Finance and Management

MSc/PGDip Finance And Accounting Assessment

22 March 2023 10:33 AM | UPDATED 2 years ago

MSc/PGDip Finance And Accounting Assessment:

For solution: +610482078788



MSc/PGDip Finance and Accounting Assessment
MSc/PGDip Finance and Accounting Assessment

Programme Title MSc/PGDip Finance and Accounting
Module Title Governance and Ethics
Module Code 1888
ASSIGNMENT TITLE Corporate Governance principles, enduring drivers of an
organisation’s good practice and enhanced performance
Level Level 7
Weighting 100%
Lecturers James Jinazali
W/C Hand Out Date 13/02/2023
Due Date By 17:00 on 22/05/2023
Feedback Post Date 16/06/2023
Essay/Report Format Formal Report
Assignment Word Count 3500 words
Submission Format e-Submission Choose an option.
You are required to answer all the task which covers all learning outcomes of the module.

Over time, institutional investors have grown in importance and influence. Institutional
ownership of UK public equities has increased steadily in the past decade from about £104,809
billion of market capitalization in 2010 to about £106,418 billion in 2021.
Therefore, taking on the role of capital market analyst, you are required to critically evaluate the
importance of institutional investors and the substantial influence they exert on corporate
governance and firm performance in the UK. [20 marks]

The market for corporate control imposes discipline on managers from outside the firm, but it
may also upset internal arrangements that firms make to address the agency problem. Firms
sometimes adopt anti-takeover provisions that impede the market for corporate control.
corporate governance arrangements between family business and listed company. Therefore,
considering, this background you are required to:
a) Critically assess the corporate governance arrangements in family business and listed
Companies. [15 marks]
b) Relate your critical perspective on the role of Non-Executive Directors for firm’s performance.
[10 marks]

Scott, the operations manager at a small bank is notified by his co-worker Kathy that she has
discovered another check kiter of a few hundred pounds in an account statement. Check kiting
increased when the local economy was bad. Customers took advantage of the bank’s generous
policy of not waiting until deposited checks had cleared before allowing the customers to have
access to the money. A check kiter deposited a bad check from another bank in Scott’s bank.
Then he or she wrote a check from Scott’s bank to cover the check from the other bank, and
so on. In effect, customers were able to withdraw money that they didn’t have and cover it up
with a series of bad checks back and forth between banks.
Kiting wasn’t easy–once it started, it required a steady stream of precisely timed checks–and
it was easy to spot the frequent identical deposits and withdrawals when you looked at the
Scott recognised a familiar name of the bank’s chief financial officer on one of the checks who
was also his wife’s friend. She was also a close friend of Scott’s boss. She was a single mother,
and it didn’t surprise him that she might be having financial difficulties. It was tough when a
friend put you in this situation.
In a situation like this, Scott normally documented the case and gave the information to his
boss. Then Scott closed the account at his bank, called the customer, and notified the other
bank that bad checks were being returned. Whoever caught the kiter first was able to pass the
losses on to someone else. Check kiting was illegal, but when Scott used to call the local police,
they had always told him they weren’t interested. He hadn’t informed them about a check kiter
in over a year. But this case was different. It wasn’t obvious what Scott should do or to whom
he should talk.

MSc/PGDip Finance and Accounting Assessment:

Supported by examples from the world of business using the theories and principles, discuss
the ethical issues raised by this case. In doing so, you should:
a) Critically evaluate some of the global and local pressures on any financial institution to
conduct business in an ethical way. [10 marks]
b) Critically examine the professional ethics that apply in this case. [10 Marks]
c) What ethical theories explain the ethical dilemma that exists in the above case? Critically
consider what factors should be considered concerning the decision-making and what Scott
could do? [15 marks]

MSc/PGDip Finance and Accounting Assessment:

Principal and agent relationships occur when the principal contracts or instructs an agent to
perform a delegated task for another party, the principal. Both parties are assumed to maximize
utility and agents to be extrinsically motivated and opportunistic in the principal and agent
relationship. Since the principal cannot observe the agent’s actions directly, the assumption of
the agent is imperative.
You are required to critically evaluate agency theory in relation to alternative governance
approaches to incentivizing efforts based on the information provided above.
[20 marks]
● Focus on attention to detail, quality of work and overall academic standards.
● For additional guidance on this assignment, please access the assignment vodcast available on Canvas.

In addition, please note that credit will be given for:
● Demonstrating evidence of extensive reading and providing an appropriate balance between breadth
and depth
● Effective use of appropriate Corporate Governance principles
● Critical evaluation of key issues, good use of comparative real examples, effective use of relevant
literature and available empirical evidence to support key arguments.
● For further guidance on this assignment, please access the assignment vodcast available through


MSc/PGDip Finance and Accounting Assessment:

● This assignment will require you to submit your work by uploading a document in Word or PDF format
to Canvas. Please follow this online guide on document submissions and contact the DICE team on
[email protected] if you need any further support.
● Critically evaluate the importance of corporate and professional responsibility and ethical behaviour.
● Demonstrate a theoretical and systematic understanding of ethics, governance and responsible
leadership in relation to private, public and social business environments.
● Critically evaluate the concepts and mechanics that are applied to determine and ensure compliance
with corporate governance and ethical policies.
● Demonstrate the ability to critically evaluate the real-world case-studies and ethical dilemmas which
arise in relation to corporate activity in a dynamic business environment.
● The skills outcomes to be developed by completing this assignment can be found here.

Teamwork and ITS
Should this assignment require you to work as part of a team, you will
receive an individual grade based upon your performance as well as
personalised feedback. The module leader will explain how your individual
grade and feedback will be determined.
Importance of Word Count
and Presentation Timings
Assignment word counts and presentation timings should always be
observed. Ignoring a word count increases significantly the risk of your work
losing marks because it lacked focus and clarity. Students will be required to
state their word count on all submissions. A 10% leeway will be allowed – so
the maximum a student should submit will be the word count + 10%.
The word count will exclude:
o The title page
o The contents page
o Models, graphs, data tables and other exhibited figures or
o Lists of references
o Appendices (these should be kept to a minimum)
In addition, timings must be observed for assessed presentations for the
same reasons.
Cut-off date for late work
Grading criteria
Extenuating Circumstances
UCB Referencing Guide
Access the Assignment Life


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