
LAW6501 SEMESTER 1 2023 Assessment

22 March 2023 15:07 PM | UPDATED 2 years ago

LAW6501 SEMESTER 1 2023 Assessment

LAW6501 SEMESTER 1 2023 Assessment
LAW6501 SEMESTER 1 2023 Assessment

For solution: +610482078788



LAW6501, SEMESTER 1, 2023

Sanika Electronics Pty Ltd, a vendor of electronic equipment, advertised, “Never to be
repeated offer. 75 inch Elegant 4K ultra HD Teletisions @ $3500.” Bony saw the
advertisement on TV and went to the nearest Sanika store the very next day
(Thursday). He got Mollie, the sales manager, there and said, “I accept the offer on the
Elegant 4K ultra HD Teletisions, here is my card, please deliver it as soon as possible.”
Mollie told him to slow down. “Unfortunately, there has been a rush and we have sold
out”, she said. “Look” said Bob, “I know my contract law- we have got a contract”.
Mollie went on saying, “No, we haven’t. The only Elegant from the same series left is
the demonstration model, and you can have that for $2000. Not a bad price as they
usually sell for around $3500. That should make you happy.”

LAW6501 SEMESTER 1 2023 Assessment.
Bony was not sure and said that he would think about it. Then the sales manager said
she would definitely keep the product for him until Friday only if Bony provides a
$10 booking money. She also assured that this small amount will be adjusted during
the main transaction. However, Bony was unsure and refused the arrangement. He
just said he would let her know by noon the next day (Friday).
The next day at 9:00 am Mark walked into the store, saw the demonstration model,
and offered Mollie $2,500 for it. Mollie sold it to Mark. At 10:30 am Friday Bony rang
Mollie and told her that he would buy the demonstration set at the price she offered.
Mollie then told him the bad news – the set had been sold.
Bony seeks your advice as to whether he and Sanika Electronics Pty Ltd made a
contract on either Thursday or Friday.

LAW6501 SEMESTER 1 2023 Assessment.
Justify your response, citing case authority whenever relevant. When answering this question,
fully consider the relevant principles, rules and propositions in the Law of Contract. Do not
consider any matters that might arise in the circumstances under other relevant legislation.

  1. Type: The online assignment is a problem-solving type and students are
    required to follow IRAC format (Issue-Rule-Application-Conclusion) for this
  2. Marks: 20%.
  3. Marking Criteria: The assignment will be marked according to the marking
    rubric below.
  4. Word count: maximum 2000 words. There is no 10%+ leeway on this word
  5. Deadline for submission: Students must submit the assignment by Friday, 21
    April 2023, 5 pm. An assignment submitted after the designated or extended
    time for submission shall incur a penalty to be calculated as follows:
    • Where the assignment is submitted not more than 7 calendar days late, the
    penalty shall, for each working day that it is late, be 5% of the maximum
    assessment available for the assignment; or
    • Where the assignment is more than 7 calendar days late, a mark of zero shall
    be awarded.
  6. Assignment submission: The assignment must be submitted via Canvas >
    Assignments > Assessment 2 – Online Assignment Submission>Start
    Assignment. Assignment submitted any other way will not be accepted.
  7. Academic misconduct/Plagiarism: The assignment has to be consistent with
    the ECU rules and policies in regard to academic misconduct. ECU has firm
    rules governing academic misconduct and there are substantial penalties that
    can be applied to students who are found in breach of these rules. Academic
    misconduct includes, but is not limited to:
    • plagiarism;
    • unauthorised collaboration;
    • cheating in examinations; and
    • theft of other students’ work.
    Additionally, any material submitted for assessment purposes must be work that has
    not been submitted previously, by any person, for any other unit at ECU or elsewhere.
    The ECU rules and policies governing all academic activities, including misconduct,
    can be accessed through the ECU website. More information on academic misconduct
    is available at
    For detailed instructions please consult the “Assessment 2: Online Assignment
    Preparation Kit” available Module>Assessment Information > Assessment 2:
    Online Assignment Preparation Kit.
    LAW6501 – Online assignment marking rubric (20 marks)
    Criteria High
    (2 marks)
    Identifies all legal problems related to the given scenario and mentions the area of law
    very specifically. Identifies most of the key elements related to the legal Issue/s and mentions
    the area of law specifically. Identifies few of the legal issues related to the given scenario but
    mentions the area of law specifically. Identifies few elements related to the legal Issue/s but the
    coverage is very broad and not specific. Does not identify any relevant legal Issue or coverage is
    superficial at best. Rules (6 marks) Clearly states all relevant legal principles that will solve
    the given problem, and their correct source of authority (reference) is given. Clearly states
    most of the relevant legal principles that will solve the given problem, and their correct source of
    authority (reference) is given. States most of the relevant legal principles and their correct source of
    authority (reference) has been cited. Some identification of relevant legal principles but the correct
    source of authority (reference) has not been cited. Does not identify or wrong identification of legal
    principles. (Application of relevant legal knowledge) Thinking creatively to anticipate challenges and
    generate solutions in legal situations
    (8 marks)
    Excellent content and argument that is rigorous and shows strong critical analysis of all the related legal Issue/s. Makes effective argument/ discussion supported by relevant and convincing evidence.
    The discussion considers the application of most of the relevant legal principles to the key facts
    but the arguments are not clear or are incomplete. Offers argument/ discussion that is consistently
    articulated and supported with convincing evidence. Offers a clear discussion on most of the key elements related to the legal issues, with adequate information for advancing the argument.
    Offers argument/ discussion that is supported with evidence. Offers a general discussion on the related legal principles to the key facts but the arguments are not effectively organised. Evidence of little critical analysis. Information presented bears little or no relation to the relevant legal issues.
    Evidence of no critical analysis. Conclusion
    (2 marks)
    The Conclusion is well supported by arguments developed in The Conclusion is supported by arguments developed in The Conclusion is supported by most of the arguments The Conclusion
    is supported by some of the arguments developed in the The Conclusion is not stated or is not supported by the the Application section. the Application section. developed in the Application section. Application section but the explanation of how those arguments address the Issue/s is not
    clear or is incomplete. arguments developed in the Application section. Demonstrate effective written communication
    (2 marks)
    Sophisticated and effective use of all sentence and paragraph writing conventions. Precise use of vocabulary and discipline specific terminology. The meaning is consistently clear with a high level of
    attention to detail including grammar, syntax and spelling. Clear, concise and cohesive; nuanced and
    well developed; appropriate for audience and assessment type.
    Well constructed sentences and paragraphs. A wide range of vocabulary and discipline specific used. The meaning is clear. There is attention to detail including grammar, syntax and spelling.
    Concise and cohesive expression; appropriate for audience and assessment type. Minimal spelling,
    punctuation and grammar errors. Flows logically; structure and style appropriate for audience and
    assessment type. Some errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, and paragraph construction which do not affect meaning. A range of vocabulary and discipline specific terminology used. Overall
    meaning is clear, however there are minor instances of awkward expression. There are some lapses in detail. Generally flows well; shows awareness of audience and assessment type through basic
    structure and style. Frequent errors with spelling, punctuation, grammar, and paragraph structure errors which occasionally affect meaning. Generally appropriate vocabulary and key discipline specific terminology used. The intended meaning can be discerned despite some
    lack of clarity and/or awkwardness. Significant lapses in detail. Disjointed; inappropriate structure and or style for audience and assessment type. Use of language fails to make meaning clear. There are many errors in grammar, syntax and spelling.


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