Finance and Management

BSBTWK502 Lead And Manage Team

30 March 2023 05:06 AM | UPDATED 1 year ago

BSBTWK502 Lead And Manage Team :

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BSBTWK502 Lead and manage team
BSBTWK502 Lead and manage team

Assessment Tasks


Lead and manage team effectiveness.

Assessment Tasks

Assessment Task 1: Written Questions

Question 1

Establishing clear goals and objectives for the BSBTWK502 Lead and manage team is another crucial step in making sure that everyone is aware of their roles and obligations. Team members may understand what is expected of them and how their work contributes to the project’s overall success by creating clear, quantifiable objectives. Also, you need to regularly update your team on how well these objectives are being met. This will help to keep everyone motivated and on task. Training and development: Giving team members the chance to grow professionally is another essential step in making sure they understand their duties and obligations. By offering training, you may provide team members the abilities and information they need to do their responsibilities successfully. Opportunities for training and growth may also inspire team members and make them feel appreciated, which can enhance engagement and productivity.

Question 2

Professional development: One type of support that can be provided to team members to ensure they remain engaged and committed to quality outcomes is professional development. Professional development can include training, mentoring, coaching, or other opportunities that enable team members to enhance their skills and knowledge. The advantages of professional development include increased motivation, job satisfaction, and productivity, as well as a sense of personal and professional growth. However, the disadvantages of professional development can include the cost and time required to provide training and the possibility that team members may leave the organization after receiving training.   2.   Work-life balance: Another type of support that can be provided to team members is work-life balance. Work-life balance refers to the ability to balance work responsibilities with personal responsibilities, such as family or leisure time. Providing work-life balance support can include flexible work hours, remote work options, or time off for personal reasons. The advantages of work-life balance support include increased employee retention, job satisfaction, and productivity, as well as reduced absenteeism and burnout. However, the disadvantages of work-life balance support can include reduced productivity during flexible work hours or the potential for resentment from team members who do not have the same opportunities.   3.   Recognition and rewards: A third type of support that can be provided to team members is recognition and rewards. Recognition and rewards can include bonuses, promotions, public recognition, or other incentives that acknowledge and reward exceptional performance. The advantages of recognition and rewards include increased motivation, engagement, and job satisfaction, as well as a sense of accomplishment and value. However, the disadvantages of recognition and rewards can include the potential for competition or jealousy among team members, as well as the possibility of over-rewarding certain team members while neglecting others who may also be performing well. Additionally, excessive rewards or incentives may create a sense of entitlement among team members, rather than fostering intrinsic motivation.

Question 3

The disadvantages of email can include the possibility of miscommunication or misinterpretation, as tone and intent can be difficult to convey in written form.   2.   Video conferencing: Another communication method that can be used to communicate with team members and stakeholders is video conferencing. The advantages of video conferencing include the ability to have face-to-face communication without being physically present, the ability to share screens or presentations, and the ability to save recordings for future reference. The disadvantages of video conferencing can include technical issues, such as poor internet connectivity or hardware malfunctions, which can disrupt the flow of communication.   3.  

Question 4

As a manager in an organisation studying BSBTWK502 Lead and manage team explain how you would ensure you are viewed as a positive role model

  As a manager in an organization, I can ensure being viewed as a positive role model by leading through example, embracing transparency, and being approachable to my team members. This can involve demonstrating the qualities I expect of my team members, such as punctuality, professionalism, and a positive attitude. I can also be transparent in my decision-making and communication, which can foster trust and respect among my team members. By being approachable, I can encourage open communication, active listening, and offer support and guidance when needed. When team members feel comfortable approaching me with questions or concerns, they are more likely to view me as a positive role model.

Question 5


Question 6

Explain why it is important to keep lines of communication open with your own manager at all times when working with a team


Question 7

Describe the five stages of group development after studying BSBTWK502 Lead and manage team


Question 8


The performance of the team after studying BSBTWK502 Lead and manage team may be significantly impacted if one member of the group enjoys starting arguments. The team members’ motivation and morale may suffer as a result of this person’s purposeful attempts to stir up conflict or friction. Communication breakdowns brought on by conflict may make it more challenging for team members to collaborate efficiently.   Additionally, if the aggressor after studying BSBTWK502 Lead and manage team is not dealt with, it may result in a hostile work atmosphere where team members are reluctant to speak out or participate in debates. The team members may become more preoccupied with the disagreement than with fulfilling the team’s objectives, leading to the development of a negative culture. This may cause tasks to take longer to complete and prevent you from moving closer to the project’s goals.   It’s crucial for leaders to deal with disagreement quickly and find solutions. This may include having a discussion about the conduct of the aggressor at a meeting, figuring out the underlying causes of the dispute, and offering coaching or training to assist the aggressor improve their behavior. It’s crucial to keep the team informed about the disagreement and assure them that actions are being done to resolve it. The team’s climate may be kept upbeat and productive by the leader by acting quickly and appropriately.
The performance of the BSBTWK502 Lead and manage team may be affected in a number of ways if someone on it struggles to participate and speak out. First of all, it can prevent that team member from contributing their thoughts and insights, which might make it harder for the team to come up with original solutions and make defensible judgments. Some team members may grow irritated by this and think the person isn’t participating equally as a result.   Second, if the individual is not speaking out, it may result in a breakdown in team transparency and communication. The team may find it challenging to maintain focus and make sure that everyone is on board with the project’s goals and objectives.   It’s crucial for a team leader to foster a welcoming atmosphere where everyone feels free to voice their ideas. The team member may need to have one-on-one sessions to discuss their worries, get coaching or training to help them become more self-assured in their communication abilities, and be urged to participate in team meetings. Also, it’s critical to set an example by modeling honest dialogue and attentive listening in order to emphasize the value of everyone’s contributions. The team’s atmosphere will become more cooperative and effective as a result of the leader’s actions.
The effectiveness of the team after study of BSBTWK502 Lead and manage team may be significantly impacted if one team member continually assigns blame rather than accepting responsibility for their errors. When team members are more focused on protecting their reputations than cooperating to accomplish the objectives of the group, a culture of mistrust and defensiveness may develop. It may also result in a lack of responsibility, when errors are not acknowledged and fixed, which causes more issues in the future.   The team’s motivation and morale may also suffer if this behavior is not addressed, which may reduce productivity and cause delays in finishing assignments. Moreover, it might harm the team’s image since stakeholders or customers could see it as unprofessional or untrustworthy.   It’s imperative that you confront this conduct as a leader right away. This might include establishing explicit expectations for responsibility and accountability, having a private dialogue with the person to address their conduct, and offering coaching or training to assist them better. It’s crucial to set an example by being accountable and accepting responsibility for one’s own errors. By doing this, the team’s leader may contribute to the development of a culture of cooperation, accountability, and trust, which can enhance performance and results.
The effectiveness of the BSBTWK502 Lead and manage team may suffer if one team member refuses to share knowledge. This conduct may result in a lack of openness and trust among the team members as well as a haziness and misunderstanding of job descriptions and project objectives. The team may not have all the knowledge necessary to make the best judgments as a result, which might impede the team from making educated decisions.   The culture of open communication and openness within the team must be fostered by the leader. This may include establishing clear guidelines for information sharing, giving team members coaching or training to improve their communication skills, and promoting a cooperative approach to problem-solving. Also, it’s critical to set an example by modeling honest dialogue and attentive listening in order to emphasize the value of information sharing. The team’s atmosphere will become more cohesive and effective as a result of the leader’s actions.
The effectiveness of the BSBTWK502 Lead and manage team may suffer if one team member dominates talks. Team members may feel disengaged or devalued as a result of this conduct, which may also result in a lack of variety of thought and opinion. Due to one person’s domineering style, talks may get detoured or drawn out, which may cause delays in job completion.   It’s crucial for a team leader to create a fair and inclusive dialogue. Setting ground rules for involvement and communication, encouraging everyone on the team to engage, and aggressively seeking out the opinions of individuals who may be quieter or more reserved can all help with this. Giving the person who dominates talks feedback and coaching will also help them realize how their actions affect the team and will motivate them to work more cooperatively. By doing this, the team leader may encourage a more enthusiastic and effective work atmosphere.
The effectiveness of the BSBTWK502 Lead and manage team may be enhanced if team members actively share their expertise. As a result of team members using one another’s skills and talents, this behavior may promote creativity, efficiency, and cooperation. When team members are exposed to fresh concepts and methods, it may also foster an environment that encourages ongoing learning and growth.   It’s crucial for the team’s leader to promote and support knowledge and talent exchange. This may include giving team members the chance to work together on projects, exchanging tools and resources that might assist learning, and recognizing and appreciating the efforts of team members. Also, it’s critical to set an example by being open to learning from others and constantly looking for chances to impart information and abilities. By doing this, the team’s leader may encourage more innovation, teamwork, and performance.
The effectiveness of the BSBTWK502 Lead and manage team may also benefit from having a team member who is skilled at resolving conflicts. This conduct may foster a more peaceful and cooperative team atmosphere by preventing disagreements and misunderstandings from worsening. As long as disagreements are handled and resolved in a timely and productive way, it may also help the team’s capacity to make choices and solve issues.   Recognizing and using the abilities of people who are skilled at mediating are crucial leadership skills. This might include encouraging them to take on a more official position as a mediator within the team, as well as offering training or coaching to assist them further improve their talents. In order to avoid disagreements altogether, it’s also critical to foster a climate of open communication and respect inside the team. By doing this, the team leader may contribute to fostering a more upbeat, cooperative, and effective work atmosphere.

Question 9

Answer When allocating work to employees, supervisors/managers are responsible for:              
Answer If an employee is unclear about any component of the assignment, they should approach their manager or supervisor for clarification.   Workers need to make sure they are fully aware of all the requirements for the BSBTWK502 Lead and manage team such as any deadlines, quality standards, and performance indicators.   Workers are expected to work hard to finish tasks within the specified period and to keep their boss or supervisor informed of their progress.   Employees should notify their boss or supervisor as soon as they run into problems or difficulties while working on the BSBTWK502 Lead and manage team Employees should approach their manager or supervisor for support if they need extra materials or assistance to execute the assignment successfully.   Workers should be willing to accept criticism from their boss or supervisor and make an effort to integrate it into their job.
Benefits an organization can expect to get from mentoring/coaching:  
The mentoring relationship involves a more experienced individual (the mentor) providing guidance, support, and advice to a less experienced individual (the mentee) in order to help the mentee, develop their skills and achieve their goals. The mentor acts as a role model, sharing their knowledge and expertise with the mentee and helping them to identify areas for improvement and growth. The relationship is typically built on trust and mutual respect, with the mentor providing ongoing support and feedback to the mentee as they work towards their objectives. The mentoring relationship can be formal or informal and can take place in a variety of settings, including the workplace, academic institutions, and community organizations.
The mentoring process typically involves several stages:
Organisations typically expect those involved in the conflict resolution process to follow certain principles of behavior, such as:
If the issue cannot be resolved through the conflict resolution process, then the organisation may need to escalate the issue to higher levels of management or involve a third-party mediator or arbitrator. In some cases, the organisation may need to take more formal action, such as disciplinary measures or legal action.


Organisational policies and procedures related to conflict resolution typically include provisions regarding privacy and confidentiality. These provisions are important to protect the privacy of those involved in the conflict and to ensure that sensitive information is not disclosed to others without permission. Some of the common provisions related to privacy and confidentiality may include:

Question 10

Recognizing and rewarding team members who do a great job is an essential part of building a positive and productive team culture. Here are some strategies and techniques that could be used to reward a team member who does a great job:
Showing team members that you value their contributions and participation is essential to building a positive and productive team culture. Here are some strategies I would use:
Encouraging team members to keep striving to meet goals and targets is important for maintaining motivation and ensuring that everyone is working towards the same objectives. Here are some strategies you could use:
To reward a group as a whole for completing a project ahead of schedule, you could use the following strategies/techniques:

Question 11

  Consensus is a decision-making process in which all participants agree on a single course of action. It requires a group to come to a mutually acceptable decision through open and honest discussion, active listening, and respectful consideration of all viewpoints. Consensus is often used in situations where the goal is to reach a decision that is acceptable to everyone in the group, rather than simply having the majority rule.                                        

Question 12

CompetingPursuing one’s own goals and objectives at the expense of others.    
AccommodatingPlacing the needs and concerns of others above one’s own.     
AvoidingIgnoring or avoiding a conflict rather than confronting it directly.    
Collaborating  Working with others to find a mutually beneficial solution that satisfies everyone’s needs and concerns.   
Compromising  Finding a solution that partially satisfies everyone’s needs and concerns, but requires each party to give up something.   
Assessment Task 2: Lead and Manage Team Effectiveness
The following assessment tasks use a simulated business called Complete Business Solutions Australia (CBSA) or your chosen business organisation. Home – CBSA for CBSA. CBSA is a consultancy service providing assistance with compliance, finances, human resources, information technology and other business needs to ensure that businesses have the expertise and support they need to survive and prosper. You should familiarise yourself about your chosen business or CBSA activities including its services and history, the organisational structure of the business and its employees. Ensure that you read the Business Plan to understand mission, vision, and business objectives.

Task summary

Resources and equipment required to complete this task:

When and where will this task be completed?

What happens if I get something wrong?

Student instructions for Task 2

Complete all parts of the BSBTWK502 Lead and manage team below.

Task A:

For this task, you are required to prepare for a meeting with your team – the Business Development Specialist and the Marketing Strategist.

Your assessor will choose a class member/colleague to take on the role of one of your BSBTWK502 Lead and manage team members. They will then take the role of the other team member.

You will need to do the following:

Part A : Organize a team meeting
Invitation email to ALL employees for preparing a meeting
To: Business Development Specialist and Marketing Strategist From: Sijan CC:   BCC:   Date/time: 2023/03/05 Subject: Invitation to Performance Planning Meeting Attachments: Operational Plan.docx     Team Performance Plan Template.docx To all employees Dear All,   I would like to invite you to a performance planning meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to gain a common understanding of the year’s goals and objectives and to ensure that everyone understands what their roles and responsibilities are.   As part of this meeting, we will be reviewing the Operational Plan and the tasks that each team member is responsible for. We encourage you to review the Operational Plan beforehand and take note of any feedback or concerns you may have.   The meeting is scheduled for [Insert Date and Time], and it will last for 15 minutes. Please ensure that you bring a copy of the Operational Plan and any notes you have made.   Attached to this email are the Operational Plan and the Team Performance Plan Template.   If you have any questions or concerns before the meeting, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.   Thank you, and I look forward to seeing you at the meeting.   Best regards,   Sijan                              
Marketing Manager 300 Fictional Way, Sydney, NSW 2000 Phone: 1800 111 222
Name of Employee: Plan timeframe: Name of Manager: Date of performance planning discussion: Date of mid cycle review discussion; Date of end cycle review discussion: What elements of your work area’s Business Plan will you be responsible for or contribute to? Organisation values are respect, collaboration and innovation. What learning and development activities will you undertake this year and how will your new skills and knowledge be applied on the job? Are there any changes to the work environment or arrangements that would assist you to do your job? What will be happening if you are performing well? (My customers are happy, I have good working relationships, my work is completed on time, and my work is accurate.)
Part B – Team Performance Planning
‘Hi You. Thanks for undertaking this meeting with your team. Please let me know how it went once you have conducted it.’

Gavin Stead – Managing Director


You can close the meeting when you are satisfied that each of your team members understand their job roles and that you understand the support you need from them. Make sure you have taken enough notes to help you fill out the Team Performance Plan Template (required in Part C).

Part B : Team performance planning
Leading a meeting and prepare Team Performance Plan
Meeting objectives: Date: 2023/03/06 Time: 10:00 AM                                                                                                                                      Please Brings/ Read: •Operational Plan      •Templates for team performance plan Teleconference Details: Skype Call Skype Id: cbsa-performance-planning Attendees: John Smith, Sarah Lee, Emily Chen Purpose: To gain a common understanding of the year’s goals and objectives and ensure everyone understands their role and responsibilities. Venue:   Agenda Item 1: Welcome Time: 10:05 AM Presenter: John Smith Discussions: Introductions and welcome remarks   Conclusion: Meeting officially starts   Action Items:   Responsible Person:   Deadline: Agenda Item 2:  Discuss the team ground rules Time: 10:05 AM – 10:10 AM Presenter:  Sarah Lee Discussions: Establishing team ground rules, including communication protocols, attendance, and participation expectations   Conclusion: Agreed-upon ground rules   Action Items:   Responsible Person:  All team members Deadline: Agenda Item 3: Actively participate in discussions Time: 10:10 AM – 10:12 AM Presenter:  Emily Chen Discussions: Emphasizing the importance of active participation in discussions and encouraging team members to contribute their ideas and feedback     Conclusion: Commitment to active participation     Action Items:   Responsible Person:  All team members Deadline: Agenda Item 4: Discussion on Operational plan Time: 10:12 AM – 10:40 AM Presenter:  John Smith Discussions: Review of the Operational Plan, clarification of goals and objectives, and identification of tasks and responsibilities   Conclusion: Clear understanding of the Operational Plan and individual roles and responsibilities   Action Items:   Responsible Person:  All team members Deadline:   Agenda Item 5: Review the team performance from the templates Time: 10:40 AM – 10:50 AM Presenter:  Sarah Lee Discussions: Review of the team performance from the templates, identification of strengths and areas for improvement, and development of action plans   Conclusion: Action plans developed for areas of improvement   Action Items:   Responsible Person:  All team members Deadline: Agenda Item 6: Conclusion and announce for the next meeting Time: 10:50 AM – 10:55 AM Presenter:  John Smith Discussions: Recap of action items and announcement of the date and time of the next meeting   Conclusion: Meeting adjourned   Action Items:   Responsible Person:  All team members Deadline:              
Assessor checklist
Did the candidate using team-building techniques, such as clear explanation of goals and outcomes, job roles and accountabilities? 
Did the candidate using active listening skills to understand and paraphrase what your team is saying? 
Did the candidate using effective questioning to clarify or draw out further issues where required? 
Did the candidate consideration of your non-verbal communication to make your team feel at ease and comfortable to contribute? 
Did the candidate respecting and acknowledging your team and their ideas and concerns? 
Email to
To:   From:   CC:   BCC:   Date/time:   Subject: Meeting progress Attachments:   Hello,   I wanted to give you an update on the meeting we had earlier today. Here is a summary of the progress made:   Agenda Item 1: Welcome We started the meeting with a welcome message to all attendees.   Agenda Item 2: Discuss the team ground rules We had a productive discussion on the team ground rules and everyone agreed on the set rules.   Agenda Item 3: Actively participate in discussions We emphasized the importance of active participation in discussions, and all attendees agreed to contribute actively.   Agenda Item 4: Discussion on Operational plan We went through the Operational Plan, and all attendees had a chance to ask questions and provide feedback.   Agenda Item 5: Review the team performance from the templates We reviewed the team performance from the templates and identified areas that need improvement.   Agenda Item 6: Conclusion and announce for the next meeting We concluded the meeting by summarizing the key points discussed and announced the date and time for the next meeting.   Action Items: All attendees to read through the Operational Plan before the next meeting. The responsible person to create a summary report of the meeting and share it with all attendees. If there are any questions or concerns, please let me know. Best regards, Sijan          
Marketing  manager 300 Fictional Way, Sydney, NSW 2000 Phone: 1800 111 222
Part C – Documenting the Performance Plan
  To You, Kind regards Gavin Stead


Part C : Documenting the performance plan
Part C: Marketing team meeting schedule and arrange meeting
Summarize the notes   Prepare the schedule Assign tasks and activities Person responsible Due dates Monitoring process Prepare operational plan for marketing team       Marketing Manager March 1, 2020 Monthly check-ins with manager Conduct market research on new product idea Marketing Specialist March 2, 2023 Weekly progress updates with manager       Develop marketing campaign for new product Marketing Specialist March 05, 2023                 Bi-weekly check-ins with manager and team       Attend industry conference and networking event Marketing Specialist March 12-14, 2023 Post-conference report to manager and team Email for attending to the meeting To: Gavin Stead From: Marketing Team CC:   BCC:   Date/time:   Subject: Team Performance Plans, Scheduling and Development Activities Attachments: Team Performance Plans 2020, Marketing Team Meeting Schedule 2020,  Development Activities 2020 To  Gavin Stead   I hope this email finds you well. As the Marketing Manager, I would like to discuss the team’s performance plans, scheduling, and development activities for 2020.   I have attached the following documents for your review:   Team Performance Plans 2020 Marketing Team Meeting Schedule 2020 Development Activities 2020 Please take the time to review these documents before our meeting. We will be discussing the schedule and assigning tasks and activities to team members during the meeting.   Meeting details: Date: March 1, 2020 Time: 10:00 AM Location: Venue 1   If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.   Thank you for your cooperation.       Kind regards Deyin Zhao  
Marketing Manager 300 Fictional Way, Sydney, NSW 2000 Phone: 1800 111 222    
Attachments (1) Team Performance Plans 2020 Team Performance Plan for business development specialist Name of Employee: Date of end cycle review discussion What elements of your work area’s Business Plan will you be responsible for or contribute to? Main work: Develop and implement new sales strategies to increase revenue.   Contribution to Business Plan: Increase sales revenue by 20% through market analysis, identifying new business opportunities, and implementing effective sales strategies.     Organisation values are respect, collaboration and innovation. Some of conduct and behaviors that align with organization values of respect, collaboration, and innovation include:   Demonstrating a strong work ethic and holding oneself accountable for meeting individual and team goals.       What learning and development activities will you undertake this year and how will your new skills and knowledge be applied on the job?     Are there any changes to the work environment or arrangements that would assist you to do your job? Yes, I would appreciate having a second monitor to increase my productivity and efficiency when working on multiple tasks simultaneously. Additionally, I believe having access to a standing desk would help reduce physical strain during long periods of work.     What will be happening if you are performing well? (My customers are happy, I have good working relationships, my work is completed on time, and my work is accurate.) Yes, those are good indicators of performing well. Other possible indicators include receiving positive feedback from supervisors and colleagues, meeting or exceeding performance targets, successfully completing challenging tasks or projects, and continuously improving skills and knowledge. It’s also important to regularly check in with your supervisor or manager to receive feedback and discuss areas for improvement.                                               Team Performance Plan for marketing specialist Name of Employee:   Plan timeframe: Name of Manager: Date of performance planning discussion: Date of mid cycle review discussion: Date of end cycle review discussion: 1. Outputs, projects and deliverables:  What elements of your work area’s Business Plan will you be responsible for or contribute to? As a marketing specialist, my main work this year will include contributing to the following elements of our department’s Business Plan: 2. Conduct and behaviours: How will you do your work and interact with others this year? Organisation values are respect, collaboration and innovation. To embody the organization’s values of respect, collaboration, and innovation, I plan to:       3. Knowledge and skills: What do you need to do your job well this year? What learning and development activities will you undertake this year and how will your new skills and knowledge be applied on the job? To perform well this year, I need to continuously improve my language processing capabilities, stay up-to-date with the latest research and industry developments, and enhance my understanding of various domains such as finance, healthcare, and technology. To achieve these goals, I will undertake various learning and development activities, such as attending relevant workshops and webinars, reading research papers, and collaborating with experts in the field. I will apply my new skills and knowledge by providing more accurate and relevant responses to user queries, and by improving my overall performance in natural language processing tasks.     4. Support needed to do my job well? Are there any changes to the work environment or arrangements that would assist you to do your job? As an employee, I would appreciate access to certain software and tools that would help me perform my job more efficiently. Additionally, I would benefit from a more flexible work schedule to allow me to balance work with my personal life. It would also be helpful to have clearer guidelines and expectations regarding performance and feedback from my supervisor. Finally, I would appreciate opportunities for professional development and training to improve my skills and stay up-to-date with industry trends and best practices.     5. How do I know if I am performing well? What will be happening if you are performing well? (My customers are happy, I have good working relationships, my work is completed on time, and my work is accurate.) As an employee, I will know if I am performing well if I receive positive feedback from my manager and colleagues, if I consistently meet or exceed my performance goals, if my work is completed accurately and on time, and if I am able to maintain good working relationships with my team and other stakeholders. Additionally, if my customers or clients express satisfaction with the services or products I provide, this is a strong indicator that I am performing well in my job.                               Attachments (2) Marketing Team Meeting Schedule 2020 Prepare the schedule Assign tasks and activities Person responsible Due dates Monitoring process First meeting- Make team’s Operational Plan and performance Plan Marketing Team Leader First meeting Marketing Manager to review and approve Mid-cycle meeting Review team’s Operational Plan and performance Plan Marketing Team Leader Mid-cycle meeting Marketing Manager to provide feedback and support End-of-cycle meeting Finish team’s Operational Plan and performance Plan Marketing Team Leader End-of-cycle meeting Marketing Manager to evaluate and provide performance feedback             Attachments (3) Development Activities 2020 Department Networking opportunity What benefits will this provide? When occurring Status Sales Annual Sales Conference Scheduled IT Tech Summit Learn about the latest technologies and solutions in the industry, meet with vendors and experts, and explore new opportunities for innovation Q4 Planned Human Resources HR Symposium Gain knowledge and insights into best practices in HR, network with other HR professionals, and learn about new HR tools and technologies Q2 Completed Marketing Marketing Expo Learn about new marketing trends and tools, network with other marketing professionals, and gain insights into successful marketing strategies Q1 Completed
Part D – Performance Management
  To You, Now that you are back from your two-week break, I need to inform you that I have received a number of complaints about Kelly, your Business Development Specialist. A summary of these is provided below: Kelly should be answering.Kelly and she is on her mobile, she says, ‘I’ll call them back later’ – sometimes she leaves the office to make her personal calls.Kelly’s phone calls and trying to help her meet her deadlines. The staff have said that this behaviour has only been happening for the past three weeks and seemed to become more obvious when you took two weeks’ leave. Kelly was previously a hard-working and reliable staff member. Her help and support to others in CBSA was invaluable. Because of this, the staff have not been comfortable coming forward with their complaints and have let the issue slide. Now everyone is stressed, and the workplace is not as friendly or happy as it used to be. Staff fear that they will look bad if they take personal calls, which were once allowed if in moderation and kept short. I would like you meet with Kelly to manage her underperformance. Kind regards Gavin Stead


Based on the email, you are to conduct a performance management meeting with Kelly. For the purpose of this task, an assessor will play the role of Kelly.

You have sent an email to Kelly, and she has replied to your message that she is attending the meeting

During the meeting, your assessor will be looking to see that you can:
Part D: Performance Management
Email to Kelly
To: Kelly From: Sijan CC:   BCC:   Date/time:   Subject: Performance Management Attachments:   Dear Kelly,   I am writing to inform you that we need to have a performance management meeting to discuss some concerns that have been raised about your behaviour at CBSA. The meeting is scheduled for next Monday at 10am in my office. Please let me know if this time suits you. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the complaints that have been received regarding your behaviour, and to explore ways in which CBSA can provide you with support to improve your performance. I believe it is important for everyone to be working at their best and supporting each other, as team cohesion is crucial to the success of our department. During the meeting, we will discuss the nature of the complaints and how your behaviour has impacted on staff at CBSA. I want to focus on the issue, not the person, and find a way to support you to get back on track. I would like to work with you to identify ways in which CBSA can provide you with support to address any issues you may be experiencing. I also want to set a meeting date for four weeks in the future, where we can review your performance and see how you are progressing. During the meeting, I will demonstrate role model appropriate behaviour, by managing the situation sensitively and appropriately, avoiding negative emotions or reactions, and communicating with respect using an appropriate tone and volume. I look forward to discussing this with you and working together to find a solution. Best regards, Sijan                    
Marketing Manager 300 Fictional Way, Sydney, NSW 2000 Phone: 1800 111 222    
Reply from Kelly
To: Sijan From: Kelly CC:   BCC:   Date/time:   Subject: Re: Meeting Request Attachments:   Dear Sijan,
Thank you for scheduling this meeting with me. I appreciate you taking the time to discuss my performance and ways I can improve. I am committed to working towards achieving the team’s goals and supporting my colleagues. I look forward to our meeting and appreciate the support that CBSA is providing me. Thank you again for your time and consideration.   Kind regards Kelly  
Business Development Specialist 300 Fictional Way, Sydney, NSW 2000 Phone: 1800 111 222    
Meeting objectives: Performance Management Meeting with Kelly Date: March 23, 2023 Time: 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM Please Brings/ Read: Kelly’s Performance Plan and any related documents Teleconference Details:   Skype Id:   Attendees: Kelly, Manager Purpose: To discuss concerns regarding Kelly’s recent behavior and performance and to provide support to help her improve Venue: Manager’s office Agenda Item 1: Welcome and purpose of the meeting Time: 10:00 AM – 10:10 AM Presenter: Manager Discussions: Introduce the purpose of the meeting Review the objectives and agenda of the meeting   Conclusion: Meeting objectives and agenda are clarified and understood by both parties       Action Items:     Responsible Person: Deadline: Agenda Item 2: Discuss with Kelly regarding team environments Time: 10:10 AM – 10:30 AM Presenter: Manager Discussions:       Conclusion: Kelly understands the importance of working together and will make an effort to improve her behavior and communication with the team     Action Items Kelly will identify one action she can take to improve her communication with the team by March 30th     Responsible Person: Kelly Deadline: March 30, 2023 Agenda Item 3: Complaints and implications Time: 10:30 AM – 10:50 AM Presenter: Manager Discussions: Conclusion: Kelly understands the complaints and implications and will take steps to improve her behavior   Complaints:   Action Items: Kelly will identify one action she can take to address the complaints by April 6th       Responsible Person: Kelly Deadline: April 6, 2023 Agenda Item 4: Arrange supporting tools Time: 10:50 AM – 11:10 AM Presenter: Manager Discussions:     Conclusion: Kelly understands the support available and will take advantage of it to improve her performance       Action Items: Manager will provide Kelly with a list of available training and development opportunities by March 30th         Responsible Person: Manager Deadline: March 30, 2023 Agenda Item 5: Conclusion and announce for the next meeting Time: 11:10 AM – 11:30 AM Presenter:  Manager Discussions:     Conclusion: Meeting objectives have been achieved and next steps are clear     Action Items: Manager will schedule the next performance review meeting for April 20th       Responsible Person: Manager Deadline: April 20, 2023
Assessor check list
Did candidate manage the situation sensitively and appropriately? 
Did candidate not pass blame or judgment? 
Did candidate being encouraging and avoiding negative emotions or reactions? 
Did candidate gaining her trust and confidence to speak about her problems? 
Did candidate not dragging other staff members into the discussion (for example, ‘Adrian said he saw you…’, ‘That’s not what Sally said’, etc.)? 
Did candidate listening to Kelly and using techniques to confirm and clarify the information she shares with you? 
Did candidate ask appropriate and sensitive questions? 
Did candidate communicating with respect, using tone and volume appropriate to each area of discussion? 
Did candidate ensure Kelly still feels a valued member of the team, despite her current situation? 
Part E – Policies and Procedures
  To You, Now that you have successfully worked with Kelly to manage her performance, I would like you to develop a policy and procedure around performance management so that we can consistently try and resolve performance issues. Please send through a draft so I can review and approve. Kind regards Gavin Stead


Based on the email, you are to complete the following tasks:

Part E: Develop a Performance Management Policy & Procedure
Performance Management Policy & Procedures      
Purpose The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all employees of CBSA understand their job expectations and to provide a fair and consistent approach to managing employee performance. This policy aims to support employee development and maintain a high-performing work team.   Scope This policy applies to all employees of CBSA.   Policy CBSA recognizes the importance of a high-performing work team to the success of the organization. Poor performance can impact the team and organization by reducing productivity, decreasing morale, and damaging relationships with clients. Therefore, CBSA is committed to supporting its staff by providing regular performance reviews, counseling, and professional development opportunities to improve employee performance.   Probation New employees will be placed on a probationary period of three months. During this period, employees will receive regular feedback on their performance to ensure they meet the expectations of the role.   Procedures   Supervision Supervisors will provide regular supervision to their staff to ensure employees are aware of their job expectations and receive guidance on how to achieve them. Supervisors will monitor employee performance and provide feedback on areas where improvement is needed.   Performance Review All employees will receive a formal performance review at least once a year. During the review, the supervisor will discuss the employee’s progress toward achieving their goals, provide feedback on their performance, and identify areas for improvement. The employee and supervisor will agree on new goals for the upcoming year.   Timing Performance reviews will be conducted annually, with a mid-year review for employees who are not meeting expectations.   Review Process The review process will involve a discussion between the employee and supervisor to identify areas where the employee is performing well and areas for improvement. The employee and supervisor will agree on a plan to address any performance issues and set new goals for the upcoming year.   Review Discussion     Documentation All communications with the employee, including performance reviews, will be recorded in writing and kept in the employee’s personnel file.   Managing Poor Performance If an employee is not meeting expectations, the supervisor will meet with the employee outside of the formal review process to discuss the performance issues and identify actions to address them. The employee will be given a reasonable timeframe to improve their performance. If the employee does not improve within the designated timeframe, they will receive a written warning. If the employee still does not address the performance issues, they will receive a final written warning, which could lead to termination of employment.   Related policies, procedures, forms, and documents This policy should be read in conjunction with the CBSA Code of Conduct and other relevant CBSA policies and procedures.   Guidelines Supervisors should be trained in performance management and be provided with the necessary tools to support them in their role. Employees should be made aware of this policy and the performance management process during their induction.                
Email to Gavin Stead for review and approval
To: Gavin Stead From: Sijan CC:   BCC:   Date/time:   Subject: Review Performance Management  Policy & Procedures Attachments: Performance Management  Policy & Procedures Draft To  Gavin Stead   I hope this email finds you well. As per your request, I have developed a Performance Management Policy & Procedure for CBSA, which I have attached to this email for your review and approval.   The Performance Management Policy & Procedure includes a clear purpose, scope, and description of the impact of poor performance on the team and organization. Additionally, it outlines CBSA’s commitment to supporting its staff, including providing counseling and professional development opportunities.   The policy also includes a comprehensive performance management process, which covers when formal reviews will be held, examples of poor performance that might encourage management to call staff into a meeting outside of the formal review, how long staff have to correct their performance, what happens if staff do not address performance issues in the time provided, and the monitoring and review process. Additionally, all communications with staff members will be recorded in writing.   Please review the attached Performance Management Policy & Procedure and let me know if you have any comments or suggestions. I appreciate your feedback and look forward to hearing from you.   Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.   Kind regards,   Sijan Marketing Manager, CBSA        BSBTWK502 Lead and manage team    
Marketing Manager 300 Fictional Way, Sydney, NSW 2000 Phone: 1800 111 222
Attachments:   Performance Management  Policy & Procedures Draft  
Part F – Team Rewards and Recognition
  To You, Gavin Stead


Based on the email, you are to complete the following tasks:

The email must use the organisation email template and:

The email must use the organisation email template and:

Part F: Email to Managing Director 
To: Managing Director From: Marketing Manager CC:   BCC:   Date/time:   Subject: three schemes for rewarding staff Attachments: Reward staff schemes Dear Managing Director, I am writing to share with you my research on three reward and recognition schemes that could be implemented to encourage our team to continue working well in the future. I have attached a document outlining these schemes for your review. The three schemes I found are: A points-based system where employees can earn points for meeting performance targets, completing training programs, and contributing to company initiatives. These points can be redeemed for rewards such as gift cards, extra vacation days, or company merchandise. An employee of the month program where one employee is selected each month based on their performance and contributions to the company. The employee of the month receives a special parking spot, a gift card, and recognition on the company’s social media platforms.   A team-based competition where employees are divided into teams and compete against each other in challenges related to their job duties. The winning team receives a prize such as a team lunch or outing. After considering all three options, I recommend implementing the points-based system. I believe this system allows for the most flexibility in rewarding employees and can be easily adapted to meet the changing needs of the company. Additionally, it provides motivation for employees to consistently meet performance targets and contribute to company initiatives. Thank you for your consideration. Please let me know if you have any questions or require further information.   Kind regards Deyin Zhao   BSBTWK502 Lead and manage team
Marketing  Manager 300 Fictional Way, Sydney, NSW 2000 Phone: 1800 111 222
Attachments: Scheme 1:           Scheme 2:         Scheme 3:                 
Approval from Managing Director 
Trainer Name:Sunita 
Trainer Signature:  
Approval:☒Yes ☐No 
Email to ALL employees about rewards and recognizations 
To: All Staff From: Deyin Zhao CC:   B C:   Date/time: 2023-03-14, 10:00am Subject: Rewards and Recognition Announcement Attachments: Party Scheme To All Staff I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for the hard work and dedication you have all demonstrated over the past year. Your contributions have not gone unnoticed, and I am pleased to announce that we will be implementing a rewards and recognition program to celebrate your accomplishments. After careful consideration, we have chosen the Party Scheme as our preferred option for rewarding our team. This scheme includes a catered celebration at a local venue, with food, drinks, and entertainment provided. We believe that this option will allow us to come together as a team and celebrate our successes in a fun and memorable way. I want to emphasize that this decision was not made lightly, and we recognize that there are many different ways to reward and recognize our team. However, we believe that the Party Scheme is the most fitting for our organization at this time. Please see the attached Rewards Scheme document for more information about the Party Scheme, including the date, time, and location of the celebration. We will also be sharing more details about the program in the coming weeks, so stay tuned for updates. Thank you all again for your hard work and dedication. We are grateful to have such a talented and committed team. Thanks everyone   Kind regards Deyin Zhao  BSBTWK502 Lead and manage team
Marketing Manager 300 Fictional Way, Sydney, NSW 2000 Phone: 1800 111 222
  Submission requirements for Task 2:


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