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BUS9005 Economics For International Business

30 March 2023 07:22 AM | UPDATED 1 year ago

BUS9005 Economics For International Business :

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BUS9005 Economics for International Business
BUS9005 Economics for International Business


BUS9005 Economics for International Business

Group Report

Assessment DescriptionGroup Report
Length1,500 words per group member
Subject Learning Outcomesa, b
Week DueWeek 9
Total Marks100

Overview of the assessment task

This BUS9005 Economics for International Business assessment is undertaken with other group members.  Groups work together to develop or create a product or piece of work to demonstrate learning and understanding.

Assessment instructions

In this BUS9005 Economics for International Business assessment, you will form groups of at least two people.  Your task will be to develop, collectively, a report that analyses one of the scenarios provided below.

The report requires that you understand the drivers of supply and demand, different market structures, and to apply your knowledge to business strategy.

As a group you will need to use the microeconomics concepts covered so far in this subject, and to develop a strategy to address the issues raised in the chosen scenario.  Diagrams will be a useful part of the analysis, as they can show that problems can be tackled from different perspectives.

The textbook might be useful start for your thinking and research, the group should seek information from a variety of sources such as industry reports, analyst research, media items, official statistics, journal articles, publications/statements by existing companies.  Each of these potential sources will all add credibility and weight to your analysis and recommendations.

You are expected to use at least ten academic sources to support your analysis and recommendations.

The basic requirements of the report format include:

  • Title page: not included in the word count.
  • Executive summary: not included in the word count.
  • Table of Contents: not included in the word count.
  • Introduction.
  • Overview of the scenario and identification of key aspects.
  • Analysis of key aspects and identification of literature / potential responses.
  • Recommendations.
  • Conclusion
  • Reference list: not included in the word count

Choose ONE of the following scenarios to focus on to develop the group report:


A client of the consulting firm where you work has decided to enter the Australian supermarket industry and has asked you for advice on how to do it.

A recommendation against entering is an option, but would need very strong support, given that your client seems to have decided they want to go ahead. You can ask your Supervisor (i.e. Lecturer) for advice about specific questions/doubts you might have about this task.


Find a company that is going through the initial public offering (IPO) process. Analyse its strategy. Present a conclusion on whether you think it has a good strategy. Make suggestions for improvement. 

You are not asked to discuss the appropriateness of the IPO price, or other financing considerations.


You live in a country where everybody has recently developed a concern about climate change. That should open market opportunities – and you are looking to start a business after your MBA.  Develop a strategy to take advantage of the opportunity you see.


Analyse the recent experience of Bunnings going into the UK. Then, make some broad recommendations on entering a new market.


You are an advisor to the government. They are concerned about climate change and think the market on its own will not bring about the necessary changes. They have asked you to write a report to confirm, or otherwise, that the market alone cannot solve the problem. They are also concerned that the energy market could be dominated by a very small number of large companies – or even a single supplier. Your report should cover what consequences that would have. You should then recommend policies to counter any negative consequences.

Note to Students:

Please refer to the attached rubric for marking criteria and standards of performance.

Limits for Assessments

Written submissions that exceed the word limit by more than 10% will cease to be marked from the point at which that limit is exceeded.

Time limits for in-person presentations that exceed the allocated time limit by more than 10% will cease to be marked from the point at which that limit is exceeded, and Lecturers may ask students to cease their presentation.

Time limits for video presentations that exceed the allocated time limit by more than 10% will cease to be marked from the point at which that limit is exceeded.

How to submit your assessment

Where your BUS9005 Economics for International Business assessment requires a written submission (i.e. a report, essay, position paper etc.) you must upload your paper to Canvas via TurnItIn.  Follow the instructions provided via Canvas.  Please submit your paper in MS Word form.

Uploaded files with a virus will not be considered as a legitimate submission.

If there is an issue with the submitted file, and as a consequence your submission will be late, you must contact your lecturer via email.  Please provide them with a brief description of the issue and a screen shot of the relevant error message. A similar message to the IT Team will also be required to resolve the technical issues.

Consider submitting your work well in advance of the deadline to avoid any possible delay with the Turnitin similarity report or any other technical difficulties.

Late assignment submission penalties

An BUS9005 Economics for International Business assessment task is late for submission when it is not submitted by the due date and time as indicated on CANVAS, or by an agreed extension date and time as confirmed by the subject lecturer.

Late assessment tasks will be penalised at the rate of 10% per calendar day (i.e. 24 hours or part thereof). Assignments submitted at any stage within the first 24 hours after the deadline will be considered to be one day late and therefore subject to the associated penalty.

Late assignments will therefore be marked out of 90% for one (1) day late, 80% for two (2) days late, etc. and after five (5) working days, assignments will attract zero (0) marks. 

For example:

A paper submitted:GradePenaltyMark
On time50%050/100
One day late50%10%45/90
Two days late50%20%40/80
Three days late50%30%35/70
Four days late50%40%30/60
Five days late50%50%25/50
More than five days0%100%0

For further detail see: AIHE Assessment Procedure.

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is an essential quality for higher education and is a fundamental part of learning and teaching. AIHE is committed to promoting academic integrity and ethical behaviour. The reputation of AIHE and its graduates, and the academic standing of its qualifications rests with its ability to promote academic integrity and manage academic misconduct fairly and consistently.

All students must become familiar with, and understand the meaning and consequences of, cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the AIHE Academic Integrity Policy.


CRITERIAFail Level (F) 0 – 49Pass Level (P) 50 – 64Credit Level (C) 65 – 74Distinction Level (D) 75 – 84High Distinction Level (HD) 85 – 100
The report includes an Executive Summary which provides an overview of the problem / focus of the report, method of analysis, drawn conclusions, and recommended course of action.  It is a complete but brief synopsis. (15 Marks)No / incomplete Executive Summary is provided.  The Executive Summary fails to provide for all required elements: Overview of the problem / focus of the report, Method of analysis, Drawn conclusions, and Recommended course of action.A basic / incomplete Executive Summary is provided.  The Executive Summary fails to provide for one or two of the required elements: Overview of the problem / focus of the report, Method of analysis, Drawn conclusions, and Recommended course of action.A well-developed / partially incomplete Executive Summary is provided.  The Executive Summary fails to provide for one of the required elements: Overview of the problem / focus of the report, Method of analysis, Drawn conclusions, and Recommended course of action.An advanced and complete Executive Summary is provided.  The Executive Summary includes all required elements: Overview of the problem / focus of the report, Method of analysis, Drawn conclusions, and Recommended course of action.An advanced and complete Executive Summary is provided.  The Executive Summary includes all required elements and clearly/accurately articulates the purpose and structure of the report and provides a complete but brief synopsis.
An introduction to the report topic is provided, which includes a background/history to the topic / definition of the problem / thesis statement. (10 Marks)No / incomplete introduction is provided.  Thesis and/or problem is vague or unclear. Background details are a seemingly random collection of information, unclear, or not related to the topic. The purpose and structure of the report are not identifiable.A basic / incomplete Introduction that, in part, identifies the report focus / topic, indicates the elements from the assessment brief to be researched / investigated, canvasses the thesis of the report but does not adequately explain the background of the problem. The purpose and structure is stated, but lacks detail.A well-developed / partially incomplete Introduction that, in part, identifies the report focus / topic, explains the elements from the assessment brief to be researched / investigated, canvasses the thesis and structure of the report. Partially argues a thesis / idea / expansion of thought.An advanced and complete Introduction that identifies the report focus / topic, explains the elements from the assessment brief to be researched / investigated, clearly describes the purpose and structure of the report.  Argues a thesis / idea / expansion of thoughtAn advanced and complete Introduction that identifies the report focus / topic, explains the elements from the assessment brief to be researched / investigated, clearly describes the purpose and structure of the report and capably argues a thesis / idea / expansion of thought.
The report clearly identifies and discusses key aspects of the chosen scenario. (20 Marks)No / incomplete evidence of research being undertaken to identify key aspects of the chosen scenario. Discussion lacks detailed development. Ideas are vague with little evidence of critical thinking.Evidence of basic / incomplete research being undertaken which in part, identifies the key aspects of the chosen scenario.  Discussion lacks detailed development. Ideas are vague with some evidence of critical thinking.Evidence of an advanced / incomplete research being undertaken which in part, identifies the key aspects of the chosen scenario.  Discussion shows development. Ideas are evident with some evidence of critical thinking.Evidence of advanced / extensive research being undertaken which identifies the key aspects of the chosen scenario.  Discussion shows development of some with some evidence of critical thinking.Evidence of an advanced and complete research undertaking, which identifies the key aspects of the chosen scenario.  Discussion shows development of some with some evidence of critical thinking.
CRITERIAFail Level (F) 0 – 49Pass Level (P) 50 – 64Credit Level (C) 65 – 74Distinction Level (D) 75 – 84High Distinction Level (HD) 85 – 100
The report identifies and explains potential responses to the identified key aspects, using research and literature to critically examine / critique options. (20 Marks)No / incomplete research / literature examination. No / incomplete analysis / explanation of potential responses to scenario key aspects provided, such that, it is not possible to gain any insight into possible actions.No / incomplete research / literature examination. No / incomplete analysis / explanation of potential responses to scenario key aspects provided, such that, it is not possible to gain any insight into possible actions.Research / literature examination / information is provided, such that, it is possible to gain a general insight into potential responses to scenario key aspects.Research / literature examination / information is provided, such that, it is possible to gain a comprehensive insight into the potential responses to scenario key aspects.  The student provides some argument that indicates an understanding of scenario complexities.Research / literature examination / information is provided, such that, it is possible to gain a comprehensive insight into the strategic importance of potential responses to scenario key aspects.  The student provides some argument that indicates a deep understanding of the scenario complexities.
Recommendations for further action are identified. (10 Marks)No / incomplete recommendations are provided.  Those that are provided have no context, are not related to the research / literature examination. Recommendations appear to be random and with little / no connection to the report’s focus.Few / incomplete recommendations are provided.  Those that are provided have little context, are vaguely related to the research / literature examination.Adequate recommendations are provided.  Recommendations are contextually appropriate and are related to the research / literature examination provided.Recommendations provided are contextually appropriate and carefully constructed so as to reflect current research / literature.  Recommendations are genuine and provide thoughtful responses to scenario key aspects.Recommendations provided are contextually appropriate, insightful and carefully constructed so as to reflect current research / literature.  Recommendations are genuine and provide exceptional responses to scenario key aspects.
A Conclusion is provided which provides a succinct overview of the report’s main points and arguments plus a concluding statement.         (10 Marks)Conclusion does not adequately summarise the main topics. No concluding statement.Conclusion only marginally summarises the main topics.  Repetitive. Minimal concluding statement.Conclusion adequately summarises the main topics. Concluding statement is adequate.Conclusion summarises the main topics and provides context. Concluding statement is logical.Conclusion summarises the report’s main topics / findings and provides context without repeating previous sentences.  Concluding statement is logical and well thought out.
Organisation – the report is logical, is in the required format; its structure is as outlined in the assessment brief (if applicable) and is of the correct length.  (5 Marks)Arrangement of the report is unclear and illogical. Writing lacks a clear sense of direction. Ideas, details or events seem random or disconnected.  No identifiable internal structure and readers have trouble following the writer’s line of thought.Progression of ideas in the report is awkward yet moves the reader through the text without too much confusion. The writer/s sometimes lunges ahead too quickly or spends too much tProgression of ideas in the report logical.  Moves the reader through the text smoothly. Progression in argument evident with some strong transitions evident.Overall, the paper is logically developed. Progression of ideas in report makes sense and moves the reader easily through the text. Strong transitions exist throughout and add to the report’s coherenceLogical, compelling progression of ideas with a clear structure which showcases the central idea or theme. Organisation flows engaging the reader. Effective, mature, graceful transitions exist throughout the report.
Grammar, punctuation, and spelling are correct. (5 Marks)The report is difficult to read and understand with many grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors that impact on the reader’s ability to discern meaning.The report is readable and understandable but with many grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors.The report is readable and understandable, with few grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors.The report is well written, readable and understandable, with a few minor grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors.The report is well written, readable and understandable, with few, if any, errors.  It is clear and accurate and expresses written thoughts with flair and attention to detail which exceeds expectations.
CRITERIAFail Level (F) 0 – 49Pass Level (P) 50 – 64Credit Level (C) 65 – 74Distinction Level (D) 75 – 84High Distinction Level (HD) 85 – 100
Citation of sources – in text and reference list adhere to APA conventions. (5 Marks)Lacks sources. No / incomplete / inaccurate citations and / or reference list entries.Source material is used. Some incomplete / inaccurate citations and / or reference list entries.Source material is used. Complete / accurate citations and / or reference list.  References cover a broad range of genres.Source material is used. Complete / accurate citations and / or reference list.  References cover a broad range of genres and includes cross jurisdictional sources.Source material is smoothly integrated into the text. Complete / accurate citations and / or reference list.  References cover a broad range of genres and includes cross jurisdictional sources that reflect a sophisticated research effort.


1.0Original DevelopmentDr Antonio Dottore18/02/2021
1.1Feedback ResponseDr Karen Grogan06/04/2021


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