
CHC33015 Student Assessment

30 March 2023 10:14 AM | UPDATED 2 years ago

CHC33015 Student Assessment :

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CHC33015 Student Assessment
CHC33015 Student Assessment :





Certificate III in Individual support


Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately for this task.

Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.

Date of birth:Student ID:
Unit: CHCAGE001 Facilitate the empowerment of older people
Student to completeAssessor to complete
Assessment TaskResubmission?


I ____________________________________________________   declare that these tasks are my own work.

None of this work has been completed by any other person.

I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these CHC33015 Student Assessment tasks.

I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student signature: _____________________________________________________________________________

Student name: ________________________________________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________  


Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with CHC33015 Student Assessment results and feedback.

A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.
















Assessor signature: ____________________________________________________________________________

Assessor name: _______________________________________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________  


Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately for this task.

Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.

Date of birth:Student ID:
Unit: CHCAGE001 Facilitate the empowerment of older people
Student to completeAssessor to complete
Assessment TaskResubmission?
Workplace Project    


I ____________________________________________________   declare that these tasks are my own work.

None of this work has been completed by any other person.

I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these CHC33015 Student Assessment tasks.

I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student signature: _____________________________________________________________________________

Student name: ________________________________________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________  


Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with CHC33015 Student Assessment results and feedback.

A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.
















Assessor signature: ____________________________________________________________________________

Assessor name: _______________________________________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________  

Task summary: You are to work with a real aged care client to determine ways in which they can be empowered and achieve their goals and aspirations.

What do I need in order to complete this CHC33015 Student Assessment ?

  • Access to an aged care workplace
  • Access to an aged care client
  • Access to workplace policies and procedures
  • Access to aids and equipment
  • Permission from your supervisor and the client to undertake this task.

When do I do this task?

  • You will do this task in your workplace. The first part will be completed during one of your assessor’s workplace visits.
  • Write in the due date as advised by your assessor: ________________________________

what do I need to do if I get something wrong?

If your assessor identifies that you did not complete all requirements of this task correctly, they will give you feedback and you will need to redo the incorrect part again.


This task requires you to work with a real client in your aged care workplace. You are to find out what they would like to achieve to feel more empowered and have a better quality of life (this may be in regard to their health or social wellbeing, for example). Your role involves responding to their goals and aspirations by identifying and providing services that meet their needs.

Your assessor will observe your initial interaction with your client.

You are also required to complete the attached Client Report template, and will need your supervisor to sign off on it. This will need to be completed over a period of time – this is so your client has time to access the service/s and there is time for them to make changes to services if and as required.

You must get permission from your supervisor to work with the client you have chosen (they may determine the client isn’t suitable to participate in this CHC33015 Student Assessment , and may suggest another client). Once your client has been chosen, you must obtain permission from them to participate in this task.

You must not proceed with this CHC33015 Student Assessment until the forms have been signed by your supervisor and the client who is participating.

Once you have the necessary permissions, you will need to do the following.

  1. Meet with your client and learn about their goals/wishes. Your assessor will observe this part of the task.

During this part your assessor will be looking to see that you can:

  • Use a person-centred approach
  • Respect differences in regard to the client’s cultural, spiritual and social needs and preferences
  • Encourage the client to feel comfortable to express themselves and talk openly about their needs, preferences, wishes, etc
  • Avoid imposing your own values and attitudes
  • Allow the client dignity of risk when making decisions
  • Show that you can establish a trusting relationship with the client
  • Empower the client in regard to taking some responsibility in achieving their goals and aspirations to achieve better health and quality of life
  • Discuss any physical and social enablers and disablers the client may have
  • Discuss service options that would empower the client
  • Discuss the risks involved with ageing, especially those that may impact the services being considered and the client’s activities of daily living
  • Discuss with the client their rights, your service’s complaint mechanisms and how you will ensure their safety
  • Discuss with the client their right to privacy and confidentiality and how you and the organisation ensure client information is kept private.

You can use the information in the Client Report template below to guide your discussion.

Once the client discussion is over, you will need to work with your supervisor or colleagues to organise client access to the services discussed.

  • Complete the Client Report over a period of time, reflecting on your experience with your client. Use the Client Report template provided to help guide you in your response. Make sure you provide as much detail as you can about each section. Get your supervisor to sign off at the end of the report.
What were the goals/wishes and aspirations of your client in regards to living a healthy life and having a better quality of life?  
What physical and social enablers and disablers were identified?
Provide some information about the client’s background, including: Cultural backgroundReligious backgroundSpiritual background Social background What diverse needs do they have? Remember to maintain privacy and avoid providing information that may directly identify your client.  
How did you empower your client to express their identity and preferences? Did you at any stage find it difficult to not put forth your own personal opinion, or did you need to make sure your own values and attitudes were not coming through during your discussion?  
How did you consider your client’s background when discussing appropriate services with them?  
What risks or potential risks did you discuss with the client that are related to the ageing process? How did you ensure they understood that these changes can impact their ability to do activities of daily living?      
What services were identified and organised for your client? Explain how you organised them.  
What information did you gather and share with your client to help them make informed decisions and to promote independent living?  
How did you ensure that your client’s rights were upheld when accessing services?  
What aids or modifications were used to support the client with independent living?  
Explain the following legal and ethical requirements you considered when working with your client. Privacy and confidentialityConsentWork role boundariesHealth and safety.
Identify five workplace policies and procedures you followed when working with your client and why you needed to adhere to them.  
Explain how you ensured the safety of your client when determining services. In your response, refer to dignity of risk, WHS and duty of care.
What are your workplace’s procedures when a client has a complaint? Complaints may be in regard to your own workplace or one of the services they are accessing.  
What do I need to hand in for this task?Have I completed this?
Completed Client Reporto
Working with Clients – Permission Form
Family member or carer’s approval (obtain this if the client is unable to give permission themselves) Dear _________________________________________________________________________________ My name is ____________________________________________________________________________        As part of my study I am required to facilitate the empowerment of a client and identify support services that align with the client’s goals and wishes. I am asking your permission to work with _____________________________________________________        <insert client name> for this project.  The project will involve: Finding out the client’s goals and wishesApplying a person-centred approach Identifying appropriate services to meet their needsOrganising access to services I will be supervised at all times during the task. I would welcome your family member’s participation in this project if you would like them to be involved. Please sign below to show your agreement. Name: ________________________________________________________________________________ Signature:______________________________________________________________________________      Date: _________________________  
Supervisor’s approval I, ____________________________________________________________________________________ ,     <Supervisor’s name> approve _____________________________________________________________ <student’s name> to undertake this project with _______________________________________________      <Client’s name>.  Approval is dependent on the following conditions: The student must be supervised at all times when working with the client.The student must seek approval of their planned activity prior to implementation.The client or their family may request that this project be stopped at any point. In this case, other arrangements will be made in consultation with the student, the student’s assessor and myself. Supervisor’s name: ______________________________________________________________________ Signature:______________________________________________________________________________      Date: _________________________
Client approval (Use this if the client is able to give permission themselves) Dear _________________________________________________________________________________ My name is ____________________________________________________________________________        As part of my study I am required to facilitate the empowerment of a client and identify support services that align with the client’s goals and wishes. I am asking for your permission to work with you for this project. The project will consist of: Finding out your goals and wishesApplying a person-centred approach when working with you Identifying appropriate services to meet your needsOrganising your access to services I will be supervised at all times during the task. I would welcome your participation in the project if you would like to be involved. Please sign below to show your agreement. Name: ________________________________________________________________________________ Signature:______________________________________________________________________________      Date: _________________________  
Supervisor’s approval I, ____________________________________________________________________________________ ,     <supervisor’s name> approve _____________________________________________________________ <student’s name> to undertake this project with _______________________________________________      <client’s name>.  Approval is dependent on the following conditions: The student must be supervised at all times when working with the client.The student must seek approval of their planned activity prior to implementation.The client or their family may request that this project be stopped at any point. In this case, other arrangements will be made in consultation with the student, the student’s assessor and myself. Supervisor’s name: ______________________________________________________________________ Signature:______________________________________________________________________________      Date: _________________________

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately for this task.

Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.

Date of birth:Student ID:
Unit: CHCAGE001 Facilitate the empowerment of older people
Student to completeAssessor to complete
Assessment TaskResubmission?
Supervisor report    


I ____________________________________________________   declare that these tasks are my own work.

None of this work has been completed by any other person.

I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these CHC33015 Student Assessment tasks.

I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student signature: _____________________________________________________________________________

Student name: ________________________________________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________  


Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with CHC33015 Student Assessment results and feedback.

A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.
















Assessor signature: ____________________________________________________________________________

Assessor name: _______________________________________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________

Task summary: Your workplace supervisor is to complete a report to confirm your ability to demonstrate a range of skills and knowledge required of this unit.

What do I need in order to complete this CHC33015 Student Assessment ?

  • Access to your workplace
  • Access to clients
  • Access to workplace policies and procedures
  • Your supervisor
  • The Supervisor Report (see end of this task).

When do I do this task?

  • You will need to give the report to your supervisor – they will confirm your performance.
  • Write in the due date as advised by your assessor: ________________________________

what do I need to do if I get something wrong?

If your supervisor identifies that you did not complete any requirements in the report, your assessor will ask you to redo that requirement again.


Instructions to the Supervisor

As part of the evidence of competency for this student, we are seeking reports from the student’s workplace supervisor. This forms part of the evidence for the unit CHCAGE001 Facilitate the empowerment of older people.

What is the purpose of this?

The purpose of this process is to gain confirmation from someone who has worked regularly with the student who can verify that the student performs their skills satisfactorily to workplace requirements on a regular basis.

How will the information I provide be used?

The assessor will use the information you provide in this report, combined with other CHC33015 Student Assessment evidence provided by the student to make a final decision about competency.

How and when do I fill in the report?

You do not need to observe the student over a particular period of time or completing certain tasks. If you place a tick in the ‘Yes’ column in the report, you are confirming that you are comfortable with the student’s skills in the relevant area and that you have seen them work satisfactorily to workplace expectations.

Please also include comments and examples in the space provided wherever possible.

If you do not believe that the student demonstrates appropriate skills in the area listed, please place a tick in the ‘No’ column and provide reasons and comments about why you have said ‘No’. 

If you are unsure or not able to comment on the student’s skills in a particular area, please place a tick in the ‘Not able to confirm’ column.

What should I do if I am unsure of the expectations?

Please contact the student’s assessor if you are unsure of any of the requirements of filling in this Supervisor Report. The student will have their direct contact details.

Who should fill in this report if I am unable to do so?

If you are not able to confirm the student’s skills in all of the following areas, please confirm the areas you can and ask another qualified person from the workplace to confirm skills in the other areas. They will also need to sign the report.

Student’s name:Date of report:
Supervisor name:
Workplace:Contact Number/s:
Do you understand the expectations and requirements of your role based on the above information?       YES              NO

Please fill in the following report.                                                                                                                      

Area/ Skills to be confirmedYes (ü)No (ü)Not able to confirm (ü)Provide examples or comments on student’s skills and performance in this area
Did the student show respect for clients’ cultural differences? For example, by respecting rituals and customs, by respecting and understanding any religious beliefs and customs, applying a non-discriminatory approach, learning about the differences between themselves and their clients, applying a sensitive approach, not passing judgment or trying to enforce own values, etc.    
Did the student show respect for clients’ social differences? For example, by respecting friendship groups, relationships, family dynamics, encouraging the development of friendships and relationships, not passing opinions or judgments on aspects of clients’ social lives and interactions, learning about clients’ lived experiences and how this has made them into who they are, treating clients with respect and dignity regarding their choices, etc.    
Did the student show respect for clients’ spiritual differences? For example, by respecting clients’ beliefs, the associated customs and celebrations, not belittling clients, not trying to force or discuss own spiritual beliefs, being open to learning about the differences between themselves and their clients, etc.    
Did the student demonstrate effective communication skills to develop and maintain trust and goodwill with clients? For example, by talking in a way that their clients can understand, by providing information in preferred languages and formats/media, by being supportive and empathetic, by using appropriate body language and non-verbal cues, being friendly and interested in what they have to say, not interrupting, etc. The student must be able to maintain good relationships with clients over a period of time, which should be seen in the way clients respond and communicate with the student, and how they treat each other with mutual respect and interest.     
Did the student maintain privacy, confidentiality and dignity of clients by following workplace procedures? For example, by not passing on confidential information without consent, by ensuring clients understand how information will be used, stored and shared, by allowing clients to have their privacy where required, allowing dignity (such as when discussing support required, discussing clients’ preferences and needs, helping clients with activities of daily living, etc).     
Did the student work with clients to determine appropriate services to meet their needs and preferences? Appropriate services should be those that are tailored to client needs, and take into consideration their cultural, social and spiritual background, their current health status and needs. The student must apply a person-centred approach, focusing on clients’ strengths and wishes rather than using negativity or referring to areas that need to be ‘fixed’. Clients must have the right to make decisions in the services being provided and to refuse the services suggested.    
Did the student avoid imposing their own values and attitudes on clients? For example, this may include allowing clients to exercise dignity of risk even if they do not approve, not trying to force services or activities on clients because they think it’s best for them (and the client does not), not passing judgment on the client’s personal preferences, etc. The student must be supportive and encouraging at all times to ensure clients are empowered and taking control of their lives as much as possible.    
Did the student encourage clients to participate in activities of daily living as much they are able to do so, and to provide support where needed? For example, support may include assistance with specific tasks that are proving difficult due to ageing, allowing dignity of risk, being respectful of the client’s feelings and sensitivities about their abilities, obtaining aids and modifications to support them, reviewing existing plans and services, etc.    
Did the student provide information to clients to support and encourage them to maintain activities of daily living as much as possible? For example, this may include information about aids, modifications, other support services, etc. The student must show a positive, motivational and encouraging approach when providing information, and make sure information is provided in formats and languages that clients can understand.    
Did the student adjust services as required to meet client needs? For example, services may need to be changed if clients cannot access them any longer, the services aren’t providing the expected outcomes, clients are unhappy with the provider or the person they are dealing with, client physical and/or emotional wellbeing needs change, funding to services changes, etc.    
Did the student demonstrate a flexible, adaptable and person-centred approach to work? For example, by respecting the clients’ own schedules, by treating the client as an individual, by involving the client in decision making, and adapting or changing services to meet the clients’ needs, etc.    
Did the student ensure that clients understood their rights, as well as those related to complaints processes? For example, this may include discussing the complaints procedure, providing the client with service information, charter of rights, discussing with the client workers’ roles and responsibilities and limitations, etc.    
Did the student demonstrate the ability to identify risks and take appropriate action to address the risks? For example, this may include risks related to the client’s health, the risks related to impacts of ageing on the body, risks within the client’s home that impact their ability to maintain independence, security risks, hygiene risks, risks related to services/activities being provided, risk to mental health, risks to social wellbeing, etc.    
Did the student demonstrate the ability to follow workplace health and safety procedures? For example, this may include reporting any concerns about the wellbeing/welfare of clients, completing incident reporting, ensuring the workplace environment is safe and free of hazards, working in a manner that respects the safety of those around them, ensuring services to be provided to clients are safe, ensuring clients’ homes are safe and secure, allowing dignity of risk in decisions made, yet still considering duty of care obligations, etc.    
Please provide any further comments or observations you have made about the student’s performance in relation to the skills required as above.  
Supervisor’s signature: 
Supervisor’s name: 
Date of report: 

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately for this task.

Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.

Date of birth:Student ID:
Unit: CHCAGE005 Provide support to people living with dementia
Student to completeAssessor to complete
Assessment TaskResubmission?
Project – Working with clients with dementia    


I ____________________________________________________   declare that these tasks are my own work.

None of this work has been completed by any other person.

I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these CHC33015 Student Assessment tasks.

I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student signature: _____________________________________________________________________________

Student name: ________________________________________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________  


Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with CHC33015 Student Assessment results and feedback.

A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.
















Assessor signature: ____________________________________________________________________________

Assessor name: _______________________________________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________

Task summary: Part A – Workplace Project: Students are to monitor two clients with dementia in their workplace on a daily basis and complete journal entries about their experiences. Part B – Observation: Students will be observed by their assessor as they interact and support two clients with dementia.  
Part A: Workplace project

What do I need in order to complete this CHC33015 Student Assessment ?

  • Access to your workplace
  • Two clients with dementia and their carer/family with which to work
  • Approval from supervisor (see permission form at end of this task)
  • Client care plans for each client.

When do I do this task?

  • You will need to do this task in your workplace.
  • Write in the due date as advised by your assessor: ________________________________

what do I need to do if I get something wrong?

If your assessor identifies that you did not complete parts of the journal correctly, your assessor will ask you to redo that section again.


You are required to work with two clients with dementia for a period of at least three days each. The days may be consecutive (one after the other) but do not have to be.

You must obtain permission from your supervisor to work with these clients for a period of three days each. Use the permission form at the end of this task. You will be supervised at all times during your work with these clients.

You will need to:

  • supervisor to sign each of your journal entries as a true account
What do I need to hand in for this task?Have I completed this?
Completed journal for each cliento
Completed client permission formso
Working with Clients with Dementia – Permission Form
Supervisor’s approval I, ____________________________________________________________________________________ ,     <Supervisor’s name> approve _____________________________________________________________ <student’s name> to undertake this project with _______________________________________________      <Client’s name>.  Approval is dependent on the following conditions: The student must be supervised at all times when working with the client.The client or their family may request that this project be stopped at any point. In this case, other arrangements will be made in consultation with the student, the student’s assessor and myself. Supervisor’s name: ______________________________________________________________________ Signature:______________________________________________________________________________      Date: _________________________
ASSESSMENT TASK 3: Working with clients with dementia
Complete this journal for each of the clients that you work with. You must work with each client for at least three days. You must complete each part of the journal. As you complete the tasks, ask your supervisor to sign off each entry to indicate that it is a true account and that you followed workplace policies and procedures. Your assessor may ask you questions about your journal entries during a workplace visit.
Observation Date 1:Observation Date 2:Observation Date 3:
 CommentsSupervisor initials
What was the outcomes of your discussions with the client’s family and/or carers? 
Describe the client’s dementia conditions, including indicators and symptoms. 
List the daily care that you provided or observed for the client. 
What communication strategies work well when working with this client? Document your use and the appropriateness of the following strategies: Reality orientationPrompting (reminders of day, time, relationships and so on)Acceptance of person’s realityReassurance Empathy ReminiscingAcknowledgmentDistraction 
How did you know what types of reminiscences and routines would be helpful for this particular client? 
What types of support and guidance to do you provide to those close to the client? For example, this may include carers, family, friends and/or their partner/spouse? 
Are there cultural practices that are important to this client? How are these supported by the facility?  
What activities does this client enjoy doing that you organised? How are these activities beneficial to the client, and how do they assist in maintaining their independence? 
Does the client have any behaviours of concern? 
What strategies are used to reduce the likelihood and impact of these behaviours of concern? Explain how you work with the support planning team (or similar) to determine whether the strategies are successful. What types of strategies or contributions have you put forth regarding the care of your client?  
In what way is the client provided with a stable and familiar environment? 
Meet with your supervisor and/or the client’s care team. Discuss the support strategies currently in place to support this client. Are they working? Are they effective in minimising behaviours? 
What documentation do you complete/work with when caring for this client? Explain your workplace’s procedures for completing, handling and storing client information, and how observations are to be reported. 
Write three daily observations for the client in relation to their dementia. 
I confirm that the student’s journal is an accurate account.
Supervisor name:
Supervisor signature:Date:
Observation Date 1:Observation Date 2:Observation Date 3:
 CommentsSupervisor initials
What was the outcomes of your discussions with the client’s family and/or carers? 
Describe the client’s dementia conditions, including indicators and symptoms. 
List the daily care that you provided or observed for the client.     
What communication strategies work well when working with this client? Document your use and the appropriateness of the following strategies: Reality orientationPrompting (reminders of day, time, relationships and so on)Acceptance of person’s realityReassurance Empathy ReminiscingAcknowledgmentDistraction  
How did you know what types of reminiscences and routines would be helpful for this particular client? 
What types of support and guidance to do you provide to those close to the client? For example, this may include carers, family, friends and/or their partner/spouse? 
Are there cultural practices that are important to this client? How are these supported by the facility? 
What activities does this client enjoy doing that you organised? How are these activities beneficial to the client, and how do they assist in maintaining their independence? 
Does the client have any behaviours of concern? 
What strategies are used to reduce the likelihood and impact of these behaviours of concern? Explain how you work with the support planning team (or similar) to determine whether the strategies are successful.  What types of strategies or contributions have you put forth regarding the care of your client? 
In what way is the client provided with a stable and familiar environment? 
Meet with your supervisor and/or the client’s care team. Discuss the support strategies currently in place to support this client. Are they working? Are they effective in minimising behaviours? 
What documentation do you complete/work with when caring for this client? Explain your workplace’s procedures for completing, handling and storing client information, and how observations are to be reported. 
Write three daily observations for the client in relation to their dementia.Date: ______________________________  

Date: ______________________________  

Date: ______________________________  

I confirm that the student’s journal is an accurate account.
Supervisor name:
Supervisor signature:Date:
Reflective question     
Working with clients with dementia can be stressful.  What strategies have you put in place to keep an eye on your own stress levels and look after yourself? Have you requested any support and, if so, what support have you obtained?

Part B: Workplace Observations

What do students need in order to complete this CHC33015 Student Assessment ?

When and where do students need to do this?

What do students have to submit?

Instructions to students:

For this task you must provide care and support for at least two clients living with dementia, as set out in their individualised care plans. Your assessor will observe you as you work with the two clients.

Your assessor will also ask you some verbal questions at the end of the observation.

Note: you will need to obtain permission from your clients and work placement supervisor for your assessor to observe you doing these activities. 

Your assessor will be looking to see that you:
For example, encourage the client to make decisions they are capable of, discuss what you are doing with the client, show respect for the client’s individuality, use the clients name and refer to things in their lives, converse with the client in a respectful manner.
For example, read and interpret the client’s care plan, familiarise yourself with specific needs and wants, access information on routines with family and carers, ensure a stable and familiar environment for the client by following routines and care plans.
For example, smile and make eye contact with the client as you talk to them, use gentle gestures and facial expressions, speak clearly and with enthusiasm, use encouraging words, use a calm and warm tone of voice, use the clients name. 
For example, talk to the client about the time of day, refer to clocks and calendars, use the client’s name frequently, discuss current events, talk about what is happening that day, ask the client about their photos or other special items.
For example, show empathy, use reassurance, ask questions and encourage the client to talk about past experiences or people, do not judge, reman respectful, use empathetic statement such as ““You miss him,” “You were close,” “You want to be back in your house. What would you do there?”
For example, follow familiar routines, encourage client to use their existing skills (such as arts or crafts, reading, simple cooking), ensure that the client’s cultural likes and dislikes are considered, assist the client with autonomy
For example, do a visual check for hazards and potential risks, supervise the client, encourage the client to take safe risks, encourage the client to do things themselves where appropriate.
For example, report observations to supervisor, complete and store documentation (care plan, incident reports etc) according to policies and procedures

Your assessor will ask you some verbal questions relating to:

Task Summary: You are to support at least two clients in your workplace with a range of personal care needs.

What do I need in order to complete this assessment?

  • Access to at least two clients
  • Approval from each client and your supervisor to undertake personal care activities
  • Personal care aids, supplies and equipment specific to the activities being undertaken
  • Access to a qualified aged care worker (for example, your supervisor)
  • Journal (see end of this task)
  • Supervisor confirmation checklist (see end of this task).

When do I do this task?

  • You will do this task during your assessor’s visit to your workplace service.
  • Write in the date of your assessor’s visit: ________________________________________

What do I need to hand in?

  • Completed journal (if alternative arrangements need to be made)
  • Supervisor Confirmation Report.

what do I need to do if I get something wrong?

If your assessor sees that you have not shown appropriate skills or knowledge, or receives feedback from your supervisor that you did not show appropriate skills or knowledge, they will give you some feedback and you will need to do the specific task again.


For this task you need to provide personal care support for at least two clients in your workplace, as set out in their individualised care plans.

Each of the following tasks must be demonstrated at least once during the care that you provide:

  • Bed bathing
  • Showering
  • Oral hygiene
  • Grooming
  • Shaving
  • Dressing and undressing
  • Eating and drinking
  • Using aids and equipment – such as hoists, wheelchairs, walkers, lift chairs, motorised beds, crutches,
  • Toileting and/or use of continence aids.

You do not have to do each task twice – for example, you might bed-bath client 1 and shower client 2. A qualified care worker (for example, your supervisor) must supervise your provision of care services and confirm the tasks to be performed by completing the checklist at the end of this task. Make sure you give this checklist to them before you start.

You must obtain permission from your clients and your workplace supervisor for your assessor to observe these activities. Where permission is unable to be sought, refer to the ‘Alternative arrangements’ section for further information.

Alternative arrangements: In some cases it may not be possible for your assessor to observe all of these personal care needs, either due to respecting the privacy and dignity of clients or due to the specific type of care not being required by clients during your assessor’s workplace visit.  Your assessor will therefore ask you to explain, in detail, each of the procedures related to the tasks they did not observe during their workplace visit. A journal is provided at the end of this task. You will need to document in this journal any personal support activities provided that were not able to be observed by your assessor. You must provide a detailed account of what you did, the steps you took, how you communicated with the client and how you made them feel at ease during the process. Each entry in your journal must be signed off and dated by your supervisor to confirm it is an accurate record of your work practice..
Your assessor will be looking to see that you: Correctly undertake each personal care support activity Check and confirm each client’s individual care plan to determine their needs. Make sure you are able to do the tasks and will have access to everything you needTalk to your supervisor about anything that you are not sure about or believe may be beyond your capacity Gather all equipment and aids you will need to do the task – make adjustments as necessary to meet the client’s needsAssess the environment, equipment and tasks to be performed for health and safety risksTalk to your supervisor about any issues with providing support and the impact that providing support can have on clientsIntroduce yourself to each client on your arrival and talk to them about the personal care task you will be helping them withAllow each client to discuss how they would like support to be provided and how much they will participate Make sure your clients are comfortable with and consent to the personal care to be provided Respond respectfully and positively to each client’s needs, including any cultural needs, physical or sensory needsCommunicate appropriately with each client during the activity so they know what is happening and/or what is going to happen (where equipment and aids are used, ensure you talk your client through their use)Check for any changes in health or personal care needs and follow procedures to report as required Protect each client’s privacy and dignityTalk to your supervisor about any risks you identify and what to do about them.Correctly apply infection control techniquesCorrectly apply manual handling techniquesRespond appropriately where client interactions or personal care activities are of a difficult nature Complete all documentation and reporting requirements as per workplace procedures Store documentation in line with your workplace’s procedures.
What do I need to hand in for this task?Have I completed this? 
Your journal (where applicable)o 
Your supervisor’s confirmation reporto 

Note to student: complete this journal ONLY if your assessor is unable to observe you undertake any of the personal care activities.

In the correct row, write down how you provided the care to your client/s as per their individualised plan and workplace procedures You must provide a detailed account of what you did, the steps you took, how you communicated with the client and made them feel at ease during the process.DateWhich client did you provide this care for? (Refer to clients as ‘Client 1’, ‘Client 2’, ‘Client 3’ etc.)
 Client 1: John
 Client 2: Mary
 Client 2: Mary
 Client 3: Michael
 Client 3: Michael
 Client 2: Mary
 Client 1: John
 Client 3: Michael
 Client 2: Mary
I confirm that the student completed the above personal care activities as detailed above and it is an accurate account.
Supervisor name:
Supervisor signature:Date:

Instructions to the student: you must give this checklist to your supervisor or other qualified person who supervised you during your personal care activities. The completed checklist must be submitted as part of your assessment for this task.

Instructions to the supervisor: As part of the evidence of competency for the student named below, we are seeking reports from the supervisor or other qualified care worker who supervised the student during the personal activities required of this task. The purpose of this process is to obtain confirmation that the student is able to follow workplace policies and procedures, and safely and competently work with clients to complete the care activities listed in the task. The student must obtain permission from the clients involved in this task and their supervisor for their assessor to be present. In the event that the assessor is not able to observe the student completing some (or all) of the care activities, your confirmation will be a valuable piece of supporting evidence. The assessor will use the information you provide in this report, combined with other assessment evidence provided by the student (their journal) to make a final decision about competency. Please talk to the student’s assessor if you are unsure of any of the requirements of filling in this document.
Area/ skills to be confirmedYes (ü)No (ü)Not able to confirm (ü)Provide examples or comments on student’s skills and performance in this area
Did the student assist at least two clients with the following personal care activities:    
Bed bathing    
Oral hygiene    
Dressing and undressing    
Eating and drinking (using appropriate feeding techniques)    
Using aids and equipment (such as hoists, wheelchairs, walkers, lift chairs, motorised beds, mobility devices, crutches etc)    
Toileting and/or use of continence aids    
For client 1:
Did the student correctly undertake each personal care support activity as per workplace procedures/requirements?    
Did the student check and confirm each client’s individual care plan to work out their needs?    
Did the student respond respectfully and positively to each client’s needs? For example, did the student consider culture – was it acceptable for them to assist with bathing, toileting and dressing?; how was the client’s hearing, did the student raise their voice in an inappropriate manner or speak to the client using an inappropriate tone?; did the client respect any other sensory issues?; did the student respond appropriately and respectfully where the client was unable to speak or did not speak English as their first language?; did the student gain an understanding of what was the client was physically capable of doing or what they would like to do?; did the student show consideration and care for clients with dementia or other issues that may impact their needs and the way in which services needed to be provided?    
Did the student introduce themselves to each client upon arrival and talk to them about the personal care task they were going to do? For example, did the student greet clients warmly; tell them their name; refer to the client by name; tell the client what they were there to do; ask how they like to do the task or if they needed something specific, etc?    
Did the student make sure each client was comfortable with the process before they started? For example, did the student: ask clients if they had a preferred order in which to do things; help the client pick out their clothes and lay them out in order before showering/bathing? Work in a way to avoid embarrassment, fear, disempowerment and/or humiliation of their clients. This may have included giving the client some privacy when requested, allowing them to wash certain parts of their body, encouraging them to do certain tasks, not showing disgust when assisting with toileting or bathing, and so on.    
Did the student protect each client’s privacy and dignity during the tasks? For example, did the student: knock before entering the client’s room; ask them if it was okay to come in; show respect when assisting with toileting, showering, bathing and other activities; allow the client to wash parts of their body if they did not want the student to assist;; cover parts of the body that were not being bathed to maintain privacy (and to keep the client warm and dry)    
Did the student assess the environment and the task to be performed for health and safety risks? For example, risks might include slips, trips and falls hazards, skin or bodily injury; oral safety; own personal safety; cleanliness of facilities being used; condition of items being used; checking functionality and safety of equipment to be used; checking that dry and clean towels are provided; checking that personal care items/tools belong to the client etc.    
Did the student talk to you about any risks they identified and what to do about them? This may not be applicable if there were no risks in the area. However, you should confirm with the student that there are no risks (if this is the case). If there are risks and the student has not identified them, they must not proceed with the task until they are identified.    
Did the student gather all equipment and aids needed to do the task? Did they make adjustments to equipment as necessary? Equipment will vary depending on tasks. For example, non-slip mats, towels, face washers, soap, shampoo and conditioner, razor, shaving cream, aftershave lotion, floss, toothpaste, toothbrush, glass/tumbler, denture brush, soaking container, continence pads, nail clippers, nail files, hairbrushes, combs, hair styling tools, hairspray etc.    
Did the student communicate appropriately with each client during the activity? For example, did the student use the name of the client when talking to them; explain what they were doing at each step; encourage the client’s participation to do tasks within their ability; observe body language, reactions and what is being said; ask if the client is okay or if they needed anything in particular; reassure them if they became agitated or concerned; provide encouragement and verbal support when the client undertakes a task of their own; communicates in a positive manner; provides instructions clearly etc.    
Did the student use correct manual handling techniques? For example, when helping clients out of bed; helping clients on and off of the toilet; helping clients in and out of the shower; bending down or leaning; doing repetitive movements ; using mechanical aids as required. This must include identifying where they may need to use equipment rather than attempt the manual handling alone, call for support from another person where required, bending and lifting as per manual handling guidelines, etc.    
Did the student talk to you about any issues with providing support and the impact that providing support can have on clients? The student must talk to you about any issues encountered. If none were encountered, the student should still talk about how personal support activities can affect clients. For example, some clients may be uncomfortable with needing help going to the bathroom or being bathed or showered. Some clients may respond in difficult ways that require the student to apply calming communication and a respectful and sensitive approach; some clients may dislike use of aids and modifications to help them and try to avoid their use etc    
Did the student complete all required documentation correctly? For example, did the student note in each client’s care plan the type of care provided; did they note observations made and/or issues encountered; did they record any changes to care that were required; did they sign and date all entries.    
Did the student complete all documentation using the required reporting technologies? For example, the student may complete documentation using hard copy files/ paperwork, use a tablet or computer to update client information, etc.    
Did the student store documentation in line with workplace procedures? For example, did the student correctly save documents on electronic file systems; file hard copy documents in the correct location; ensure system or hard copy storage locations were accessed securely (locking up cabinets after use, not leaving files around when they can be viewed by unauthorised personnel, using own passwords and logins to systems and logging out after use, etc).    
For client 2:
Did the student correctly undertake each personal care support activity as per workplace procedures/requirements?    
Did the student check and confirm each client’s individual care plan to work out their needs?    
Did the student respond respectfully and positively to each client’s needs? For example, did the student consider culture – was it acceptable for them to assist with bathing, toileting and dressing?; how was the client’s hearing, did the student raise their voice in an inappropriate manner or speak to the client using an inappropriate tone?; did the client respect any other sensory issues?; did the student respond appropriately and respectfully where the client was unable to speak or did not speak English as their first language?; did the student gain an understanding of what was the client was physically capable of doing or what they would like to do?; did the student show consideration and care for clients with dementia or other issues that may impact their needs and the way in which services needed to be provided?    
Did the student introduce themselves to each client upon arrival and talk to them about the personal care task they were going to do? For example, did the student greet clients warmly; tell them their name; refer to the client by name; tell the client what they were there to do; ask how they like to do the task or if they needed something specific, etc?    
Did the student make sure each client was comfortable with the process before they started? For example, did the student: ask clients if they had a preferred order in which to do things; help the client pick out their clothes and lay them out in order before showering/bathing? Work in a way to avoid embarrassment, fear, disempowerment and/or humiliation of their clients. This may have included giving the client some privacy when requested, allowing them to wash certain parts of their body, encouraging them to do certain tasks, not showing disgust when assisting with toileting or bathing, and so on.    
Did the student protect each client’s privacy and dignity during the tasks? For example, did the student: knock before entering the client’s room; ask them if it was okay to come in; show respect when assisting with toileting, showering, bathing and other activities; allow the client to wash parts of their body if they did not want the student to assist;; cover parts of the body that were not being bathed to maintain privacy (and to keep the client warm and dry)    
Did the student assess the environment and the task to be performed for health and safety risks? For example, risks might include slips, trips and falls hazards, skin or bodily injury; oral safety; own personal safety; cleanliness of facilities being used; condition of items being used; checking functionality and safety of equipment to be used; checking that dry and clean towels are provided; checking that personal care items/tools belong to the client etc.    
Did the student talk to you about any risks they identified and what to do about them? This may not be applicable if there were no risks in the area. However, you should confirm with the student that there are no risks (if this is the case). If there are risks and the student has not identified them, they must not proceed with the task until they are identified.    
Did the student gather all equipment and aids needed to do the task? Did they make adjustments to equipment as necessary? Equipment will vary depending on tasks. For example, non-slip mats, towels, face washers, soap, shampoo and conditioner, razor, shaving cream, aftershave lotion, floss, toothpaste, toothbrush, glass/tumbler, denture brush, soaking container, continence pads, nail clippers, nail files, hairbrushes, combs, hair styling tools, hairspray etc.    
Did the student communicate appropriately with each client during the activity? For example, did the student use the name of the client when talking to them; explain what they were doing at each step; encourage the client’s participation to do tasks within their ability; observe body language, reactions and what is being said; ask if the client is okay or if they needed anything in particular; reassure them if they became agitated or concerned; provide encouragement and verbal support when the client undertakes a task of their own; communicates in a positive manner; provides instructions clearly etc.    
Did the student use correct manual handling techniques? For example, when helping clients out of bed; helping clients on and off of the toilet; helping clients in and out of the shower; bending down or leaning; doing repetitive movements ; using mechanical aids as required. This must include identifying where they may need to use equipment rather than attempt the manual handling alone, call for support from another person where required, bending and lifting as per manual handling guidelines, etc.    
Did the student talk to you about any issues with providing support and the impact that providing support can have on clients? The student must talk to you about any issues encountered. If none were encountered, the student should still talk about how personal support activities can affect clients. For example, some clients may be uncomfortable with needing help going to the bathroom or being bathed or showered. Some clients may respond in difficult ways that require the student to apply calming communication and a respectful and sensitive approach; some clients may dislike use of aids and modifications to help them and try to avoid their use etc    
Did the student complete all required documentation correctly? For example, did the student note in each client’s care plan the type of care provided; did they note observations made and/or issues encountered; did they record any changes to care that were required; did they sign and date all entries.    
Did the student complete all documentation using the required reporting technologies? For example, the student may complete documentation using hard copy files/ paperwork, use a tablet or computer to update client information, etc.    
Did the student store documentation in line with workplace procedures? For example, did the student correctly save documents on electronic file systems; file hard copy documents in the correct location; ensure system or hard copy storage locations were accessed securely (locking up cabinets after use, not leaving files around when they can be viewed by unauthorised personnel, using own passwords and logins to systems and logging out after use, etc).    
Please provide any further comments or observations you have made about the student’s performance in relation to the skills and activities required as above. 
Supervisor’s signature:
Supervisor’s name:


Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately for this task.

Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.

Date of birth:Student ID:
Unit: CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support
Student to completeAssessor to complete
Assessment TaskResubmission?
Workplace project    
Client 1    
Client 2    
Client 3    


I ____________________________________________________   declare that these tasks are my own work.

None of this work has been completed by any other person.

I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student signature: _____________________________________________________________________________

Student name: ________________________________________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________  


Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.

A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.
















Assessor signature: ____________________________________________________________________________

Assessor name: _______________________________________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________  

Task summary: You are required to write a report on the provision of support services for three clients in your workplace (one report for each client).

What do I need in order to complete this CHC33015 Student Assessment ?

  • Access to your workplace
  • Access to three clients in your workplace
  • Supervisor’s permission form for each client (see end of this task)
  • Access to three individual support services plans
  • Access to a computer (if you prefer to type out your answers).

When do I do this assessment?

  • You will do this task in your workplace.
  • Write in the due date as advised by your assessor: ________________________________

what do I need to do if I get something wrong?

If your assessor sees that you have not completed all parts of each report correctly, or have not worked with three clients, they will give you some feedback and you will need to resubmit.


This task requires you to choose three clients and report on how you used their individual support plans to provide support.

Before you begin this task, you must obtain permission from your supervisor to work with each client. Where possible, try to choose at least one client who has a guardianship or advocacy arrangement in place, or who has a family member or carer involved in their care.

Ask your supervisor to sign the permission forms at the end of this task. You will need to submit this as part of your assessment.

Review the report template provided – there is one for each client you will need to fill out. This will help you figure out what you need to do and write about.

Your reports will need to be filled in over a period of time, as you will more than likely not be able to fill them out based on one day or one shift of work. Where you are unable to answer or experience any of the items in the template provided, talk to your supervisor about how these items are addressed by carers.

Provide as much detail as you can in your report for each area (at least one – two paragraphs).

Remember, in order to adhere to privacy and confidentiality procedures, you must make sure that you do not:

  • identify your clients by name
  • identify family members or friends of the client by name
  • document any other identifiable information (such as names of health practitioners, locations of other services being used, etc)
  • identify colleagues by name.

You should refer to clients as Client 1, Client 2 and Client 3 or similar. Refer to family as Family 1, Family 2 or mother, sister, father, husband etc. Refer to locations in the generic sense, such as ‘a trip to the GP’ or ‘a session with their counsellor’ and so on. Refer to colleagues as Colleague 1 or Staff 1 or Support Worker 1 or similar.

When you have finished each report, give it to your supervisor to review and sign off that your statements are accurate and true records of your work activities and performance.

What do I need to hand in for this task?Have I completed this?
Your completed report for client 1o
Your completed report for client 2o
Your completed report for client 3o
Provide Individualised Support – Permission Form for Client 1
Supervisor’s approval I, ____________________________________________________________________________________ ,     <Supervisor’s name> approve _____________________________________________________________ <student’s name> to undertake this project with _______________________________________________      <Client’s name>. Approval is dependent on the following conditions: The student is to work with three clients.The student must be supervised at all times when working with the client.The client or their family may request that this project be stopped at any point. In this case, other arrangements will be made in consultation with the student, the student’s assessor and myself. Supervisor’s name: ______________________________________________________________________ Signature:______________________________________________________________________________      Date: _________________________
Provide Individualised Support – Permission Form for Client 2
Supervisor’s approval I, ____________________________________________________________________________________ ,     <Supervisor’s name> approve _____________________________________________________________ <student’s name> to undertake this project with _______________________________________________      <Client’s name>. Approval is dependent on the following conditions: The student is to work with three clients.The student must be supervised at all times when working with the client.The client or their family may request that this project be stopped at any point. In this case, other arrangements will be made in consultation with the student, the student’s assessor and myself. Supervisor’s name: ______________________________________________________________________ Signature:______________________________________________________________________________      Date: _________________________
Provide Individualised Support – Permission Form for Client 3
Supervisor’s approval I, ____________________________________________________________________________________ ,     <Supervisor’s name> approve _____________________________________________________________ <student’s name> to undertake this project with _______________________________________________      <Client’s name>. Approval is dependent on the following conditions: The student is to work with three clients.The student must be supervised at all times when working with the client.The client or their family may request that this project be stopped at any point. In this case, other arrangements will be made in consultation with the student, the student’s assessor and myself. Supervisor’s name: ______________________________________________________________________ Signature:______________________________________________________________________________      Date: _________________________
Assessment Task 3: Report on Client 1
Client support needs
How did you understand your role and responsibilities when determining support needs for this client?
What was your role in implementing the client’s individual plan?
What are the support needs for this individual according to their plan?
Explain the process you followed/took to confirm with the client the details of their individualised plan, and why you would need to do this.
Did you need to confirm any information in the plan with the client’s family or carers? If yes, explain why. If no, indicate NA.
How did you ensure that your client understood their rights?
How did you work with the client to support their needs?
How did you prepare for support activities? What documentation did you review and information did you gather?
Explain your role and duty of care for this client.
Describe the role and responsibilities of each member of the support team, including your supervisor.
Who did you seek support from when you were implementing aspects of the support plan, outside the scope of your job role and/or knowledge?
What are the skills opportunities according to the client’s plan?
Providing support
Describe your communication with this client and members of the support team, including your supervisor.
What strategies did you use to develop and maintain trust with your client?
What equipment were you required to assemble or use? How did you know what to do and how to do it?
How did you include family and/or carers as part of the support?
How did you help to achieve a safe, healthy, clean and comfortable environment during your work with this client? What procedures do you follow to ensure the above?
Maintaining support
How did you collaborate with the client to ensure services were meeting their needs?
Were any changes to the plan identified? If so, describe the process undertaken, including how the care team, the supervisor and the client worked together.
How did you support the client’ self-determination? 
What documentation was completed as part of organisation policy and procedures?
Describe the process you take to ensure your client’s information is stored according to workplace policy and procedures. How is client information kept secure from unwanted access? 
Supervisor sign off:The student’s report is a true and accurate representation of their interactions with the client, their family and/or carers (where applicable) and employees in the workplace. Signed:  
Assessment Task 3: Report on Client 2
Client support needs
How did you understand your role and responsibilities when determining support needs for this client?
What was your role in implementing the client’s individual plan?
What are the support needs for this individual according to their plan?
Explain the process you followed/took to confirm with the client the details of their individualised plan, and why you would need to do this.
Did you need to confirm any information in the plan with the client’s family or carers? If yes, explain why. If no, indicate NA.
How did you ensure that your client understood their rights?
How did you work with the client to support their needs?
How did you prepare for support activities? What documentation did you review and information did you gather?
Explain your role and duty of care for this client. 
Describe the role and responsibilities of each member of the support team, including your supervisor.
Who did you seek support from when you were implementing aspects of the support plan, outside the scope of your job role and/or knowledge?
What are the skills opportunities according to the client’s plan?
Providing support
Describe your communication with this client and members of the support team, including your supervisor.
What strategies did you use to develop and maintain trust with your client?
What equipment were you required to assemble or use? How did you know what to do and how to do it?
How did you include family and/or carers as part of the support?
How did you help to achieve a safe, healthy, clean and comfortable environment during your work with this client? What procedures do you follow to ensure the above?
Maintaining support
How did you collaborate with the client to ensure services were meeting their needs?
Were any changes to the plan identified? If so, describe the process undertaken, including how the care team, the supervisor and the client worked together.
How did you support the client’ self-determination?
What documentation was completed as part of organisation policy and procedures?
Describe the process you take to ensure your client’s information is stored according to workplace policy and procedures. How is client information kept secure from unwanted access?
Supervisor sign off:The student’s report is a true and accurate representation of their interactions with the client, their family and/or carers (where applicable) and employees in the workplace. Signed:  
Assessment Task 3: Report on Client 3
Client support needs
How did you understand your role and responsibilities when determining support needs for this client?
What was your role in implementing the client’s individual plan?
What are the support needs for this individual according to their plan?
Explain the process you followed/took to confirm with the client the details of their individualised plan, and why you would need to do this.
Did you need to confirm any information in the plan with the client’s family or carers? If yes, explain why. If no, indicate NA.
How did you ensure that your client understood their rights?
How did you work with the client to support their needs?
How did you prepare for support activities? What documentation did you review and information did you gather?
Explain your role and duty of care for this client.
Describe the role and responsibilities of each member of the support team, including your supervisor.
Who did you seek support from when you were implementing aspects of the support plan, outside the scope of your job role and/or knowledge?
What are the skills opportunities according to the client’s plan?
Providing support

Describe your communication with this client and members of the support team, including your supervisor.
What strategies did you use to develop and maintain trust with your client?
What equipment were you required to assemble or use? How did you know what to do and how to do it?
How did you include family and/or carers as part of the support?
How did you help to achieve a safe, healthy, clean and comfortable environment during your work with this client? What procedures do you follow to ensure the above?
Maintaining support
How did you collaborate with the client to ensure services were meeting their needs?
Were any changes to the plan identified? If so, describe the process undertaken, including how the care team, the supervisor and the client worked together.
How did you support the client’ self-determination?
What documentation was completed as part of organisation policy and procedures?
Describe the process you take to ensure your client’s information is stored according to workplace policy and procedures. How is client information kept secure from unwanted access?
Supervisor sign off:The student’s report is a true and accurate representation of their interactions with the client, their family and/or carers (where applicable) and employees in the workplace. Signed:  


Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately for this task.

Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.

Date of birth:Student ID:
Unit: CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support
Student to completeAssessor to complete
Assessment TaskResubmission?
Workplace observations:    
Part A    
Part B    


I ____________________________________________________   declare that these tasks are my own work.

None of this work has been completed by any other person.

I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these CHC33015 Student Assessment tasks.

I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student signature: _____________________________________________________________________________

Student name: ________________________________________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________  


Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with CHC33015 Student Assessment results and feedback.

A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.
















Assessor signature: ____________________________________________________________________________

Assessor name: _______________________________________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________  

Task Summary: You will need to complete this task in your workplace in the presence of your assessor. There are two parts to this task: Part A requires you to provide support services to a clientPart B requires you to complete and store reports and documentation as per your workplace’s policies and procedures.

What do I need in order to complete this assessment?

  • Access to the client’s individual support plan
  • Approval from your workplace supervisor to work with a client
  • Access to your workplace service
  • Access to the client and/or family members of the client
  • Access to your workplace’s policies and procedures
  • Access to workplace reports and documentation
  • Access to your supervisor.

When do I do this task?

  • You will do this task during your assessor’s visit to your workplace.
  • Write in the date of your assessor’s workplace visit: ________________________________

what do I need to do if I get something wrong?

If your assessor sees that you have not shown appropriate skills or knowledge during any of these tasks, they will give you some feedback and you will need to do the specific task again.


You will need to complete this task in your workplace during your assessor’s visit. Your assessor will observe you as you work.

You will need to choose one client to work with. You must obtain permission from your supervisor to have this client participate in the task – see the permission form provided at the end of this task.

Look at the checklists below and talk to your supervisor about your choice of client – will you be able to demonstrate all of these things?

Note that your assessor may observe you over more than one occasion if they are unable to see all the requirements at the one visit.

Part A:  Providing support services

For this part of the assessment your assessor will observe you providing support services to a client by following their individual support plan.

The types of support you provide your client will vary depending on your client’s needs. Ideally your work will involve the use of some equipment.

If your client does not use any equipment, your assessor will ask you to demonstrate the use of some equipment commonly used the workplace for support activities. A time will be organised for you to do this in consultation with your supervisor so you can have access to the equipment. Further instructions will be provided.

Following this observation, your assessor will ask you some verbal questions.

Your assessor will be looking to see that you can: For example, this should include being polite and courteous; speaking in a way that the client/family can understand; listening and confirming that messages have been understood; appropriate use of body language; and so on. For example, WHS, privacy and confidentiality, client support, code of conduct and so on. For example, this should include following manufacturer’s instructions, following directions, obtaining advice and so on. For example, following safe work procedures; doing risk assessments and implementing risk controls; making sure the client is comfortable and so on. For example, use of infection control procedures; leaving things clean and tidy, disinfecting surfaces where required; wearing PPE; using correct hand-washing procedures and so on. For example, completing shift notes, progress notes, checklists, etc; may also include verbally reporting to other staff or the supervisor. For example, discussing tasks with the team; sharing information; asking for advice; following instructions; reporting observations. For example, respecting differences; being polite and courteous; by being non-judgmental; treating everyone as individuals and so on (may not be able to be seen if you do not have access to the client’s family or their carer) For example, when a situation occurs that you don’t know how to handle; if a client has a need that you are unable to address; a client asks for advice that you are not qualified to give, etc
Part B:  Complete documentation

For this part of the CHC33015 Student Assessment , your assessor will observe you updating and completing reports and other relevant documentation following the provision of support services. This part of the task will also include you discussing your client observations with your supervisor (for example, it may be part of handover or end-of-shift procedures).

Following this observation, your assessor will ask you some verbal questions.

Your assessor will be looking to see that you can: Complete and maintain documentation by following workplace policy, procedures and protocols For example, writing a clear and concise report of observations; maintaining confidentiality/privacy; using correct terminology and so on. Accurately reporting your client observations to your supervisor. For example, providing a concise and accurate account of observations; answering any questions; may be required as part of end-of-shift/handover protocols, referring to information already documented (progress notes or checklists) etc. Store information by following workplace policy, procedures and protocols For example, by filing documents in correct place; by transferring information onto a computerised record; by maintaining confidentiality (such as locking filing cabinets; not leaving passwords lying around; not leaving client documentation where others can view it, and so on). Correctly answer the verbal questions.
Provide Individual Support (observation) – Permission Form
Supervisor’s approval I, ____________________________________________________________________________________ ,     <Supervisor’s name> approve _____________________________________________________________ <student’s name> to undertake this project with _______________________________________________      <Client’s name>. Approval is dependent on the following conditions: The student is to be observed by their assessor while completing this task.The student must be supervised at all times when working with the client.The client or their family may request that this project be stopped at any point. In this case, other arrangements will be made in consultation with the student, the student’s assessor and myself. Supervisor’s name: ______________________________________________________________________ Signature:______________________________________________________________________________      Date: _________________________
What do I need to hand in for this task?Have I completed this?
You do not need to submit anything for this taskNA
Task Summary: You will be observed by your assessor in the workplace completing a number of activities relevant to this unit. There are two parts to this observation: Assisting three clients (include their family/carers) in the workplace with activities of daily living and/or supporting planned activities Following workplace procedures to report specific client incidents and/or situations..

What do I need in order to complete this assessment?

  • Access to your workplace
  • Access to your supervisor
  • Access to workplace policies and procedures relevant to reporting changes in client’s health and wellbeing
  • Access to workplace policies and procedures relevant to reporting client abuse and neglect
  • Access to three clients.

When do I do this task?

  • You will do this task during your assessor’s workplace visit
  • Write in the date of your assessor’s workplace visit.

What do I need to do if I get something wrong?

If your assessor identifies that you have not demonstrated the required skills, techniques and knowledge of this task, they will give you feedback and ask you to do the task again.


Please read Part A and Part B below carefully so you are fully aware of what you need to do during your assessor’s workplace observation.

It is important that you read and familiarise yourself with the scenarios in Part B before your assessor’s workplace visit.

You will need to provide your assessor with copies of policies and procedures for Part B. Please organise this with your supervisor prior to your assessor’s visit.

Part A: Assisting clients
For this CHC33015 Student Assessment task, you will work with three clients to support their independence and wellbeing while being observed by your assessor. These observations will take place at your workplace (or while you are on work placement). Speak to your workplace supervisor so they can assist you in choosing suitable clients to work with. You will need to receive permission from the clients (or their family or care givers if the clients are unable to give permission themselves) and receive permission from your supervisor to work with each client. Complete the following permission form for each client. You will need to plan your activities with each client before the observation. This could be something you normally do in the course of your work (or during your work placement) and may be assistance with activities of daily living such as feeding, dressing, shopping, leisure activities or something else you would normally do in a support role. You need to demonstrate that you can assist the individuals participate in activities that reflect their individual physical, social, cultural and/or spiritual needs. Ensure the work environment is set up safely before you procced with the tasks and you have everything you need to carry out the tasks. You may need to obtain certain aids or resources or adapt the environment to cater for individual needs.
During the observations for Part A, your assessor will be looking to see that you do the following when working with each client: Access and follow the individual’s care planAct respectfully in relation to the person’s social, cultural or spiritual differencesDemonstrate an inclusive attitude and adapt the environment where necessary to cater for specific needsDiscuss the activity, allowing them to take the lead role where they are ableAllow the person to express their own preferences in relation to the activityBe considerate of the person’s age, circumstances and abilitiesDeal sensitively with any specific conditions that the person facesSupport the person to acknowledge their own strengths and abilities to care for themselves as much as possibleRemind the person of any potential risks throughout the taskProvide support to undertake the task while encouraging independence wherever possibleCommunicate effectively, both verbally and non-verbally, taking into account individual needsSupport the person to maintain a healthy and safe environment and promote healthful habitsSupport and monitor the person’s physical and emotional wellbeing during the activities and look for signs of distress or difficultyPromote self-esteem and confidence throughout the activitiesUse safe and predictable routinesSeek support if needed and report variations in wellbeing to supervisor.

After each client observation, your assessor will ask you some verbal questions related to your workplace and activities.

Working with Clients – Permission Form – Client 1
Family member or carer’s approval (obtain this if the client is unable to give permission themselves) Dear _________________________________________________________________________________ My name is ____________________________________________________________________________      As part of my study I am required to work with a client to support their independence and wellbeing when participating in everyday activities. I am asking your permission to work with _____________________________________________________        <insert client name> for this project.  The project will involve: Observation by assessor I will be supervised at all times during the task. I would welcome your family member’s participation in this project if you would like to be involved. Please sign below to show your agreement. Name: ________________________________________________________________________________ Signature:______________________________________________________________________________      Date: _________________________  
Supervisor’s approval I, ____________________________________________________________________________________ ,     <Supervisor’s name> approve _____________________________________________________________ <student’s name> to undertake this project with _______________________________________________      <Client’s name>. Approval is dependent on the following conditions: The student must be supervised at all times when working with the client.The student will be observed by their assessor during this assessment.The student must seek approval of their planned activity prior to implementation.The client or their family may request that this project be stopped at any point. In this case, other arrangements will be made in consultation with the student, the student’s assessor and myself. Supervisor’s name: ______________________________________________________________________ Signature:______________________________________________________________________________      Date: _________________________
Client approval (Use this if the client is able to give permission themselves) Dear _________________________________________________________________________________ My name is ____________________________________________________________________________      As part of my study I am required to work with a client to support their independence and wellbeing when participating in everyday activities. I am asking for your permission to work with you for this project. I will be observed by my assessor during this work. I will be supervised at all times during the task. I would welcome your participation in the project if you would like to be involved. Please sign below to show your agreement. Name: ________________________________________________________________________________ Signature:______________________________________________________________________________      Date: _________________________  
Supervisor’s approval I, ____________________________________________________________________________________ ,     <supervisor’s name> approve _____________________________________________________________ <student’s name> to undertake this project with _______________________________________________      <client’s name>.  Approval is dependent on the following conditions: The student must be supervised at all times when working with the client.The student will be observed by their assessor during this assessment.The student must seek approval of their planned activity prior to implementation.The client or their family may request that this project be stopped at any point. In this case, other arrangements will be made in consultation with the student, the student’s assessor and myself. Supervisor’s name:        Signature:______________________________________________________________________________      Date: _________________________
Working with Clients – Permission Form – Client 2
Family member or carer’s approval (obtain this if the client is unable to give permission themselves) Dear _________________________________________________________________________________ My name is ____________________________________________________________________________        As part of my study I am required to work with a client to support their independence and wellbeing when participating in everyday activities. I am asking your permission to work with _____________________________________________________        <insert client name> for this project.  The project will involve: Observation by assessor I will be supervised at all times during the task. I would welcome your family member’s participation in this project if you would like to be involved. Please sign below to show your agreement. Name: ________________________________________________________________________________ Signature:______________________________________________________________________________      Date: _________________________  
Supervisor’s approval I, ____________________________________________________________________________________ ,     <Supervisor’s name> approve _____________________________________________________________ <student’s name> to undertake this project with _______________________________________________      <Client’s name>.  Approval is dependent on the following conditions: The student must be supervised at all times when working with the client.The student will be observed by their assessor during this assessment.The student must seek approval of their planned activity prior to implementation.The client or their family may request that this project be stopped at any point. In this case, other arrangements will be made in consultation with the student, the student’s assessor and myself. Supervisor’s name: ______________________________________________________________________ Signature:______________________________________________________________________________      Date: _________________________
Client approval (Use this if the client is able to give permission themselves) Dear _________________________________________________________________________________ My name is ____________________________________________________________________________      As part of my study I am required to work with a client to support their independence and wellbeing when participating in everyday activities. I am asking for your permission to work with you for this project. I will be observed by my assessor during this work. I will be supervised at all times during the task. I would welcome your participation in the project if you would like to be involved. Please sign below to show your agreement. Name: ________________________________________________________________________________ Signature:______________________________________________________________________________      Date: _________________________  
Supervisor’s approval I, ____________________________________________________________________________________ ,     <supervisor’s name> approve _____________________________________________________________ <student’s name> to undertake this project with _______________________________________________      <client’s name>.  Approval is dependent on the following conditions: The student must be supervised at all times when working with the client.The student will be observed by their assessor during this assessment.The student must seek approval of their planned activity prior to implementation.The client or their family may request that this project be stopped at any point. In this case, other arrangements will be made in consultation with the student, the student’s assessor and myself. Supervisor’s name:        Signature:______________________________________________________________________________      Date: _________________________
Working with Clients – Permission Form – Client 3
Family member or carer’s approval (obtain this if the client is unable to give permission themselves) Dear _________________________________________________________________________________ My name is ____________________________________________________________________________      As part of my study I am required to work with a client to support their independence and wellbeing when participating in everyday activities. I am asking your permission to work with _____________________________________________________        <insert client name> for this project.  The project will involve: Observation by assessor I will be supervised at all times during the task. I would welcome your family member’s participation in this project if you would like to be involved. Please sign below to show your agreement. Name: ________________________________________________________________________________ Signature:______________________________________________________________________________      Date: _________________________  
Supervisor’s approval I, ____________________________________________________________________________________ ,     <Supervisor’s name> approve _____________________________________________________________ <student’s name> to undertake this project with _______________________________________________      <Client’s name>.  Approval is dependent on the following conditions: The student must be supervised at all times when working with the client.The student will be observed by their assessor during this assessment.The student must seek approval of their planned activity prior to implementation.The client or their family may request that this project be stopped at any point. In this case, other arrangements will be made in consultation with the student, the student’s assessor and myself. Supervisor’s name: ______________________________________________________________________ Signature:______________________________________________________________________________      Date: _________________________
Client approval (Use this if the client is able to give permission themselves) Dear _________________________________________________________________________________ My name is ____________________________________________________________________________      As part of my study I am required to work with a client to support their independence and wellbeing when participating in everyday activities. I am asking for your permission to work with you for this project. I will be observed by my assessor during this work. I will be supervised at all times during the task. I would welcome your participation in the project if you would like to be involved. Please sign below to show your agreement. Name: ________________________________________________________________________________ Signature:______________________________________________________________________________      Date: _________________________  
Supervisor’s approval I, ____________________________________________________________________________________ ,     <supervisor’s name> approve _____________________________________________________________ <student’s name> to undertake this project with _______________________________________________      <client’s name>. Approval is dependent on the following conditions: The student must be supervised at all times when working with the client.The student will be observed by their assessor during this assessment.The student must seek approval of their planned activity prior to implementation.The client or their family may request that this project be stopped at any point. In this case, other arrangements will be made in consultation with the student, the student’s assessor and myself. Supervisor’s name:        Signature:______________________________________________________________________________      Date: _________________________
Part B: Reporting client incidents/situations
For this part of the task, you will be required to demonstrate to your assessor that you are able to follow your workplace’s procedures related to reporting client abuse and/or neglect and changes in client conditions and/or wellbeing. This observation will require the involvement of your supervisor, to whom you must report each fictional situation. You assessor will need to be provided with these procedures prior to this observation, so they can ensure you are following them correctly. You must locate and give these procedures to your assessor. You have been provided with three scenarios below about fictional clients. Read each one prior to your assessor’s visit and make sure you are familiar with each client’s situation. You must demonstrate that you can follow your organisation’s procedures to report your concerns about each client.
During the observations for Part B, your assessor will be looking to see that you can do the following for each fictional client’s case: Follow your organisation’s procedures to clearly and accurately report to your supervisor: what is happening in each situationyour suspicions of client abuseany physical health situations impacting on client wellbeingany financial issues impacting on client wellbeing.Correctly answer the verbal questions asked by your assessor.
Scenario 1 – Rachella
Rachella Bryan is one of your clients. Rachella suffers from anxiety and depression, which also includes obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) when she is experiencing severe anxiety. Her OCD tends to focus on household and personal cleanliness and order. She has reported spending many hours straightening up her home and cleaning the same area over and over. She takes medication and is monitored by her GP. Rachella also has counselling once per fortnight. Today Rachella is very fidgety. Her hands are red raw and the skin is cracked. She says she has been stressed because her workplace has announced redundancies. She has not been there for very long, so she is positive they will be letting her go. ‘First in, first out, right?’ she says with a humourless laugh. When you ask her if she is okay she suddenly snaps at you and says “Of course I’m not all right – nothing is all right. You know nothing!! How can I pay my rent if I don’t have a job? No one can help me – I’m sick of everything – I just can’t go on anymore!’ After talking to Rachella more, you discover she has stopped taking her medication and has barely slept. She spent last night cleaning her bathroom, she said she feels like she has scrubbed away the porcelain of her bathtub. During the day she spent hours in her laundry organising her towels and bedding. Then she wasn’t satisfied with the order of the manchester and decided to reorganise them based on colour and size. Rachella also suffers from rheumatoid arthritis and she says her knees and hand are in agony. She begins to weep and puts her head in her hands. When you approach her, she shouts at you to get away and not to touch her.
Scenario 2 – Lois
It has been some time since Lois Gould (refer to Assessment Task 1, Question 9) had her stroke. Her physical condition has deteriorated further and she cannot use her crutches. She now uses a wheelchair. Her son, Hector, has moved into her home to care for her. You are visiting Lois for the first time in several months, Hector thought he could take care of her but has realised it is not as easy as he thought. You arrive at Lois’s home to find Hector in the driveway, fussing around a brand new luxury car. You know this car would have cost close to $100,000 due to manufacturer name alone! You compliment Hector on the new purchase, silently wondering how he can afford it as he is only working part time at the moment. Hector says he wants to make sure his mother is driven around in the style that she deserves. You go inside and find Lois in her room, looking out the window at the backyard. She looks very tired and appears to have lost some weight since you last saw her. You make some small talk and she says that Hector had some friends over the other night. They were quite loud and kept her awake until 3am. You notice there isn’t a glass of water or a cup of tea in Lois’s room, so you ask her if she would like one. She says yes, a cup of tea would be lovely. When you throw the tea bag in the kitchen bin, you see it is full of cans of alcohol and smells of cigarettes. In fact, the lounge room smells of tobacco and the window is wide open – probably to air the place out. It is quite cold. The fridge is stacked with microwavable meals from the supermarket and pizza boxes. You attend to Lois’s needs but she is hesitant to let you change her clothing – she requests a cardigan but says she is happy to wear to the top she has on already as it is fresh and clean and Hector helped her put it on earlier. As you help her with the cardigan, you catch Lois wincing a couple of times. You notice that her bed is a bit messy and start to make it for her, even though she tries to distract you. The bedsheets are messy and there are stains on them, which look to be food or drink or maybe both. Lois is looking more dejected so you decide to brighten up her spirits and ask her about the new car and how great it must be to travel in such luxury. She looks at you puzzled. ‘I’ve not been out in it. He didn’t even tell me he was going to buy it, he made me sign something last week after I had taken my meds and said it was to get some money from the bank so we can get some new carpet. When he came home with it we had an argument and he told me that I agreed that he should buy the car. I never said that but he told me I must be getting forgetful in my old age. He thinks I could be getting the start of dementia…maybe he did say car and not carpet…I am forgetting things lately, he said I’ve been forgetting my tablets. ‘I don’t go anywhere much anymore. Hector says it’s too hard to get my wheelchair in the chair and I will just slow him down.’ Her eyes tear up. ‘I would love to go sit by the lake and feed the ducks. Jennie next door said she would take me but Hector told her no, it’s not her responsibility to look after me.’ All of sudden Hector comes in and asks you to leave. When you say you are just finishing up, he asks you to hurry as he wants to take Lois out to the local supermarket. You say goodbye to Lois, who looks at you tearfully and avoids looking at her son. As you leave, you do not see any signs of new carpet.
What do I need to hand in for this task?Have I completed this?
Signed permission forms from each client and from your supervisor.o

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately for this task.

Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.

Date of birth:Student ID:
Unit: CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health and community services
Student to completeAssessor to complete
Assessment TaskResubmission?
Workplace observations    


I ____________________________________________________   declare that these tasks are my own work.

None of this work has been completed by any other person.

I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student signature: _____________________________________________________________________________

Student name: ________________________________________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________  


Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.

A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.
















Assessor signature: ____________________________________________________________________________

Assessor name: _______________________________________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________  

Task summary: You will be observed by your assessor over a number of occasions. You will be required to demonstrate your ability to communicate with different people in the workplace setting, and complete workplace documentation.

What do I need in order to complete this assessment?

  • Access to your workplace or work placement service
  • Access to clients, colleagues and their supervisor

When do I do this task?

  • You will do this task during your assessor’s workplace visit. There may be more than one visit for this observation (see instructions below).
  • Write in the date of your assessor’s workplace visit/s for this assessment: ______________

what do I need to do if I get something wrong?

If your assessor identifies that you have not demonstrated the required skills and knowledge, they will provide you with feedback on your performance and a chance to do the role play again.

Instructions to students:

In this task you are required to be observed by your assessor communicating with a range of different people in your workplace. This includes clients, colleagues, your supervisor and other relevant members of management, as well as any external service providers you may deal with as part of your job role.

As part of the observations, you must be seen doing the following tasks:

  • communicating with at least one client (you can also be observed with a group of clients if this coincides with one of your assessor’s visits)
  • working with at least two colleagues in regards to workplace instructions/tasks and timeframes – this must include negotiating timeframes
  • communicating with your supervisor (see instructions below about the topics to be discussed).

Prior to your observations, you will need to read the following workplace documents and take notes on things you would like to clarify or learn more about by talking to your supervisor (at step 3 above):

  • code of ethics, specifically the section about work role boundaries and limitations
  • privacy/confidentiality policy and procedure
  • anti-discrimination policy and procedure.

It is possible that your assessor may observe your performance over one workplace visit,  however they will more than likely observe you over a number of visits to ensure they can see you competent performing the requirements of this task.

The context of your workplace interactions will be quite broad and may include, for example:

  • working with client/s to provide care and support or during group discussions or activities
  • being involved in welcoming new clients to your service
  • attending workplace meetings
  • communicating with colleagues at end of shift/handover
  • assisting with enquiries or dealing with problems within your scope of responsibility.

Each interaction must be different.

The box below provides you details about what your assessor is expecting to see. It has been broken into areas to show with whom or how you must communicate/interact.

Client/group of clients
During the observation/s, your assessor is expecting to see that you can work with a client (or a group of clients) and:use a range of verbal communication techniques that are appropriate to the situationuse a range of non-verbal communication techniques that are appropriate to the situation use communication to show your respect and ensure understanding discuss service information in a timely and clear manner, ensuring it is understood by your audienceensure the information or messages you are giving them are clear and understoodlisten to client needs and requests and make sure you understand is wantedrespond in a suitable way discuss information in a way that ensures privacy and confidentiality remains intact (unless consent has otherwise been given)use a range of effective strategies to deal with any misunderstandings or limitations in your communication.
Colleague/group of colleagues
During the observation/s, your assessor is expecting to see that you can collaborate with a colleague (or a group of colleagues if relevant) on two different occasions and:receive job/task instructions use active listening skills and questioning skills to ensure you understand the instructions you are being given confirm/clarify the task at hand, the timeframes and any other information you may be unsure ofgive your colleague confirmation that you understand and agree to the task and the timeframe providedcommunicate using correct workplace and industry terminology work in a professional manner with this person, respecting their authority and position within the workplace use a range of effective strategies to deal with any misunderstandings or limitations in your communication
Your supervisor  
During the observation/s, your assessor is expecting to see that you can discuss the documents listed above with your supervisor, asking them about the things you noted when you read them. You will need to show you can:communicate using correct workplace and industry terminology show respectful and professional communication with your supervisor, considering the lines of authority in your work relationship. After this discussion, ask your supervisor for feedback about your current skills and knowledge, and seek areas for improvement (you will need to note this feedback at ASSESSMENT TASK 1) Discuss ways in which you could access opportunities to enhance the skills and knowledge that need improvement.
Workplace documentation
During the observation/s, your assessor will want to see that you can complete a minimum of two workplace documents (one must be an email, the other may be an electronic or handwritten document). You must show you can:follow your service’s documentation standards and protocols, and legal and ethical requirements use correct workplace terminology use clear, accurate and objective language follow digital media procedures when writing or responding to email.
What do I need to hand in for this task?Have I completed this?
You do not need to submit anything for this taskNA

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately for this task.

Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.

Date of birth:Student ID:
Unit: CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health and community services
Student to completeAssessor to complete
Assessment TaskResubmission?
Workplace journal and portfolio    


I ____________________________________________________   declare that these tasks are my own work.

None of this work has been completed by any other person.

I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student signature: _____________________________________________________________________________

Student name: ________________________________________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________  


Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.

A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.
















Assessor signature: ____________________________________________________________________________

Assessor name: _______________________________________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________  

Task Summary: You are required to complete the journal template provided and also submit evidence of workplace correspondence and documentation you have completed.

What do I need in order to complete this assessment?

  • Access to their workplace
  • Access to workplace systems
  • Access to colleagues, clients and their supervisor
  • Access to the range of documentation and correspondence required as part of their job role
  • Workplace Journal template (provided below and in Word format).

When do I do this task?

  • You will do this task in your own time.
  • Write in the due date as advised by your assessor: ________________________________

what do I need to do if I get something wrong?

If your assessor identifies that you have not completed all parts of the journal in sufficient detail, have not provided sufficient documentation in your portfolio as evidence, or you have not obtained supervisor sign-off, they will talk to you about resubmission and/or seeking sign off from your supervisor. You will only have to redo the entries in the journal that are identified as having issues and gather the required documentation; however, you will need to resubmit the journal and their portfolio. Your assessor will provide you with a date for resubmission.

Instructions to students:

For this task you are required to demonstrate that you have communicated with a range of people in different situations. In this task, communication relates to verbal interactions and written documentation and correspondence, such as emails, memos, letters, notes, reports, client notes and so on.

A template has been provided for you to fill out, which includes questions and/or prompts to guide you in the responses that are required. You can write on the hard copy template provided or you can type out your responses if you feel you may not have enough space or want to write more (a Word file has been provided).

You will need to fill this out over a period of time to ensure you have enough relevant experiences to write about. Your assessor will give you a submission date that allows for this.

Read through each section of the template carefully – you may like to start by taking some notes about your experience so far, and then review your journal at the end of each day to see if you can add new details or finish off a current entry.

There is no word limit for each entry – ensure that you provide as much detail as possible so that your assessor is able to determine that you have met the requirements of the task.

Remember to respect the confidentiality of those you refer to (do not provide names or other personally identifiable information of people discussed in your journal).

To support some of your statements, you are required to provide copies of workplace documents you have completed or contributed to. The journal will indicate where you must provide evidence.

When gathering workplace documents, you will need to do the following;

  • ask your supervisor for permission to use the document in your portfolio
  • take a copy of the document (do not put the original in your portfolio!)
  • ensure privacy and confidentiality of anyone referred to in the documents by blocking out names, addresses and any other identifiable information
  • ask your supervisor to sign each document in your portfolio as confirmation this is your work and they are happy that you have maintained confidentiality of the information within.

What types of service information have you had to provide your clients? Explain how you made sure it was easily understood.
How did you ensure you met your workplace’s confidentiality requirements when interacting with clients, their families, your colleagues and others?
Explain the lines of authority in the workplace. Submit a copy of the organisation chart. Highlight on it who you report to and who your supervisor reports to.Evidence item approved by supervisor            ¨ Evidence item added to portfolio                     ¨
What is your service’s expectations regarding written and verbal communication protocols with colleagues, supervisors, senior management and external service providers? Explain how you ensure you meet these expectations.
What potential constraints/difficulties with communication have you encountered that you have reported to your supervisor (or as per service procedures)? In your response, explain: the potential communication issue encountered (that is, what were the signs that told you this could be a problem?)why you felt you needed to report itwhat happened after it was reported. Note that these are not actual communication issues, but situations that you felt could potentially get ‘out of hand’ or cause problems if they weren’t reported.
What actual constraints to communication have you encountered as part of your job? Identify at least one and explain: what is washow you addressed/fixed it by communicating effectively any specific communication techniques and strategies you used.
Submit one email that you have written to your supervisor that shows you follow workplace communication protocols, use correct terminology, consider lines of authority, and ensure your messaging is clear.Evidence item approved by supervisor            ¨ Evidence item added to portfolio                     ¨
Submit one email that you have written to a colleague (or a group of colleagues) that shows you follow workplace communication protocols, use correct terminology, consider lines of authority, and ensure your messaging is clear.Evidence item approved by supervisor            ¨ Evidence item added to portfolio                     ¨
Explain your service’s procedures for using digital media. You must include reference to usage of email, the Internet and social media.
What ideas have you come up with that you have put forth as potential improvements to work practices or the work environment? This might have occurred during a meeting, during a discussion with your supervisor, as a result of a discussion with a client or their family, etc. Provide an example of at least one improvement.
When changes have been made to procedures and work practices, explain how you have helped to promote and role model a positive approach. If you have not  been able to do this (for example, you are on placement and there have been no changes), explain the ways in which you would do so.
During your observations at Assessment Task 3, you discussed improvements that you could make to your work performance and professional development opportunities that may be suitable. Have you taken action on any of these areas that required improvement? If yes, explain what you have done. If no, explain what you are planning on doing and by when. If you have evidence of any activities undertaken, please add it to your portfolio. This is not mandatory, however.Evidence item added to portfolio                     ¨
(where applicable)
Supervisor signature:Date:

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately for this task.

Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.

Date of birth:Student ID:
Unit: CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health and community services
Student to completeAssessor to complete
Assessment TaskResubmission?
Supervisor report    


I ____________________________________________________   declare that these tasks are my own work.

None of this work has been completed by any other person.

I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student signature: _____________________________________________________________________________

Student name: ________________________________________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________  


Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.

A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.            















Assessor signature: ____________________________________________________________________________

Assessor name: _______________________________________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________  

Task summary: Your workplace supervisor is to complete a report to confirm your ability to demonstrate a range of skills and knowledge required of this unit.

What do I need in order to complete this assessment?

  • Access to your workplace
  • Access to clients
  • Access to workplace policies and procedures
  • Your supervisor
  • The Supervisor Report (see end of this task).

When do I do this task?

  • You will need to give the report to your supervisor – they will confirm your performance.
  • Write in the due date as advised by your assessor: ________________________________

what do I need to do if I get something wrong?

If your supervisor identifies that you did not complete any requirements in the report, your assessor will ask you to redo that requirement again.


  • Put your name on the Supervisor Report
  • Give a copy of the report to your workplace supervisor
  • It is your responsibility to get the completed report back from your supervisor and submit it for assessment.
Instructions to the Supervisor

As part of the evidence of competency for this student, we are seeking reports from the student’s workplace supervisor. This forms part of the evidence for the unit CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health and community services.

What is the purpose of this?

The purpose of this process is to gain confirmation from someone who has worked regularly with the student who can verify that the student performs their skills satisfactorily to workplace requirements on a regular basis.

How will the information I provide be used?

The assessor will use the information you provide in this report, combined with other assessment evidence provided by the student to make a final decision about competency.

How and when do I fill in the report?

You do not need to observe the student over a particular period of time or completing certain tasks. If you place a tick in the ‘Yes’ column in the report, you are confirming that you are comfortable with the student’s skills in the relevant area and that you have seen them work satisfactorily to workplace expectations.

Please also include comments and examples in the space provided wherever possible.

If you do not believe that the student demonstrates appropriate skills in the area listed, please place a tick in the ‘No’ column and provide reasons and comments about why you have said ‘No’. 

If you are unsure or not able to comment on the student’s skills in a particular area, please place a tick in the ‘Not able to confirm’ column.

What should I do if I am unsure of the expectations?

Please contact the student’s assessor if you are unsure of any of the requirements of filling in this Supervisor Report. The student will have their direct contact details.

Who should fill in this report if I am unable to do so?

If you are not able to confirm the student’s skills in all of the following areas, please confirm the areas you can and ask another qualified person from the workplace to confirm skills in the other areas. They will also need to sign the report.

Student’s name:Date of report:
Supervisor name:
Workplace:Contact Number/s:
Do you understand the expectations and requirements of your role based on the above information?       YES              NO

Please fill in the following report.                                                                                                                      

Area/ Skills to be confirmedYes (ü)No (ü)Not able to confirm (ü)Provide examples or comments on student’s skills and performance in this area
Did the student use a range of verbal and non-verbal communication techniques to ensure those they interacted with understood the message being conveyed? For example, this may include adapting communication due to considerations such as culture, age, religious/spiritual beliefs and customs, health status, emotional state, preferred language etc.    
Did the student communicate with others respectfully at all times? For example, this should include showing understanding and sensitivity to any constraints in communication, considering lines of authority and workplace communication protocols, listening to others and not interrupting, etc.     
Did the student adhere to the service’s privacy and confidentiality requirements? For example, this should be shown in both verbal and written communication practices; not discussing confidentiality information where non-authorised personnel may overhear; not sending information via email (according to procedures); not disclosing information without client consent; etc.    
Did the student communicate information with relevant people in a timely manner? For example, this may include passing on messages promptly; dealing with requests from the supervisor or other colleagues in timeframes required; dealing with external service provider or other organisations within timeframes required or given via procedures/interagency protocols; dealing with client requests or needs as soon as is practicable and as per the urgency of the need, etc.    
Did the student listen carefully to those giving instructions, ask for clarification where required and negotiate timeframes? For example, this should include using active listening skills; open questioning; clarifying and confirming statements, etc. Timeframes may need to be negotiated where instructions impact on current workload; where the student feels they may not be able to complete work on time; where they feel they may need more time (for example, they need to work with other services or agencies); or timeframes have not been clear or are conflicting with other information previously provided by someone else etc.     
Did the student show they can correctly use industry terminology when communicating orally and also in written and digital form? Written form may include client progress notes, reports, handwritten notes or memos, messages etc. Digital form may include emails, online forms and records, completing documents on the intranet, etc.    
Did the student show they can communicate in a manner that shows their understanding of the service’s communication protocols and how to communicate as per lines of authority? For example, the student is able to adapt communication style/modes according to whether they are communicating with a colleague, the supervisor, senior management, external service providers, medical professionals etc. Communication protocols may include code of ethics/conduct, workplace communication procedures, etc.     
Did the student demonstrate the ability to identify and report issues that may be potentially difficult or complicated? For example, the student should be able to recognise constraints to communication that could potentially lead to greater issues if not addressed by management. This may relate to conflicts of interest, conduct of colleagues, change in client behaviour or health, issues with external service providers, issues with the client’s family, etc.     
Did the student demonstrate the ability to use effective communication skills to successfully deal with communication constraints? If the student has dealt with conflict situations, please indicate in the comments area how well they dealt with them. The student should be able to adapt communication to suit the constraints. For example, the student may need to organise an interpreter or use visual imagery to support communication; the student may need to find information in the client’s preferred language if English is not their first language; the student may use a range of conflict resolution strategies to calm and defuse clients or colleagues, etc.    
Did the student approach you for assistance when they encountered issues of a legal or ethical nature that may impact the rights of clients, themselves, their colleagues or the service itself? Issues may include potential conflicts of interest, concerns about overstepping boundaries (themselves or a client), difficulties with other colleagues, issues interpreting policies and procedures, concerns with clients (for example, potential abuse, health changes, lack of engagement with current services and support, etc), complaints, etc.    
Did the student demonstrate the ability to complete service documentation and correspondence in line with relevant policies and procedures? This must include being objective, clear and accurate when reporting information. For example, client observations should be made using factual, clear and accurate information. The student’s observations should be non-judgmental, non-biased and not include their opinions. The student should follow system security when completing digital documentation, use pen when handwriting, and avoid statements that may be seen as inflammatory, insensitive etc.    
Did the student follow service policies and procedures when using digital media? Use of digital media will vary according to role, but will include use of email and the service’s intranet or other computerised systems. The student should recognise what information can/cannot be sent via email (for example, some information may need to be communicated via traditional mail or fax), who needs to be copied in on emails, etc. Procedures may also relate to the type of information that needs to be recorded on computerised systems rather than in physical files, what electronic information needs to be archived, what can/cannot be deleted, etc. Digital media can also extend to social media use and use of the Internet.      
Did the student demonstrate the ability to contribute to continuous improvement by suggesting changes to work practices? Changes do not have to be significant, and can be as simple as suggesting ways to be more environmentally sustainable; ways to make the workplace more inviting for clients and staff; based on feedback from clients (such as improving information provided to clients); sharing things they have learned as part of their professional development, etc.     
Did the student promote and role model a positive and responsive attitude to any changes in work practices, processes and/or procedures? Promotion and role modelling may be aimed at colleagues as well as clients and their families, and other service providers.     
Please provide any further comments or observations you have made about the student’s performance in relation to the skills required as above. 
Supervisor’s signature:
Supervisor’s name:
Date of report:

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately for this task.

Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.

Date of birth:Student ID:
Unit: CHCDIS007 Facilitate the empowerment of people with disability
Student to completeAssessor to complete
Assessment TaskResubmission?
Workplace project    


I ____________________________________________________   declare that these tasks are my own work.

None of this work has been completed by any other person.

I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student signature: _____________________________________________________________________________

Student name: ________________________________________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________  


Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.

A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.
















Assessor signature: ____________________________________________________________________________

Assessor name: _______________________________________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________  

Task Summary: There are two parts to this task: Part A: You are to interview two people with a disability, as well as their family/ guardian or direct carer to identify the person’s needs and goals.Part B: Based on the information gathered from the interview, you are to develop a plan for each person to help them achieve their needs and goals. You will be observed during Part A (the interviews) by your assessor during one of their workplace visits

What do I need in order to complete this assessment?

  • Access to your workplace
  • Access to two clients with a disability and/or their family member, guardian or carer
  • Approval from your supervisor to work with these clients
  • Access to individual plans and equipment outlined in the plan
  • Interview questions (provided)
  • Access to a computer (if you prefer type out your answers)
  • Access to the Internet (for conducting online research).

When do I do this task?

  • You will do this task in your workplace.
  • Write in the due date as advised by your assessor: ________________________________

what do I need to do if I get something wrong?

If your assessor identifies that you did not complete all parts of each template correctly, you will be asked to fix the parts that are wrong and resubmit.


You are two choose two clients with a disability from your workplace to work with for this task. You will need to obtain permission from your supervisor to work with each client. Use the permission form at the end of this task.

You will first interview each client (depending on their disability you may need to work also with a carer, family member, guardian or advocate), going through the list of questions provided. Then you will need to need to document a strategy as to how each client can be empowered to achieve their goals.

Your assessor will be observing your conduct during the interview.

You will be supervised at all times during your work with these clients.

Note: You must not use identifying information in this assessment.  Please refer to clients as either ‘Client’ or ‘Client X’, ‘carer’, ‘mother’, etc.

Part A:  Client interview

One you have obtained permission from your supervisor on your choice of clients, you will need to set up a meeting time with them and your assessor (your supervisor or another colleague may sit in on the interviews).

The purpose of this interview is to work with two clients to identify their personal goals, and facilitate their access to a range of choices to help them to meet their goals (you will develop a strategy in Part B).

Before each interview, make sure you read through each client’s files and notes, and review their individualised plan. Then look over the interview questions provided.

Note that you may need to interview family members and/or carers if the client is not able to answer the questions or they have an advocate or guardianship arrangement in place.

It is important that you explain to each client the purpose of what you are doing and why. 

You must interview each client separately to ensure confidentiality and privacy procedures are followed.

You can record each client’s responses in the templates provided, or you may prefer to use your computer or a tablet to take notes.

Make sure that you show your client and/or their family/carer/advocate/guardian the notes you have taken at the end of the interview and that they reflect the discussion held. They should also sign off that the information is accurate.

During each interview, your assessor will be looking to see that you can: Apply a person-centred approachEnsure the client understand their rights Empower the client to make choices, put forth ideas and be considered as their own expertTalk about the client’s strengths, abilities and capacitiesDiscuss actions that are possible Talk about options in the community, where relevant, that can assist the client in meeting their goalsCommunicate in a manner that is positive and respectfulUse active listening techniques Use appropriate communication strategies (verbal and non-verbal) to facilitate discussion and ensure a person-centred approach Confirmed with the client that the discussion has been documented accurately
Client 1
Tell me about your needs and personal goals.
What current options or services are being used to help you reach these needs and goals?
Are the current options effective? Why or why not?
What are your communication preferences?
What challenges, if any, have you faced in terms of exercising your rights? (Discuss with the client their rights at this stage and ensure they understand.)
How are you currently supported to make your own decisions? Would you prefer more or less support?
Now answer the following question about your interview technique:
What communication strategies did you use when interviewing the client? Remember to include verbal and non-verbal communication in your answer. How effective did you find them? Did you need to change anything with your communication to ensure your client was comfortable and able to answer?
I confirm that this is an accurate and true account of the student’s client interview.
Supervisor name:
Supervisor signature:Date:
I confirm that this is an accurate and true account of our interview.
Client name:
Client signature:Date:
Client 2
Tell me about your needs and personal goals.
What current options or services are being used to help you reach these needs and goals?
Are the current options effective? Why or why not?
What are your communication preferences?
What challenges, if any, have you faced in terms of exercising your rights? (Discuss with the client their rights at this stage and ensure they understand.)
How are you currently supported to make your own decisions? Would you prefer more or less support?
Now answer the following question about your interview technique:
What communication strategies did you use when interviewing the client? Remember to include verbal and non-verbal communication in your answer. How effective did you find them? Did you need to change anything with your communication to ensure your client was comfortable and able to answer?
I confirm that this is an accurate and true account of the student’s client interview.
Supervisor name:
Supervisor signature:Date:
I confirm that this is an accurate and true account of our interview.
Client name:
Client signature:Date:
What do I need to hand in for this task?Have I completed this?
Notes from Client 1 interview (signed)o
Notes from Client 2 interview (signed)o
Signed permission form for Client 1o
Signed permission form for Client 2o
Part B:  Strategy

After you have completed both interviews, you will need to use the information you gathered to develop a strategy as to how you can assist each client to:

  • facilitate access to services and/or the community to meet their goals
  • advocate for their client’s rights
  • support their independence to help them achieve their goals.

Use the following template to guide you in developing your plan for each client.

Client 1
Suitable options/services
Communication strategy
Decision making (who will be responsible for decision making?)
Relationships and key people
Client 1
How will the client access any required services?
Strategies for maintaining positive relationships
Client 1
Does the client require advocacy services? (If yes, provide detail on recommendations, if no, explain why.)
Client 2
Suitable options/services
Communication strategy
Client 2
Decision making (who will be responsible for decision making?)
Relationships and key people
Client 2
How will the client access any required services?
Strategies for maintaining positive relationships
Client 2
Does the client require advocacy services? (If yes, provide detail on recommendations, if no, explain why.)
What do I need to hand in for this task?Have I completed this?
Developed strategy outline for client 1o
Developed strategy outline for client 2o
Workplace Project (Disability) – Permission Form Client 1
Supervisor’s approval I, ____________________________________________________________________________________ ,     <Supervisor’s name> approve _____________________________________________________________ <student’s name> to undertake this project with _______________________________________________      <Client’s name>.  Approval is dependent on the following conditions: The student must be supervised at all times when working with the client.The client or their family may request that this project be stopped at any point. In this case, other arrangements will be made in consultation with the student, the student’s assessor and myself. Supervisor’s name: ______________________________________________________________________ Signature:______________________________________________________________________________      Date: _________________________
Workplace Project (Disability) – Permission Form Client 2
Supervisor’s approval I, ____________________________________________________________________________________ ,     <Supervisor’s name> approve _____________________________________________________________ <student’s name> to undertake this project with _______________________________________________      <Client’s name>.  Approval is dependent on the following conditions: The student must be supervised at all times when working with the client.The client or their family may request that this project be stopped at any point. In this case, other arrangements will be made in consultation with the student, the student’s assessor and myself. Supervisor’s name: ______________________________________________________________________ Signature:______________________________________________________________________________      Date: _________________________

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately for this task.

Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.

Date of birth:Student ID:
Unit: CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people.
Student to completeAssessor to complete
Assessment TaskResubmission?
Workplace observations    


I ____________________________________________________   declare that these tasks are my own work.

None of this work has been completed by any other person.

I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student signature: _____________________________________________________________________________

Student name: ________________________________________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________  


Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.

A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.

















Assessor signature: ____________________________________________________________________________

Assessor name: _______________________________________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________  

Task Summary: You are to be observed by your assessor communicating with people from diverse social and cultural backgrounds in your workplace, in at least three different situations.

What do I need in order to complete this assessment?

  • Access to clients or colleagues from different social and cultural backgrounds.

When do I do this task?

  • This task will be done during your assessor’s visits to your workplace service.
  • Write in the visit dates as advised by your assessor: __________________________


For this task, your assessor will observe you during their workplace visit as you communicate and work with people in your workplace from diverse social and cultural backgrounds, helping to meet their needs (these will vary according to the situation, and may include care needs, information needs or workplace needs).

You will need to demonstrate your effective communication skills and cultural competence in three different situations. During each situation, you may be responding or working with one person or multiple people.

This observation may be undertaken in any situation that is relevant to your workplace. For example, you could be assisting a client with activities, greeting a client’s family, providing information to a client about services, working with a colleague, meeting with a supervisor and so on.

Following each interaction/situation, your assessor will ask you a series of verbal questions.

You should discuss the arrangements for this assessment with your assessor and supervisor to make sure that a suitable variety of situations will be available for you during your assessor’s visit. In some cases, your supervisor and assessor may need to organise for appropriate situations to occur so you can demonstrate your skills across the three required occasions.

Where you are going to be observed working with clients, you must obtain permission from the client for the observation to occur. Make sure the permission forms located at the end of this task are signed and submitted to your assessor.

Your assessor will be looking to see that you can: Your assessor will also ask you some verbal questions after the observations are complete. 

What do I need to hand in for this task?
Have I completed this (where applicable)?
Signed client permission forms (only required where interactions/ situations involve clients)o
Task summary: There are three parts to this task: Part A: You are to prepare for a home visit, including discussing policies and procedures with your assessor.Part B: You are to be observed by your assessor working with two clients in a home support setting.Part C: You are to answer a set of verbal questions about the clients and your home visits.

What do I need in order to complete this assessment?

  • Workplace policies and procedures relating to home and community support activities.
  • Two clients who are in a home and community support setting.
  • Approval from their supervisor to work with the clients.
  • Approval from each client to be a part of this task.
  • Client care plans for each client.
  • Access to resources and equipment specific to each home visit.

When do I do this assessment?

  • You will do this task during your assessor’s workplace visit.
  • Write in the date of your assessor’s visit: ________________________________________

what do I need to do if I get something wrong?

If your assessor sees that you have not shown appropriate skills or knowledge, they will give you some feedback and you will need to do the specific task again. If you answer any of the verbal questions incorrectly, your assessor will give you another opportunity to answer them.


You are to work with two ageing clients in a home and community support setting.

The type of support to be provided will vary depending on the service and the needs of the client. Examples of support could include:

  • personal care
  • food services
  • home maintenance
  • social support
  • home care support – cleaning, cooking, shopping, business affairs, laundry.

You must visit each client in their home at least once.

Your assessor will observe you during these visits. You will be supervised at all times during your work with these clients.

You must obtain permission from your supervisor to work with each of these clients. You must also obtain permission from each of the clients. Use the permission forms at the end of this task.

Part A: Discuss care plans and prepare for visits

Prior to your visit to each client, you will need to have a discussion with your assessor in which you talk about the following topics.

  • Your workplace’s policies and procedures about providing care in a home and community support setting.
  • Discuss each care plan with your assessor. Your assessor will ask you to explain the care plans to them.  They may ask some additional questions. 
  • Show your assessor how you prepare for each home visit.

Your assessor will ask you questions about the policies and procedures and also the client care plans. Make sure you can access these documents during the discussion.

Your assessor will be looking to see that you:
Show that you understand your workplace’s policies and procedures relating to home and community support activities This will include things such as privacy, confidentiality and risk management practices when working in clients’ homes.
Read and understand each client’s individual plan and goals. You must be able to explain the main points of each client’s plan and goals to your assessor.
As part of the preparation for both home visits:identify any known risks involved with providing care to this client in their home, and identify the risk control measures that are in place For example, risks might include: behavioural problems, pets (such as aggressive dogs or an excessive number of pets), crowded or inaccessible areas, disrepair of home, etc. Control measures will refer to what has been done to fix or reduce risk of harm or injury.
identify any equipment, processes and aids that will be required for the visit
identify the purpose and the time of the visit with your supervisor (or other relevant person if you supervisor is not available)
identify with your supervisor (or relevant person) any tasks that need to be done during your visit
prepare all equipment, resources and documentation that you will need to take with you on your visits For example: obtaining operating instructions for equipment; checking/calibrating equipment; making sure the equipment is safe for use; relevant checklists; ensuring they can use the equipment; making sure it is the correct equipment for the client; getting each client’ s file, case plan, observation report forms and so on.
Part B: Client visits

Your assessor will observe your home visits and how you support each of the clients. 

After the second visit your assessor will ask you a set of verbal questions (refer to Part C).

Your assessor will be looking to see that you:
Identify yourself before entering each client’s home. For example: by saying hello and giving your name; by identifying yourself if necessary, such as by your badge, uniform or ID card, where you are from, etc.
Explain the purpose of your visit and ensure each client gives their consent. For example: be clear in what you are there to do; how long you will be there for, etc.
Show that you have a positive relationship with each client. For example: by being friendly; communicating appropriately; being respectful; taking an interest in the client etc.
Allow your clients the opportunity to express their issues or concerns about the visit or anything else, and address the issues.
Engage appropriately with anyone else who may be in the client’s home. For example: by introducing yourself; being friendly to those people; answering any questions (only with the consent of the client), addressing concerns, fears, worries etc.
Consider any hazards that may impact on your clients’ health and safety (and/or your own) and put in place risk controls. For example: your client may appear be unwell with a cold or flu; general appearance and wellbeing of the client; condition of the property; temperature of the property (ie too cold, too hot etc.)
Follow the instructions in each client’s care plan and as given by your supervisor.
Use appropriate PPE depending on the task you are doing. PPE may include, apron, gloves, mask, eye protection etc.
Communicate appropriately with each client. For example: making sure that they understand your instructions; making sure they are listening to what they are saying; observing their body language; considering cultural communication requirements; using active listening, etc.
Are respectful and sensitive to each client, respecting that you are working in the clients’ homes For example: being respectful of the person’s home and belongings; accepting differences (for example, their culture may be different to your own); by being courteous to other people in the home; by respecting the client’s wishes (for example, to take shoes off on the carpet).
Adhere to duty of care requirements. For example: by performing all tasks in line with work policy and procedures; by ensuring safe work practices; providing a standard of care as required by practice standards, etc.
Fill out all required documentation and make arrangements for follow-up visits.
Part C: Verbal questions

After both home visits are complete, your assessor will ask you a set of verbal questions about your work with the clients. Your assessor will tell you if a question is relevant to only one of the clients by referring to them as Client 1 and Client 2.

What do I need to hand in for this task?Have I completed this?
Signed Client 1  permission formo
Signed Client 2  permission formo
Signed Supervisor approval formo
Home and Community Support (observation) – Client 1 Consent
Client approval (Use this if the client is able to give permission themselves) Dear _________________________________________________________________________________ My name is ____________________________________________________________________________        As part of my assessment for this task, I will be providing you with support in your home. I would welcome your participation in this assessment. My assessor must be present to observe my performance on the day. Please sign below to show your agreement. Name: ________________________________________________________________________________ Signature:______________________________________________________________________________      Date: _________________________  
Home and Community Support (observation) – Supervisor Approval (Client 1)
I, ____________________________________________________________________________________ ,     <supervisor’s name> approve _____________________________________________________________ <student’s name> to undertake this assessment with ___________________________________________      <client’s name>.  Approval is dependent on the following conditions: The student must be supervised at all times when working with the client.The student’s assessor must be present.The client or their family may request that this assessment be stopped at any point. In this case, other arrangements will be made in consultation with the student, the student’s assessor and myself. Supervisor’s name: ______________________________________________________________________ Signature:______________________________________________________________________________      Date: _________________________
Home and Community Support (observation) – Client 2 Consent
Client approval (Use this if the client is able to give permission themselves) Dear _________________________________________________________________________________ My name is ____________________________________________________________________________        As part of my assessment for this task, I will be providing you with support in your home. I would welcome your participation in this assessment. My assessor must be present to observe my performance on the day. Please sign below to show your agreement. Name: ________________________________________________________________________________ Signature:______________________________________________________________________________      Date: _________________________  
Home and Community Support (observation) – Supervisor Approval (Client 2)
I, ____________________________________________________________________________________ ,     <supervisor’s name> approve _____________________________________________________________ <student’s name> to undertake this assessment with ___________________________________________      <client’s name>.  Approval is dependent on the following conditions: The student must be supervised at all times when working with the client.The student’s assessor must be present.The client or their family may request that this assessment be stopped at any point. In this case, other arrangements will be made in consultation with the student, the student’s assessor and myself. Supervisor’s name: ______________________________________________________________________ Signature:______________________________________________________________________________      Date: _________________________

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately for this task.

Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.

Date of birth:Student ID:
Unit: CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically
Student to completeAssessor to complete
Assessment TaskResubmission?
Workplace observation     


I ____________________________________________________   declare that these tasks are my own work.

None of this work has been completed by any other person.

I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student signature: _____________________________________________________________________________

Student name: ________________________________________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________  


Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.

A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.
















Assessor signature: ____________________________________________________________________________

Assessor name: _______________________________________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________  

Task Summary: Students are to locate and discuss a number of workplace policies and procedures, and a job description.

What do I need in order to complete this assessment?

  • Access to your workplace
  • Access to your workplace’s policies and procedures
  • A job description for a role in the community services sector that you might like to have in the future.

When do I do this task?

  • You will do this task during your assessor’s workplace visit.
  • Write in the date of your assessor’s workplace visit: ________________________________

what do I need to do if I get something wrong?

If your assessor sees that you have not shown appropriate skills or knowledge during this task, they will give you some feedback and you will need to do the specific part of the task again.


For this task you must to locate the following policies, procedures and codes at your workplace:

  • Privacy and confidentiality
  • Access and equity
  • Reporting of abuse
  • Code of ethics.
  • Work health and safety.

You must also locate a job description for a position that you would be interested in or would like to have in the future.

You will discuss each policy and procedure with your assessor – they will ask you questions.

Your assessor will ask how each policy and procedure relates to the work you do and how it relates to the work you have seen your colleagues do. You will also be asked about the procedure for development, implementation and review of procedures.

Your assessor will ask you a number of questions about the job description you have chosen. Make sure you answer all of their questions to the best of your ability.

Your assessor will be looking to see that you:
Locate and interpret various workplace documents – policies, procedures and a suitable job description
Interpret legal and ethical requirements of workplace documents
Interpret workplace documents (policies, procedures and job description)
Describe process for development and review of workplace policies and procedures
Identify lines of communication between the position and other organisations
Identify roles and responsibilities of individual position and team
Demonstrate knowledge of industrial relations requirements of work role
Identify work role boundaries.
What do I need to hand in for this task?Have I completed this?
You do not need to hand in anythingo

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately for this task.

Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.

Date of birth:Student ID:
Unit: CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically
Student to completeAssessor to complete
Assessment TaskResubmission?
Workplace improvements    


I ____________________________________________________   declare that these tasks are my own work.

None of this work has been completed by any other person.

I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student signature: _____________________________________________________________________________

Student name: ________________________________________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________  


Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.

A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.            















Assessor signature: ____________________________________________________________________________

Assessor name: _______________________________________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________  

Task summary: You are required to identify and discuss two work practice improvements that will assist in better meeting workplace legal and ethical requirements.

What do I need in order to complete this assessment?

  • Access to your organisation’s policies and procedures.
  • Access to a computer.
  • Access to your supervisor for the meeting (or your assessor will play the role if your supervisor is unavailable).

When do I do this task?

  • You will do this task in your workplace.
  • Write in the due date as advised by your assessor: ___________________________________________


  • During one of your assessor’s visits to your workplace (if your supervisor cannot take part in this task).
  • Write in the date of your assessor’s workplace visit (if applicable): _______________________________

what do I need to do if I get something wrong?

If your assessor identifies that your report is lacking in detail, is not clear or does not relate to the notes that you took, they will ask you to redo the report and submit it again.


Instructions to students:

In this task you are to show that you can:

  • identify situations where improvements can be made to meet legal and ethical requirements
  • share feedback with your colleagues and your supervisor
  • analyse information about legal and ethical requirements that relate to work roles
  • identify potential or actual legal breaches or ethical issues in work practices.
  • Identify two improvements that would help your workplace to better meet its legal and ethical requirements.

You may choose any types of work practices for this task. Some examples include such things as:

  • designing a checklist to help make sure that a specific legislative requirement has been covered
  • suggesting a change to a record-keeping work practice to make it more secure
  • providing additional legal and ethical information to staff (such as using a meeting to share information or putting into a poster or flyer format)
  • including legislative requirements in workflow procedures/charts
  • improving communication with clients and carers or family to meet legal and ethical requirements
  • redesigning a consent form.
  • Now you need to write an email to your supervisor and at least one other work colleague that proposes your two suggestions for improvement.

Your email must be written in a professional manner and must include the following information:

  • Your description of the improvements.
  • The reasons you are suggesting each improvement, including the legal and ethical requirements
  • Identification of any potential or actual breaches of legislation or ethical issues
  • How each improvement will help staff to meet legal and ethical requirements
  • Current potential or actual breaches of legislation or ethical requirements
  • Attach any documents you have designed or redesigned (for example, a revised checklist, revised procedure, poster, work flow chart and so on) if appropriate.

You can write your suggestions in dot point form if you wish.

Send your email to your supervisor (or your assessor if your supervisor cannot participate).

  • Organise a time to discuss your email and suggestions with your supervisor and one other work colleague. If your supervisor or another work colleague is not available, or does not have time to meet with you, you may meet with your assessor who will instead play their role.

You will need to talk about the following in your meeting:

  • Why you think each work practice can be improved and how this will assist in meeting legal and/or ethical requirements.
  • Each suggestion for improvement.
  • How your improvement will fit in with the specific legislation involved.

You must take notes during this meeting.

You must also ask your supervisor for feedback on your suggestions. Ask them:

  • If they think your suggestions are a good idea.
  • If there other things that need to be thought about.
  • If they can suggest any improvements to your suggestions.
  • After your meeting with your supervisor (or your assessor), write a short report that provides details about the meeting. Include in your report:
  • the feedback from your supervisor (or assessor) about your suggestions
  • any changes that you will need to make to your original suggestions.
What do I need to hand in for this task?Have I completed this?
Email to your supervisoro
Your reporto
Your notes from the meetingo

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately for this task.

Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.

Date of birth:Student ID:
Unit: HLTAAP001 Recognise healthy body systems
Student to completeAssessor to complete
Assessment TaskResubmission?
Workplace project    


I ____________________________________________________   declare that these tasks are my own work.

None of this work has been completed by any other person.

I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student signature: _____________________________________________________________________________

Student name: ________________________________________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________  


Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.

A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.
















Assessor signature: ____________________________________________________________________________

Assessor name: _______________________________________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________  

There are four parts to this project: Part A: Obtain information about the physical health status of two different clientsPart B: Observe a physical health check and document findingsPart C: Identify and document variations from normal healthPart D: Gather health information that could be shared with others.

What do I need in order to complete this assessment?

When do I do this task?

  • You will do this task in your workplace.
  • Write in the due date as advised by your assessor: ________________________________

what do I need to do if I get something wrong?

If your assessor identifies that you did not complete all parts of your journal or did not get your supervisor’s sign off, you will be asked to fix the errors and resubmit.


You will need to complete this task in your workplace.

You will need to choose two different clients to work with. Talk to your supervisor for advice as to which clients might be appropriate for this task. You must obtain permission from your supervisor and each client to participate in the task – see the permission forms provided at the end of this task.

You will work with your clients and a colleague (or your supervisor if applicable) by going through Parts A–D.

Make two copies of each journal template (see the end of this task) – one for each client.

Note: Please do not identify your clients by name – you should refer to each client as ‘the client’ or ‘Client 1’ and ‘Client 2’ than use their name.

You should conduct this task twice, working with each client separately.

You must get each part of your journals signed by your supervisor before you submit them for assessment.

Part A:  Obtain information about the physical health status of clients

For this part of the task you are required to:

Part B:  Physical health checks

Observe the following physical health checks being performed by a qualified member of staff. The physical health checks will need to be performed on both clients you spoke to in Part A above.

Health checks must include:

  • Temperature
  • Pulse
  • Respiration
  • Blood pressure
  • Bowels opened
  • Client-specific observations as applicable (for example, blood sugar test, visual observation, weight check, check of ankles for swelling, etc).

Make a record of the findings in your journal in the Part B template.

Part C:  Identify variations from normal health

Using the information you have gathered in Part A and Part B, interpret it and answer the two questions in the journal in the Part C template.

Part D:  Gather information to share with others

Based on the health information you gathered during this task for each client, gather some information (fact sheets, brochures, websites etc) that you could potentially give each client to help them maintain good health, and other colleagues in the workplace so they can promote healthy body function.

You may be able to locate good information within your workplace, at the local GP or health centre, on the Internet and so on.

Write down the information you gathered in your journal in the Part D template, and show the information to your supervisor. They will sign Part D of your template to indicate that the information you gathered was relevant to the needs of the client, and it would be suitable to share with others.

What do I need to hand in for this task?Have I completed this?
Completed journal for client 1 with supervisor sign offo
Completed journal for client 2 with supervisor sign offo
ASSESSMENT TASK 1 – Permission Form
Supervisor’s permission – Client 1 I, ____________________________________________________________________________________ ,     <Supervisor’s name> approve _____________________________________________________________ <student’s name> to undertake this project with _______________________________________________      <Client’s name>. The student will perform the following tasks: obtain information about the physical health status of the clientobserve a physical health checkobserve a physical health check conducted by a qualified member of staffgather suitable health information that can be shared with the client and others. Approval is dependent on the following conditions: The student must be supervised at all times when working with the client.The client or their family may request that this project be stopped at any point. In this case, other arrangements will be made in consultation with the student, the student’s assessor and myself. Supervisor’s name: ______________________________________________________________________ Signature:______________________________________________________________________________      Date: _________________________
ASSESSMENT TASK 1 – Permission Form
Supervisor’s permission – Client 2 I, ____________________________________________________________________________________ ,     <Supervisor’s name> approve _____________________________________________________________ <student’s name> to undertake this project with _______________________________________________      <Client’s name>. The student will perform the following tasks: obtain information about the physical health status of the clientobserve a physical health checkobserve a physical health check conducted by a qualified member of staffgather suitable health information that can be shared with the client and others. Approval is dependent on the following conditions: The student must be supervised at all times when working with the client.The client or their family may request that this project be stopped at any point. In this case, other arrangements will be made in consultation with the student, the student’s assessor and myself. Supervisor’s name: ______________________________________________________________________ Signature:______________________________________________________________________________      Date: _________________________
ASSESSMENT TASK 1 – Permission Form
Client 1 permission I, ____________________________________________________________________________________ ,     <client name> approve ___________________________________________________________________ <student’s name> to undertake this project, which will involve access to my health information and observations of health checks being performed on myself by a member of staff. The student will perform the following tasks: obtain information about my physical health status, using questioning, my care plan or other relevant health information observe a qualified member of staff conducting a physical health checkdiscuss and identify variations from normal healthgather information that may be provided to myself and others in the workplace regarding healthy body functioning. My permission is dependent on the following conditions: The student will be supervised at all times. I may request that this project be stopped at any stage. Client name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Signature:______________________________________________________________________________      Date: _________________________
ASSESSMENT TASK 1 – Permission Form
Client 2 permission I, ____________________________________________________________________________________ ,     <client name> approve ___________________________________________________________________ <student’s name> to undertake this project, which will involve access to my health information and observations of health checks being performed on myself by a member of staff. The student will perform the following tasks: obtain information about my physical health status, using questioning, my care plan or other relevant health information observe a qualified member of staff conducting a physical health checkdiscuss and identify variations from normal healthgather information that may be provided to myself and others in the workplace regarding healthy body functioning. My permission is dependent on the following conditions: The student will be supervised at all times. I may request that this project be stopped at any stage. Client name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Signature:______________________________________________________________________________      Date: _________________________
Complete this journal for the client you have chosen to work with. Make sure you get your supervisor to sign off each entry. Note: to preserve confidentiality, you must not include any information that could identify your client.  Use ‘the client’ rather than the client’s name.
Date Part A was undertaken:
 CommentsSupervisor initials
Describe the information that you learned about your client’s physical health status by reviewing their medical record/care plan.  
Describe the information you gathered from your client.  How are they feeling today – do they have any issues?  
Discuss with the person supervising this task – what actual or potential health problems does your client have?  
What body systems are involved with your client’s issues? How might these problems affect the overall functioning of your client’s body?  
Date Part B was undertaken:
 RecordingsSupervisor initials
Record the client’s physical health indicators. If any of these are not applicable, mark as N/A.Temperature  
Blood pressure  
Bowels opened  
Client-specific observations  
Interpret the information you obtained in Part A and Part B and answer the following questions.
 RecordingsSupervisor initials
Does your client have any indicators that there is a variation from normal health?  Explain your answer and discuss the body systems involved that a contributing to a variation in healthy functioning.  
How will this information be shared?  
I confirm that the student’s journal is an accurate account.
Supervisor name:
Supervisor signature:Date:
Based on the information you have gathered about each client, document here the sources/information that you have gathered that you would potentially share with your clients and others in the workplace.
Information for Client 1: 
Information for Client 2: 
I confirm that the information gathered by the student was relevant to the needs of each client and from current and reputable sources, and could be provided to both clients and staff to keep them educated and aware of the importance of healthy body functioning.
Supervisor name:
Supervisor signature:Date:
Complete this journal for the client you have chosen to work with. Make sure you get your supervisor to sign off each entry. Note: to preserve confidentiality, you must not include any information that could identify your client.  Use ‘the client’ rather than the client’s name.
Date Part A was undertaken:
 CommentsSupervisor initials
Describe the information that you learned about your client’s physical health status by reviewing their medical record/care plan.  
Describe the information you gathered from your client.  How are they feeling today – do they have any issues?  
Discuss with the person supervising this task – what actual or potential health problems does your client have?  
What body systems are involved with your client’s issues? How might these problems affect the overall functioning of your client’s body?  
Date Part B was undertaken:
 RecordingsSupervisor initials
Record the client’s physical health indicators. If any of these are not applicable, mark as N/A.Temperature  
Blood pressure  
Bowels opened  
Client-specific observations  
Interpret the information you obtained in Part A and Part B and answer the following questions.
 RecordingsSupervisor initials
Does your client have any indicators that there is a variation from normal health?  Explain your answer and discuss the body systems involved that a contributing to a variation in healthy functioning.  
How will this information be shared?  
I confirm that the student’s journal is an accurate account.
Supervisor name:
Supervisor signature:Date:
Based on the information you have gathered about each client, document here the sources/information that you have gathered that you would potentially share with your clients and others in the workplace.
Information for Client 1: 
Information for Client 2: 
I confirm that the information gathered by the student was relevant to the needs of each client and from current and reputable sources, and could be provided to both clients and staff to keep them educated and aware of the importance of healthy body functioning.
Supervisor name:
Supervisor signature:Date:

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately for this task.

Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.

Date of birth:Student ID:
Unit: HLTINF001 Comply with infection control policies and procedures
Student to completeAssessor to complete
Assessment TaskResubmission?


I ____________________________________________________   declare that these tasks are my own work.

None of this work has been completed by any other person.

I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student signature: _____________________________________________________________________________

Student name: ________________________________________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________  


Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.

A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.
















Assessor signature: ____________________________________________________________________________

Assessor name: _______________________________________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________  

Task Summary: You are to maintain a record of your cleaning, maintenance and infection control activities at work.

What do I need in order to complete this assessment?

  • Access to your workplace.
  • Access to your workplace’s processes and procedures on infection prevention and control
  • Access to your workplace’s equipment and PPE for infection prevention and control
  • Journal (provided).

When do I do this task?

  • You will do this task in your own time.
  • Write in your due date as advised by your assessor: _______________________________

what do I need to do if I get something wrong?

If your assessor identifies that you did not provide adequate responses to your journal, missed parts of your journal, or did not obtain your supervisor’s signature, you will be asked to fix the parts that are wrong and resubmit.


You are to use the journal pages (see the end of this task) to document the infection prevention and control procedures you perform at work. You will need to show that you have done each procedure at least three times.

You must include:

  • The date that you undertook the procedures
  • The hazards/risks involved in the situation
  • A description of what you did (ie the procedure)
  • A list of the equipment you used, including the PPE you had to wear.

Your journal must be signed by your supervisor.

What do I need to hand in for this task?Have I completed this?
Completed journalo
OccasionRisk/hazardProcedureEquipment used 
Date: _____________    
Date: _____________    
Date: _____________    
OccasionRisk/hazardProcedureEquipment used 
Date: _____________    
Date: _____________    
Date: _____________    
OccasionRisk/hazardProcedureEquipment used 
Date: _____________    
Date: _____________    
Date: _____________    
OccasionRisk/hazardProcedureEquipment used 
Date: _____________    
Date: _____________    
Date: _____________    
OccasionRisk/hazardProcedureEquipment used 
Date: _____________    
Date: _____________    
Date: _____________    
OccasionRisk/hazardProcedureEquipment used 
Date: _____________    
Date: _____________    
Date: _____________    
I confirm that the student’s journal is an accurate account. 
Supervisor name: 
Supervisor signature:Date: 

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately for this task.

Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.

Date of birth:Student ID:
Unit: HLTWHS002 Follow safe practices for direct client care
Student to completeAssessor to complete
Assessment TaskResubmission?
Project – WHS inspection    


I ____________________________________________________   declare that these tasks are my own work.

None of this work has been completed by any other person.

I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student signature: _____________________________________________________________________________

Student name: ________________________________________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________  


Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.

A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.
















Assessor signature: ____________________________________________________________________________

Assessor name: _______________________________________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________  

Task summary: You are required to complete a work health and safety check using the risk assessment form provided.

What do I need in order to complete this assessment?

  • Hazard inspection policies and procedures (from your workplace)
  • Hazard Inspection checklist (from your workplace).

When do I do this assessment?

  • You will do this task during your workplace.
  • Write in the due date as advised by your assessor: ________________________________

what do I need to do if I get something wrong?

If your assessor sees that you have not completed the form correctly, they will give you some feedback and you will need to do the task again.


Select a work area from your workplace that you are familiar with. For example, you might like to choose a client’s room, the common area, toilets/bathroom facilities etc. 

Ask your supervisor for a copy of the WHS checklist for that area and conduct a workplace inspection.

Once you have completed your checklist you must answer the following questions.

  1. Did you find any things during the inspection that were not compliant? What were they?

(If you did not find any non-compliances, think of one thing that could have been non-compliant.)

  1. What did you do about the non-compliant items?

(If you did not find any non-compliances in your safety check, refer to the item you identified above.)

  1. How often is this area required to be inspected?
What do I need to hand in for this task?Have I completed this?
Completed hazard identification checklisto
Your answers to each question 

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately for this task.

Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.

Date of birth:Student ID:
Unit: HLTWHS002 Follow safe practices for direct client care
Student to completeAssessor to complete
Assessment TaskResubmission?
Project – WHS risk assessment    


I ____________________________________________________   declare that these tasks are my own work.

None of this work has been completed by any other person.

I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student signature: _____________________________________________________________________________

Student name: ________________________________________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________  


Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.

A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.
















Assessor signature: ____________________________________________________________________________

Assessor name: _______________________________________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________  

Task Summary: You are required to complete a WHS risk assessment using the forms provided.

What do I need in order to complete this assessment?

  • Your workplace service’s hazard identification and risk assessment policies and procedures
  • Supporting documents (included in this assessment):
  • Risk Assessment Control Form 
  • Risk Assessment Matrix
  • Consequence Table
  • Hierarchy of Control Table.

When do I do this task?

  • You will do this task in your workplace.
  • Write in the due date as advised by your assessor: ________________________________

what do I need to do if I get something wrong?

If your assessor identifies that you did not complete all parts of each form correctly, you will be asked to fix the parts that are wrong and resubmit.


Read your workplace‘s hazard identification and risk assessment policies and procedures to prepare for this task.

Choose a task you are familiar with at your workplace. For example, you may choose the task of transferring a client to the dining room; providing a personal care activity; providing a client with a hot beverage or assisting people in wheelchairs.

You will need to do a hazard identification and risk assessment for this task.

  1. Use the risk assessment control form and identify at least 5 potential hazards for your chosen work activity or task.
  2. Now use the risk assessment rating matrix and the consequence table to:
  3. consider the consequences of the hazard
  4. consider the likelihood of those consequences occurring
  5. calculate the risk rating.
  6. Enter your risk assessment data in the Risk Assessment Control form and the Hierarchy of Control table.

Think about the following questions when completing the documents:

  • What type of harm or injury could the hazard potentially cause?
  • What is the likelihood of that harm occurring?
  • Are there current controls in place?
  • How effective are these controls?
  • Are workplace procedures being followed?
  • What further controls might be required?
  • How would you put these controls in place?
  • Now add each of your recommendations into the Hierarchy of Control table. You may double up on some of the hierarchy levels.  An example has been completed for you as a guide.
What do I need to hand in for this task?Have I completed this?
Completed Risk Assessment Formo
Completed Hierarchy of Control tableo
Risk Assessment Control form
Site supervisor/manager Date 
Name of person completing risk assessment 
Description of activity: 
Hazard identification and initial risk ratingControl measures and actions
HazardPotential harmLikelihood of harm occurringConsequence levelRisk level ratingCurrent control
measures & effectiveness
Further action/controls requiredResponsible?Date
Hierarchy of Control table
Summary of control requirementsControl/further actionHazardsAction byDue date:
Engineering (example)Recommence regular maintenance schedule and ensure maintenance occurs at scheduled timesPoor maintenance of wheelchairHSR
Maintenance Manager
Personal Protective Equipment      


Use this table to determine the current risk for each identified hazard.

The event will only occur in exceptional circumstances
The event is not likely to occur in a year
The event may occur within a year
The event is likely to occur within a year
Almost certain
The event is almost certain to occur within a year
(Accidental death/
serious injury)
(serious injury)
(Lost time due to workplace injury)
(Minor workplace injury –
no lost time)
(no injury)


Resolution at each level involves reducing the risk level to a lower level of risk

  • Extreme – requires immediate assessment with management consideration. A detailed plan, regular monitoring and reporting is required with a target resolution within 1 month timeframe
  • High – requires immediate assessment with senior staff consideration, planning and reporting. Target resolution should ideally be within 3 months
  • Medium – reviewing of existing controls and planning required. Resolution timeframe should be within 1 year

Low – the risk may be tolerable and controlled if managed with high quality process and procedures


Use the following matrix to rate the consequence of each identified hazard. Where a hazard could have multiple consequences (for example, injury and financial cost) the highest consequence should be selected.

ConsequenceInjuryIllnessEnvironmentFinancial cost
CatastrophicFatality or permanent disabilityFatality or permanent disabilityDisastrous and/or widespread environmental impactHuge (greater than $500,000)
MajorLost time injury (greater than 2 weeks)Lost time injury (greater than 2 weeks)Serious environmental impactMajor ($50,000– $500,000)
ModerateLost time injury (less than 2 weeks)Lost time injury (less than 2 weeks)Substantial environmental impactHigh ($20,000– $50,000)
MinorRequires basic medical treatmentRequires medical treatment, for example, for skin rashesSmall and / or localised impactMedium ($5,000– $20,000)
MinimalMinorMinor, for example headache/nauseaLittle or no environmental impactLow (less than $5,000)

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately for this task.

Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.

Date of birth:Student ID:
Unit: HLTWHS002 Follow safe practices for direct client care
Student to completeAssessor to complete
Assessment TaskResubmission?
Workplace observations    


I ____________________________________________________   declare that these tasks are my own work.

None of this work has been completed by any other person.

I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student signature: _____________________________________________________________________________

Student name: ________________________________________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________  


Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.

A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.
















Assessor signature: ____________________________________________________________________________

Assessor name: _______________________________________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________  

Task summary: This task is broken up into three parts: Part A: You are to locate and discuss your workplace’s policies and procedures with your assessor. Part B: You are to apply emergency response policies and procedures in a simulated emergency situation.Part C: You are to apply infection control policies and procedures to clean up a ‘blood spill’.

Part A – Workplace policies, procedures and signage

What do I need in order to complete this assessment?

  • Access to your workplace
  • Access to your workplace’s policies and procedures (infection control, emergency management, manual handling and incident reporting)
  • Access to WHS manual handling codes of practice
  • Access to National Infection Control Guidelines.

When do I do this task?

  • You will do this task in your workplace.
  • Write in the date of your assessor’s workplace visit: ________________________________

what do I need to do if I get something wrong?

If your assessor identifies that you did not complete all requirements of this task correctly, they will give you some feedback and you will need to redo the incorrect part/s again.


During your assessor’s workplace visit, you are required to do the following:

  1. Locate the following policies and procedures:
  2. Infection control – this must include standard and additional precautions, clean/contaminated areas, hand washing, hygiene and personal protective clothing
  3. Emergency management
  4. Manual handling
  5. Incident reporting.
  6. Discuss each of the policies and procedures with your assessor, explaining the main points of each and relevant legislation and standards. 

Your assessor will ask you for examples of how each policy and/or procedure is relevant to the work you have been doing or observing, and what legislation is involved in relation to safety and infection control.

  • Your assessor will ask you to show them a number of different workplace safety signs.

Take your assessor to each sign that they ask to see. Tell them what the sign means.

Your assessor will be looking to see that you:
Locate relevant workplace policies and procedures Including infection control; emergency management; manual handling and incident reporting
Read and understand those workplace policies and procedures
Explain how standard precautions are used to avoid the spread of infection
Understand when additional infection control precautions are required
Understand when and how to report incidents and injuries
Understand manual handling procedures and how to avoid injury to self when lifting and moving
Understand what to do in the event of an emergency situation (that is, fire)
Understand relevant legislation, codes of practice and standards Including manual handling, infection control, emergency management and incident reporting
Identify and interpret safety signs Including those related to fires/emergencies; sharps disposal; poisons; radiation; hand washing; PPE
What do I need to hand in for this task?Have I completed this?
You do not need to hand in anything for this taskNA

Part B – Emergency procedures and manual handling

What do I need in order to complete this assessment?

  • Access to your workplace
  • A chair
  • A wheelchair
  • A person to play the role of the client (assessor or a colleague).

When do I do this task?

  • You will do this task in your workplace.
  • Write in the date of your assessor’s workplace visit: ________________________________

what do I need to do if I get something wrong?

If your assessor identifies that you did not demonstrate the correct skills and knowledge when evacuating the building, they will give you some feedback and you will need to redo the task again.


Your assessor will talk to you about an emergency scenario. You will be required to:

  1. Correctly respond to the emergency situation by following workplace instructions, policies and procedures.
  2. Take responsibility for transferring one client to the emergency evacuation area. (Your assessor will provide you with details about this.) 
  3. Debrief with your assessor after the scenario is complete.
  4. Answer two verbal questions.
Your assessor will be looking to see that you:
Read and interpret emergency evacuation policies and procedures
Correctly follow emergency evacuation policies and procedures in a simulated emergency
Correct use manual handling techniques for minimising manual handling risk For example, when moving the client from the chair to the wheelchair, when pushing and pulling the wheelchair, etc
Participate in a debriefing session to address the emergency situation
Consider your own levels of stress and fatigue after an emergency situation.
What do I need to hand in for this task?Have I completed this?
You do not need to hand in anything for this taskNA

Part C – Clean-up of blood spill and infection control requirements

What do I need in order to complete this assessment?

  • Access to your workplace
  • Access to National Infection Control Guidelines
  • An area in which they can demonstrate the blood spill clean-up
  • A blood spill kit.

When do I do this task?

  • You will do this task in your workplace.
  • Write in the date of your assessor’s workplace visit: ________________________________

what do I need to do if I get something wrong?

If your assessor identifies that you did not demonstrate the correct skills and knowledge when cleaning up the spill, they will give you some feedback and you will need to redo the task again.


For this task your assessor will use water to simulate the blood spill. 

  1. You are to clean up a blood spill that has occurred in a dry area. The spill is approximately 13 cm in diameter. 
  2. Using your workplace’s policies and procedures, clean up the spill and wash the area. 
  3. Once you have cleaned up properly, correctly dispose of the contaminated materials. 
  4. As you work you are to explain to your assessor what you are doing. Remember to communicate professionally and appropriately with your assessor during this time.

Your assessor will ask you a number of verbal questions after you have completed the task.

Your assessor will be looking to see that you can:
Read, understand and follow procedures and guidelines to safety clean up a blood spill
Read, understand and follow procedures and guidelines to safely dispose of contaminated waste
Identify any risks to clients and report and record these
Report and record these risks
Raise safety issues as per organisational procedure
Contribute to the development of safe workplace procedures to minimise risk.
What do I need to hand in for this task?Have I completed this?
You do not need to hand in anything for this taskNA


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