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AURASA102 Safe Working Practices In An Automotive

22 March 2023 13:44 PM | UPDATED 2 years ago

AURASA102 Safe Working Practices In An Automotive:

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AURASA102 Safe working practices in an automotive
AURASA102 Safe working practices in an automotive

AURASA102 Safe working practices in an automotive:
Document Name: Student Written Knowledge Assessment – AURASA102 Created Date: 1st Oct 2020
Document No: AURASA102 Version No: 2.0 Last Modified Date: 25/08/2022
Woodstock International College / RTO: 45824 CRICOS: 03999A Page Sequence: Page 1 of 19
Assessment 1 – Questioning – Written Assessment
Student Name Student ID Number
Unit Start Date Unit End Date
Assessment Due Date Date Submitted
This cover sheet is to be completed by the student and assessor and used as a record to determine student
competency in this assessment task

AURASA102 Safe working practices in an automotive:
The assessment process and tasks were fully explained. Yes / No
I am aware of which evidence will be collected and how. Yes / No
I am aware of my right to appeal an assessment decision. Yes / No
I am aware that I can locate The RTO Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure on their
website at Yes / No
I have discussed any additional educational support or reasonable adjustments I require in order to
undertake this assessment with the Student Support Services Officer and Trainer / Assessor, (if
applicable). e.g., Student Handbook and Access and Equity Policy
Yes /
I have access to all required resources? Yes / No
Cheating & Plagiarism Declaration
Student Declaration: In accordance with The RTO Plagiarism Policy, I hereby acknowledge by signing this
declaration that I have not cheated or plagiarised any work regarding the assessment tasks undertaken in this unit
of competency except where the work has been correctly acknowledged.
NOTE: Student must sign this prior to submitting their assessments to the assessor
Signature Date: _ / / 20_____
Assessment Results Satisfactory or Not Yet Satisfactory
(Please circle the assessment result for this task)
Feedback to Student – Please provide general feedback on the student’s performance
Student Declaration: – I verify that the work completed
is my own and that I was adequately informed of the
assessment process prior to commencing this
assessment task.
Assessor Declaration: – I verify that I have adequately
explained and negotiated the assessment tasks with the
student prior to commencing assessment.
Student Name: Assessor’s Name:
Student Signature Date Assessor Signature Date
AURASA102 Follow safe working practices in an automotive workplace
Document Name: Student Written Knowledge Assessment – AURASA102 Created Date: 1st Oct 2020
Document No: AURASA102 Version No: 2.0 Last Modified Date: 25/08/2022
Woodstock International College / RTO: 45824 CRICOS: 03999A Page Sequence: Page 2 of 19
Overview of
Student Guide for Written Knowledge Assessment
This is a written assessment task you will be assess on your knowledge of following safe
working practice in an automotive workplace.
The topics that will be covered in the assessment are:

  1. Identify and follow workplace safety procedures.
  2. Identify and follow workplace emergency procedures.
    This assessment will ensure that the elements, performance criteria, performance evidence
    and knowledge evidence required, and conditions are adhered to demonstrate competency
    in this unit assessment task.
    • Read the assessment carefully before commencing.
    • Your Assessor will use the assessment criteria in this document and will provide feedback /
    • You MUST answer all the questions in the assessment tasks in your own words and own
    • This is an “Open Book” assessment, and students can use the resources listed in the
    “Resources Required” section below.
    Task/s to be
  3. AURASA102 Safe working practices in an automotive:
    To complete this written assessment, you will need to answer the 68 questions comprising
    of Multiple Choice, True and False, Fill-in the Gap and Short Answer questions.
    Time allowed On average, the Assessment should take 4 – 6 hours to complete.
    Location This theory assessment will be completed in a classroom under the supervision of a
    Decision making
    To receive a ‘satisfactory’ outcome for this assessment students MUST successfully answer
    all questions. If a student achieves less than 100%, they can reattempt the assessment
    after further study has taken place. Students who cannot achieve a minimum of 100% you
    will not have satisfactorily completed this assessment
    Your assessor will be looking for the following in this assessment task: –
    • Basic aspects of relevant state or territory workplace health and safety (WHS)
    legislation, including:
    o Employer responsibilities for workplace practices
    o Employee responsibilities to participate in WHS practices
    o Employee responsibility to ensure own work practices protect the safety of
    self, other workers and other people in the workplace
    • Workplace procedures for:
    o Selecting and using personal protective equipment (PPE)
    o Identifying hazards, including slip hazards and trip hazards
    o Running motor vehicles in the workplace
    o Emergency, fire and accident procedures, including:
    − Personnel responsibilities
    − Evacuation procedures and assembly points
    o Housekeeping procedures
    • Purpose and structure of WHS committees, including:
    o Roles of workplace personnel
    o Qualifications held by workplace personnel, including:
    − First aid
    − Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
    − Fire warden and workplace evacuation
    − Work health and safety representative
    • Personal safety in an automotive workplace, including:
    o Hearing protection
    o Skin protection
    o Protective clothing
    o Protective footwear
    AURASA102 Safe working practices in an automotive:
    Document Name: Student Written Knowledge Assessment – AURASA102 Created Date: 1st Oct 2020
    Document No: AURASA102 Version No: 2.0 Last Modified Date: 25/08/2022
    Woodstock International College / RTO: 45824 CRICOS: 03999A Page Sequence: Page 3 of 19
    o Eye protection
    • Manual handling, including:
    o Storing items
    o Planning the lift
    o Using correct lifting techniques and equipment
    • Meaning of WHS symbols and signs
    • Machine and equipment safety, including:
    o Using hand tools and hand-held power tools
    o Using compressed air
    o Using machine guards
    o Electrical tools, including:
    − Checking before use
    − Faulty equipment tagging and isolation procedures
    o Vehicle lifting equipment, including:
    − Working in pits
    − Using jacks and stands
    − Using hoists
    − Safe working load (SWL) of jacks and hoists
    • Vehicle safety, including:
    o Engine moving parts
    o Engine and exhaust hot components
    o Electrical hazards associated with:
    − High voltage ignition systems
    − Wearing jewellery while working around high current wiring
    − Using electrical tools around water
    o Batteries
    o Fuel, including petrol, diesel and natural and petroleum gas
    o High voltage in battery electrical and hybrid vehicles
    o High voltage injectors
    • Hazardous materials, including handling and storing:
    o Oils
    o Brake fluid
    o Brake dust
    o Chemicals
    o Cleaning products
    o Safety data sheets (SDS).
    Competency is to be assessed in the workplace or a simulated environment that accurately
    reflects performance in a real workplace setting.
  4. AURASA102 Safe working practices in an automotive:
    Assessment MUST include direct observation of tasks.
    Where assessment of competency includes third-party evidence, individuals MUST provide
    evidence that links them to having followed safe work practices while working in an
    automotive workplace, e.g. documented hazard inspection or incident report.
    Assessors MUST verify performance evidence through questioning on skills and knowledge
    to ensure correct interpretation and application.
    The following resources MUST be made available:
    • Automotive workplace or simulated workplace
    • Workplace procedures and instructions relating to safe work practices
    • Workplace safety and emergency evacuation procedures
    • Hazardous chemicals and dangerous goods information
    • Safety materials and equipment relevant to an automotive workplace
    • Fire safety equipment
    • Documents for recording workplace safety, accidents and incidents.
    AURASA102 Follow safe working practices in an automotive workplace
    Document Name: Student Written Knowledge Assessment – AURASA102 Created Date: 1st Oct 2020
    Document No: AURASA102 Version No: 2.0 Last Modified Date: 25/08/2022
    Woodstock International College / RTO: 45824 CRICOS: 03999A Page Sequence: Page 4 of 19
    Assessors of this unit MUST satisfy the requirements for assessors in applicable vocational
    education and training legislation, frameworks and/or standards.
    Resources required Learning Resources available to students include:
    • Automotive Technology (A System Approach)
    • Websites
    • Lock Out and Tagging of Equipment –Trainer Handouts
    • The Assessor will grade the assessment and record the result on the front page of
    this document (S) – Satisfactory if all observable behaviours are correct and (NS)
    not satisfactory if any areas are left incorrect
    • Feedback will be provided on either result
    • Where a student receives a ‘NS – Not Satisfactory’ result, the assessor will discuss
    the area of the non-compliant observable behaviour and an opportunity given for reassessment. This may be through direct observation or a different method of
    assessment e.g., verbal/oral questioning, problem solving exercise.
    • If the outcome is again not satisfactory the student result will be deemed (NYC) not
    yet competent. Additional feedback will be given, and a time agreed upon for further
    assessment after additional training and skills practice has taken place, this
    information will be recorded, dated and signed in the re-assessment area on the
    last page of this document
    • Where all the assessment tasks have been graded (S) Satisfactory, the student will
    be deemed C – Competent for the practical component and the result recorded and
    signed in the area indicated on the last page of this document
    If the participant is unable to undertake the written assessment as designed, an interview
    (verbal questioning) may be used as an alternate approach.
    AURASA102 Follow safe working practices in an automotive workplace
    Document Name: Student Written Knowledge Assessment – AURASA102 Created Date: 1st Oct 2020
    Document No: AURASA102 Version No: 2.0 Last Modified Date: 25/08/2022
    Woodstock International College / RTO: 45824 CRICOS: 03999A Page Sequence: Page 5 of 19
    Assessment 1 – Questioning
    Written Assessment
  5. Locate and record the name and date of the OH&S/WH&S document relevant to your State/Territory, e.g.
    Work Health and Safety (Transitional and Consequential Provisions) Act 2011.
    The student only needs to select their state.
  6. Identify and summaries the objectives of State/Territories OH&S/WH&S Act.
  7. Summarize the specific duties that are part of the general responsibilities required of an employer under
    OH&S/WH&S Acts.
    AURASA102 Follow safe working practices in an automotive workplace
    Document Name: Student Written Knowledge Assessment – AURASA102 Created Date: 1st Oct 2020
    Document No: AURASA102 Version No: 2.0 Last Modified Date: 25/08/2022
    Woodstock International College / RTO: 45824 CRICOS: 03999A Page Sequence: Page 6 of 19
  8. Identify the three (3) duties within employee responsibilities in OH&S/WH&S Acts and describe each of the
    Multiple Choice question. Select the correct answer.
  9. Who is responsible for Work Health and Safety (WH&S)/Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) in the
    A. Everyone.
    B. The employer.
    C. No-one.
    D. The employee.
  10. Identify five [5] important items of personal protective equipment [PPE] that must be used in an automotive
  11. Slips, trips and falls result in thousands of injuries every year. What are the most common injuries?
    AURASA102 Follow safe working practices in an automotive workplace
    Document Name: Student Written Knowledge Assessment – AURASA102 Created Date: 1st Oct 2020
    Document No: AURASA102 Version No: 2.0 Last Modified Date: 25/08/2022
    Woodstock International College / RTO: 45824 CRICOS: 03999A Page Sequence: Page 7 of 19
    Multiple Choice question. Select the correct answer.
  12. The floor of your work area and bench tops should be kept clean, dry, and orderly. Any oil, coolant, or grease
    on the floor can make it slippery. can result in serious injuries?
    A. Slips.
    B. Talking.
    C. Dirty Workbench.
    D. Drain covers.
    True False question. Select the correct answer.
  13. Properly store all parts and tools by putting them away in a place where people will not trip over them. This
    practice not only cuts down on injuries, it also reduces time wasted looking for a misplaced part or tool.
    ☐ True or ☐ False
  14. Whenever you need to have the engine running for diagnosis or service, the engine’s exhaust must be vented
    to the outside. Why?
  15. In the workplace, who should know what to do in case of an emergency procedures, such as fire and
    Multiple Choice question. Select the correct answer.
  16. Everyone in the workplace should know what to do in case of an emergency. Likely emergencies could
    A. Fires.
    B. Chemical spills.
    C. Serious accidents and personal injury.
    D. All the answers are correct.
    AURASA102 Follow safe working practices in an automotive workplace
    Document Name: Student Written Knowledge Assessment – AURASA102 Created Date: 1st Oct 2020
    Document No: AURASA102 Version No: 2.0 Last Modified Date: 25/08/2022
    Woodstock International College / RTO: 45824 CRICOS: 03999A Page Sequence: Page 8 of 19
    Multiple Choice question. Select the correct answer.
  17. It is important that everybody knows the ambulance, fire and police emergency contact number. Throughout
    Australia this number is __?
    A. 911.
    B. 999.
    C. 000.
    D. 123.
  18. If an emergency requires the workplace evacuation, where should everyone go to?
  19. Accidents involving machinery or equipment may require the evacuation of a workplace. If evacuation is
    necessary, what four [4] procedures must be followed?
  20. What does “Good Housekeeping” mean in the automotive workplace? Write down two [2] points.

  21. What does “Poor Housekeeping” mean in the automotive workplace? Write down three [3] points.

    AURASA102 Follow safe working practices in an automotive workplace
    Document Name: Student Written Knowledge Assessment – AURASA102 Created Date: 1st Oct 2020
    Document No: AURASA102 Version No: 2.0 Last Modified Date: 25/08/2022
    Woodstock International College / RTO: 45824 CRICOS: 03999A Page Sequence: Page 9 of 19
  22. What is the specific function of Workplace Health and Safety committees in the automotive workplace? Write
    down four [4] points.
  23. What is meant by first aid?
  24. What is the minimum acceptable level of training for first aid officers for workplace?
  25. What does CPR stand for?
  26. By performing CPR, what are you doing?
    AURASA102 Follow safe working practices in an automotive workplace
    Document Name: Student Written Knowledge Assessment – AURASA102 Created Date: 1st Oct 2020
    Document No: AURASA102 Version No: 2.0 Last Modified Date: 25/08/2022
    Woodstock International College / RTO: 45824 CRICOS: 03999A Page Sequence: Page 10 of 19
    Fill in the Gaps
  27. The person who wants to become a Fire Warden requires Fire Warden training. Select the missing word from
    the following associated statement about the Fire Warden.
    Choice of words: Educate, emergency, evacuation, fire, people, special, Warden, workplace
    With Fire ___ training, an individual who is fit for the title will have the following duties:
    • Implement and improve effective ___ measures in the workplace.
    • Prevent emergencies by making sure the ___ risk control measures meet the specified
    • Make other staff aware of the fire hazards that can occur in the ___.
    ___ employers on how to respond to emergencies.
    • Run fire drills and ___ simulations; with the warden’s guide, employees should be able to
    identify all emergency exit routes from their area.
    • Make sure that all ___ in the workplace are accounted for in an evacuation.
    • Assist all employers and patrons during an emergency, including those who have ___
    needs (i.e. people in wheelchairs or who are physically challenged).
  28. Describe the four [4] specific functions of Workplace Health & Safety Representatives.
    AURASA102 Follow safe working practices in an automotive workplace
    Document Name: Student Written Knowledge Assessment – AURASA102 Created Date: 1st Oct 2020
    Document No: AURASA102 Version No: 2.0 Last Modified Date: 25/08/2022
    Woodstock International College / RTO: 45824 CRICOS: 03999A Page Sequence: Page 11 of 19
  29. What six [6] basic principles can be adopted to prevent an injury when lifting heavy objects?
    Multiple Choice question. Select the correct answer.
  30. At what height should heavy objects be stored?
    A. On the ground.
    B. At waist height.
    C. On the top shelf.
    D. All these answers are correct.
  31. What two [2] steps should be taken before manually lifting and moving objects?
  32. What are WHS/OHS symbols?
    AURASA102 Follow safe working practices in an automotive workplace
    Document Name: Student Written Knowledge Assessment – AURASA102 Created Date: 1st Oct 2020
    Document No: AURASA102 Version No: 2.0 Last Modified Date: 25/08/2022
    Woodstock International College / RTO: 45824 CRICOS: 03999A Page Sequence: Page 12 of 19
  33. Name the following WHS/OHS workplace signs.
    True False question. Select the correct answer.
  34. Inspect your tools for cracks, broken parts, or other dangerous conditions before you use them. Never use
    broken or damaged tools.
    ☐ True or ☐ False
  35. What precautions should be taken when using compressed air?
  36. What safety precautions relate to portable power tools?
    AURASA102 Follow safe working practices in an automotive workplace
    Document Name: Student Written Knowledge Assessment – AURASA102 Created Date: 1st Oct 2020
    Document No: AURASA102 Version No: 2.0 Last Modified Date: 25/08/2022
    Woodstock International College / RTO: 45824 CRICOS: 03999A Page Sequence: Page 13 of 19
  37. Before using a machine, what general check should be carried out?
    Multiple Choice question. Select the correct answer.
  38. Maintenance on faulty electrical tools should be carried out by:
    A. Qualified automotive mechanic.
    B. Anybody.
    C. A qualified automotive electrician.
    D. A qualified electrician.
    True False question. Select the correct answer.
  39. Lockout/tagout is an umbrella term that describes a set of safety practices and procedures that are intended
    to reduce the risk of technicians inadvertently using tools, equipment or materials that have been determined
    to be unsafe or potentially unsafe or that are in the process of being serviced.
    ☐ True or ☐ False
  40. What information should be written on a tagout that is affixed on a clear and unavoidable label to faulty
  41. The hazards of working in or around vehicle service pits can include?
  42. Why are the jacking points of a vehicle important?
    AURASA102 Follow safe working practices in an automotive workplace
    Document Name: Student Written Knowledge Assessment – AURASA102 Created Date: 1st Oct 2020
    Document No: AURASA102 Version No: 2.0 Last Modified Date: 25/08/2022
    Woodstock International College / RTO: 45824 CRICOS: 03999A Page Sequence: Page 14 of 19
  43. Why must jack stands be used?
  44. When raising a vehicle on a hoist, how should it be positioned?
  45. If the vehicle was not position correctly, what situation can this create?
    Multiple Choice question. Select the correct answer.
  46. When using lifting equipment, what does SWL stand for?
    A. Safe weight lift.
    B. Safe working load.
    C. Safe working limit.
    D. Secure working load.
    Fill in the Gaps
  47. There are many hazards that must be observed whist working with a vehicle with a running engine. Select the
    missing word from the following associated hazards.
    Choice of words: coolant, ignition, shocks, moving, fire and exhaust.
    Exhaust gas, engine ___ parts such as fans, belts and pulleys, hot engine ___,
    hot ___ manifolds, electrical ___ from the high voltage ___ system,
    risk of ___ from petrol and LPG leaks.
    True False question. Select the correct answer.
  48. The exhaust manifolds and the other parts of the exhaust system reach high temperatures. To prevent burns,
    the engine and associated parts should be allowed to cool before working on them.
    ☐ True or ☐ False
    AURASA102 Follow safe working practices in an automotive workplace
    Document Name: Student Written Knowledge Assessment – AURASA102 Created Date: 1st Oct 2020
    Document No: AURASA102 Version No: 2.0 Last Modified Date: 25/08/2022
    Woodstock International College / RTO: 45824 CRICOS: 03999A Page Sequence: Page 15 of 19
  49. State the safety precaution that should be observed when working around electronic-type ignition systems?
  50. Rings, necklaces, bracelets and watches should not be worn while working around high current wiring
    systems. Why?
  51. What are the dangers of using electrical equipment in wet conditions?
  52. Why should special care be taken when working with batteries?
  53. Why are petrol spills and leaks dangerous around vehicles?
  54. Workshop carrying out repairs on LPG fitted vehicles require adequate ventilation. Why?
    AURASA102 Follow safe working practices in an automotive workplace
    Document Name: Student Written Knowledge Assessment – AURASA102 Created Date: 1st Oct 2020
    Document No: AURASA102 Version No: 2.0 Last Modified Date: 25/08/2022
    Woodstock International College / RTO: 45824 CRICOS: 03999A Page Sequence: Page 16 of 19
  55. Diesel fuel contains many impurities, including active microscopic organisms that can be highly infectious.
    What should you do if diesel fuel happens to get on an open cut or sore?
    Multiple Choice question. Select the correct answer.
  56. Diesel Injectors can operate at pressures up to________, producing high voltages. Precautions must be taken
    to ensure that the work environment is kept safe.
    A. 3000 bar.
    B. 300 MPa.
    C. 44 000 psi.
    D. All these answers are correct.
    Multiple Choice question. Select the correct answer.
  57. When working on hybrid or electric vehicles, what colour the ‘high voltage cables.
    A. Yellow.
    B. Red.
    C. Orange.
    D. All these answers are correct.
  58. How long must you wait before carrying out repairs to hybrid or electric vehicles after disconnecting the
    batteries or removing the fuse?
  59. Frequent and prolonged contact with used engine oil may cause?
    AURASA102 Follow safe working practices in an automotive workplace
    Document Name: Student Written Knowledge Assessment – AURASA102 Created Date: 1st Oct 2020
    Document No: AURASA102 Version No: 2.0 Last Modified Date: 25/08/2022
    Woodstock International College / RTO: 45824 CRICOS: 03999A Page Sequence: Page 17 of 19
    Multiple Choice question. Select the correct answer.
  60. Brake fluid and coolant can both:
    A. Be interchanged.
    B. Overheat easily.
    C. Damage paintwork.
    D. Become sticky when aged.
    Multiple Choice question. Select the correct answer.
  61. Spilt brake fluid should be removed by:
    A. Washing the area with coolant.
    B. Washing off with a large amount of water.
    C. Wiping quickly with clean rags.
    D. Allowing to dry and peeling away residue.
  62. Why should brake dust not be blown from brake or clutch components?
  63. How should dangerous or hazardous chemical products be stored?
  64. Dangerous or hazardous chemicals should have a label attached to it, and the label should contain what
  65. Cleaning solvents are not as volatile as petrol, but still as flammable. How should they be stored?
    AURASA102 Follow safe working practices in an automotive workplace
    Document Name: Student Written Knowledge Assessment – AURASA102 Created Date: 1st Oct 2020
    Document No: AURASA102 Version No: 2.0 Last Modified Date: 25/08/2022
    Woodstock International College / RTO: 45824 CRICOS: 03999A Page Sequence: Page 18 of 19
  66. What is an SDS?
  67. State four (4) items of important information that can be found on an SDS.
  68. What are the classes of fires?
    Multiple Choice question. Select the correct answer.
  69. What type of extinguisher should be used on an electrical fire?
    A. Foam.
    B. Water.
    C. Dry powder or CO2.
    D. Wet Chemical.
  70. When would a foam-type extinguisher be used?
    Multiple Choice question. Select the correct answer.
  71. P-A-S-S is the ‘password’ for using a fire extinguisher. What does it stand for?
    A. Pull, aim, squeeze and sweep.
    B. Aim, pull, squeeze and sweep.
    C. Squeeze, pull, aim and sweep.
    D. Pull, aim, sweep and squeeze.
    AURASA102 Follow safe working practices in an automotive workplace
    Document Name: Student Written Knowledge Assessment – AURASA102 Created Date: 1st Oct 2020
    Document No: AURASA102 Version No: 2.0 Last Modified Date: 25/08/2022
    Woodstock International College / RTO: 45824 CRICOS: 03999A Page Sequence: Page 19 of 19
  72. What sound do the following safety alarms make?
    Emergency Alert Sound:
    Evacuation Alert Sound:


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