Information Technology


30 March 2023 11:27 AM | UPDATED 2 years ago


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Success in Higher Education


All information in the SubjectICT713 ADVANCED DATABASE DESIGN Outline is correct at the time of approval. KOI reserves the right to make changes to the Subject Outline if they become necessary. Any changes require the approval of the KOI Academic Board and will be formally advised to those students who may be affected by email and via Moodle.

Information contained within this Subject Outline applies to students enrolled in the trimester as indicated

1.       General Information

1.1   Administrative Details

Associated HE Award(s)DurationLevelSubject Coordinator
Master of Information Technology (MIT) Graduate Diploma of Information Technology (GDIT)1 trimesterPostgraduateDr Divya Leekha [email protected] P: +61 (2) 9283 3583 L: Level 1-2, 17 O’Connell St. Consultation: via Moodle or by appointment.
  1. Core/Elective

This subject is

  • a core subject for the Master of Information Technology (MIT)
  • a core subject for the Graduate Diploma of Information Technology (GDIT)

1.3   Subject Weighting

Indicated below is the weighting of this subject and the total course points.

Subject Credit PointsTotal Course Credit Points
4MIT (64 Credit Points);   GDIT (32 Credit Points);

1.4   Student Workload

Indicated below is the expected student workload per week for this subject

No. Timetabled Hours/Week*No. Personal Study Hours/Week**Total Workload Hours/Week***
3 hours/week plus supplementary online material7 hours/week10 hours/week

*    Total time spent per week at lectures and tutorials

**   Total time students are expected to spend per week in studying, completing ICT713 ADVANCED DATABASE DESIGN assignments, etc.

***  Combination of timetable hours and personal study

  1. Mode of Delivery Face-to-face unless otherwise notified (please Moodle). Note – in T322, KOI is in transition and most classes will be returning to face-to-face delivery. However, there are a range of issues remaining because of COVID-19. For example, some students may have trouble travelling to Australia. Because of this some classes may still be online. This affects whether the final exam for a subject will be open-book or closed-book. After enrolment KOI will be able to make a determination and notification will be provided on Moodle before Week 7.

1.6  Pre-requisites      Nil

  1. General Study and Resource Requirements
  • Students are expected to attend classes with the weekly worksheets and subject support material provided in Moodle. Students should read this material before coming to class to ICT713 ADVANCED DATABASE DESIGN improve their ability to participate in the weekly activities
  • Students will require access to the internet and their KOI email and should have basic skills in word processing software such as MS Word, spreadsheet software such as MS Excel and visual presentation software such as MS PowerPoint
  • Computers and WIFI facilities are extensively available for student use throughout KOI. Students are encouraged to make use of the campus Library for reference materials.

Software resource requirements specific to this subject: MS Imagine, Office 365, SQL Server 2017.

2.       Academic Details

2.1  Overview of the Subject

This subject examines advanced areas of database design, implementation, and management. There is a strong emphasis on functional design and database implementation. Students will create and compare data and database design models with Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERDs) and Extended Entity Relationship Diagrams (EERDs). Strategies for data and database administration (DBA) for managerial, technical, and security roles are highlighted. The subject will also cover advanced topics including databases over the Internet, cloud data services, transaction management, database performance, distributed databases, business intelligence for decision making, big data, and NoSQL.

2.2  Graduate Attributes for Postgraduate Courses

Graduates of Postgraduate courses from King’s Own Institute will achieve the graduate attributes expected from successful completion of a postgraduate degree under the Australian Qualifications Framework (2nd edition, January 2013). Graduates at this level will be able to apply advanced body of knowledge from their major area of study in a range of contexts for professional practice or scholarship and as a pathway for further learning.

King’s Own Institute’s generic graduate attributes for a master’s level degree are summarised below:

 KOI Master’s Degree Graduate AttributesDetailed Description
KnowledgeCurrent, comprehensive and coherent knowledge, including recent developments and applied research methods
Critical ThinkingCritical thinking skills to identify and analyse current theories and developments and emerging trends in professional practice
  CommunicationCommunication and technical skills to analyse and theorise, contribute to professional practice or scholarship, and present ideas to a variety of audiences
  Research and Information LiteracyCognitive and technical skills to access and evaluate information resources, justify research approaches and interpret theoretical propositions
  Creative Problem Solving SkillsCognitive, technical and creative skills to investigate, analyse and synthesise complex information, concepts and theories, solve complex problems and apply established theories to situations in professional practice
  Ethical and Cultural SensitivityAppreciation and accountability for ethical principles, cultural sensitivity and social responsibility, both personally and professionally
      Leadership and StrategyInitiative, leadership skills and ability to work professionally and collaboratively to achieve team objectives across a range of team roles Expertise in strategic thinking, developing and implementing business plans and decision making under uncertainty
  Professional SkillsHigh level personal autonomy, judgement, decision-making and accountability required to begin professional practice

Across the courses, these skills are developed progressively at three levels:

  • Level 1 Foundation – Students learn the skills, theories and techniques of the subject and apply them in stand-alone contexts
  • Level 2 Intermediate – Students further develop skills, theories and techniques of the subject and apply them in more complex contexts, beginning to integrate the application with other subjects.
  • Level 3 Advanced – Students have a demonstrated ability to plan, research and apply the skills, theories and techniques of the subject in complex situations, integrating the subject content with a range of other subject disciplines within the context of the course.

Generally, skills gained from subjects in the Graduate Certificate and Graduate Diploma are at levels 1 and 2 while other subjects in the Master’s degree are at level 3.

2.3  Subject Learning Outcomes

Listed below, are key knowledge and skills students are expected to attain by successfully completing this subject:

Subject Learning OutcomesContribution to Graduate Attributes
a) Model and design databases based on given requirements using ERDs and EERDs       
b) Optimise querying, storing and indexing of databases       
c) Articulate the trade-offs in using distributed databases and data warehousing technologies      
d) Employ emerging trends in the field of database design and development      

2.4  Subject Content and Structure

Below are details of the subject content and how it is structured, including specific topics covered in lectures and tutorials. Reading refers to the text unless otherwise indicated.

Weekly Planner:

Week (beginning)Topic covered in each week’s lectureReading(s)Expected work as listed in Moodle
1 31 Oct  Introduction and data models  Ch.2Review questions on building blocks of data models and business rules. Formative not graded
2 07 NovAdvanced data modelingCh.5 and Appendix MReview questions on Extended Entity Relationship models. Formative not graded
  3 14 Nov    Database design    Ch.9  Review questions on SDLC and DBLC. Formative not graded
4 21 NovTransaction management and concurrency control  Ch.10Review questions on transactions, ACIDS and locks. Formative not graded. Assessment 1 due: Quiz 1
Week (beginning)Topic covered in each week’s lectureReading(s)Expected work as listed in Moodle
5 28 NovDatabase performance tuning  Ch.11Review questions on transactions, ACIDS, and locks. Formative not graded.
  6 05 Dec  Advanced SQL and query optimisation    Chs.8, 11Review questions on constraints, sub-queries, triggers, and sequence. Formative not graded
  7 12 Dec  Distributed database management systems    Ch.12Review questions on remote DBMS, DDBMS, remote and distributed transactions, and requests. Formative not graded Assessment 2 due: Quiz 2
  8 03 Jan (Tue)    Business intelligence and data warehouses    Ch.13  Demo for Database Project. Assessment 3 Part A due
9 09 Jan  Big data and NoSQL    Ch.14Review questions on rules and components of data warehouse. Formative not graded Assessment 3 Part A due
10 16 Jan  Database connectivity and web technologies    Ch. 15Review questions on characteristics of Big data and NoSQL and HDFS. Formative not graded Assessment 3 Part B due
  11 23 Jan  Database administration and security    Ch.16  Review questions on Database security Assessment 3 Part B due
12 30 Jan  Revision  All chapters  Revision
13 06 FebStudy review week and Final Exam Week
14 13 FebExaminations Continuing students – enrolments for T123 openPlease see exam timetable for exam date, time and location
15 20 FebStudent Vacation begins New students – enrolments for T123 open
16 27 FebResults ReleasedReview of Grade Day for T322 – see Sections 2.6 and 3.2 below for relevant information.Certification of Grades
Week (beginning)Topic covered in each week’s lectureReading(s)Expected work as listed in Moodle
 NOTE: More information about the dates will be provided at a later date through Moodle/KOI email.
T123 6 Mar 2023
1 06 MarWeek 1 of classes for T123

2.5  Public Holiday Amendments

Please note: KOI is closed on all scheduled NSW Public Holidays.

T322 has two (2) public holidays that occur during this trimester. Classes scheduled for these public holidays (Calendar Class Dates) will be rescheduled as per the table below.

This applies to ALL subjects taught in T322.

Please see the table below and adjust your class timing as required. Please make sure you have arrangements in place to attend the rescheduled classes if applicable to your T322 enrolment.

Classes will be conducted at the same time and in the same location as your normally scheduled class except these classes will be held on the date shown below.

Calendar Class DateRescheduled Class Date
Monday 02 January 2023 (Week 8) Thursday 26 January 2023 (Week 11)Monday 06 Feb 2023 Tuesday 07 Feb 2023

2.6  Review of Grade, Deferred Exams & Supplementary Exams/Assessments

Review of Grade:

There may be instances when you believe that your final grade in a subject does not accurately reflect your performance against the marking criteria. Section 8 of the Assessment and Assessment Appeals Policy ( describes the grounds on which you may apply for a Review of Grade.

If you have a concern about your marks and you are unable to resolve it with the Academic staff concerned, then you can apply for a formal Review of Grade as explained in section 3.2(e) Appeals Process below. Please note the time limits for requesting a review. Please ensure you read the Review of Grade information before submitting an application.

Review of Grade Day:

Final exam scripts will not normally be returned to students. Students can obtain feedback on their exam performance and their results for the whole subject at the Review of Grade Day. KOI will hold the Review of Grade Day for all subjects studied in T322. The ROG Day will be in week 16, the date will be announced at a later date and the students will be notified through Moodle/KOI email.

Only final exams and whole subject results will be discussed as all other assessments should have been reviewed during the trimester. Further information about Review of Grade Day will be available through Moodle.

If you fail one or more subjects and you wish to consider applying for a Reviewof Grade you are STRONGLY ADVISED to attend the Review of Grade Day. You will have the chance to discuss your final exam and

subject result with your lecturer, and will be advised if you have valid reasons for applying for a Review of Grade (see Section 3.2 below and the Assessment and Assessment Appeals Policy).

A formal request for a review of grade may not be considered unless you first contact the subject coordinator to discuss the result.

Deferred Exams:

If you wish to apply for a deferred exam because you are unable to attend the scheduled exam, you should submit the Assignment Extension / Exam Deferment Form available by contacting [email protected] as soon as possible, but no later than three (3) working days of the assessment due date.

If you miss your mid-trimester or final exam there is no guarantee you will be offered a deferred exam.

You must apply within the stated timeframe and satisfy the conditions for approval to be offered a deferred exam (see Section 8.1 of the Assessment and Assessment Appeals Policy and the Application for Assignment Extension or Deferred Exam Forms). In assessing your request for a deferred exam, KOI will take into account the information you provide, the severity of the event or circumstance, your performance on other items of assessment in the subject, class attendance and your history of previous applications for special consideration.

Deferred mid-trimester exams will be held before the end of week 9. Deferred final exams will be held on two days during week 1 or 2 in the next trimester. You will not normally be granted a deferred exam on the grounds that you mistook the time, date or place of an examination, or that you have made arrangements to be elsewhere at that time; for example, have booked plane tickets.

If you are offered a deferred exam, but do not attend you will be awarded 0 marks for the exam. This may mean it becomes difficult for you to pass the subject. If you apply for a deferred exam within the required time frame and satisfy the conditions you will be advised by email (to your KOI student email address) of the time and date for the deferred exam. Please ensure that you are available to take the exam at this time.

Marks awarded for the deferred exam will be the marks awarded for that item of assessment towards your final mark in the subject.

Supplementary Assessments (Exams and Assessments):

A supplementary assessment may be offered to students to provide a final opportunity to demonstrate successful achievement of the learning outcomes of a subject. Supplementary assessments are only offered at the discretion of the Board of Examiners. In considering whether or not to offer a supplementary assessment, KOI will take into account your performance on all the major assessment items in the subject, your attendance, participation and your history of any previous special considerations.

If you are offered a supplementary assessment, you will be advised by email to your KOI student email address of the time and due date for the supplementary assessment – supplementary exams will normally be held at the same time as deferred final exams during week 1 or week 2 of the next trimester.

You must pass the supplementary assessment to pass the subject. The maximum grade you can achieve in a subject based on a supplementary assessment is a PASS grade.

If you:

  • are offered a supplementary assessment, but fail it;
  • are offered a supplementary exam, but do not attend; or
  • are offered a supplementary assessment but do not submit by the due date; you will receive a FAIL grade for the subject.

Students are also eligible for a supplementary ICT713 ADVANCED DATABASE DESIGN assessment for their final subject in a course where they fail the subject but have successfully completed all other subjects in the course. You must have completed all major assessment tasks for the subject and obtained a passing mark on at least one of the major assessment tasks to be eligible for a supplementary assessment.

If you believe you meet the criteria for a supplementary assessment for the final subject in your course, but have not received an offer, complete the Complaint, Grievance, Appeal Form and send your form to [email protected]. The deadline for applying for supplementary assessment is the Friday of the first week of classes in the next trimester.

2.7  Teaching Methods/Strategies

Briefly described below are the teaching methods/strategies used in this subject:

2.8  Student Assessment

Provided below is a schedule of formal ICT713 ADVANCED DATABASE DESIGN assessment tasks and major examinations for the subject.

  Assessment TypeWhen Assessed  WeightingLearning Outcomes Assessed
Assessment 1: Quiz 1Week 45%a
Assessment 2: Quiz 2Week 710%b
Assessment 3: Part A: Database project- group assessment Part B: Research report – individual assessment    Weeks 8-9   Weeks 10-11    Part A: 35% Part B: 15% Total: 50%      a, b, c, d
Assessment 4: Final examination On-campus: 2 hours + 10 mins reading time Online: 2 hours + 30 mins technology allowance    Final exam period    35%    a, b, c, d

Requirements to Pass the Subject:

To gain a pass or better in this subject, students must gain a minimum of 50% of the total available subject marks.

2.9   Prescribed and Recommended Readings

Prescribed Text:

Coronel, C, & Morris, S 2018. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management. 13th ed., Cengage Learning US, Mason, OH. Available from: ProQuest Ebook Central. [2 June 2020].

Recommended Texts:

ElDahshan, K., Elsayed, E. K. and Mancy, H. (2020) ‘Enhancement Semantic Prediction Big Data Method for COVID-19: Onto-NoSQL’, IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, 47(4), pp. 613–622. Available at: (Accessed: 9 April 2021).

Garba.,2020. A Comparison of NoSQL and Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS), KASU Journal of Mathematical Science

Hwang, K., Dongarra, J., & Fox, G., 2018, Distributed and Cloud Computing: From Parallel Processing to the Internet of Things. 2nd ed., Morgan Kaufmann

Han, S. et al. (2020) ‘A health management system for large vertical mill’, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 16(3), pp. 1–15. doi: 10.1177/1550147720912111.

Li, S. and Yu, H. (2020) ‘Big data and financial information analytics ecosystem: strengthening personal information under legal regulation’, Information Systems & e-Business Management, 18(4), pp. 891–909.

Pallavi.,2020. Secure and efficient multi-tenant database management system for cloud computing environment, International Journal of Information Technology

Sankaran, S & Wedel, TL 2020, ‘Motion Picture Industry Pension Plan: A Database Design Case’, Journal of Information Systems Education, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 124–130, viewed 9 April 2021,


Thomas Neild July 2019, Learning Path: SQL Fundamentals- SQL for Data Analysis and Database Design, Available from: O’Reilly Media, Inc.. [9 April 2021].

Tomić, N. and Todorović, V. (2020) ‘The Influence of Big Data Concept on Future Tendencies in Payment Systems’, Megatrend Review, 17(3), pp. 115–130. doi: 10.5937/MegRev2003115T.

Suggested Periodicals:

Conference/ Journal Articles:

Students are encouraged to read peer reviewed journal articles and conference papers. Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. From one place, you can search across many disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites.

3.      Assessment Details

3.1  Details of Each Assessment Item

The assessments for this subject are described below. The description includes the type of assessment, its purpose, weighting, due date and submission requirements, the topic of the assessment, details of the task and detailed marking criteria, including a marking rubric for essays, reports and presentations.

Supplementary assessment information and assistance can be found in Moodle.

KOI expects students to submit their own work in both ICT713 ADVANCED DATABASE DESIGN assignments and exams, or the work of their group in the case of group assignments. Material in assignments which comes from the work of others must be appropriately acknowledged.

Assessment 1

Assessment type: Quiz – individual assessment

Purpose: This assessment will allow students to demonstrate that they have understood the concepts covered in weeks 1 to 3. This assessment contributes to learning outcome a.

Value: 5%            Due date: Week 4 tutorial

Task details: This task will comprise of Multiple-choice questions drafted from Week 1, Week 2 and Week 3 topics.

Submission requirements details: This task will be conducted during tutorial class of Week 4. Grading Guide Assessment 1:

Criteria Quiz score out of 5UnsatisfactorySatisfactoryEffectiveExcellentExceptional
Fail (0 – 49%)Pass (50 – 64%)Credit (65 – 74%)Distinction (75 – 84%)High Distinction (85 – 100%)

Assessment 2

Assessment type: Quiz – individual assessment

Purpose: This assessment will allow students to demonstrate that they have understood the concepts covered in weeks 4 to 6. This assessment contributes to learning outcome b.

Value: 10%           Due date: Week 7 tutorial

Task details: This task will comprise of Multiple-choice questions drafted from Week 4, Week 5 and Week 6 topics.

Submission requirements details: This task will be conducted during tutorial class of Week 7.

Grading Guide Assessment 2:

Criteria Quiz score out of 10UnsatisfactorySatisfactoryEffectiveExcellentExceptional
Fail (0 – 49%)Pass (50 – 64%)Credit (65 – 74%)Distinction (75 – 84%)High Distinction (85 – 100%)

Assessment 3

Assessment type: Database project – group assessment Purpose:

Part A: This assessment allows students to analyse, design, implement, and manage a database according to a project scenario specification. This assessment part contributes to learning outcomes a and b.

Part B: This assessment requires students to explore emerging database technologies most appropriate for the business given in Assessment 3 Part A, by providing senior level technical solutions. This assessment part contributes to learning outcomes c and d.

Value: 50% (A: Group 35% B: Presentation 15%) Due Date:

Part A Weeks 8- 9 (Submission by Week 8 Sunday midnight, Demonstrations will be conducted in Week 9 tutorial).

Part B Weeks 10-11 (Research report submission by Week 10 Sunday midnight, Presentations will be conducted in Week 11 tutorial.)

Submission requirements details:

Part A: The group will provide a ICT713 ADVANCED DATABASE DESIGN project scenario to the tutor during Workshop 2. Tutor will approve the topic before students proceed further. Group work report is one component, which needs to be submitted by group leader only. The other component is individual contribution log report which needs to be submitted by each student. Both the components need to be submitted by Week 8 Sunday midnight.

Demonstrations will be conducted in Week 9 Workshop class.

Part B: The student will provide any two emerging database technologies on which his/her research will be based on to the tutor during Workshop 8. Tutor will approve the emerging database technologies before students proceed further with his/her research. The research report needs to be submitted by Week 10 Sunday midnight. Presentation will be conducted in Week 11 Workshop class.

Part A: There are two ICT713 ADVANCED DATABASE DESIGN components to this task. Group work implementation and individual contribution. Students will form groups of minimum 3 and maximum 4 students. The group will provide a project scenario and get it approved by the tutor in Week 2 workshop. The group will be required to analyse and determine the requirements for the client’s business needs. The group needs to complete the data-level design for the database that satisfies the following constraints and user view requirements. To complete this data–level design the group is required to answer the following questions: (a) – (h) in their report.

  1. Identify the business rules based on the description of operations given in the approved scenario. Properly written business rules are used to define entities, attributes, relationships, or constraints.
  • Identify the entities given in the operation description. There should be at least 7 entities.
  • Identify the attributes and the primary keys that adequately describe the entities. Construct them as a collection of Tables using Microsoft Access. Indicate primary keys.
  • Develop the structure of your database visually by drawing an entity-relationship (E-R) diagram and EERD for this enterprise.
  • Normalize the tables that may have duplicate records in your database design. Normalization up to 3NF is required.
  • Create Forms in Microsoft Access to populate data in the tables. You need to feed in 5 records in each of the tables.
  • Write any 6 sample Queries using Microsoft Access, out of which 4 of them needs to be based on join.
  • Create Reports using Microsoft Access based on the queries.

Marking Rubric for Assessment 3 Part A: Group contribution                 ;           Value 20%

CriteriaFail (0 – 49%)Pass (50 – 64%)Credit (65 – 74%)Distinction (75 84%)High Distinction (85 100%)
Structure and Format 3 marksVery difficult to read, unclear structure and most of the required sections are missingSome difficulty in reading, not very clear structure but important sections are includedClear and readable, and all required sections are included.Well written and very clear, and all required sections with completed discussion are included.Well written and very clear, all required sections with completed discussion are included and additional sections have been added for clarity.
Introduction 2 marksNo introduction and requirements are given or most of the requirements are irrelevant.Introduction and requirements of the business case are provided with some details and limited cohesion.Introduction and requirements of the business case are provided with most of the required details in cohesive manner.Introduction and requirements of the business case are provided with all the required details in comprehensive and cohesive manner.Introduction and requirements of the business case are provided with all details presented systematically in a comprehensive and cohesive manner.
Database design 10 marksNo logical design is provided, or the design is irrelevantSome of the entities and relations of the ER and EER diagram are converted to normalized relations.Many of the entities and relations of the ER and EER diagram are converted to normalized relations.Nearly all the entities and relations of the ER and EER diagram are converted to normalized relations.All the entities and relations of the ER and EER diagram are converted to normalized relations.
Demonstration 5 marksNo implementation shown during the demo or mostly irrelevant implementation shown and no screenshots are provided in the report.Some of the implementation and management database tasks are completed and shown during the demo and relevant screenshots are provided in the report.Many of the implementation and management database tasks are completed and shown during the demo and relevant screenshots are provided in the report.Nearly all the implementation and management database tasks are completed and shown during the demo and relevant screenshots are provided in the report.All the implementation and management database tasks are completed and shown during the demo and relevant screenshots are provided in the report.
Total Mark out of 20 20%COMMENTS:

Marking Rubric for Assessment 3 Part A: Individual contribution          ;           Value 15%

CriteriaFail (0 49%)Pass (50 – 64%)Credit (65 – 74%)Distinction (75 84%)High Distinction (85 100%)
Attendance at weekly meetings 2 marksAttended less than 50% of the meetingsAttended less than 65% of the meetingsAttended less than 75% of the meetingsAttended less than 85% of the meetingsAttended 85% or more of the meetings
Weekly activity log 2 marksProvided less than 50% of the weekly logs and/or provided scant detailsProvided less than 65% of the weekly logs and/or provided incomplete detailsProvided less than 75% of the weekly logs and/or provided only basic detailsProvided less than 75% of the weekly logs and/or provided most required detailsProvided less than 75% of the weekly logs and/or provided comprehensive details
Time management 2 marksAssigned tasks typically late or not completedMost assigned tasks completed by the deadlineAll assigned tasks completed by the deadlineMost assigned tasks completed well in advance of deadline allowing time for revision and refinementAll assigned tasks completed well in advance of deadline allowing time for revision and refinement
Tasks 2 marksDid not complete the tasks assignedCompleted most assigned tasks but not thorough and lacking detailsCompleted most assigned tasks in detailCompleted all assigned tasks in detailCompleted all tasks assigned at a professional level
Actual contribution to group project 2 marksMade little or no contribution to the project/reportMade a cursory contribution to the project/reportMade a fair contribution to the project/reportMade a significant contribution to the project/reportMade a vital contribution to the project/report
Reflection 5 marksHas not been able to provide any of the following: Discuss your experience of working in a group.Mention any challenges/ difficulties that you have faced in accomplishing the group project.Comment on any limitations/ strength of your design.Comment on whether your database meets all the system requirements as specified.Mention any assumptions made.Has been able to provide just one of the following: Discuss your experience of working in a group.Mention any challenges/ difficulties that you have faced in accomplishing the group project.Comment on any limitations/ strength of your design.Comment on whether your database meets all the system requirements as specified.Mention any assumptions made.Has been able to provide just any two of the following: Discuss your experience of working in a group.Mention any challenges/ difficulties that you have faced in accomplishing the group project.Comment on any limitations/ strength of your design.Comment on whether your database meets all the system requirements as specified.Mention any assumptions made.Has been able to provide only any three of the following: Discuss your experience of working in a group.Mention any challenges/ difficulties that you have faced in accomplishing the group project.Comment on any limitations/ strength of your design.Comment on whether your database meets all the system requirements as specified.Mention any assumptions made.Has been able to provide all the following: Discuss your experience of working in a group.Mention any challenges/ difficulties that you have faced in accomplishing the group project.Comment on any limitations/ strength of your design.Comment on whether your database meets all the system requirements as specified.Mention any assumptions made.
Total Mark out of 15 15%COMMENTS:

Task details: Assessment 3: Part B

This is an individual ICT713 ADVANCED DATABASE DESIGN assessment. Students will research emerging trends in the field of database technologies for the case topic approved in Part A. At least five recent research titles (Journal articles and conference papers) should be reviewed. The advanced algorithms/applications of data management should be selected and discussed. The report will include problems, trade-offs, strengths, weaknesses, and the details of the proposed technical solution according to the requirements of their case study.

Students will provide a written report with at least the following sections:

  • Introduction: background of the case study.
  • Database issues: discuss the details and priorities of the database issues related to the case study.
  • Propose solutions: based on the literature review for both theoretical and practical perspectives, propose solutions to the identified issues
  • Conclusion: provide a complete summary of the report and recommendations

Marking rubric for Assessment 3: Part B

CriteriaFail (0 49%)Pass (50 64%)Credit (65 74%)Distinction (75 84%)High Distinction (85 – 100%)
Structure and format 2 marksVery difficult to read, unclear structure, and most of the required sections are missingSome difficulty in reading, not very clear, but important sections are includedClear and readable, and all required sections are includedWell written and very clear, and all required sections with completed discussion are includedWell written and very clear, all required sections with completed discussion are included, and additional sections have been added for clarity
Introduction 1 markNo introduction and requirements are given or most of the requirements are irrelevantIntroduction and requirements of the business case are provided with some details and limited cohesionIntroduction and requirements of a business case are provided with most of the required details in cohesive mannerIntroduction and requirements of the business case are provided with all of the required details in comprehensive and cohesive mannerIntroduction and requirements of a business case are provided with all details presented systematically in a comprehensive and cohesive manner
Database issues 3 marksNo issues analyzed and discussed, or irrelevant issues givenSome basic issues are identified but not the most critical ones, provides irrelevant supportive argumentsSome critical issues are identified but not all, provides partially supportive argumentsCritical issues are identified, provides supportive argumentsAll critical issues are identified, provides exceptional supportive arguments with additional discussion
Proposed solution   3 marksNo solution provided or completely irrelevant solution given, no support for the position taken in the solution, or the wrong argument is givenSome solution is provided but not the most effective, provides biased/irrelevant support for the position taken in the solutionEffective solution is provided with limited details and ambiguous relevance, provides basic level of support for the position taken in the solutionEffective and relevant solution is provided with required details, provides good level of support for the position taken in the solutionEffective and relevant solution is provided that gives additional insights and theoretical perspectives, provides exceptional level of support for the position taken in the solution
Evidence and depth of research   2 marksInaccurate, inappropriate or no use of literature, analysis not developed, few original explanations providedSound selection of theory from a range of sources to build and adequately justify analysis, paraphrasing used throughout but accompanied by original explanationsInsightful and appropriate selection of theory from a good range of current and relevant sources to systematically build and justify analysis, minimal paraphrasingIntegration and originality in the selection and handling of relevant theory to build and justify analysis, wide range of current and relevant sources integrated in a systematic wayOutstanding Integration and originality in the selections of relevant theory to build and justify analysis, appropriate theory from a broad related range of current and relevant sources to systematically build and justify analysis
Conclusion 1 markNo conclusion or lack of cohesion with the discussion, no or limited recommendations providedConclusion does not link back systematically to most sections, some basic recommendations providedConclusion links back to some sections of the report, some detailed recommendations providedConclusion links back to all sections of the report, detailed recommendations providedConclusion demonstrates a deep understanding of the proposed solution and relates back to all sections of the report, detailed recommendations provided
CriteriaFail (0 49%)Pass (50 64%)Credit (65 74%)Distinction (75 84%)High Distinction (85 – 100%)
Presentation 3 marksNo presentation given or presentation does not summarize the reportPoor summary of the report with limited audience engagementAdequate summary of the report with some audience engagementSuccinct summary of the report with good audience engagementSuccinct summary of the report that fully engages the audience and create a sense of presence, innovative presentation with good audience engagement
Total mark out of 15  

Assessment 4

Assessment Type: Final exam – individual assessment.

Duration: On-campus: 2 hours + 10 mins reading time. Online: 2 hours + 30 mins technology allowance.

Purpose: The purpose of the final examination is to test students’ understanding of the subject’s concepts and their ability to apply these concepts. This assessment contributes specifically to learning outcomes a, b, c and d.

Value: 35%           Due Date: The final exam will be held in the official KOI exam period of the trimester. The specific date and time will be posted towards the end of the trimester

Topic: The examinationICT713 ADVANCED DATABASE DESIGN may cover content from any part of the subject

Task Details: The exam will consist of short answer, extended answer and scenario-based questions derived from topics covered in the lectures and tutorials during the trimester

3.2  General information about assessment

  1. Late Penalties and Extensions

An important part of business life and key to achieving KOI’s graduate outcome of Professional Skills is the ability to manage workloads and meet deadlines. Completing assessment tasks on time is a good way to master these habits.

Students who miss mid-ICT713 ADVANCED DATABASE DESIGN trimester tests and final exams without a valid and accepted reason may not be granted a deferred exam and will be awarded 0 marks for the assessment item. Assessment items which are missed or submitted after the due date/time will attract a penalty unless there is a compelling reason (see below). These penalties are designed to encourage students to develop good time management practices, and to create equity for all students.

Any penalties applied will only be up to the maximum marks available for the specific piece of assessment attracting the penalty.

Late penalties, granting of extensions and deferred exams are based on the following:

In Class Tests and Quizzes (excluding Mid-Trimester Tests)

  • Generally, extensionsICT713 ADVANCED DATABASE DESIGN are not permitted. A make-up test may only be permitted under very special circumstances where acceptable supporting evidence of illness, hardship or unavoidable problems preventing completion of the assessment is provided (see section (b) below). The procedures and timing to apply for a make-up test (only if available) are as shown in the section Applying for an Extension (see below).
  • Missing a class test will result in 0 marks for that assessment item unless the above applies.

Written Assessments and Video Assessments

  • There is a late penalty of 5% of the total available marks per calendar day unless an extension is approved (see Applying for an Extension section below).


  • Generally, extensions are not permitted. Missing a presentation will result in 0 marks for that assessment item. The rules for make-up presentations are the same as for missing in-class tests (described above).

For group presentations, if serious circumstances prevent some members of the group from participating, the members of the group who are present should make their contributions as agreed. If a make-up presentation is approved, the other members of the group will be able to make their individual presentation later and will be marked according to the marking rubric. A videoICT713 ADVANCED DATABASE DESIGN presentation may be used to facilitate the process.

Mid-Trimester Tests and Final Exams

If students are unable to attend mid-trimester tests or final exams due to illness, hardship or some other unavoidable problem (acceptable to KOI), they must:

  • Complete the Assignment Extension / Exam Deferment Form available by contacting [email protected] as soon as possible, but no later than three (3) working days after the exam date.
  • Provide acceptable documentary evidence (see section (b) below).
  • Agree to attend the deferred exam as set by KOI if a deferred exam is approved.

Deferred exam

  • There will only be one deferred exam offered.
  • Marks obtained for the deferred exam will be the marks awarded for that assessment item.
  • If you miss the deferred exam you will be awarded 0 marks for the assessment item. This may mean you are unable to pass the subject.

b)      Applying for an Extension

If students are unable to submit or attend an assessment when due, they must

  • Complete the ICT713 ADVANCED DATABASE DESIGN Assignment Extension / Exam Deferment Form available by contacting [email protected] as soon as possible, but no later than three (3) working days of the assessment due date.
  • Provide acceptable documentary evidence in the form of a medical certificate, police report or some other appropriate evidence of illness or hardship, or a technician’s report on problems with computer or communications technology, or a signed and witnessed statutory declaration explaining the circumstances.
  • Students and lecturers / tutors will be advised of the outcome of the extension request as soon as practicable.

Please remember there is no guarantee of an extension being granted, and poor organisation is not a satisfactory reason to be granted an extension.

c)      Referencing and Plagiarism

Please remember that all sources used in assessment tasks must be suitably referenced.

Failure to acknowledge sources is plagiarism, and as such is a very serious academic issue. Students plagiarising run the risk of severe penalties ranging from a reduction in marks through to 0 marks for a first offence for a single assessment task, to exclusion from KOI in the most serious repeat cases. Exclusion has serious visa implications. The easiest way to avoid plagiarising is to reference all sources.

Harvard referencing is the required method – in-text referencing using Author’s Surname (family name) and year of publication. A Referencing Guide, “Harvard Referencing”, and a Referencing Tutorial can be found on the right-hand menu strip in Moodle on all subject pages.

An effective way to reference correctly is to use Microsoft Word’s referencing function (please note that other versions and programs are likely to be different). To use the referencing function, click on the References Tab in the menu ribbon – students should choose Harvard.

Authorship is also an issue under plagiarism – KOI expects students to submit their own original work in both ICT713 ADVANCED DATABASE DESIGN assessment and exams, or the original work of their group in the case of a group project. All students agree to a statement of authorship when submitting assessments online via Moodle, stating that the work submitted is their own original work.

The following are examples of academic misconduct and can attract severe penalties:

  • Handing in work created by someone else (without acknowledgement), whether copied from another student, written by someone else, or from any published or electronic source, is fraud, and falls under the general Plagiarism guidelines.
  • Copying / cheating in tests and exams is academic misconduct. Such incidents will be treated just as seriously as other forms of plagiarism.
  • Students who willingly allow another student to copy their work in any assessment may be considered to assisting in copying/cheating, and similar penalties may be applied.

Where a subject coordinator considers that a student might have engaged in academic misconduct, KOI may require the student to undertake an additional oral exam as a part of the ICT713 ADVANCED DATABASE DESIGN assessment for the subject, as a way of testing the student’s understanding of their work.

Further information can be found on the KOI website.

d)      Reasonable Adjustment

The Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act (1992) makes it unlawful to treat people with a disability less fairly than people without a disability. In the context of this subject, the principle of Reasonable Adjustment is applied to ensure that participants with a disability haveICT713 ADVANCED DATABASE DESIGN equitable access to all aspects of the learning for the subject. For assessment, this means that barriers to their demonstrating competence are removed wherever it is reasonably practical to do so.

Examples of reasonable adjustment in assessment may include:

  • provision of an oral assessment, rather than a written assessment
  • provision of extra time
  • use of adaptive technology.

The focus of the adjusted ICT713 ADVANCED DATABASE DESIGN assessment should be on enabling the student to demonstrate achievement of the learning outcomes for the subject, rather than on the method of assessment.

e)      Appeals Process

Full details of the KOI Assessment and Assessment Appeals Policy may be obtained in hard copy from the Library, and on the KOI website under Policies and Forms.

Assessments and Mid-Trimester Exams:

Where students are not satisfied with the results of an assessment, including mid-trimester exams, they have the right to appeal. The process is as follows:

  • Discuss the ICT713 ADVANCED DATABASE DESIGN assessment with their tutor or lecturer – students should identify where they feel more marks should have been awarded – students should provide valid reasons based on the marking guide provided for the assessment. Reasons such as “I worked really hard” are not considered valid.
  • If still not satisfied, students should complete an Application for Review of Assessment Marks form, clearly explaining the reasons for seeking a review. This form is available from the KOI website under Policies and Forms and is also available at KOI Reception (Kent St, Market St and O’Connell St). The completed Application for Review of Assessment Marks form should be submitted as explained on the form with supporting evidence attached to [email protected] .
  • The form must be submitted within ten (10) working days of the return of the marked assessment, or within five (5) working days after the return of the assessment if the assessment is returned after the end of the trimester.

Review of Grade – whole of subject and final exams:

Where students are not satisfied ICT713 ADVANCED DATABASE DESIGN with the results of the whole subject or with their final exam results, they have the right to request a Review of Grade – see the Assessment and Assessment Appeals Policy for more information.

An Application for Review of Grade/Assessment Form (available from the KOI Website under Policies and Forms and from KOI Reception at Kent St, Market St and O’Connell St) should be completed clearly explaining the grounds for the application. The completed application shouldICT713 ADVANCED DATABASE DESIGN be submitted as explained on the form, with supporting evidence attached to [email protected] .


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