Finance and Management

BSBOPS502 Manage Operational Plans

23 April 2023 16:36 PM | UPDATED 1 year ago

BSBOPS502 Manage Operational Plans :

BSBOPS502 Manage Operational Plans
BSBOPS502 Manage Operational Plans

RTO No. 31736 | CRICOS 03010G

BSBOPS502 Manage operational plans

Student Assessment tool 1 of 2

Version control

DateVersionChanges madeAuthor
October 2022V1.0New developmentOdette King

Copyright © 2022 Malekhu Investments trading as Queensford College. All rights reserved.


Version control 1

Assessment Tool 1 of 2 – Knowledge questions. 4

Student instructions. 4

Question 1. 4

Question 2. 4

Question 3. 5

Question 4. 5

Question 5. 6

Question 6. 6

Question 7. 7

Question 8. 8

Question 9. 8

Question 10. 9

Question 11. 9

Question 12. 10

AT 1 of 2 Result (for use by assessor only) 10

Assessment Tool 2 of 2 – Project 11

Student instructions. 11

Part A – Develop an operational plan. 12

Task A1- develop an operational plan. 14

Task A2 – seek specialist advice for HR and recruitment 15

Task A3 – present and negotiate the operational plan. 16

Task A5 – make variations to the plan. 19

Part A: Marking criteria. 21

Part B – Implement and monitor an operational plan. 22

Task B1 – implement the recruitment action plan. 23

Task B2 – follow up on targets. 24

Task B3 – arrange coaching. 25

Task B4 – mentoring. 26

Task B5 – intellectual property. 28

Part B: Marking criteria. 29

Part C – Evaluate and adjust the operational plan. 30

Task C1 – review and document performance. 31

Task C2 – adjust operational plan. 32

Part C: Marking criteria. 34

AT 2 of 2 Result (for use by assessor only) 34

Assessment Tool 1 of 2 – Knowledge questions

Student instructions

Assessment typeSelf-markingShort answerProject
This assessment is a series of short answer questions and can be attempted in Moodle itself. No file submission is required for this assessment. If not available on Moodle, save this document with the new file name below, and keep a copy. 
New file nameBSBOPS502 AT 1 of 2_[Your Name]_submission1 (attempt 1, submission2 attempt 2)
Resources required for this quiz are available in Moodle under additional resources.

Question 1

There are a range of stakeholders you need to consult with when developing and managing an operational plan, each with varying degrees of input and authority. In the table below, read each mini scenario and list the most appropriate stakeholder(s) you would consult with.

ScenarioWhich stakeholders to engage?
You are an issue with an intellectual property breach, and it needs to be escalated. 
You would like a second pair of eyes to review your operational plan before you submit it to your manager for approval. You would like to confirm what you have developed makes sense and you are open to new perspectives. 
You need to hire 30 new staff and you do not know where to begin. Which internal specialist resource manager would you contact? 
Assessors use onlySatisfactoryNot yet satisfactory
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Question 2

When developing operational plans, there are a range of information sources that can help us to assess needs and determine required resources. In the table, list a minimum of three (3) information sources for each area listed.

AreaKey information sources
Human resources 
Assessors use onlySatisfactoryNot yet satisfactory
Comment if NYS 

Question 3

Based on what you have learned in this unit, in the table, list the four steps of consultation processes and three methods you can use to facilitate the consultation process

Consultation processes four (4) steps1 
Methods three (3)1 
Assessors use onlySatisfactoryNot yet satisfactory
Comment if NYS 

Question 4

Operational plans have a range of content areas to ensure planning is holistic and actionable. In the table, provide an overview of each section.  

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) 
Resource requirements and acquisition strategies (human, physical and financial) 
Procurement processes 
Action plan 
Assessors use onlySatisfactoryNot yet satisfactory
Comment if NYS 

Question 5

Describe two (2) typical methods for developing an operational plan.

Methods for preparing an operational plan
Assessors use onlySatisfactoryNot yet satisfactory
Comment if NYS 

Question 6

List the eight steps you can use to develop a contingency plan. methods for developing an operational plan.

Method for preparing a contingency plan
1Make a list of risks
2Weigh risks based on severity and likelihood
3Identify important risks
4Create contingency plans for the biggest risks
5Get approval for your contingency plan
6Distribute your contingency plans
7Monitor your contingency plans
8Create new contingency plans if necessary
Assessors use onlySatisfactoryNot yet satisfactory
Comment if NYS 

Question 7

You have received an instant message from one of your staff members:

Respond to your staff member by explaining a minimum of three (3) ways an operational plan can help an achieve objectives at Champion’s Sports Bar.

Click or tap here to enter text.

Note: your message is considered ‘sent’ once you upload.

Assessors use onlySatisfactoryNot yet satisfactory
Comment if NYS 

Question 8

Comprehensive record keeping allows you to monitor your information in a systematic and continuous manner, authorising you to incorporate checks and balances as necessary. In the table, list three (3) procedures and three (3) records that would be required to evidence performance evaluation.

 Procedures Records
1 1 
2 2 
3 3 
Assessors use onlySatisfactoryNot yet satisfactory
Comment if NYS 

Question 9

Explain four (4) different approaches to developing key performance indicators.

 Approach to developing KPIs
Assessors use onlySatisfactoryNot yet satisfactory
Comment if NYS 

Question 10

When you are in charge of developing operational plans and reporting on financial activities within an organisation, it is critical you understand and are up to date with key provisions of legislation relevant to business operations.

For each legislation and regulation listed in the table, provide a brief summary of what it entails and explain the relevance to operational plans. You must use your own words.

Legislation/regulation/ codeBrief summaryHow is this relevant to operations?
Corporations Act 2001  
Work Health and Safety Act 2011  
Competition and Consumer Act 2010  
Assessors use onlySatisfactoryNot yet satisfactory
Comment if NYS 

Question 11

When you are developing, implementing and monitoring operational plans, there are a range of policies, practices and procedures that you must comply with. Access the Marino Enterprises handbook and identify the policies, practices and procedures listed in the table below.

In your own words, for each policy, procedure and practice listed; provide an overview of the purpose and an example of how it directly relates to the operational plan. An example has been provided for you.

Policy/procedure/ practiceOverviewHow does this relate to/impact the operational plan?
Purchasing policyThe purpose of this policy is to provide clear guidelines for acquiring of goods and services. This policy helps to ensure the best value for money, good management practices, legislative compliance, transparency, probity and environmental performance. It provides clear guidance for managing purchases of varying amounts.When acquiring physical resources or services, it will be imperative to ensure purchases are made in accordance with this policy. Varying threshold requirements will need to be monitored to ensure compliance in terms of the process and documentation required.
Recruitment and selection policy and procedure  
Meeting policy and procedure  
Diversity policy  
Assessors use onlySatisfactoryNot yet satisfactory
Comment if NYS 

Question 12

Cyber security is an essential component of record keeping for all businesses. In the table below, explain why it is important and list a minimum of five ways you can keep your data safe.

Why is data security essential? 
List five ways you can keep data safe.1 

AT 1 of 2 Result (for use by assessor only)

Has the declaration of authenticity been signed, or has it been done through Moodle?☐ Yes   ☐ No
Results for this Assessment ToolQuestion 1Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
Question 2Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
Question 3Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
Question 4Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
Question 5Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
Question 6Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
Question 7Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
Question 8Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
Question 9Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
Question 10Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
Question 11Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
Question 12Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
Name of assessor 
Signature of assessor   
Has reasonable adjustment been made by the assessor in assessing the student’s competency in respect of this Assessment Tool? ☐ Yes   ☐ No If yes, the assessor must specify the arrangements of the reasonable adjustment. Describe here:    
Date of marking assessmentClick here to enter a date.
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If resubmission is required, specify requirements  Resubmission due date and time:   The following must be resubmitted:  
Harvest Education Technical College T: 07 3344 1922 55 140 756 510  |  RTO Code: 31671  |  CRICOS Code: 03243A 
BSBOPS502 Manage Operational Plans

Note to assessor: once this Result section is completed, copy the result of S or NS to the cover page and transfer result to the Student Assessment Tracker.


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