SITHIND002 Industry Report Assessment

26 March 2023 05:31 AM | UPDATED 2 years ago

SITHIND002 Industry Report Assessment:

For solution: +610482078788



SITHIND002 Industry report assessment:
SITHIND002 Industry report assessment:

Industry Report

  1. Information sources

Complete the following table by summarising the type of industry information which you could get from each information source and listing at least two links or sources of information. Note that the sources of information that you list should be relevant to your organisation and role in study of SITHIND002 Industry report assessment.

Note: You are required to use at least three of the following information sources in this assessment. Use this checklist to keep track….

 Information sourceSummary of information typeLinks to information
Developers of codes of conduct or ethicsThe code of conduct contains the values and moral standards of the organization. It stands for the mission and values to be applied in the workplace. It lays forth the guidelines and obligations for workers at a corporation.https://www.business.qld.gov.au/runningbusiness/employing/taking-on-staff/staff-code-conductSITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry Student Guide
Discussions with experienced industry personnelPersonnel with experience are aware of what is effective and ineffective in this field. He or she has several different approaches to use while dealing with different problems.https://medium.com/@attrest/personal-experience-in-business-isvery-important-ec7240c4b237SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry Student Guide
Industry accreditation operatorsThe promotion of internationally accepted quality standards, as well as labor mobility and global recruitment, are all made possible through accreditation. It supports service providers in the development, amplification, and enhancement of their quality management systems and initiatives.SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry Student Guidehttps://www.instituteofhospitality.org/accreditation/
Industry associations and organisationsAssociations and organizations may aid the business and its personnel in bringing together experts and advancing best practices. They aid in their skill development and increase the industry’s visibility.https://www.fairwork.gov.au/website-information/related-sites/unionsand-employer-associations#hospitalitySITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry Student Guide
Industry journals, reference books and seminarsThese are reliable sources of information to learn about both historical and current developments in the sector. Future trends may also be examined.https://www.jiem.org/index.php/jiemSITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry Student Guide
Libraries and mediaLibraries contain vast amounts of knowledge. To increase our knowledge, we may gather books, periodicals, journal articles, and other written, audio, and visual material from there. Most individuals can access media like television and radio, and they are useful for staying current on business concerns.https://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/t/text/idx/t/ticker/16481003.0003.101/ –effective-social-media-strategies-for-business-libraries?rgn=main;view=fulltextSITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry Student Guide
Networking with colleagues and suppliersThe exchange of our knowledge and ideas with others is facilitated via networking. It broadens knowledge and offers an alternative way of looking at things. The chance to solicit feedback or defend a position might be advantageous. It offers the chance to haggle over lucrative commercial deals.https://smallbusinessbc.ca/article/five-benefitsnetworking/SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry Student Guide
Personal observations and experienceBased on the past observations and experiences, present and future actions are impacted. One should learn from past mistakes and take the appropriate actions.https://www.hospitalitynet.org/opinion/4054477.htmlSITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry Student Guide
Plain English documents, issued by government regulators, that describe laws relevant to the hospitality industryOrganizations must abide with the law in order to safeguard the rights of the general public. Some of the laws include the Equal Opportunity Law, the Consumer Act, the Fair Work Commission, etc. The rights of the local community are actively protected by local councils.SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry Student Guide
Training coursesIn order to provide superior customer services, training is necessary. Employees have a fantastic chance to learn new things. Increased job satisfaction is a result of training.https://sirvo.com/indinews/the-importance-of-training-developmentin-the-hospitality-industry/SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry Student Guide
UnionsIn a range of industries, including as fast food, the hotel sector, food production, and the entertainment sector, employer groups and unions may support businesses and workers.https://www.fairwork.gov.au/website-information/related-sites/unionsand-employer-associations#hospitalitySITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry Student Guide
  • Obtaining information

This unit of SITHIND002 Industry report assessmentrequires that you use open and closed probe questioning to interact effectively to obtain information from:

·           experienced industry personnel

·           colleagues

·           suppliers

·           industry bodies.

You must therefore interview one person from each of these categories in the course of gathering information for this industry report of SITHIND002 Industry report assessment. At least one of the interviews must be an oral interview and your assessor must have the opportunity to observe the interview. You can conduct the interviews by phone, by video conferencing, in person or in writing (except, of course for the oral interview). Record the evidence of the interviews in the table below. Don’t forget to work with your assessor to set up a formal observation of at least one of the interviews.

Information sourceName of contactOrganisation and contact detailsQuestions asked (indicate whether questions are open or closed)Summary of responses
Experienced industry personMr. Sam, Administrative Head,KYC Hotel Phone no-3785969940What is the key to success in hospitality industry? It is an open ended questionHe emphasized the need of using effective customer service techniques, having a strong work ethic, and abiding by the law to succeed in the hospitality industry.
ColleagueMs. SheilaABC lRestaurant Phone no- 4869598999What do think technology has impacted this industry? It is an open ended question.She discussed how the development in technology had an impact on the job.
SupplierMe. JonathanGrill fish and meat suppliers Phone no- 6374884995How will Covid-19 pandemic has affected the supply of hospitality industry? It is an open ended question.The supply chain has been adversely affected by the pandemic. Prices would increase and product availability would decrease. Industry must make changes.
Industry bodyMr. EricHead of trade union, KYC hotel Phone no-458695869What role does association and union plays in an industry? It is an open ended question.Association is essential to preserving workplace ethics. It serves as a go-between between the employee and the company and guards against employee exploitation.
  • The hospitality industry

Provide a brief answer to each of the following questions of SITHIND002 Industry report assessment (two or three sentences) and provide two sources of information that you used to research your answer or which could be used to find additional information.

Information sourceResponseInformation sources
Describe the structure of the hospitality industry in Australia, including its main sectors and the functions of each. What is the economic and social significance of the industry?The hospitality sector includes establishments that provide lodging, on-site alcohol sales, food, and entertainment. The primary hospitality industries in Australia include lodging, cafés, restaurants, bars, casinos, and licensed clubs. One of the primary sources of revenue for the nation is the hospitality business.https://nationalindustryinsights.aisc.net.au/industries/tourism-travel-and-hospitality/hospitality
Describe the hospitality industry within the local government area that you work in.The majority of the eateries in my region are medium-sized businesses that provide quick food. Additionally, there are hotels and motels that provide high-quality services.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fast_food_restaurant
Describe how your organisation sits within the hospitality industry.The restaurant where I work offers quick food. Additionally, we accept online orders and provide home delivery services. The provisions of the law are followed by the work practice standards.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fast_food_restaurant  
Describe your role within the hospitality industry..I work at the restaurant as an assistant chef. My responsibility is to help the chief chef. Additionally, I need to help confirm internet orders.https://au.indeed.com/hire/job-description/assistant-cook?hl=en&co=GB  
Describe career opportunities within your sector of the hospitality industry.Different segments of the hotel business have room for expansion. These industries include tourism, wine production, event planning, and the entertainment industry.  https://nationalindustryinsights.aisc.net.au/industries/tourismtravel-and-hospitality/hospitality
Access the position description of your dream hospitality job. How does it differ to your current role? What additional skills and training do you need?An executive chef, sometimes referred to as a head chef, is in charge of managing the kitchen staff and guaranteeing the quality of the meals. They are in charge of employing and educating staff members who will make their food. They are in charge of processing orders quickly to provide a steady supply of food and creating fresh menu items. I need to have the ability to prepare a range of foods, and I also need three years of expertise in this industry.https://www.indeed.com/hire/job-description/executive-chef.  
Describe the allied industries to your sector of the hospitality industry. How does each sector rely on the other?The hospitality sector has associated industries, or different sectors that depend on one another. Entertainment, food manufacturing, event management, wine production, tourism, and other industries all rely on one another.https://www.ihmbhopal.ac.in/industry-overview
Describe the industry associations and unions relevant to your organisation or industry sector. Describe their function. In a range of industries, including as fast food, the hotel sector, food production, and the entertainment sector, employer groups and unions may support businesses and workers.https://www.fairwork.gov.au/website-information/relatedsites/unions-and-employer-associations#hospitality  
Provide two examples of how you use industry information to stay up to date with issues and trends. How do you share this information with colleagues?Two strategies to stay current with trends are to speak with knowledgeable industry professionals and join an industry group. I disseminate the knowledge among my coworkers via informal conversations and social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.https://www.hospitalitydirectory.com.au/suppliers/HospitalityWiFi-Apps-Consultants-Signs-Menu/food-beverage-tradeassociations/
  • Legislation

Provide a brief summary of SITHIND002 Industry report assessment how the following legislation/standards relates to your sector of the hospitality sector. Include at least two links to information about the legislation relevant to your state or territory. Include two examples of how you ensure that you work in a way which is compliant with the legislation. Ask your supervisor to endorse this section of your report to confirm that the information which you have provided is consistent with your workplace practices.

Legislative areaRelationship to your sectorInformation sourcesStrategies for compliance
Equal opportunity lawEveryone will be treated fairly and equitably as a result of this legislation. Any kind of discrimination is prohibited. Despite the tasks and obligations that a person has, that person cannot rule over others.SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry Student Guidehttps://legal dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/equal+opportunityTreat everyone fairlyReport if witness unfair treatment in the workforce.
Occupational licensingAn occupational license is a sort of government regulation that charges a fee to obtain and allows the practice of a certain profession or activity. By barring incompetent and dishonest persons from working with the public, it protects the public’s interest.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occupational_licensingSITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry Student GuideAssure to take licensemonitor the organisational activities
Food safetyHazards may result from unsafe food and unclean food preparation and storage conditions. HACCP is thus strictly followed to ensure food safety.https://study.com/academy/lesson/food-safety-in-the-hospitalityindustry.htmlSITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry Student Guidecorrective actions for non-complianceRegular monitoring of food quality
Responsible service of alcoholIn order to serve or provide alcohol in a licensed business, a person must have finished their. Alcohol Responsible Service (RSA) training. It is important to teach those who work in or desire to work in the hospitality industry in positions that include the sale and supply of alcoholic drinks.https://www.tafesa.edu.au/xml/course/sc/sc_t695635819.aspxSITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry Student GuideAssure to employ trained person.Have effective monitoring system.
Responsible conduct of gaming All candidates for employment in gaming venues must successfully complete Responsible Service of Gaming (RSG) training. The program equips participants with the knowledge and abilities needed to promote ethical gaming.https://responsiblegambling.vic.gov.au/reducingharm/gamingvenues/responsible-service-gaming-rsg-training-schedule/SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry Student GuideAssure to employ trained person.Have effective monitoring system.
Local community protection (obligations for protecting amenity and lifestyle of neighbouring residents when delivering hospitality services)For the organization of the events, permits, licenses, and notification of the supply of food and drinks are all necessary. Additionally, there are certain laws, industry standards, and compliances to adhere to.https://jade.io/j/?a=outline&id=275232SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry Student Guide.Ensure local community are not harmed.take permission to the local authority.
Industrial relations (including awards)Labor relations’ main benefit is that they guarantee consistent outcomes. Industrial strikes, discontent, disagreements, and lockouts may all be avoided by maintaining good industrial relations. This guarantees the organization’s efficient functioning and continuous output. Giving prizes to the top performers encourages improvement.https://www.businessmanagementideas.com/industries/industrialrelations-industries/importance-of-industrial-relations/19958SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry Student Guide.Take corrective action for unacceptable conductReward the good conduct.
Supervisor endorsement:Supervisor name:
  • Quality assurance

Provide a brief answer to each of the following questions (two or three sentences) of SITHIND002 Industry report assessment and provide two sources of information that you used to research your answer or which could be used to find additional information. Ask your supervisor to endorse this section of SITHIND002 Industry report assessment report to confirm that the information which you have provided is consistent with your workplace practices.

Quality assurance questionResponseInformation sources
Describe the industry accreditation schemes relevant to your industry sector/organisation.The promotion of internationally accepted quality standards, as well as labor mobility and global recruitment, are all made possible through accreditation. It supports service providers in the development, amplification, and enhancement of their quality management systems and initiatives.SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry Student Guide https://www.instituteofhospitality.org/accreditation/  
Describe the industry associations relevant to your industry sector/organisation. What are the benefits of industry association membership?The hospitality business has associations that are meaningful to me. It helps to bring together experts from the sector. It supports the advancement of optimal industrial practices. They support employee skill development while enhancing the industry’s reputation.SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry Student Guidehttps://www.instituteofhospitality.org/membership/newmembers/benefits/        
Describe why it is important that your organisation participates in industry quality assurance processes. Provide one potential impact of non-participation or non-compliance.Quality assurance guarantees the requirements and expectations of its consumers are satisfied. Providing high-quality goods and services fosters consumer loyalty and helps businesses stay competitive. Saving money and preventing issues from becoming worse both assist. By avoiding difficulties in the first place, it contributes to the creation and maintenance of quality standards.SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry Student Guidehttps://bizfluent.com/info-7765915-importance-qualityassurance.html  
Describe your role in quality assurance. Provide two examples of how you uphold your responsibilities to quality assurance in your day to day work.It is my duty to uphold the quality standards. While preparing meals, I must make sure that the hygienic standards are upheld.SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry Student Guidehttps://bizfluent.com/info-7765915-importance-quality
Describe your supervisor’s role in quality assurance.The supervisor’s responsibility in this situation is to ensure that every employee complies with the quality standard. The manager observes and assesses whether workers adhere to the quality standard.SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry Student Guidehttps://bizfluent.com/info-7765915-importance-qualityassurance.html
Describe the role of an industry code of conduct or code of ethics. Provide two examples of how you comply with the code of conduct in your day to day work.The purpose of an industrial code of conduct is to guarantee that everyone involved is carrying out their activities morally. Never do I divulge private or customer information. I use simple language that everyone in the room can understand when I talk. Use polite words and show courtesy.SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry Student Guidehttp://psychology.iresearchnet.com/industrial-organizationalpsychology/corporate-ethics/ethics-in-industrial-organizationalpractice/
Describe the work ethic required to work in the hospitality industry and, in particular, in your sector of the industry. Provide two examples of how you exemplify this work ethic in your day to day work.Some of the work ethics required to maintain workplace integrity include time management, honesty, integrity, and teamwork. I welcome co-workers when I go to work on time. I don’t bring my personal prejudices or intolerances to work.SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry Student Guidehttps://blog.vantagecircle.com/work-ethics/
Describe two ethical issues which are particularly relevant to your organisation’s sector of the hospitality industry.Employee theft and dishonesty are the ethical concerns that the hospitality business faces the most. Money or supplies may be stolen. Some workers sometimes don’t give their allotted task their full attention and merely do it as a formality.SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry Student Guidehttps://www.ethicaladvocate.com/hotel-ethics-issues/
Supervisor endorsement:Supervisor name:sijan pandey
  • Technology

Provide a brief answer to each of the following questions (two or three sentences) and provide two sources of information that you used to research your answer or which could be used to find additional information. Ask your supervisor to endorse this section of your report to confirm that the information which you have provided is consistent with your workplace practices.

Information sourceResponseInformation sources
Describe one current technology and one emerging technology that increases the efficiency of the way that you perform your role. What are the efficiency gains and how does the technology help you to complete your role?I now use social media like Facebook, Twitter, and other sites like these. The utilization of cutting-edge technology, such as online reservations and marketing, is anticipated to significantly improve the pace and effectiveness of my job. Online channels will make it easier to communicate with clients and supply them with the services they choose fast.SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry Student Guidehttps://www.aurecongroup.com/thinking/insights/aureconssuccessful-hotels/technology-in-the-hospitality-industryexploring-the-very-latest-trends
Describe two techniques which you use to keep up to date with technologies that can improve your efficiency and effectiveness at work. I utilize the internet to get the most recent technological knowledge. I participate in Facebook and LinkedIn groups that provide current information on the hotel sector.SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry Student Guide LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com
Describe one current and one emerging catering system technology relevant to your organisation or role.Orders were formerly taken over the phone. Online ordering has become more popular as technology has advanced. Online meal ordering has made it quick and easy for consumers as well as for companies.SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry StudentGuide https://www.fatbit.com/fab/online-food-orderingdelivery-trends/
Describe one current and one emerging application (app) technology relevant to your organisation or role.Earlier, all forms of contact were conducted by phone or email. Customers may make online reservations and place meal orders using a website ordering portal and an Android app.SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry Student Guidehttps://www.fatbit.com/fab/online-food-orderingdelivery-trends/
Describe one current and one emerging computer-aided despatch system technology relevant to your organisation or role.Orders, delivery, and transactions are monitored and handled using the dispatch system. The employer can now readily trace the individual placing an order thanks to the Dispatch online meal ordering system.  SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry Student Guidehttps://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-bd&q=dispatch+in+restaurants
Describe one current and one emerging food production system technology relevant to your organisation or role.In the past, food was meticulously prepared during the whole cooking process. It has become relatively simple because to the trend of preserving fully or partly cooked food that may be prepared or heated just before serving.SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry Student Guidehttps://study.com/academy/lesson/food-productionsystems.html
Describe one current and one emerging industry online booking system technology relevant to your organisation or role.Before, reservations could only be made via phone or email. They are now finished using either a website or a software application.SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry Student Guidehttps://tableagent.com/reservation-system/
Describe one current and one emerging industry reservations, operations and financial and tracking systems technology relevant to your organisation or role.Previously, human help was required for computerized operational, financial, and tracking systems. Recently, a completely automated method with few mistakes was devised. Previously, reservations could only be made via phone or email. They are now finished using either a website or a software application.SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry Student Guidehttps://tableagent.com/reservation-system/
Describe one current and one emerging project management system technology relevant to your organisation or role.The typical management solution has server problems since it keeps data on a local server. The current cloud server-based solution is effective, automated, and offers excellent data security.SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry Student Guidehttps://limetray.com/blog/restaurant-managementsystem/
Describe one current and one emerging social media site technology relevant to your organisation or role.Websites have been utilized to interact with consumers and raise brand recognition. Currently, our organization uses relevant social media tools including YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, and LinkedIn.SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry Student Guidehttps://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/social-media.asp
Describe two new techniques relevant to your role.Order tracking and automated dispatch have made these processes simple. My company’s software app makes it simple and more dependable to monitor client involvement.SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry Student Guidehttps://tableagent.com/reservation-system/
Supervisor endorsement:Supervisor name:sijan pandey
  • You and your work

Provide a brief answer to each of the following questions (two or three sentences) of SITHIND002 Industry report assessment and provide two sources of information that you used to research your answer or which could be used to find additional information. Ask your supervisor to endorse this section of SITHIND002 Industry report assessment report to confirm that the information which you have provided is consistent with your workplace practices.

QuestionResponseInformation sources
Provide two examples of how you access and use information about the hospitality industry in your day to day work.By speaking with industry professionals and networking with coworkers and suppliers, one may learn more about the hospitality sector. By using social media platforms, attending seminars, webinars, and other events, networking may be improved.Ted Talks: www.tedtalks.comLinkedIn: www.linkedin.com
Provide two examples of how you access and use information about hospitality products and services in your day to day work.You may find information on hospitality goods and services online or by calling companies directly. These details might subsequently assist in offering consumers high-quality service.https://www.revfine.com/hospitality-trends/SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry Student Guide
Provide two examples of how you share updated information about the hospitality industry, its products, services and technologies with your colleagues.Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social media sites may be used to communicate the updated information. I can communicate with them by having a general conversation.SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry Student Guide LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com
Describe two examples of how industry information enhances your work performance.Understanding the business operations of the sector is made easier with understanding about it. Information helps in identifying opportunities and acting appropriately.SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry Student Guidehttps://www.abrigo.com/blog/what-is-the-importance-ofindustry-analysis/
Provide two examples of how information about current market trends and customer expectations have influenced the dishes which you have produced.Customers’ tastes alter in response to market trends. Fast food is popular in the market, and clients desire rapid service due to hectic schedules. Similar to how the seasons vary, so do customers’ preferences in cuisine.https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/193896551037882SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry Student Guide
Provide two examples of how you have used industry information to improve the quality of your hospitality service.The hospitality business is divided into many segments, each with its own laws and norms. We provide high-quality client services based on knowledge about the market and changes in consumer demand. Quality control is guaranteed.https://www.abrigo.com/blog/what-is-the-importance-ofindustry-analysis/SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry Student Guide
Supervisor endorsement:Supervisor name:sijan pandey


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