

10 April 2023 05:40 AM | UPDATED 2 years ago


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Description automatically generatedContents

Student declaration  3

Section 1: Plan and assess critical thinking  4

Section 2: Support critical thinking  8

Section 3: Monitor and improve critical thinking practices  11


Description automatically generatedVET STUDENT PROJECT PORTFOLIO COVER SHEET

Student declaration

This declaration must be filled out by the student and submitted with all assessment responses.

☐   I declare that this task is all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student(s).

☐   I understand that if I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me according to the process documented in the QIBA VET Student Plagiarism and Cheating Policy.

☐   I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

CourseBSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management
UnitBSBCRT511 – Develop Critical Thinking in others
Trainer/Assessors name 
Student name 
Student ID number 
I acknowledge that my assessment documents will be reviewed as part of the assessment validation and moderation process and/or during auditing. I understand, if during a regulatory audit my assessment is deemed to be unsatisfactory, I will be requested to resit/resubmit. If this request to be reassessed is ignored, QIBA can revoke the qualification.
  Student signature:   Date: 
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Description automatically generatedSection 1: Plan and assess critical thinking
  1. Research critical and creative thinking. Write a report (approximately two pages) including:
  2. a summary of at least three models of critical and creative thinking
  3. at least five characteristics of critical and creative thinking
  4. features of critical thinking skills such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation
  5. formal and informal organisational learning environments and systems (at least two each)
  6. best practice approaches for instructing teams and individuals in critical thinking (at least three)
  7. examples of how the critical thinking can be applied in the workplace (at least two)
  8. list of what a safe critical and creative work environment includes (at least two).

Make sure you access at least four sources of information, reference them correctly and attach your report to this section of the portfolio.

  • Assess critical thinking.
About the organisation Provide an overview of your chosen organisation and product/services/programs. Include: name of the businessdescription of what the business doeskey operational processes. 
Critical thinking within the organisation Identify how critical thinking is an important part of the organisation. Include: how critical thinking is a part of the business, such as the vision and objectives of the organisation (use information from the case study, see the vision and objective part)assessment of the work environment as it relates to critical and creative thinking, including:systems or processes that support critical thinkingbarriers to critical thinking in existing organisational systems 
Critical thinking within your team Identify how critical thinking is part of your chosen team (identified on Page 3 and 4 of the case study). Include: how critical thinking is required as part of the work done by your chosen teamlist of critical thinking skills required for the employees who are going to be coached (job roles identified on Page 4). 
Organisational requirements Summarise the policies and procedures supporting critical thinking in your organisation. (e.g; employee training and development policies identified from case study) Explain how they support critical thinking. Attach relevant policies and procedures to this section of your portfolio. (Attach a screenshot of policies and procedure from the simulation pack) 
Legislative requirements Summarise the legislative requirements related to critical thinking and training for your chosen team. 
  • Plan team meeting. (fill the template below to plan the meeting)
Name of the team 
Team Members 
Develop a set of at least five questions to identify critical and creative thinking knowledge gaps for your chosen team and one of your chosen individual(s). (e.g. What is the hardest thing about being part of the team?) 
What are the diverse requirements of your team (e.g. cultural differences) 
How will you establish connections and understanding within the team? (e.g. Team building activities, ice-breaker) 
Paperclip Attach:Research report
Policies and procedures
Documents to articulate critical thinking features to team (if relevant)
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Description automatically generatedSection 2: Support critical thinking

Summarise the outcomes of your team and individual meeting(s). You can fill this part during or after the meeting.

Two critical and creative knowledge gaps for your team 
team/individual’s experience of organisation’s approach to critical thinking   
list of workplace problems identified in the meeting that are relevant to the team   
Describe how did you resolve the identified problem. (See page 5 of the case study) 
Safe processes (see page 4 of the case study) Use the work done in Section 1 of your Project Portfolio and the knowledge you’ve gained from the team/individual meeting(s) to develop at least two processes that create a safe environment for critical and creative thinking. For each process, include: a description of the processhow the process supports a safe critical and creative critical thinking environment.description of at least three sources of information related to the processresources required for the process to be implementedany relevant legislative requirements. 
Plan learning opportunities Use the work done in Section 1 of our Project Portfolio and the knowledge you’ve gained from the team/individual meeting(s) to plan one formal and one informal learning opportunity to address the identified knowledge gaps. Fill the table.      Formal Learning opportunities Informal Learning opportunities Identify one opportunity Example; workshop Example; reading training policies How will the learning take place     How the opportunity complies with organisational and legislative requirements     Reason for choosing this approach     How will you collect feedback        
Application Plan one opportunity for team member(s) to apply their critical thinking skills to address the workplace problem chosen at the team meeting. Include: who will participate in the problem-solving process (i.e. which team members?)which critical thinking skills and techniques will be applied by the team member(s)how you will give feedback on the performance of their taskhow you will collect feedback regarding the opportunity you provided. 
Paperclip Attach:Proof of team/individual meeting(s) (if relevant)
Developed processes (x2)
Proof of information sources
A close up of a logo

Description automatically generatedSection 3: Monitor and improve critical thinking practices

Learning opportunities reflection

Summarise the outcomes of the formal and informal learning opportunities you facilitated.

Feedback received from team member(s)

Team member(s) name:
Feedback received:
What you did well:
What should be improved:

Feedback you provided to team member(s)

Team member(s) name:
Feedback given:
Additional support required for teams and individuals
What worked well:
What should have been improved:

Develop recommendations for improvement in future learning.

A list of two recommendations improvements to learning opportunities. (e.g. using more practical applications during training) 
Resources required for the development of the recommendation 
How the recommendation adheres to explicit organisational policies (e.g. Training policy encourages managers to address the training needs of their team in a variety of formats) 
How the recommendation adheres to implicit organisational policies 
how the recommendation adheres to legislative requirements 
Paperclip Attach:Formal learning opportunity (if relevant)
Informal learning opportunity (if relevant)
Application opportunity (if relevant)
Developed recommendation


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