonstrating well developed skills in written communication.The presentation is logical, persuasive, and well supported by evidence, demonstrating a clear flow of ideas and arguments.   Excellent flow of coherent information.   Tasks show consistently accurate spelling, punctuation and grammar, demonstrating highly developed skills in written communication.
          Content, audience and purpose of each task 30%Task content demonstrates no awareness of context, audience and/or purpose of the task, by not addressing its requirements.   Selection of layout format, language style and tone are irrelevant and/or inappropriate to the content, audience and purpose of the tasks.Task content demonstrates limited awareness of context, audience and/or purpose of the task, by only partially addressing its requirements (i.e., consideration of letter context has not been undertaken, or aspects considered superficially).   Inconsistent and inappropriate layout format, language style and tone.Task demonstrates awareness of context, audience and/or purpose of the task, by adequately addressing its requirements (i.e., all aspects have been considered adequately).   Layout format, language style and tone are generally appropriate to the content, audience and purpose of the written itemTask demonstrates an advanced and integrated understanding of context, audience and purpose of the task (i.e., all aspects have been considered consistently and in depth).   Layout format, language style and tone are appropriate to the content, audience and purpose of each task, although not entirely consistent.Task consistently demonstrates a systematic and critical understanding of context, audience and purpose of the task (i.e., email/letter responses are thoroughly professional and require no edits).   The layout format, language style and tone are consistently appropriate and are used skillfully to address the content, purpose and audience of the task.
              Evidence of research 20%Inadequate research basis. The referenced materials are inappropriate or irrelevant to the task as evidenced in the discussion in the first writing activity.   Referenced materials do not exhibit awareness of source credibility.   Materials may not be academic resources and/or be less than the number required for this assessment task.Research basis is just adequate. The relevance of some of the referenced sources to the task is debatable, as evidenced in in the discussion in the first writing activity.   These referenced sources may not exhibit awareness of indicators of source credibility or reliabilitySolid research basis. The academic sources identified are generally relevant to the task and appropriate to the discipline, however their use to support the discussion in the first writing activity needs improvement.   They also exhibit an awareness of indicators of source credibility, albeit with an uneven application.Research basis is strong. The academic sources identified and used to support the discussion in the first writing activity are pertinent to the topic; they also exhibit a good awareness of issues of resource credibility and reliability.Research basis is extensive. The academic sources identified and used to support the discussion in the first writing activity are highly pertinent to the topic; they also exhibit an acute awareness of issues of resource credibility and reliability.
    Harvard Referencing and in-text citations. 20%Does not include correct references or in-text citations; does not use Harvard online style.Attempts to include references or in-text citations; however, these are sometimes incorrect. Uses Harvard online style, however, contains some citation or referencing errors.Includes in-text citations and references from suitable sources; however, contains minor citation or referencing errors.Includes in-text citations and references from suitable sources; contains minimal and or no errors.Includes in-text citations and references from suitable sources; contains no errors.

Assessment 2     Assessment Type: Individual Bus100 Professional Communication Skills Assessment 1000 word (+/- 10%)

Value: 25%                  Due: Sunday 14 August 2022 (Week 6) by 5pm

Purpose: In business, decisions directly relate to profit. At KOI your Bus100 Professional Communication Skills Assessment decisions relates to your mark. Your tutor and future boss want correct, up to date information that will enables them to make a decision. You must ensure you provide the most immediate, relevant information; you can go back as far as 2018. Otherwise, misunderstandings can occur, costing money or grades.

Learning how to find and provide the information required is essential to any academic or business writing professional. This Bus100 Professional Communication Skills Assessment is the basis for your A3 Presentation and A4 Report as it provides the appropriate research. It relates to learning outcomes b, c and d.

Assessment topic: Reference analysis

Task details: Choose a topic for all of your assignments, A2, A3 and A4.

1.       In your opinion is the purpose of a degree to prepare for life or for work?

  • What do you think about the idea of an online degrees?

3.       Would it be better for students to work for a year before starting a degree?

Task 1 What do the following do in a report? 200 words

  1. Introduction
  2. Conclusion
  3. Recommendations

Task 2    Reference Analysis    800 words

Provide: Investigate four references that you have identified necessary for your topic. Include two academic and two non-academic sources.

The two academic sources can be articles from academic journals, published reliable reports or academic books. Once must be: Lawson. C., (2019) Communication Skills for Business Professionals, on the BUS100 Moodle page.

The other two sources can come from reliable media sites, books, online magazines, websites, YouTube videos, podcasts or TED Talks.

Include a: Contract Page, a Content Page, the four References with headings and subheadings,

Apply the Five Tests of Reliability to each source. In 200 words for each one of four sources, provide the following information:

  • The full name of the source – the full Harvard reference details same as the references
  • Type of source – E.g., website, journal article or video
  • A brief summary with an in-text citation for each source – Make sure to summarise from the whole article/ text/ video or other source you have used. You will need to paraphrase to do so and cite where relevant. Approx. 3-4 lines

Evaluate the reliability of each source by applying the Five Reliability Tests using:

  • Authority
  • Audience
  • Transparency
  • Objectivity
  • Currency
  • A justification, why the source is relevant to the chosen topic of your report. Will you use it?

Use the following: The Library database at the top right-hand side of the BUS100 Moodle page to help find your four references. For further assistance, TAKEAWAYs 4-6 and How Do I Do Assessment 2 in week 5 of BUS100.

Referencing: Provide your References on the last page. Using the Harvard referencing style ensuring the References are in alphabetical order by the Authors surname. References are not included in the word count. It is essential that you use the Harvard style for citing and referencing.

Format:    Double spaced text, right and left justified. Double, double spaced between paragraphs and references.

The Learning Support Centre It is highly recommended that you visit and consult the [email protected] for their advice before submitting your Bus100 Professional Communication Skills Assessment .

The assessment requires you to follow this process:

Text Box: 1. Research and readingsText Box: 2. Create a writing planText Box: 3. Write your first draft

Read all instructions thoroughly before you begin this assessment. Make sure you understand what to do and how to do it. Also ensure you understand the following Marking Rubric.

Feedback: Once you receive your marks check the feedback bubble and ensure you work on the areas mentioned by your tutor

Academic Integrity All students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own and is appropriately referenced and academically written according to the Harvard guidelines.

Marking Rubric Bus100 Professional Communication Skills Assessment 2: 25%

Criteria  Fail (0 – 49%)  Pass (50 – 64%)  Credit (65 – 74%)  Distinction (75 – 84%)  High Distinction (85 – 100%)
      Number of sources 10%Identifies no sources that are useful.Identifies 4 sources, however less than 2 are reliable academic sources. The usefulness and/or suitability of the sources identified for Assessment 3 Report Response on the chosen topic are debatable.Identifies 4 sources, 3 are from reliable academic sources. The sources identified are generally useful and appropriate to Assessment 3 Report Response on the chosen topic.Identifies 4 sources, from which at least 4 are from reliable academic sources. All sources very useful to Assessment 3 Report Response on the chosen topic.Identifies 4 sources, from which at least 4 are from reliable academic sources. All sources identified are highly pertinent to complete the Assessment 3 Report Response on the chosen topic.
            Summary 30%Sources have not been summarised (i.e., more than one summary missing for one of the sources). There is no/ a limited attempt at justifying relevance   of selected sourcesMost sources have been summarised (i.e.all sources have partial summaries or there is one summary missing for one of the sources). The summaries are inconsistently appropriate to the task, as demonstrated by an interrupted flow of ideas and at times lack of clarity. There is a basic attempt at justifying the relevance of all selected sources, however this needs substantial work (i.e. relevance to topic and task not entirely clear, appropriate).All sources have been summarised appropriately, however this still needs some work to achieve a clear and coherent flow of ideas. There is a generally adequate attempt at justifying the relevance of all selected sources, however this still needs some work (i.e. relevance to topic and task inconsistently clear).All sources have been summarised appropriately, coherently and clearly.All sources are justified in relation to their relevance to the topic of the written report clearly and consistently.All summaries are consistently clear and coherent; in the summaries, the main ideas are synthetised as they are needed to justify the source selection in relation to the topic of the written report (i.e. main ideas from sources are used to justify selection and relevance to chosen topic).
      Reliability evaluation 35%The reliability evaluation shows no understanding of source authority, audience, transparency, objectivity and currency, with omissions in all of the tests.The reliability evaluation shows superficial understanding of source authority, audience, transparency, objectivity and currency, with weaknesses in all of the tests and some omissions.The reliability evaluation shows a generally competent understanding of source authority, audience, transparency, objectivity and currency, with only weaknesses in some of the tests and no omissions.The reliability evaluation shows a clearly competent understanding of source authority, audience, transparency, objectivity and currency, with no more than one or two weaknesses and no omissions in all of the tests.The reliability evaluation is comprehensive, thorough and appropriate in all tests, demonstrating a highly competent understanding of source authority, audience, transparency, objectivity and currency, with no weaknesses and no omissions in all of the tests.
    Harvard Referencing 25%Does not include correct references or in-text citations; does not use Harvard online style.Attempts to include references or in-text citations; however, these are sometimes insufficient or incorrect; uses Harvard online style, however may contain some citation or referencing errors.Includes in-text citations and references from suitable sources; uses Harvard online style, however may contain minor citation or referencing errors.Includes in-text citations and references from suitable sources; uses Harvard online style, containing minimal and or no errors.Includes in-text citations and references from suitable sources; uses Harvard online style, containing no errors.

Assessment 3   Assessment type: Group Presentation Response 5 minutes per person.

Value: 15%  Due: PowerPoints Week 7 21 August 2022 by 5pm.

Presentation during class in Week 8 21 – 27 August

Purpose: Presentation combine concise information, effective visual aids, a clear and a practiced speech, supportive non-verbal communication strategies, and confident management of questions. These are skills that you will use and continue to develop in your professional future practice. This assessment task will provide you with the experience of presenting to an audience the main points and ideas from your research and findings. TheBus100 Professional Communication Skills Assessment refers directly to the learning outcomes b, d, e.

Topic: Group Presentation Using A2 Evidence Response:

Task details: Discuss your four references support to your topic and recommendations. Why you would or would not use them. This task is done individually in small groups of up to five students. Each person presents for 5 minutes. And can use a maximum of 10 PowerPoint slides Group members must introduce and thank each other.

Use the following: TAKEAWAYs and How Do I Do Bus100 Professional Communication Skills Assessment 3 and your four References from Assessment 2.

Your Presentation needs to include:

  1. An introduction, introduce yourself, your chosen topic and the purpose of your presentation. Engage the audience with a quiz, question or quote. Include an overview of what your presentation will cover. Name and Tutorial details on slide 1.
  2. Presentation body: Provide information on each reference’s suitability for the Report.
  3. Conclusion: Provide a brief summary of your overall presentation. Check if there are any questions from the audience and address them accordingly. You may like to include a final quiz for the audience. References on the last slide according to the Harvard style.

You need to demonstrate:

  • Evaluate and select the main points that need to be included in your Presentation
  • Research visual elements that will enhance your written format – such as images, graphs, tables.
  • Only three to four lines of writing on each slide.
  • Plan your Presentation and check your presentation.
  • Rehearse at least three times prior to your presentation
  • A comprehensive understanding of your references.
  • Evidence of research and application of reliable and relevant evidence including a references
  • Analysis and the ability to provide a logical flow.
  • Effective verbal and non-verbal communication in the form of professional presentation skills.
  • Appropriate and creative visual aids to support content delivery.

Assignment Submission: All PowerPoints summaries are to be submitted by Week 7, 21 August 2022 by 5pm, before the presentation. Each group member is to attend their group presentation in their Week 8 tutorial. Any absence requires a medical certificate and individual arrangement with your tutor. Each student submits their own PPTs into Assessment 3 on Moodle.

Read all instructions thoroughly before you begin this assessment. Make sure you understand what to do and how to do it. Also ensure you understand the following Marking Rubric.

Referencing: Provide one reference list as the last slide. Using the Harvard referencing style ensuring the References are in alphabetical order by the Authors surname. References are not included in the word count. It is essential that you use the Harvard style for citing and referencing.

Feedback: Once you receive your marks check the feedback bubble and ensure you work on the areas mentioned by your tutor.

The Learning Support Centre It is highly recommended that you visit and consult the [email protected] for their advice before submitting your Assessment.

Academic Integrity All students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own and is appropriately referenced and academically written according to the Harvard guidelines.

Marking Rubric Assessment 4: 15%

    Criteria  Fail (0 – 49%)  Pass (50 – 64%)  Credit (65 – 74%)  Distinction (75 – 84%)  High Distinction (85 – 100%)
        Knowledge and understanding   30%Limited understanding of required concepts and knowledge about the chosen topic. Key concepts of the chosen topic are not addressed or are poorly understood.Demonstrates knowledge or understanding of required concepts about the chosen topic. Sometimes confuses assertion of personal opinion with information substantiated by evidence from the research/course resources.Demonstrates thorough knowledge and understanding of required concepts about the chosen topic. Supports personal opinion and information substantiated by evidence from the research/course resources.Demonstrates highly developed understanding and knowledge of required concepts about the chosen topic. Discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from the research/course resources.Demonstrates a comprehensive understanding and knowledge of required concepts about the chosen topic. Systematically and critically differentiates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from the research/course resources. Mastery of concepts and application to new situations/further learning
        Presentation skills 30%Inaudible or too loud; no eye contact; rate too slow/fast; speaker seemed uninterested and used monotone.Minimal eye contact (i.e., reading from notes or looking away, or focusing only on small part of audience). Speaking rate too quick or volume too quiet making it difficult to understand. Body language needs improvement (i.e., frozen in place, or pacing, swaying, away from the audience.)Eye contact, speaking volume and body language were generally adequate and appropriate, but still need some improvements. Some mumbling; uneven speaking rate. Speaker appears tentative (not entirely confident).Steady eye contact and suitable speaking volume. Steady speaking rate and clear articulation, but still needs polishing. Body language is generally appropriate, but it still needs minor improvements (i.e., some fidgeting). Speaker appears comfortable.Constant eye contact and appropriate body language. Clear articulation, appropriate speaking volume and steady speaking rate. Speaker appears confident and enthusiastic.
      Appropriate and creative use of visual aids   25%Visual aids are poorly prepared and/or distracting, or non- existent. Lacks an understanding of the variety of available visual resources; needs to develop a better understanding of the variety of available resources.Visual aids are used very poorly; do not support script and overall presentation. Visual aids are included, however, do not clearly or appropriately support script and overall presentation. Shows evidence of using available visual resources, however can be more professional.Some visual aids used to support script and overall presentation, however, could be used more strategically and effectively as an engaging tool for the audience. Visual aids are well-prepared and clearly relates to script and overall presentation. Shows evidence of using available visual resources, satisfactorily. Adequate visual aids used to support script and overall presentation, however, could be used more strategically and effectively as an engaging tool for the audience.Effective use of (possibly diverse) visual aids clearly relating to the script and overall presentation. Available visual resources used in a professional manner. Effective and strategic use of visual aids as an engaging tool for the audience.Highly effective use of (possibly diverse) visual aids, clearly relating to the script and overall presentation. Available visual resources used in a very organised and professional manner. Exemplary use of visual aids as an engaging tool for the audience.
    Harvard Referencing   15%Does not include correct references or in-text citations; does not use Harvard online style.Attempt made to include references or in-text citations however these are sometimes insufficient for research purposes, or incorrect; uses Harvard online style, however may contain some citation or referencing errors.Shows good evidence of attempts to source information. Incorporates in-text and citations references from suitable sources; uses Harvard online style, however may contain minor citation or referencing errors.Shows evidence of wide scope for sourcing evidence. Incorporates in- text and citations references from suitable sources; uses Harvard online style, containing minimal and or no errors.Shows evidence of wide scope for sourcing evidence. Incorporates in- text and citations references from suitable sources; uses Harvard online style, containing no errors.

Assessment 4         Assessment Type: Individual Report1,200 word (+/- 10%)

Value: 30%                   Due: Sunday 18 September 2022 Week 11 by 5pm.

Purpose: Your ability, as a professional, to use modern communication technologies to improve business practices is critical for business and your success. Equally important is your ability to write well-structured reports to communicate your ideas and recommendations to a range of stakeholders. This assessment requires you to demonstrate these abilities, in the context of communication technologies, in preparation for your professional future practice. This Assessment relates to a, b and d Learning Outcomes

Assessment topic: Final Report

Task details: Using the five references, the four from Assessment 2 Evidence Response and one other, discuss your opinion of your topic. It’s definition, advantages and disadvantages and identify any factors that need to be considered.

Use the report format, possible headings and subheadings to include the following:

  • Contract page
    • Executive Summary
    • Content page
    • 1.Introduction
    • 2.Identification/definition
    • 3.Advantages and disadvantages.
    • 4.Identify any factors that need to be considered.
    • 5.Conclusion
    • 6.Recommendations
    • Reference List

Use the following: TAKEAWAYs and How Do I Do Assessment 4.

Format: Double spaced text, right and left justified. Double, double spaced between paragraphs and references.

The Learning Support Centre It is highly recommended that you visit and consult the [email protected] for their advice before submitting your Assessment.

Follow this process

Academic Integrity All students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own and is appropriately referenced and academically written according to the Harvard guidelines.

Referencing: Provide one reference list as the last page. Using the Harvard referencing style ensuring the References are in alphabetical order by the Authors surname. References are not included in the word count. It is essential that you use the Harvard style for citing and referencing.

Marking Rubric Assessment 4: 30%

    Criteria  Fail (0 – 49%)  Pass (50 – 64%)  Credit (65 – 74%)  Distinction (75 – 84%)  High Distinction (85 – 100%)
                  Critical analysis and supporting evidence   30%Inadequate understanding of required concepts and knowledge demonstrated in the analysis of the chosen topic. There is no/limited evidence of an attempt to address the communication technology’s uses, advantages, disadvantages, and identify the factors to be considered for its implementation in an organisation. There is no evidence of the analysis being supported by evidence.Limited understanding of required concepts and knowledge demonstrated in the analysis of the chosen topic. There is evidence of an attempt to address the communication technology’s uses, advantages, disadvantages, and identify the factors to be considered for its implementation in an organisation, this needs substantial improvement. Some task requirements might be missing (i.e., missing advantages and disadvantages analysis, or missing factors for implementation analysis). Few ideas are supported by evidence in the form of references to relevant sources.Adequate understanding of required concepts and knowledge demonstrated in a clear analysis of the chosen topic. Some task requirements have not been addressed in their entirety (i.e., partial analysis of advantages and disadvantages, or factors for implementation are addressed superficially). Some ideas are supported by evidence in the form of references to relevant sources.Clear understanding of required concepts and knowledge demonstrated in a concise and well- developed analysis of the chosen topic. All task requirements have been addressed clearly, however their analysis needs more depth. Most ideas are supported by evidence in the form of references to relevant sources.Highly developed understanding of required concepts and knowledge demonstrated in a concise, well-developed and comprehensive analysis of the chosen topic. All task requirements have been addressed clearly and critically. All ideas are supported by evidence in the form of references to relevant sources
    Recommendations 20%Recommendations are not based on report analysis or are inappropriate or irrelevant to the chosen topic. Most recommendations lack adequate justification.Recommendations are generally based on report analysis; however, they do not consistently demonstrate an adequate understanding of the chosen topic. Some recommendations are justified, while others are not.Recommendations are based on report analysis, demonstrating adequate understanding of the chosen topic. All recommendations are justified, albeit superficially; Justifications need work, focusing on depth.Clear recommendations based on report analysis, demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of the chosen topic. The justification for the recommendations needs minor improvements.Clear, succinct and well justified recommendations based on report analysis, demonstrating a comprehensive and practical understanding of the chosen topic.
    Report format 20%No headings, subheadings, and other report format guidelines are not followed. Report format and layout not acceptable in the business world.Limited headings, subheadings, and/or some report format guidelines require adjustments. Report format and layout acceptable in the business world with some improvements required.Headings and subheadings and other requirements are consistent with report format guidelines. Report format and layout acceptable in the business world with minor improvements required.Headings, subheadings and other report format guidelines are consistent. Very good report format. Layout acceptable in the business world with little to no improvements required.Headings, subheadings and other report format guidelines are consistent. Very professional work provided with an excellent report format. Layout acceptable in the business world.
    Effective communication 15%Information is difficult to understand for the audience. No logical/clear structure and spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors throughout.Information is not always clear and logical to understand for the audience and lacks clear structure. Some spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors throughout.Information is mostly clear and logical to understand for the audience. A clear structure and few spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors throughout.Information is clear and logical to understand for the audience. Minor spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors throughout.Information is logical, clear and persuasive. Free of spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors throughout.
  Harvard Referencing   15%Does not include correct references or in-text citations; does not use Harvard style.Attempts to include references or in-text citations; however, these are sometimes insufficient or incorrect; Uses the Harvard style, however may contain some citation or referencing errors.Includes in-text citations and references from suitable sources; Uses the Harvard style, however may contain minor citation or referencing errors.Includes in-text citations and references from suitable sources; Uses the Harvard style, containing minimal and or no errors.Includes in-text citations and references from suitable sources; Uses the Harvard style, containing no errors

Feedback: Your grade for this assessment will come out with the Final Exam results.

Assessment 5           Assessment type: 10 Individual Weekly TAKEAWAYS

Value: 10%                   Due: The Sunday 5pm of each week. (Weeks 1-10)

Assessment purpose: A TAKEAWAY is a particular summary of each week’s content. There is one TAKEAWAY for each week and is shown under the Week on the Moodle page. It provides assistance to support the weekly activities. The Assessment refers directly to the learning outcomes a, b, c, d.

Task details: Students are to provide a completed TAKEAWAY by the Sunday at 5pm of the Tutorial week and submit it into Moodle under the correct week. The TAKEAWAY must be in Word format. Each TAKEAWAY if correct receives 1 mark, partially correct receives half a mark.

Submission: The TAKEAWAYS are submitted into Moodle under Bus100 Professional Communication Skills Assessment Five and the week number.


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