Finance and Management

BSBPEF402 Student Skills Test Assessment

23 April 2023 14:30 PM | UPDATED 2 years ago

BSBPEF402 Student Skills Test Assessment :

BSBPEF402 Student Skills Test Assessment
BSBPEF402 Student Skills Test Assessment

Assessor Instructions: Task 2 – Skills Test                                                                                                  

The following forms the basis of the evidence that you need to collect from students for assessment in this assessment task. The task and specific assessment requirements that are given to students are also outlined.

  • Refer to all the blue and italic text for a guide to suggested answers and benchmarking for assessments and also for instructions on how to use the assessment tools.
  • Ensure all outlined conditions of assessment requirements are met.
  • For each assessment task, an Assessment Result Sheet form for the student is completed. This is located at the end of each assessment task in the Student Pack
  • This Assessment Result Sheet allows the trainer/assessor to record the following items:
  • The outcome of the assessment tasks as either Satisfactory (S) or Not Satisfactory (NS).
    • Feedback to the student
    • The student declaration
    • The Trainer/Assessor declaration
  • The trainer/assessor and the student must sign the Assessment Result Sheet to show that the student was provided with the task outcome.
  • The Unit Mapping identifies what aspects of the Unit of Competency are being addressed in each assessment task.
  • Once all assessment tasks allocated to this Unit of Competency have been undertaken, the Student’s Assessment Plan (point 5 in the Student Pack) is completed to record the unit outcome. The outcome will be either Competent (C) or Not Yet Competent (NYC).
  • When all assessment tasks are deemed Satisfactory (S), the unit outcome is Competent (C).
  • If at least one of the assessment task is deemed Not Satisfactory (NS), the unit outcome is Not Yet Competent (NYC).
  • The following information is attached to each assessment task:
  • Assessment type
    • Assessment task description
    • Applicable conditions
    • Resubmissions and reattempts
    • Location
    • Instructions for completion of the assessment task
    • How trainers/assessors will assess the work
    • Task-specific instructions for the student

Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022)                      Unit Code: BSBPEF402             Page 1 of 3

Simulated Environment

These instructions are to be followed if the student is unable to complete the assessment in a workplace environment.

Assessment task instructions

  • The purpose of this assessment task is to assess the students’ knowledge and skills essential to plan and prioritise own work tasks and to monitor and obtain feedback on personal work performance.
  • The training organisation must ensure that the simulated workplace is in accordance with the requirements specified.
  • The student will take on the role of a team leader at the training organisation.
  • The student must use the templates provided to document their responses.
  • The student must follow the word-limits specified in the templates.
  • The trainer/assessor must assess the student using the performance checklist provided.

Simulated environment requirements

Assessment task environment   This assessment task will be completed at your training organisation or a simulated environment prepared by your training organisation.   The simulation environment consists of both the physical space and its contents (such as the equipment and participants etc. The simulated environment is very much like a learning environment where a student is able to practice, use and operate relevant industrial equipment, techniques, practices under realistic workplace conditions.   Requirements for the workplace simulation environment   The trainer/assessor will ensure that the simulated workplace environment is sufficient to complete this assessment task.   The simulated environment consists of:   The training organisation as the workplace where the student will be required to complete their job-related tasks and activities.   The standard operating/workplace procedures related to the training organisation   The trainer/assessor will provide the student with assistance throughout the assessment activity.   The simulated environment must meet the following criteria:   Opportunities for the student to:                                                                               Yes/No/NA   Follow standard operating/workplace procedures Use up-to-date software and equipment Work within stated timelines to meet deadlines
Gain experience in the challenges and complexities of dealing with multiple tasks Experience prioritising competing tasks and dealing with contingencies Workplace environment to work with others in a team Workplace environment to sufficient to communicate with diverse groups Workplace environment sufficient to work independently and manage workload   Resources, tools, and equipment requirements   The following resources, tools and equipment will be made available by the training organisation at the workplace to complete this assessment task:   Access to the simulated workplace to carry out the skills assessment   Organisational objectives, policies and procedures   Meeting/conference room   Video conferencing tools such as zoom   Simulated workplace scenario   You are working as a team leader in your training organisation. Part of your job role requires you to plan and prioritise own work tasks and monitor and obtain feedback on personal work performance. The management wants to ensure that you complete your responsibilities in the time allotted. They want you to prepare a work schedule to get your work done effectively and efficiently, monitor own performance against task objectives and update personal work schedule. Roles and responsibilities   As part of your job role, you have the following job responsibilities:   Identify task requirements and personal responsibilities/accountabilities in line with task requirements   Assess barriers for the performance of personal accountabilities considering the task requirements   Prepare a personal work schedule and communicate the work schedule to the manager   Implement the work schedule and monitor own performance according to personal work schedule   Document variations between expected and actual work performance according to task requirements and communicate to relevant personnel   Review own work performance against workgroup objectives through self-assessment and seeking and acting on feedback from internal and external stakeholders.
Update personal work schedule according to internal and external feedback and changes in circumstances   Task requirements   This assessment task requires you to demonstrate skills to plan and prioritise own work tasks and to monitor and obtain feedback on personal work performance. In the course of the above, you need to complete the following activities:   Activity 1: Plan a personal work schedule   Activity 2: Implement personal work schedule   Activity 3: Review personal work priorities
Opportunities for students to: Yes/No/NA Follow standard operating/workplace procedures   Use up-to-date software and equipment   Work within stated timelines to meet deadlines   Gain experience in the challenges and complexities of dealing with multiple tasks   Experience prioritising competing tasks and dealing with contingencies   Workplace environment to work with others in a team   Workplace environment to sufficient to communicate with diverse groups   Workplace sufficient to work independently and manage workload      

Workplace Environment

These instructions are to be followed if the student is able to complete the assessment in an actual workplace.

Assessment task instructions

  • The purpose of this assessment task is to assess the students’ knowledge and skills essential to plan and prioritise own work tasks and to monitor and obtain feedback on personal work performance.
  • The student will take on the role of a team leader in the workplace.
  • The student must use the templates provided to document their responses.
  • The student must follow the word-limits specified in the templates.
  • The trainer/assessor must assess the student using the performance checklist provided.

Workplace requirements

Assessment task environment   This assessment task will be completed in your workplace.   The requirements for the workplace environment   The assessment task can be completed in the workplace if the student is currently working or has access to a workplace meeting the assessment criteria.   The workplace must meet the following criteria:                                                 Resources, tools, and equipment requirements   The following resources, tools and equipment will be made available by the training organisation at
the workplace to complete this assessment task:   Access to the simulated workplace to carry out the skills assessment   Organisational objectives, policies and procedures   Meeting/conference room   Video conferencing tools such as zoom   Simulated workplace scenario   You are working as a team leader in your workplace. Part of your job role requires you to plan and prioritise own work tasks and monitor and obtain feedback on personal work performance. The management wants to ensure that you complete your responsibilities in the time allotted. They want you to prepare a work schedule to get your work done effectively and efficiently, monitor own performance against task objectives and update personal work schedule. Roles and responsibilities   As part of your job role, you have the following job responsibilities:   Identify task requirements and personal responsibilities/accountabilities in line with task requirements   Assess barriers for the performance of personal accountabilities considering the task requirements   Prepare a personal work schedule and communicate the work schedule to the manager   Implement the work schedule and monitor own performance according to personal work schedule   Document variations between expected and actual work performance according to task requirements and communicate to relevant personnel   Review own work performance against workgroup objectives through self-assessment and seeking and acting on feedback from internal and external stakeholders.   Update personal work schedule according to internal and external feedback and changes in circumstances   Task requirements   This assessment task requires you to demonstrate skills to plan and prioritise own work tasks and to monitor and obtain feedback on personal work performance. In the course of the above, you need to complete the following activities:   Activity 1: Plan a personal work schedule   Activity 2: Implement personal work schedule   Activity 3: Review personal work priorities

Assessment Task 2: Skills Test                                                                                                  

Skills Test:

This assessment task requires you to demonstrate skills to develop, implement and review one bi- weekly personal work schedule.

In the course of the above, you need to complete the following activities:

  • Activity 1: Plan a personal work schedule
  • Activity 2: Implement personal work schedule
  • Activity 3: Review personal work priorities

Assessment activities

Activity 1: Plan a personal work schedule

Activity context:

The management wants you to ensure that the personal work schedule incorporates your task requirements, personal accountabilities and barriers for the performance of personal accountabilities.

Description of the activity

This activity requires you to plan a personal work schedule. To complete this activity, you are required to complete the following parts:

  • Part A: Identify personal responsibilities and barriers to their fulfilment according to task requirements
  • Part B: Prepare a bi-weekly personal work schedule

Part A: Identify personal responsibilities and barriers to their fulfilment according to task requirements

This part of the activity requires you to identify personal responsibilities and barriers to their fulfilment according to task requirements. To do so, you need to:

  • Identify the task requirements
  • Identify personal responsibilities/accountabilities to the fulfilment of task requirements in relation to workgroup objectives and organisational policies and procedures
  • Assess barriers for the performance of personal accountabilities

You must use the ‘personal responsibilities and barriers’ template provided to document your response. You must document the following:

  • Task requirements
  • Personal responsibilities/accountabilities
  • Barriers for the performance of personal accountabilities

Template: Personal responsibilities and barriers

Personal responsibilities and barriers
Task requirements (30-50 words)
Personal responsibilities/accountabilities (Any five)
Barriers for the performance of personal accountabilities (Any three)

Part B: Prepare a bi-weekly personal work schedule

This part of the activity requires you to prepare a bi-weekly personal work schedule.

To prepare the bi-weekly personal work schedule, you must use the Excel template provided along with this unit.

When preparing the bi-weekly personal work schedule, you must ensure that the work schedule incorporates the following:

  • Task requirements
  • Personal responsibilities/accountabilities
  • Barriers for the performance of personal accountabilities

Performance Criteria/Performance Checklist: Activity 1                                                                                                  

Your task must address the following performance criteria/ performance checklist.
To be assessed as satisfactory (S) in this assessment task the participant needs to demonstrate competency in the following critical aspects of evidenceSN/STrainer/Assessor to complete (Comment and feedback to students)
a) Task requirements were in accordance with work objectives and organisational policies and proceduresqq 
b) Personal accountabilities were in accordance with the task requirements.qq 
c) Assessed and documented the barriers of the performance of personal accountabilities.qq 
d) Documented barriers aligned with the task requirementsqq 
e) Identified and applied textual information from relevant sources to understand organisation’s policies and practicesqq 
f) Developed work schedule was clear and incorporated the requirements specifiedqq 

Activity 2: Implement personal work schedule

Description of the activity

This activity is a continuation of Activity 1.

This activity requires you to implement personal work schedule. To so so, you need to complete the following two parts:

  • Part A: Communicate work schedule to your manager
  • Part B: Implement personal work schedule and monitor personal work performance to identify variations between expected and actual work performance

Part A: Communicate work schedule to your manager

This part of the activity requires you to communicate work schedule to your manager. To do so, you are required to e-mail the prepared work schedule to your manager and request for approval.

When writing the e-mail, you must follow the guidelines provided below. Guidelines for writing the e-mail:

  • The subject line should communicate exactly what the e-mail is about so that the recipient can prioritise the e-mail’s importance without having to open it.
  • Ensure the text written in the e-mail is grammatically correct and free of errors.
  • Use business style writing.
  • The text must provide a summary of the attachment.
  • Attach personal work schedule to the e-mail.

You must cc or bcc your trainer/assessor in the e-mail.

Part B: Implement personal work schedule and monitor personal work performance to identify variations between expected and actual work performance

This part of the activity requires you to implement your bi-weekly personal work schedule and monitor personal work performance to identify variations between expected and actual work performance.

To do so, you need to:

  • Implement your bi-weekly personal work schedule
  • Monitor personal performance according to personal work schedule
  • Identify and document variations between expected and actual work performance according to task requirements. Use the ‘Performance variation’ template.
  • E-mail the variations to the manager. When writing the e-mail, you must follow the guidelines provided below.

Guidelines for writing the e-mail:

  • The subject line should communicate exactly what the e-mail is about so that the recipient can prioritise the e-mail’s importance without having to open it.
  • Ensure the text written in the e-mail is grammatically correct and free of errors.
  • Use business style writing.
  • The text must provide a summary of the attachment.
  • Attach ‘Performance variation’ template to the e-mail.

You must cc or bcc your trainer/assessor in the e-mail.

Template: Performance variation

Performance variation
Expected work performanceActual work performanceVariations between expected and actual work performance

Performance Criteria/Performance Checklist: Activity 2                                                                                                  

Your task must address the following performance criteria/ performance checklist.
To be assessed as satisfactory (S) in this assessment task the participant needs to demonstrate competency in the following critical aspects of evidenceSN/STrainer/Assessor to complete (Comment and feedback to students)
a) Emailed the personal work schedule to the manager and the trainer/assessorqq 
b) Subject of the email aligned with the purpose of the emailqq 
c) Text written was grammatically correct and free of errorsqq 
d) Business style writing was usedqq 
e) Body of the email provided summary of the attachmentqq 
f) Attached personal work schedule to the email.qq 
g) Implementation of the work schedule was conductedqq 
h) Monitored personal performance and identified variations between expected and actual work performance according to task requirementsqq 
i) Emailed the performance variations to   
the manager and the trainer/assessor   

Activity 3: Review personal work priorities

Activity context

Management wants you to review personal work performance against workgroup objectives through self-assessment and to seek and act on feedback from internal and external stakeholders for continuous improvement to your work practices.

Description of the activity

This activity is a continuation of Activity 2.

This activity will be completed after the implementation of the bi-weekly personal work schedule. This activity requires you to review personal work performance against workgroup objectives through self- assessment and to seek and act on feedback from internal and external stakeholders for continuous improvement to your work practices.

To do so, you need to complete the following two (2) parts:

  • Part A: Analyse variations between expected and actual work performance
  • Part B: Seek and evaluate feedback from relevant stakeholders on personal work performance
  • Part C: Update personal work schedule according to internal and external feedback and changes in circumstances

Part A: Analyse variations between expected and actual work performance

This part of the activity requires you to conduct self-evaluation and review your own performance against workgroup objectives through self-assessment.

To conduct the self-evaluation, you are required to:

  • Analyse the variations between expected and actual work performance (Activity 2 – Part B)
  • Identify and document the areas that need improvement
  • Complete the self-evaluation template

Template: Self-evaluation template

Self-evaluation template
Evaluation of variations (30-50 words)
Areas of improvement (Any two with explanation in 20-30 words each)

Part B: Seek and evaluate feedback from relevant stakeholders on personal work performance

This part of the activity requires you to seek and evaluate feedback from the internal and external stakeholders on personal work performance.

You must seek feedback from two (2) internal and two (2) external stakeholders. The internal stakeholders may include:

  • Team members
  • Manager
  • Supervisor
  • Staff members

The external stakeholder may include:

  • Consumer/customer
  • Suppliers
  • Partners

After seeking feedback from the internal and external stakeholder, you are then required to evaluate the feedback on personal work performance and complete the ‘feedback’ template provided.

Template: Feedback template

Self-evaluation template
Feedback received
Internal stakeholder 1:   Stakeholder name:     Stakeholder position:     Stakeholder contact details:     Feedback received:
Internal stakeholder 2:   Stakeholder name:     Stakeholder position:     Stakeholder contact details:     Feedback received:
External stakeholder 1:   Stakeholder name:     Stakeholder position:     Stakeholder contact details:     Feedback received:
External stakeholder 2:   Stakeholder name:     Stakeholder position:     Stakeholder contact details:     Feedback received:
Areas of improvement considering the evaluation of feedback (50-100 words)

Part C: Update personal work schedule according to internal and external feedback and changes in circumstances

This part of the activity is a continuation of part A and part B.

This part of the activity requires you to update your personal bi-weekly work schedule. The update your personal bi-weekly work schedule must be updated considering the following:

  • Outcomes of self-evaluation conducted (Part A)
  • Evaluation of feedback received from internal and external stakeholders (Part B)
  • Changes in circumstances

After updating the update your personal bi-weekly work schedule, you must submit the updated schedule to your trainer/assessor.

You must use the same Excel template provided to update the work schedule.


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