Finance and Management


10 April 2023 05:52 AM | UPDATED 1 year ago


For solution: +610482078788



Australasian International Academy  
Student ID:         …………………………………………………………………Name:                  …………………………………………………………………  


A close up of a logo

Description automatically generatedContents

Student Information. 3

Section 1: Scoping a relevant issue. 4

Section 2: Generating and evaluating solutions. 7

Section 3: Concept finalisation. 10

Student Information

Student name: 
Business or Community/Social group this assessment is based on: 
Documentation reviewed as preparation: 
Job role assumed for this assessment: 
A close up of a logo

Description automatically generatedSection 1: Scoping a relevant issue
About the organisation Provide an overview of the organisation and product/services/programs. Briefly describe key operational processes within the organisation. Identify at least three stakeholders (internal and external) Describe how the stakeholders related to the organisation’s operations.Name:Worlducation  Established : 2016  Headquarter: Sydney Worlducation is a social enterprise that makes tablets and computers  for elementary school students. Its aim is to improve how students learn in school and increase the number of schools with access to technology in order to support a world free from illiteracy. Its ambition is to eradicate illiteracy worldwide with the use of the technology. It uses the artificial intelligence techniques for the students to learn in a better way. Since its founding in 2016, Worlducation has sold more than 35,000 tablets to more than 550 schools in 23 countries, bringing in money from both hardware sales and software subscriptions by the end of year 2019. Operational Procedure: A transaction at Worldcation often happens via a sales person or through an internet inquiry that is handled by the sales staff. This starts the company’s intricate supply chain. The ERP system  tracks sales and tells the operations team when a delivery order has to be made. The operations team approves the delivery of a manufacturing request to the facility in Hong Kong after verifying the sales order. The production team in Hong Kong takes note of the order requirements and delivery information and accounts for it in its production schedule. The operations staff arranges freight and direct shipment to the client when the order is made. The stakeholders can be: Costumers Workers Investors These mentioned stakeholders are connected to organization as organization cannot operate without investor because investor invests money in company and helps in capital growth and funding in new projects. Customers are the individuals who buys the product . Without costumers everything is impossible.  Workers or staffs are important stakeholders because without them day to day operational activities in office cannot be performed.
Select issue Select one issue to focus on for the remainder of this assessment. List all issues mentioned at the meeting Describe the selected issue Explain your rationale for selecting the specific issue List any restrictions on potential solutions due to your job role or organisational policy. Attach proof of your consultation (e.g. video, email trail to this section of the portfolio (if not already viewed in person by your assessor). 
Creative thinking techniques Identify and describe at least four creative thinking techniques that you can use to generate innovative and creative concepts to address the selected issue. 
Information Summarise any information related to your identified issue and any potential solutions. Consider: a list of preliminary solutionscompetitor information, including:competitor’s name products/services they offerwhether they are already addressing the issues you identified or looking at similar opportunitiesany unique approaches they may have. market information best practice examplesAny other relevant internal information 
Factors impacting on ideas Identify at least four factors that can be used to assess the feasibility of potential solutions. Explain how each of your identified factors consider: commercial potentialtarget audience/purposeimplementation feasibility. Note: these factors will be used to evaluate solutions in Section 2. 
Paperclip Attach:Proof of consultation (if relevant)
A close up of a logo

Description automatically generatedSection 2: Generating and evaluating solutions
Potential solutions Describe the creative thinking techniques used at the brainstorming meeting. Summarise the outcomes of the brainstorming session. List at least four potential solutions to your identified issue. Attach proof of your brainstorming session (e.g. video, screen recording of virtual meeting) to this section of the portfolio (if not already viewed in person by your assessor). 
Evaluate solutions Use the work done in Section 1 of your Project Portfolio to evaluate the viability of each potential solution. In your evaluation, include: an assessment of each solution against the factors that affect viabilitya comparison of each solution with best practice approaches of similar products, process, services or programs and explain whether your ideas stand out. 
Select solution Based on the evaluation above, select one solution to present to stakeholders. Explain your reason(s) for selecting the specific solution. Provide at least two advantages and two disadvantages of the solution. 
Practical/operational issues Identify and describe at least three resources that are required to implement the solution. Evaluate and discuss at least two constraints on the realisation of the solution. Outline at least three issues and requirements to commercialise the concept. 
Proposal List the relevant stakeholders responsible for making decisions regarding the development and implementation of your solution. Create a written proposal (e.g. using MS Word or MS PowerPoint) that may be provided to stakeholders outlining: The issue being addressedPotential solutionsChosen solution Reasons for the solution Attach your proposal top this section of the Project Portfolio. 
Presentation Prepare to present your proposal (e.g. using MS PowerPoint) to relevant stakeholders. Who are the stakeholders?   
Paperclip Attach:Proof of brainstorming session (if relevant)
Written proposal
A close up of a logo

Description automatically generatedSection 3: Concept finalisation
FeedbackPerson providing feedbackAction requiredResponsible to follow up
Include commentsWho gave the feedback?Action required based on feedback.Include who is responsible to follow up the feedback/action
Reflection Reflect on the methods you used toBSBCRT 512 ORIGINATE AND DEVELOP CONCEPTS generate concepts and ideas and document ways you think you could improve this in the future. 
Finalisation Refine and finalise your proposed solution taking the feedback into account. Attach proof (e.g. modified Project Proposal document) to this section of the portfolio.   
Paperclip Attach:Finalised solution
Proof of presentation (if relevant)
Proof of documented feedback according to organisational policy (if relevant)


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