
BSBWHS521 Student Assessment

12 April 2023 09:04 AM | UPDATED 2 years ago

BSBWHS521 Student Assessment :

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BSBWHS521 Student Assessment
BSBWHS521 Student Assessment

Unit Code: BSBWHS521 Student Assessment

Student Name:

Student ID:

Trainer Name:

Due Date: 2 Oct 2022

Assessment 1

Short Answer Questions

Question 1
Answer the following questions about the hierarchy of control using your own words.  
Briefly explain the primary aim of controlling risks.
Briefly explain how the level of health and safety protection provided by control measures changes as you move down the hierarchy of control.
Briefly explain how the reliability of control measures changes moving down the hierarchy of control.
List the hierarchy of controls in order of priority (from the most preferred to the least preferred). Note: Control measures under the same level of priority do not have to follow any particular order. In your own words, briefly explain how each control measure eliminates or minimises hazards and its associated risks
Hierarchy of ControlsHow Control Measure Eliminates or Minimises Hazards and its Associated Risks

Assessment 2

This BSBWHS521 Student Assessment is divided into thirteen tasks:

  • Task 1: WHS Requirements 

Use the WHS Requirements template provided at the Bounce Fitness site.

Submit the completed work health and safety requirements to your assessor of BSBWHS521 Student Assessment . Include any organisational documentation used to identify requirements, such as: 

  • WHS policies and procedures
  • Organisational WHS programs
Learner Name     
Date Prepared     
Applicable WHS LegislationIdentify the WHS legislation applicable to your state/territory      
Currency Version Indicate date when accessed legislation was last updated.      
Date Accessed     
Applicable WHS RegulationIdentify the WHS regulation applicable to your state/territory      
Currency Version Indicate date when accessed legislation was last updated.      
Date Accessed     

  1. Risk Management Requirements
  2. Identifying Hazards
Relevant Policy and Procedure Identify at least one policy and procedure relevant to identifying hazards      
Section of Policy and Procedures Identify section of identified policy and procedure where you sourced requirements relevant to identifying hazards.      
Policy Outline policy statement under identified policy and procedures relevant to identifying hazards.
Procedures Outline procedures under identified policy and procedures relevant to identifying hazards.

Section of Applicable Legislation  Identify section of applicable legislation where you sourced the requirements relevant to hazard identification.      
Legislative Requirements  Outline requirements under applicable legislation relevant to hazard identification
Section of Applicable RegulationIdentify section of applicable regulation where you sourced the requirements relevant to hazard identification.      
Regulatory Requirements  Outline requirements under applicable regulation relevant to hazard identification
Applicable Codes of PracticeIdentify at least one applicable codes of practice relevant to hazard identification      
Section of Applicable Codes of PracticeIdentify section of identified codes of practice where you sourced requirements relevant to hazard identification.
Requirements of Codes of Practice Outline requirements under applicable codes of practice relevant to hazard identification

  • Risk BSBWHS521 Student Assessment
Relevant Policy and Procedure Identify at least one policy and procedure relevant to risk assessment      
Section of Policy and Procedures Identify section of identified policy and procedure where you sourced requirements relevant to risk assessment.      
Policy Outline policy statement under identified policy and procedures relevant to risk assessment.
Procedures Outline procedures under identified policy and procedures relevant to risk assessment.

Section of Applicable Legislation  Identify section of applicable legislation where you sourced the requirements relevant to risk assessment.      
Legislative Requirements  Outline requirements under applicable legislation relevant to risk assessment
BSBWHS521 Student Assessment
Section of Applicable RegulationIdentify section of applicable regulation where you sourced the requirements relevant to risk assessment.      
Regulatory Requirements  Outline requirements under applicable regulation relevant to risk assessment
Applicable Codes of PracticeIdentify at least one applicable codes of practice relevant to risk assessment      
Section of Applicable Codes of PracticeIdentify section of identified codes of practice where you sourced requirements relevant to risk assessment.      
Requirements of Codes of Practice Outline requirements under applicable codes of practice relevant to risk assessment
BSBWHS521 Student Assessment

  • Controlling Risks
Relevant Policy and Procedure Identify at least one policy and procedure relevant to controlling risks.      
Section of Policy and Procedures Identify section of identified policy and procedure where you sourced requirements relevant to controlling risks.      
Policy Outline policy statement under identified policy and procedures relevant to controlling risks.
Procedures Outline procedures under identified policy and procedures relevant to controlling risks.
BSBWHS521 Student Assessment

Section of Applicable Legislation  Identify section of applicable legislation where you sourced the requirements relevant to controlling risks.      
Legislative Requirements  Outline requirements under applicable legislation relevant to controlling risks.
Section of Applicable RegulationIdentify section of applicable regulation where you sourced the requirements relevant to providing controlling risks.      
Regulatory Requirements  Outline requirements under applicable regulation relevant to controlling risks.
BSBWHS521 Student Assessment
Applicable Codes of PracticeIdentify at least one applicable codes of practice relevant to controlling risks.      
Section of Applicable Codes of PracticeIdentify section of identified codes of practice where you sourced requirements relevant to controlling risks.      
Requirements of Codes of Practice Outline requirements under applicable codes of practice relevant to providing controlling risks.

  1. Providing WHS Training Programs
Relevant Policy and Procedure Identify at least one policy and procedure relevant to providing WHS training programs.      
Section of Policy and Procedures Identify section of identified policy and procedure where you sourced requirements relevant to providing WHS training programs.      
Policy Outline policy statement under identified policy and procedures relevant to providing WHS training programs.
Procedures Outline procedures under identified policy and procedures relevant to providing WHS training programs..
Section of Applicable Legislation  Identify section of applicable legislation where you sourced the requirements relevant to providing WHS training programs.      
Legislative Requirements  Outline requirements under applicable legislation relevant to providing WHS training programs.
Section of Applicable RegulationIdentify section of applicable regulation where you sourced the requirements relevant to providing WHS training programs.      
Regulatory Requirements  Outline requirements under applicable regulation relevant to providing WHS training programs.
BSBWHS521 Student Assessment
Applicable Codes of PracticeIdentify at least one applicable codes of practice relevant to providing WHS training programs.      
Section of Applicable Codes of PracticeIdentify section of identified codes of practice where you sourced requirements relevant to providing WHS training programs.      
Requirements of Codes of Practice Outline requirements under applicable codes of practice relevant to providing WHS training programs.
  1. Resolving WHS Issues
Relevant Policy and Procedure Identify at least one policy and procedure relevant to resolving WHS issues.      
Section of Policy and Procedures Identify section of identified policy and procedure where you sourced requirements relevant to resolving WHS issues.      
Policy Outline policy statement under identified policy and procedures relevant to resolving WHS issues.
Procedures Outline procedures under identified policy and procedures relevant to resolving WHS issues.
Section of Applicable Legislation  Identify section of applicable legislation where you sourced the requirements relevant to resolving WHS issues.      
Legislative Requirements  Outline requirements under applicable legislation relevant to resolving WHS issues.
Section of Applicable RegulationIdentify section of applicable regulation where you sourced the requirements relevant to resolving WHS issues.      
Regulatory Requirements  Outline requirements under applicable regulation relevant to resolving WHS issues.
BSBWHS521 Student Assessment
Applicable Codes of PracticeIdentify at least one applicable codes of practice relevant to resolving WHS issues.      
Section of Applicable Codes of PracticeIdentify section of identified codes of practice where you sourced requirements relevant to resolving WHS issues.      
Requirements of Codes of Practice Outline requirements under applicable codes of practice relevant to resolving WHS issues.
  1. Reporting Notifiable Incidents 
Relevant Policy and Procedure Identify at least one policy and procedure relevant to reporting notifiable incidents.      
Section of Policy and Procedures Identify section of identified policy and procedure where you sourced requirements relevant to reporting notifiable incidents.      
Policy Outline policy statement under identified policy and procedures relevant to reporting notifiable incidents.
Procedures Outline procedures under identified policy and procedures relevant to reporting notifiable incidents.
BSBWHS521 Student Assessment
Section of Applicable Legislation  Identify section of applicable legislation where you sourced the requirements relevant to reporting notifiable incidents.      
Legislative Requirements  Outline requirements under applicable legislation relevant to reporting notifiable incidents.
Section of Applicable RegulationIdentify section of applicable regulation where you sourced the requirements relevant to reporting notifiable incidents.      
Regulatory Requirements  Outline requirements under applicable regulation relevant to reporting notifiable incidents.
Applicable Codes of PracticeIdentify at least one applicable codes of practice relevant to reporting notifiable incidents.      
Section of Applicable Codes of PracticeIdentify section of identified codes of practice where you sourced requirements relevant to reporting notifiable incidents..      
Requirements of Codes of Practice Outline requirements under applicable codes of practice relevant to reporting notifiable incidents.
BSBWHS521 Student Assessment


  • Task 2: WHS Management Plan

Submit the completed WHS management plan to your assessor. Include any documentation used to identify your organisation’s quality system framework

You must also submit evidence of communication/consultation with at least two required personnel of the organisation on their input about the WHS consultation arrangements for your work area.

Evidence must be at least one of the following:

  • Email correspondence
  • Meeting minutes
Learner Name     
Work AreaIdentify the work area where WHSMS will be applied.        
Date Prepared     
Version Control & Document History
DateSummary of modifications madeVersion
Organisational Quality Framework
ObjectivesIdentify at least two objectives of your organisational quality framework that you intend to accomplish through your Work Health and Safety Management Plan (WHSMP)        
Key Performance Indicators (Consultation)Identify at least one KPI to evaluate effectiveness of your WHS consultation processes.      
Key Performance Indicators (Risk Management)Identify at least one KPI to evaluate effectiveness of your risk management processes.      
Key Performance Indicators (WHS training programs)Identify at least one KPI to evaluate effectiveness of your WHS training programs .      
PurposeOutline purpose of the policy and procedures outlined in the WHSMP.      
Statement of CommitmentOutline your commitment to providing a workplace that complies with requirements of WHS Laws       
Definitions Outline the WHS duty holders of your work area. All personnel in the work area must be assigned a role in line with maintaining WHS in the workplace.
Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU)     
Health and Safety Representatives (HSR), if applicable     
Responsibilities Outline all WHS responsibilities of each duty holder to uphold WHS obligations as required by applicable WHS laws.
HSR (if applicable)     
  1. General WHS Information 
  2. Consultation and Participation Arrangements
Procedures for identifying duty holders within the organisation Outline the specific procedures the organisation will implement to apply open communication with workplace personnel to identify duty holders 
Procedures for identifying and approving resources to uphold WHS obligations Outline the specific procedures the organisation will implement to apply open communication with workplace personnel to identify resources to uphold WHS obligation. 
Procedures for developing and implementing WHS Programs Outline the specific procedures the organisation will implement to apply open communication with workplace personnel to identify resources to uphold WHS obligation. 
  • Risk Management Arrangements
Hazard Identification
Procedures Outline specific procedures the organisation will implement to apply hazard identification that adheres to WHS laws and relevant organisational policies and procedures
Tools Outline specific tools the organisation will use in hazard identification to ensure that work area adheres to WHS laws and relevant organisational policies and procedures.
Risk Assessment Outline specific procedures the organisation will implement to apply risk assessment that adheres to WHS laws and relevant organisational policies and procedures
Tools Outline specific tools the organisation will use in risk assessment to ensure that work area adheres to WHS laws and relevant organisational policies and procedures.
Risk Control Outline specific procedures the organisation will implement to apply risk assessment that adheres to WHS laws and relevant organisational policies and procedures
Tools Outline specific tools the organisation will use in control risks to ensure that work area adheres to WHS laws and relevant organisational policies and procedures.

  • Training and Induction 
Training Outline specific procedures the organisation will implement to provide skills and knowledge to workers required to fulfill WHS obligations.   
Induction Outline specific procedures the organisation will undertake to provide necessary WHS information to new staff.

  • WHS Record Keeping 
Record Keeping Procedures Outline specific procedures the organisation will implement to ensure that all necessary WHS records are maintained in accordance to applicable WHS laws and organisational policies and procedures.    
  • Budget
Human Resources
Job TitleJob Role Outline job description specific to the WHS duties they will perform in line with WHSMPQuantity
Financial Resources Outline budgetary requirements to fully implement Work Health and Safety procedures developed in the WHSMP.

  • Specific WHS Requirements
Outline procedures for complying with any additional WHS requirements applicable to your workplace. Add more tables as necessary.  


  • Task 3: Approve Resource Required to Implement WHSMP

To complete this task, you must secure approval for financial and human resources of your WHSMP submitted for Workplace Project Task 2 following organisational policies and procedures

Submit evidence that you secured approval for the following resources identified in the WHSMP from Workplace Project Task 2 following organisational policies and procedures:

  • Financial resources
  • Human resources

Evidence must be at least one of the following:

  • Email correspondence
  • Meeting minutes
  • Task 4: Hazard Identification Form and Risk Register

After the assessment, submit the following to your assessor:

  • Partially completed hazard identification form
  • Partially completed risk register

Additionally, you must also submit evidence of your consultation with the following:

  • Required personnel during each of the following: 
  • Hazard identification
  • Risk Assessment
  • Identification of risk control measures
  • WHS expert to clarify requirements of managing the risks that require further advice

Evidence submitted must be any of the following:

  • Email correspondence
  • Meeting minutes
Learner Name     
Learner’s Work Role     
Date Prepared     
What is the hazard?
What are the risks associated with the hazard?
People/person who may be affected by the hazard:
What are the existing risk control measures used? Leave this section blank if nothing has been done
Initial risk rating Rating must be based on the risk rating matrix your organisation uses.      
What further action needs to be taken?
By when (date)     
Residual risk rating: Note: the residual risk rating should be “low” at this stage, if this is not the case, think of a more effective way to control the hazard.      


Learner Name     
Date Prepared     
Risk AssessmentRisk ControlReview
Risk DescriptionCurrent treatment to manage riskInitial Risk RatingRisk Control MeasureResources RequiredDate to Provide ResourcesPerson ResponsibleExpected Date to ImplementActual Date ImplementedRevised Risk RatingDate of Review
Risk Rating Matrix
Likelihood (L)Impact (I)
Insignificant 1Minor 2Moderate 3Major 4Severe 5
Almost certainLow (L)Moderate (Mo)High (H)Critical (C)Critical (C)
LikelyLow (L)Moderate (Mo)High (H)High (H)Critical (C)
PossibleLow (L)Moderate (Mo)Moderate (Mo)High (H)High (H)
UnlikelyLow (L)Low (L)Moderate (Mo)Moderate (Mo)High (H)
RareLow (L)Low (L)Low (L)Moderate (Mo)Moderate (Mo)
Likelihood and Impact Definition-WHS
Likelihood (L)Impact (I)
Almost certainThe event is expected to occur in most circumstances; constant exposure to risk; high probability of damage; clear history of occurrence1. InsignificantMinimal or no injury; or very low financial loss
LikelyThe event will probably occur in most circumstances; frequent exposure to risk; substantial probability of damage; some history of occurrence2. MinorFirst aid treatment; minor medical treatment but no lost time; or minor financial loss
PossibleThe event should occur at some time; regular or occasional exposure to risk; moderate probability of damage3. ModerateMedical treatment required; lost time injury; less than four weeks off work
UnlikelyThe event could occur at some time; infrequent exposure to risk; low probability of damage; little or no history at this site4. MajorExtensive or multiple injuries; major back, neck, arm, leg, face or internal injury; extended absence of one or more employees; external investigation by WST; lost time over one month
RareThe event may occur only in exceptional circumstances; rare exposure to risk; very low probability of damage5. SevereDeath, fatal diseases or fatal injury
Rating Definition
Critical (C)Dangerous level of risk which is unacceptable and required to be controlled immediately. Access and exposure to the hazard are to be restricted until the risk can be lowered to an acceptable level. A hazardous task must not be undertaken if rated as extreme until review and approval by the manager.
High (H)Unacceptable level of risk which must be controlled immediately. Control measures would involve eliminating, substituting, isolating or engineering out the source of the risk from the activity or equipment. The time frame for the completion of at least one control to reduce the risk to low or negligible is within 24 hours. Hazardous tasks or activities rated as high require review and approval by manager before being undertaken.
Moderate (Mo)Unacceptable level of risk. The time frame for the completion of risk controls to lower the risk to a low or negligible level is within 14 days.
Low (L)These risks are considered acceptable. Accordingly, no further action is necessary. However, if there are controls which can be initiated that are easy and inexpensive, they can still be administered. The time frame for the completion of controls associated with this level of risk is within 28 days.


  • Task 5: Implement Risk Control Measures

After the assessment, submit the following to your assessor:

  • Completed hazard identification form
  • Completed risk register
  • Task 6: Presentation of Resolution of Risk Management 

Your assessor will observe you as you present information to required personnel about the resolution of risk management of at least one risk in the work area.

Required personnel refer to duty holders within the work area who were consulted and/or participated in managing the resolved risk.

Information provided can be based on the risk management conducted in Workplace Project Task 3 and Workplace Project Task 4 or any other recently concluded risk management conducted in the work area.

  • Task 7: Include Hazard Identification in Organisational Change
This task will require you toinclude hazard identification during the planning, design and evaluation stages of at least one organisational change made in your work area. To complete this task, you must include hazard identification during the following stages of at least one organisational change made in your work area: Planning Design Evaluation

Submit evidence that hazard identification is implemented during the following stages of at least one workplace change: Evidence submitted can include any hazard identification tool or record used in the organisation. This includes:  
  • Task 8: WHS Induction Pack

Use your workplace/organisation’s template to complete this task or use the WHS Induction Pack template provided at the Bounce Fitness site.

To complete this task, you must follow procedures outlined in the WHS Management Plan developed in Workplace Project Task 2 to:

  • Develop a WHS Induction Pack, which must include the following:

Requirements for reporting incidents in the work area.

Learner Name     
Date Prepared     
Applicable WHS LegislationIdentify the WHS legislation applicable to your state/territory      
Applicable WHS RegulationIdentify the WHS regulation applicable to your state/territory      

  • Introduction
Introduction Outline general introduction to the organisation and work area. This can include what the company does, what activities are
Roles and Responsibilities Outline roles and the corresponding responsibilities of each WHS duty holder in the work area. 
  • Hazard and Risk Management 
    • Hazard Identification
Legislative Requirements  Outline requirements under applicable legislation relevant to hazard identification as outlined in your Work Health and Safety Management Plan (WHSMP)
Regulatory Requirements  Outline requirements under applicable regulation relevant to hazard identification as outlined in your WHSMP
Requirements of Codes of Practice Outline requirements under applicable codes of practice relevant hazard identification as outlined in the WHSMP.
Policy Outline policy statement in relation to hazard and risk management as outlined in your WHSMP. .
Procedures Outline procedures for hazard identification procedures as outlined in your WHSMP.
Tools Outline tools used during hazard identification as outlined in your WHSMP.

  1. Risk Assessment
Legislative Requirements  Outline requirements under applicable legislation relevant to risk assessment as outlined in your WHSMP
Regulatory Requirements  Outline requirements under applicable regulation relevant to risk assessment as outlined in your WHSMP
Requirements of Codes of Practice Outline requirements under applicable codes of practice relevant to risk assessment as outlined in your WHSMP
Procedures Outline procedures under identified policy and procedures relevant to risk assessment.
Tools Outline tools used during risk assessment as outlined in your WHSMP.

  1. Controlling Risks
Legislative Requirements  Outline requirements under applicable legislation relevant to controlling risks using hierarchy of control measures as outlined in your WHSMP.
Regulatory Requirements  Outline requirements under applicable regulation relevant to controlling risks using hierarchy of control measures as outlined in your WHSMP.
Requirements of Codes of Practice Outline requirements under applicable codes of practice relevant to controlling risks using hierarchy of control measures as outlined in your WHSMP.
Procedures Outline procedures under identified policy and procedures relevant to controlling risks using hierarchy of control measures as outlined in your WHSMP.
Tools Outline tools used during risk assessment as outlined in your WHSMP.
  • Incident Reporting
Section of Applicable LegislationIdentify section of applicable legislation where you sourced the requirements relevant to reporting on hazards.      
Legislative Requirements  Outline requirements under applicable legislation relevant on reporting incidents in the work area.
Section of Applicable RegulationIdentify section of applicable regulation where you sourced the requirements relevant to reporting on hazards.      
Regulatory Requirements  Outline requirements under applicable regulation relevant to reporting incidents in the work area.
Applicable Codes of PracticeIdentify at least one applicable codes of practice relevant to reporting on hazards      
Section of Applicable Codes of PracticeIdentify section of identified codes of practice where you sourced requirements relevant to reporting on hazards.      
Requirements of Codes of Practice Outline requirements under applicable codes of practice relevant to reporting incidents in the work area.
Policy Outline policy statement under identified policy and procedures relevant to reporting incidents in the work area.
Procedures Outline procedures under identified policy and procedures relevant to reporting incidents in the work area.


  • Task 9: Deliver WHS Induction to Required Personnel

Your assessor will observe you as you deliver a WHS induction to at least one required personnel in your work area based on the WHS Induction Pack submitted for Workplace Project Task 8.

Required personnel refer to workers of the organisation who must be familiarised or refamiliarised with the processes and systems of the organisation’s WHS systems. 

You will be assessed on your practical skills to:

  • Task 10: Training Needs Analysis

Submit the completed training needs analysis to your assessor.

You must also submit evidence of your consultation with required personnel.  

Evidence must be at least one of the following:

  • Email correspondence
  • Meeting minutes
TNA Done By     
TNA Completed On     Workplace/Organisation     
Team Member Name     Position     
WHS Responsibility of Personnel List the WHS tasks of the personnelTraining Required?Training Required Identify the type of training required for tasks where you ticked yes.Training Delivery Identify how the required training will be delivered. Include the individual or organisation who is responsible for providing the training.Date to Start Identify when the training will begin
Personnel Comments Record personnel’s comments on training requirements.


  • Task 11: Provide WHS Training to Required Personnel

Submit evidence that you have provided the appropriate WHS training to required personnel.

Evidence can include the following:

  • Certificate of completion
  • Email of confirmation
  • Qualification transcript
  • Task 12: WHS Evaluation Report

Submit the completed WHS evaluation report to your assessor. Include any organisational WHS records used measure and evaluate the following:

  • Training programs
  • Injury and illness performance
  • Hazard identification
  • Risk assessment
  • Risk control
  • Consultation arrangements
Learner Name     
Date Prepared     
Evaluation PeriodIdentify the period covered by the evaluation you will conduct. Specify the specific dates.      
Objectives Identify at least two objectives based on the quality system framework of your WHSMP      
Consultation Processes      
Risk Management       
Training Programs      

  • Training Programs
Measures of Effectiveness Outline measures of current training programs required to evaluate the knowledge and skill level of the WHS duty holders in relation to performing their WHS obligations.
Evaluation Outline evaluation of your measures against the applicable KPI.

  • Injury and Illness
Measures of Effectiveness Outline measures required to evaluate the performance of organisation in handling and minimising instances of illness and injury. 
Evaluation Outline evaluation of your measures against the applicable KPI.

  • Risk Management Requirements
  • Identifying Hazards
Measures of Effectiveness Outline measures required to evaluate the performance of organisation in foreseeing effects of hazards found in the work area.  
Evaluation Outline evaluation of your measures against the applicable KPI.

  • Risk Assessment
Measures of Effectiveness Outline measures required to evaluate the performance of organisation in identifying the priority of resolving risk in the work area to prevent instances of injury or illness.
Evaluation Outline evaluation of your measures against the applicable KPI.

  • Controlling Risks
Measures of Effectiveness Outline measures required to evaluate the performance of organisation in implementing control measures to ensure that incidents, injuries and illnesses are prevented in the work area.
Evaluation Outline evaluation of your measures against the applicable KPI.

  • Consultation Processes
Measures of Effectiveness Outline measures required to evaluate the performance of organisation in conducting effective consultation in the work area.
Evaluation Outline evaluation of your measures against the applicable KPI.


  • Task 13: Modify WHS Management Plan

To complete this task, you must:

  • Access and review the WHS Evaluation Report completed during Workplace Project Task 12
  • Identify at least two areas of improvement in the WHSMP.
    • If you’re referring to the WHSMP from this project assessment, you can base your areas of improvement on the evaluation conducted in Workplace Project Task 11
    • If you’re referring to the WHSMS from your own work area you can base your areas of improvement on any of the following:
      • Evaluation conducted during Workplace Project Task 11
      • Any other areas you find from the WHSMS that require modification

Modify the section of your WHSMP or WHSMS document based on your findings. Outline the modifications done using the version control section of WHSMP document.


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