
SITHCCC042 Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements

24 April 2024 13:35 PM | UPDATED 6 months ago

SITHCCC042 Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements:

SITHCCC042 Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements




Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements

STUDENT NAME:                                                                                     STUDENT ID:                                                                                          SUBMISSION DATE:                                                                              


  1. Penalties exist for plagiarism and academic dishonesty.
  • Make sure you are aware of the requirements set by my Trainer/Assessor.
  • Retained a copy of your Assessment.



This assessment assesses the knowledge evidence requirements of the unit of competency. Learners must answer all questions correctly to be deemed satisfactory in this task.

  • You are required to answer all questions.
  • Read each question carefully. Ensure you have provided all required information in your response.
  • On completion, submit your assessment to your assessor via the LMS.
  • These questions assess your understanding of the techniques and principles that underpin this unit.
  • Should you require ‘reasonable adjustment’ to complete this assessment, discuss the options with your assessor prior to attempting the task. Reasonable adjustment means modifications or changes are made to an assessment to take into account an individual learner’s needs.
  • Your assessor will discuss the conditions of assessment, e.g., open or closed book, time limits for completion, etc., with you prior to attempting this task.
  • To be deemed satisfactory in this task you are required to answer all questions correctly. Your assessor will determine how many attempts are allowed for each question.
  • To complete this assessment, you will require access to the learner resource for this unit, the internet and a computer (if submitting via LMS) or a pen (if submitting hard copy).
  • On completion, submit your assessment to your assessor.

Note: Successful completion of this assessment does not mean you have achieved all requirements of the unit of competency. An overall decision of competence for the unit will not be made until all assessments are completed. Talk to your assessor or trainer to identify additional assessments required.

Q1:      Name four factors that can influence a customer’s food choices.

Q2:      Identify the five food groups from which you can get the ingredients that meet our basic nutritional needs.

The five main food groups that contribute to meeting our basic nutritional needs, as recommended by many dietary guidelines, include:

Q3:      Provide five examples of food sources for the following nutrients.


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  • Vitamin B9 and vitamin D (five each)


Q4: Name two minerals and list their food sources.


Q5:      What types of food are the following fats are found in?

Saturated fats

Unsaturated fats

Q6:      What is the average recommended daily intake of water for adult males and females?

Q7:      What are the five general recommendations of the Australian Dietary Guidelines?

Q8:      Guideline 5 makes recommendations for preparing and storing food safely. What are two recommendations for the storage of food prepared for customers on special diets (e.g., kosher, halal, vegan) or who have allergies?

Q9:      Explain the different dietary requirements of customers following each of these types of diets, for example, ingredients that are included or excluded.

Vegan diet

Lacto vegetarian diet

Ovo vegetarian diet

Lacto-ovo vegetarian diet

Pescatarian diet

Q10: What types of fats or foods should customers on a low-fat diet look for and avoid?

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Q11: Describe two basic characteristics of each of the following types of diets.

High-carbohydrate diet

Low-carbohydrate diet

Q12: What types of meals would a customer following a high-protein diet often look for on a menu?

Q13: Read the descriptions and identify the fad diet it applies to.

Developed by a Japanese philosopher, George Ohsawa, in the 1920s to avoid food containing ‘toxins’ and improve health. This diet encourages locally grown, organic, seasonal food, and is usually vegan. It discourages caffeinated or flavoured beverages, alcohol, the use of microwaves or electric stovetops, and storing or heating food in plastic or Teflon-coated vessels.

This diet prohibits foods that Stone Age people did not have access to: namely grains, legumes, dairy, refined sugar, added salt and processed foods.

A ‘flexible’ vegetarian diet which allows the occasional consumption of animal products. The focus is generally on reducing meat to lower the risk of high cholesterol, obesity, diabetes, stroke and heart disease.

A restrictive diet that prohibits cooking foods and encourages the use of organic fruits, vegetables, legumes, seeds and nuts, and encourages preparation methods such as juicing, soaking, sprouting, blending, dehydrating and fermenting foods, and emphasises freshness, and other methods that maximise the accessibility of enzymes naturally found in food.

A very low-carbohydrate diet (under 50 grams per day) deprives the body of carbohydrates (a quick source of glucose). This shifts the body’s metabolism to create glucose from energy stored in the liver, and when these stores are depleted, the body then breaks down stored fat for energy.

Q14: List three adverse health effects of a diet that has insufficient iron.

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Q15: You’re preparing meals for children at a boarding school. Three of them have diabetes. Describe three ways you help them control their blood glucose levels.

Q16: Which meat is considered acceptable for Muslims to eat, according to Islamic religious guidelines?

Q17: Name two foods that are commonly avoided in Hindu diets.

Q18: Which of the following meals are acceptable for Jews to eat according to strict religious Jewish guidelines? State why each dish is or isn’t kosher.

Bacon and eggs on ciabatta served with smashed avocado

Cheeseburger, oven-baked chips and green salad

Grilled fish, snow peas and mashed potato with butter

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Q19: Define the term ‘food allergy’.

Q20: What is anaphylaxis?

Q21: Define the term ‘food intolerance’.

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Q22: List five foods that contain allergens that a person may be intolerant to or could cause an allergic reaction.

Q23: You are working the breakfast shift in a hotel. A lactose-intolerant guest will be arriving shortly for breakfast. List two appropriate substitutions you could offer the customer for the following ingredients.


  • Milk
  • Cheese

Q24: A customer requests a salad without the salad dressing to reduce their fat intake. What are the reputational consequences of failing to take the customer request seriously?

Q25: You take a reservation for a private function where the customer requests a gluten-free and egg- free birthday cake because they have guests attending that are intolerant to gluten and allergic to eggs. What are the health consequences of failing to take the customer request seriously?

Q26: A customer requests their stir-fry be cooked without sesame oil because they are allergic to it.

What are the legal and reputational consequences of failing to take the customer request seriously?

Q27: You are preparing lasagne. Name three possible ingredients that you could select as a substitute for minced meat for a customer on a vegan or vegetarian diet.

Q28: State one culinary term or trade name including the E number for the following food additives and preservatives that you might find in the ingredients list of packaged processed foods.

Artificial colours

Flavour enhancers



Q29: You are planning a menu that offers gluten-free alternatives. List three gluten-free flour and grains which are naturally gluten-free that you could select as a substitute ingredient.

Q30: You are preparing a menu for an event where the client has requested dairy-free menu options be available. Name three terms to look for when reading the labels to identify milk in food.

Q31: Identify which type of medical diet should be followed when catering for the following types of customers.

Customers with kidney, digestive organ or heart diseases.

Young children and elderly customers who find it easier to chew and digest softer foods, or customers who have digestive health issues and find it easier to break down soft or puréed foods.

Q32: If a packaged food contains an allergen as a main or composite ingredient, or traces of the allergen may be found in the food, an allergen warning must be contained on the label. List all eleven food allergens that require a warning label.

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Q33: Why are food additives and preservatives used?

Q34: Some people are allergic or intolerant to certain additives and preservatives. What can you do to avoid causing an adverse or allergic reaction in a customer who says they’re allergic to MSG?

Q35: Describe three food sources which must be avoided if you are preparing food for a gluten-free diet.

Q36: Name three foods that should be avoided when preparing dishes for a customer on a FODMAP- free diet.

Q37: Your establishment has developed recipes that cater for vegan and vegetarian customers. Do you need to make any changes to ingredients in these recipes when preparing them for vegan and vegetarian customers?

Q38: You and your team are about to start preparing food for a wedding function. The event information you have been given tells you two guests are vegetarian, another has a nut allergy and one has an intolerance to cow’s milk. Who do you share this information with and why?

Q39: You have two similar food products that both claim to be low in fat. How do you use the nutrition information panel to compare the nutritional value of each product?

Q40: You are working in a kitchen that is certified kosher and halal. Describe three mise en place considerations including equipment and cooking techniques that must be in place.

Q41: You modified a menu item to exclude nuts for a customer with a nut allergy. What must you do before the completed dish leaves the kitchen?

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Q42: How can a balance of colour and shape be used to maximise the appearance and presentation of a dish?

Q43: You are evaluating the presentation of this dish before it is served to the customer. What are three checks you would complete that are relevant to this dish? Briefly describe any adjustments you would make to its presentation.

Q44: You have preprepared antipasto platters for a function. How, where and at what temperature should you store them until they are to be served?

Q45: There are often off-cuts, peelings, stems and other items left over from preparation tasks. What can you do with these to minimise waste and maximise profitability of food items prepared?

Q46: What types of cleaning tasks are completed at the end of a shift?



You are required to do the following.

  • Complete the practical tasks as instructed by your assessor. Your assessor will discuss the tasks to be completed in each observation prior to commencing the assessment.
  • You may be required to perform some tasks multiple times to meet the requirements of the unit of competency.
  • Prior to commencing the assessment, discuss and confirm with your assessor the recipes you must modify and prepare, and the special dietary requirements you must account for.


You must complete the following assessment tasks.

  • Modify standard recipes to prepare six different dishes that cater to customers with special dietary requirements, including three different food allergies and three different food intolerances.
  • When preparing the dishes, exclude or substitute ingredients to meet dietary requirements while maintaining the nutritional value and integrity of the dish.
  • Prepare, plate and present two portions of each of the above six dishes and communicate any dietary requirements and recipe modifications to the team.


Your assessor will do the following.

  • Provide you with an observation checklist that lists the skills/tasks they will observe you performing when completing specific tasks. Please familiarise yourself with the observable skills outlined in the task’s Observation report prior to starting an observable task.
  • Contextualise observations to suit your workplace or training environment.
  • Observe you in an operational (live or simulated) environment using a range of skills/tasks.
  • Ask you questions relating to specific tasks you are demonstrating to ensure you have the required knowledge.
  • Provide access to industry current equipment, technology and software, and legislative and regulatory resources and documentation as specified in the assessment conditions.
  • Use the checklist to observe you using a range of skills/tasks.
  • Record comments and feedback based on their observation of your performance.
  • Ensure that you can consistently perform all tasks multiple times (or where not specified, at least once) satisfactorily.
  • When necessary, complete an additional checklist as a record of the skills and techniques you are required to perform to achieve a satisfactory outcome in this assessment.
  • Your assessor may upload a photo of you holding the completed dishes as supporting evidence of the completed task and to verify authenticity.
  • Decide when you are competent at all tasks.
  • Record the results of your practical demonstration tasks and provide you with feedback.

Note: Successful completion of this assessment does not mean you have achieved all requirements of the unit of competency. An overall decision of competence for the unit will not be made until all assessments are completed. Talk to your assessor or refer to the unit information on your learning platform to identify additional assessments required.



  • To complete this assessment, you will require access to the learner resource for this unit, the internet and a computer (if submitting via LMS) or a pen (if submitting hard copy).
    • You are required to answer all questions and complete all tasks.
    • Read each task and question carefully. Ensure you have provided all required information in your responses.
    • Should you require ‘reasonable adjustment’ to complete this assessment, discuss the options with your assessor prior to attempting the task. Reasonable adjustment means modifications or changes are made to an assessment to take into account an individual learner’s needs.
    • Your assessor will discuss the conditions of assessment, e.g., open or closed book, time limits for completion, etc., with you prior to attempting this task.
    • To be deemed satisfactory in this assessment, you must complete all tasks correctly. Your assessor will determine how many attempts you are allowed for each task/question.
    • On completion, submit your assessment to your assessor according to your training environment’s assessment submission procedures. Make sure you follow all steps in the submission process when submitting assessments to the learning platform.

Note: Successful completion of this assessment does not mean you have achieved all requirements of the unit of competency. An overall decision of competence for the unit will not be made until all assessments are completed. Talk to your assessor or refer to the unit information on your learning platform to identify additional assessments required.

Assessment guide

This assessment requires the learner to access recipes and plan menus for customers with special dietary requirements.

You are required to complete the following assessment activities.

  • Complete Tasks 1, 2, 3, and 4
    • Answer all the questions.
    • Prepare menus to meet different dietary requirements.
    • Read the recipes and answer the questions.

You should base your responses on the information provided in the project. Responses could reflect skills and knowledge discussed in your learning environment, learner resources and reflect relevant legislative requirements.

You may base your responses on your organisation’s policies and procedures, normal work practices and any legislative requirements, if discussed with and approved by your assessor prior to commencing this assessment.

Task 1: Question and answer

  • Choose one recipe from your workplace or training environment’s menu. Confirm your selected recipe with your assessor prior to commencing this task. Alternatively, your assessor will provide you with a recipe.
  • Your assessor will nominate which customer you are preparing the dish for.
  • Customer 1 is an athlete and is on a high-energy, high-kilojoule, high-protein diet. They have a mild intolerance to lactose and are allergic to all types of tree nuts.
  • Customer 2 is an elderly person who has had bowel cancer. They are a lacto-ovo vegetarian Hindu. Since recovering from bowel cancer, the customer has difficulty digesting high-fibre foods and eating hard-textured foods such as nuts and firm raw vegetables.
  • Answer all the questions.

Q1:      What would be the consequences if you ignored the special dietary requirements of the customer?

Q2:      List the names of all ingredients in your selected recipe. You don’t need to provide the method of preparation.

Q3:      What ingredients in your recipe meet the customer’s dietary requirements? List all relevant ingredients.

Q4:      What ingredients don’t meet the customer’s dietary requirements? List all relevant ingredients.

Q5:      Modify your recipe to meet your customer’s dietary requirements. Rewrite your modified recipe.

Indicate all ingredients you have used to substitute for excluded items.

Q6:      What preparation and cooking techniques are used to ensure optimum nutritional value? How do these techniques retain nutritional value?

Q7:      Can the texture of this recipe be modified to meet dietary requirements of people who may have difficulty chewing or swallowing? Explain why the recipe is suitable.

Task 2: Modify recipes to meet dietary requirements

  • Modify the menu item to meet dietary requirements.
    • Answer all the questions.

SPICED INDIAN CHICKEN                                                                                   YIELD: 4 PORTIONS

Ingredients           Quantity

Chicken legs (thighs and drums)                                    4

Saffron threads                                                                            1/2 g

Boiling water                                                                                20 ml

Fresh ginger, finely chopped                                                   15 g

Garlic, peeled                                                                            2 cloves

Onion, diced                                                                1

Potato, peeled, diced                                                                500 g

Lemon juice                                                                                  15 ml

Salt                                                                                                      5 g

Yoghurt, plain                                                                               200 g

Ghee or clarified butter                                                           10 ml

Mango, sliced                                                                               150 g

White rice                                                                                      500 g

Herbs and spices (cumin seeds, coriander seeds, chilli powder, paprika, garam masala) (quantities not required for this task)

Q1:      How can you modify this recipe for a customer who is on a low-fat, low-salt diet? List which ingredients you would remove and what you would replace them with.

Q2:      What are the five Australian dietary guidelines developed by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)?

Q3:      Complete the table. List the five different food groups listed in the guidelines. List key nutrients provided by each food group that help meet basic nutritional needs. Match the ingredients from the recipe against their correct food group.

Food groupNutrientsRecipe ingredients

Q4:      Does the recipe include any ingredients that could affect customers with an allergy or intolerance to the following foods? List the ingredients and the allergy or intolerance they relate to.

  • Eggs
    • Seafood
    • Gluten
    • Lactose
    • Nuts and nut oils
    • Artificial preservatives, food colourings or flavour enhancers (e.g., MSG)
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Task 3: Modify recipes to meet the needs of customers with food allergies and intolerances

  • Refer to the six standard recipes provided in Task 3_Standard recipes when responding to the questions.
  • Modify the six standard recipes to meet the dietary requirements of customers with food allergies and intolerances.
  • Answer all the questions.


Recipe 1 Steamed sultana pudding 
Yield: 6 portions
Butter100 g
Caster sugar100 g
Eggs (beaten)2
Plain flour150 g
Baking powder10 g
Milk5 ml
Sultanas (washed)80 g
  1. Using a mixing spoon, cream the butter and the sugar together in a bowl until fluffy and almost white.
  2. Gradually add the beaten eggs, mixing vigorously.
  3. Sieve the flour and baking powder together twice to ensure even distribution.
  4. Gradually incorporate the flour into the mixture as lightly as possible, and then add the milk and sultanas.
  5. Place the mixture evenly into individual greased pudding moulds.
  6. Cover securely with greased greaseproof paper and put on a perforated steaming tray.
  7. Steam for 30 to 45 minutes in an atmospheric steamer.
  8. Turn out of the moulds and serve with cream or custard sauce.
Yield: 5 portions 
Butter80 g
Onion, finely chopped100 g
Italian round arborio rice400 g
Light vegetable stock, boiling1.2 L
Grated parmesan75 g
  1. Sauté the onion in one-third of the butter in a suitable pan.
    1. Add the rice and stir until each grain is coated with butter and it starts to look glassy.
    1. Pour in the boiling stock, stir and cover to cook on low heat for about 15 minutes.
    1. Remove from the heat. If the rice is not cooked, add a little more stock and stir over heat until the liquid is absorbed and the rice is al dente.
    1. Add the remainder of the butter and the cheese and stir through the mixture.
    1. Serve as an entrée with a garnish if desired.

Grilled cheese sandwiches

Yield: 2 portions

Ingredients                                                         Quantity

Slices of bread                                                              4

Spinach leaves                                                                             200 g

Cheddar cheese, shredded                                                      60 g

Garlic cloves, minced                                                    2

Butter                                                                                              1 tbs

Olive oil                                                                                           1 tsp

Salt and pepper                                                                        to taste


  1. Heat the olive oil in a pan over the stove.
  2. Add the garlic and sauté for about 40 seconds.
  3. Add the spinach leaves, salt and pepper and sauté until the leaves are just wilted. Remove the pan from the stove.
  4. Spread the butter on one side of each slice of bread.
  5. Heat a pan over the stove. Once hot, place the slice of bread on the pan, with the side with the butter facing down.
  6. Spread some shredded cheese, spinach leaves and salt and pepper on the slice of bread.
  7. Place the second slice of bread on top of the filling, with the side with butter facing up.
  8. Press down firmly using a spatula and cook until the bottom slice of bread has browned and the cheese melts.
  9. Gently flip over and cook until the second slice of bread browns.
  10. Repeat steps 4-9 for the second sandwich.
  11. Cut each sandwich into halves and serve warm.

Praline ice cream

Yield: 2 L

Ingredients                                                         Quantity

Water                                                                                              15 ml

Caster sugar (1)                                                                            50 g

Almonds, toasted                                                                        30 g

Hazelnuts, toasted                                                                      20 g

Almond oil                                                                                 few drops

Milk                                                                                                     1 L

Vanilla essence                                                                       few drops

Caster sugar (2)                                                                           300 g

Egg yolks                                                                     10

Thickened cream                                                                       350 ml


  1. Make the praline by boiling the water and sugar (1) in a pan until it becomes a light caramel colour. Add the toasted nuts, mix well and then pour the mixture onto a marble slab lightly oiled with almond oil.
    1. Allow the praline to become cold and then break it into pieces with the back of a cook’s knife. Place the broken pieces into a food processor and blend to a fine granular texture. Set aside until required.
    1. Pour the milk and vanilla essence into a pan and bring to the boil.
    1. Whisk the sugar (2) and egg yolks together in a bowl. Add the boiling milk a little at a time, whisking continuously. Return the mixture to the pan and cook gently, stirring with a wooden spoon until the mixture thickens enough to coat the back of a spoon. Take care not to overheat, as the mixture will curdle.
    1. Pass the custard through a fine strainer into a bowl and continue to stir until the mixture cools down.
    1. Pour the custard into the container of an ice cream machine and commence churning and freezing. When the custard is cold to the touch, add the cream and praline. Continue to churn and freeze until the ice cream reaches a thick, frozen consistency.
    1. Remove the ice cream from the machine into a suitable container, cover with plastic wrap or a tight-fitting lid and store in the freezer until required.
Chocolate mousse 
Yield: 5 portions
Dark chocolate200 g
Sugar60 g
Water40 ml
Vanilla pod/bean1/2
Egg yolks, beaten4
Leaf gelatine8 g
Thickened cream, lightly whipped450 ml
  1. Melt and temper the couverture in a bowl over hot water.
  2. Place the sugar, water and vanilla into a pan. Bring to the boil to dissolve the sugar and allow the vanilla flavour to infuse the syrup. Strain and allow the syrup to cool.
  3. Add the egg yolks to the cooled sugar syrup and heat slowly to 85 °C while stirring. Use a sugar thermometer or probe for this.
  4. Pour the mixture into a mixing bowl and whip until fluffy and white.
  5. Soak the gelatine in cold water until soft. Drain away excess water. Place it in a bowl above boiling water until totally dissolved. Add the dissolved gelatine to the fluffy syrup and egg yolk mixture.
  6. Mix approximately 20% of the whipped cream with the melted chocolate. Stir into the egg yolk sabayon.
  7. Gently fold in the remaining cream.
  8. Use to fill éclairs, cream puffs, profiteroles, cakes, etc. Alternatively, pour or pipe the mousse into suitable glasses or chocolate cups and refrigerate until set. Decorate the mousses with whipped cream and grated chocolate and serve.

Yoghurt rice

Yield: 4 entrée portions

Ingredients                                                       Quantity

Basmati rice                                                                                  300 g

Salt                                                                                                    1 tsp

Thick plain yoghurt                                                                    2 tbsp

Olive oil                                                                                         140 ml

Saffron threads                                                                            ¼ tsp

Hot water                                                                                      2 tbsp

Cold water                                                                                   310 ml


  1. Soak the rice in cold water for 30 minutes. After that time, drain and rinse under cold running water until the water runs clear.
    1. In a large saucepan bring 1 litre of salted water to the boil, add the rice and cook, stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes.
    1. Once cooked, drain the rice in a colander, rinsing with lukewarm water.
    1. Soak the saffron threads in 2 tablespoons of hot water. In a bowl, combine ½ tablespoon of the soaked saffron water, 60 ml of water, 60 ml of oil and 2 tbsp yoghurt.
    1. Add ½ cup of rice to the yoghurt mixture, stir and spread in the base of a large saucepan. Gently place the remaining rice on top to form a pyramid. Cover the saucepan with a lid, cooking over medium heat for 10 minutes.
    1. Combine the remaining soaked saffron water, 80 ml of oil and 250 ml of cold water, then pour over the rice. Cover the saucepan with a tea towel, placing the lid on top. Reduce the heat to low, cook for 50 minutes without removing the lid or stirring (be careful to ensure the tea towel is not positioned near the flame). Stand for 10 minutes.
    1. Serve with a meat or vegetable component as an entrée.

Q1:      What modifications would you make to the standard recipes to cater for a customer with a dairy allergy or intolerance?

  1. Recipe 1
  • Recipe 2
  • Recipe 3
  • Recipe 4
  • Recipe 5
  • Recipe 6

Q2:      What modifications would you make to the standard recipes to cater for a customer with gluten intolerance or coeliac disease?

  1. Recipe 1
  • Recipe 2
  • Recipe 4
  • Recipe 5
  • Recipe 6

Q3:      What modifications would you make to the standard recipes to cater for a customer with FODMAP intolerance?

  1. Recipe 1
  • Recipe 2
  • Recipe 3
  • Recipe 4
  • Recipe 5
  • Recipe 6

Q4:      What modifications would you make to the standard recipes to cater for a customer with an egg allergy?

  1. Recipe 1
  • Recipe 2
  • Recipe 3
  • Recipe 4
  • Recipe 5
  • Recipe 6

Task 4: Identify ingredients from packaging

  • Read the packaging information.
  • Identify ingredients that could cause health consequences using the information provided.
  • Answer all the questions.

You work in the cafeteria of a manufacturer. Many of the items on your menu are purchased pre- prepared and reheated on the premises. One example is spaghetti bolognaise. The packaging provides the following information.

Nutritional information
  Servings per package – 10  Average quantityAverage % of recommended daily intake  Average
Serving size 400 gPer servingIntakePer 100 g
Energy1840 kJ (440 cal)21.1%460 kJ (110 cal)
Protein18.8 g37.6%4.7 g
Fat, total14.4 g20.6%3.6 g
– saturated5.6 g23.3%1.4 g
Carbohydrate56.0 g18.1%14.0 g
– sugar10.0 g11.1%2.5 g
Sodium1080 mg47%270 mg

** Percentage daily intakes are based on an average adult diet of 8700 kJ. Your daily intakes may be higher or lower depending on your energy needs.


Bolognese sauce (59%), water, beef (10%), tomatoes (9%), tomato juice, tomato paste, onions, carrots, red wine (2%), egg, milk, thickener (1422), flavours (salt, sugar, spice, herbs, natural flavours (wheat), milk solids, natural colour (caramel), canola oil, garlic, salt), cooked spaghetti (39%), water, wheat flour, thickener (405), natural colour (carotene), traces of egg, parmesan cheese (2%).

Contains gluten-containing cereals, egg and milk.

Made in a facility that also processes products with crustacea, fish, tree nuts, sesame, peanuts, soy and sulphites.

Q1:      Identify and list any ingredients (including additives and preservatives) in the ingredients label of the packaged food which may cause health consequences due to common food allergies or intolerances.

Q2:      List at least three types of medical, religious or lifestyle diets that this dish is not suitable for.

Q3:      Based on the nutritional and ingredient information provided, is this dish suitable for the following diets? Briefly explain why/why not.

Low salt

Low carbohydrate

High protein


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