
SITHKOP004 Develop Menus For Dietary

30 March 2023 05:25 AM | UPDATED 2 years ago

SITHKOP004 Develop Menus For Dietary :

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SITHKOP004  Develop menus for  dietary requirements
SITHKOP004 Develop menus for dietary requirements


Unit description: This unit cover 2 unit cluster where by skills and knowledge required to prepare dishes for people who have special dietary needs for health, lifestyle or cultural reasons. It requires the ability to confirm the dietary requirements of customers, use special recipes, select special ingredients and produce food to satisfy special requirements
ClusterPreparation 1
Unit of CompetencySITHKOP004: Develop menus for special dietary requirements
Qualification TitleSIT40516– Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Assessment ToolProject
Student must fill this section:
Candidate Name: 
Candidate ID: 
Privacy Release Clause:“I give my permission for my assessment material to be used in the auditing, assessment validation & moderation Process”
Plagiarism and Collusion:“I acknowledge that entire assessment work is done by me”
Student signature:    _________________                  Date: _____________  
Feedback to student:
Assessment Completion Status
AttemptSatisfactoryNon-SatisfactoryDateAssessor’s Signature
  Initial attempt    
  2nd attempt/Re-assessment    
Academic Appeal procedures & Re-assessment: If a student at Canterbury Business College is not happy with his/ her results, the student may appeal against their result via a written request, clearly stating the grounds of appeal to the SSM. This should be submitted after completion of the subject and within 14 days of commencement of the new term. If the student is dissatisfied with their results, he/she has a right to appeal.The notice of appeal should be in writing addressed to the SSM / PRINCIPAL and submitted within seven days of notification of the assessment results. If the appeal is not lodged in the specified time, the result will stand as marked. In the event of an emergency, such as in cases of serious illness or injury, the student must forward a medical certificate in support of a deferred appeal. The notice of appeal must be made within three working days of the concluding date shown on the medical certificate.   Procedures for academic appeals & complaints   CBC motivates students to express any concern they may have about assessments / study-related issues if necessary. Students need to follow CBC’s defined procedures, while addressing their assessment / study-related concern or wishing to make a complaint.   The student is expected to first contact their subject trainer to address their work/study-related concern. If the student is not satisfied with the trainer’s response or has difficulty discussing matters with the trainer, they have the right to escalate the matter and discuss with the Student Service Manager to seek resolution.Every student has an opportunity to formally present their case with the Student Service Manager / Principal. The student is welcome to bring a support person if they wish.If the resolution reached is not to the satisfaction of the student, the student has a further right of appeal, which has to be done in writing, “complaint/appeal form” to the Student Service Manager.The student needs to include all relevant information within their documented complaint.The student may submit the documented complaint in writing by letter, email or in person.The Student Service Manager will respond to the complaint in writing about the appeal outcome including the reasons for the decision within 10 working days from the date of submission. The decision will be reviewed by the Principal / SSM prior to informing the student.If the complainant is not satisfied with the solution provided, or if you want to complain or appeal this decision, you can contact the Overseas Students Ombudsman. The Overseas Students Ombudsman is free and independent. Find out more at or phone 1300 362 072.   Assessments resit policy   All students will be offered an opportunity to resit/resubmit a failed exam/assessment only once. If the student still does-not succeed after the re-submission the student has to pay $150 reassessment fee for every subsequent attempt. Students do not qualify for an automatic re-sit: If they are absent on the assessment due date without prior approval from the trainer / Principal; andDo not meet the minimum attendance requirement. CBC will inform the student of re-submissions / resit dates. CBC will consider a student’s request for late-submission / extension on a case-by-case, provided that the evidence submitted by the student is valid.   Resit/Re-assessment Procedure: An appeal in writing is made to the Principal / SSM providing reasons for re-assessment /appeal.Principal / SSM will review the assessment in consultation with the trainer.The student will be advised of the review result.If the student is still not satisfied and further challenges the decision, then a review panel is formed comprising the lecturer/trainer in charge, the Principal or SSM OR if need be an external assessor.CBC will advise the student of the appeal decision within 14 days from the submission date of the appeal. The decision of the panel will be final.If the student is still not satisfied with the result, he / she has the right to seek independent advice or follow external mediation option with CBC’s nominated mediation agency.Any student who fails a compulsory subject or appeals unsuccessfully will be required to re-enrol in that subject. The cost of external assessor will be borne by the CBC. The external assessor will base his/her judgement based on principles of assessment. These principles require assessment to be reliable, fair, practical and valid. For further information please refer to Student Handbook.     “I acknowledge that I have understood all the above rules and guidelines for the assessment             Full Name   Signature   Date (dd/mm/yyyy)  


Instructions to Learner

Assessment instructions


Prior to commencing the SITHKOP004 Develop menus for dietary requirements assessments, your trainer/assessor will explain each SITHKOP004 Develop menus for dietary requirements assessment task and the terms and conditions relating to the submission of your assessment task. Please consult with your trainer/assessor if you are unsure of any questions. It is important that you understand and adhere to the terms and conditions, and address fully each assessment task. If any SITHKOP004 Develop menus for dietary requirements assessment task is not fully addressed, then your SITHKOP004 Develop menus for dietary requirements assessment task will be returned to you for resubmission. Your trainer/assessor will remain available to support you throughout the assessment process.

Written work

SITHKOP004 Develop menus for dietary requirements

Assessment tasks are used to measure your understanding and underpinning skills and knowledge of the overall unit of competency. When undertaking any written SITHKOP004 Develop menus for dietary requirements assessment tasks, please ensure that you address the following criteria:

  • Read the instructions for each question very carefully.
  • Be sure to PRINT your FULL name & LAST name in every place that is provided.
  • Short questions must be answered in the spaces provided.
  • For those activities requesting extra evidence such as: research reports, ESSAY reports, recipe cards, workflow plans etc, the student must attach its own work formatted in double space, Arial 12 pts.
  • All activities must be addressed correctly in order to obtain a competence for the unit of competency.
  • If the candidate doesn’t understand the assessment, they can request help from the assessor to interpret the assessment.
  • Candidates with special learning needs should notify their trainer/assessor so measures can be implemented to address those needs.

Active participation

It is a condition of enrolment that you actively participate in your studies. Active participation is completing all the assessment tasks on time.


All work is to be entirely of the candidate. Plagiarism is taking and using someone else’s thoughts, writings or inventions and representing them as your own. Plagiarism is a serious act and may result in a learner’s exclusion from a course. When you have any doubts about including the work of other authors in your assessment, please consult your trainer/assessor who is reading SITHKOP004 Develop menus for dietary requirements .

Competency outcome

There are two outcomes of assessments: S = Satisfactory and NS = Not Satisfactory (requires more training and experience).

Once the learner has satisfactorily completed all the tasks for this module the learner will be awarded “Competent” (C) or “Not yet Competent” (NYC) for the relevant unit of competency.

If you are deemed “Not Yet Competent” you will be provided with feedback from your assessor and will be given another chance to resubmit your assessment task(s). 


Your Tasks:

The project for assessment 2 consists of 3 parts – Part A, Part B and Part C.

  • Part A requires the planning and calculation of 6 different menus including 1 cyclic menu or meal plan
  • Part B requires the evaluation of each menu using at least 2 different evaluation methods overall.
  • Part C requires the amendment of at least 1 menu based on feedback and 1 menu to meet cost factors.

You are required to complete each task for this assessment as outlined below in the specific task instructions.

The following formulas are relevant for this assessment:

Support Info
Food cost Percentage: Food Cost : Sales Price x 100 = Food Cost Percentage %
Individual Menu Item (Variable %): Portion Cost : Priced Menu Item x 100= Food Cost %
Setting the Selling Price: Portion Cost : Targeted Food Cost Percentage x 100 = Selling Price
  • Develop and cost 6 menus or meal plans for the selections you make from the list in the table below as indicated.
  • Each menu needs to be evaluated. You must choose 2 different evaluation methods overall from the list in the table below.
Menu to be developedMenu type (all required overall)Evaluation of each menu (use at least 2 methods overall)
Menu 1: Gluten free 3 course Menu Recipe Source: Futura Group, e-coach recipes SITHKOP004 Other: No. of serves:  Special diets that are part of contemporary Australian society:   Select 2 from this group    fat-free  fluids  food preferences  food restrictions  gluten-free  high or low carbohydrate  high or low energy  high or low protein  high fibre  lacto ovo  low cholesterol/fat  low kilojoule  low sugar  modified sodium or potassium  modified texture  nutritional requirements  yeast-free flour  non-sugar sweeteners/sugar free  type one and two diabetes         Main types and culinary characteristics of cultural or religious diets that are part of contemporary Australian society:   Select 2 from this group    Halal  Hindu  Kosher  Vegan  Vegetarian     Main types of customer groups that have special dietary requirements:   Select 2 from this group    adolescents  athletes- cyclic Menu (Monday –Friday)  children  defence forces  elderly / health care  ill or injured  infants  international tourists  nutritional and energy requirements due to physical condition  people in areas affected by disaster or environmental extremes  people from different socioeconomic groups  people in remote areas those with weight problems: underweightoverweight obese           customer satisfaction discussions  customer surveys  improvements suggested by: customers managers peers staff supervisors suppliers  regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions  seeking staff suggestions for menu items  Satisfaction discussions with Health professionals
Menu 2: Type one and two diabetes 3 course Menu   Recipe Source: Futura Group, e-coach recipes SITHKOP004 Other: No. of serves:   customer satisfaction discussions  customer surveys  improvements suggested by: customers managers peers staff supervisors suppliers  regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions  seeking staff suggestions for menu items  Satisfaction discussions with Health professionals
Menu 3: Vegan/Vegetarian 3 course Menu   Recipe Source: Futura Group, e-coach recipes SITHKOP004 Other: No. of serves:   customer satisfaction discussions  customer surveys  improvements suggested by: customers managers peers staff supervisors suppliers  regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions  seeking staff suggestions for menu items  Satisfaction discussions with Health professionals
Menu 4: Kosher/Halal 3 course Menu   Recipe Source: Futura Group, e-coach recipes SITHKOP004 Other: No. of serves:   customer satisfaction discussions  customer surveys  improvements suggested by: customers managers peers staff supervisors suppliers  regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions  seeking staff suggestions for menu items  Satisfaction discussions with Health professionals
Menu 5: Elderly/Health Care 3 Course Meal Recipe Source: Futura Group, e-coach recipes SITHKOP004 Other: No. of serves:   customer satisfaction discussions  customer surveys  improvements suggested by: customers managers peers staff supervisors suppliers  regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions  seeking staff suggestions for menu items  Satisfaction discussions with Health professionals
Menu 6: Cyclical Menu Athletes/Sports (3 course Meal) Recipe Source: Futura Group, e-coach recipes SITHKOP004 Other: No. of serves:     customer satisfaction discussions  customer surveys  improvements suggested by: customers managers peers staff supervisors suppliers  regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions  seeking staff suggestions for menu items  Satisfaction discussions with Health professionals
 customer satisfaction discussions  customer surveys  improvements suggested by: customers managers peers staff supervisors suppliers  regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions  seeking staff suggestions for menu items  Satisfaction discussions with Health professionals

Part A

You are required to plan, write and cost your menus for customer groups that have special dietary requirements, covering the following –

  1. Prepared menus must include a minimum of 2-3-courses each as instructed in template
    1. Each menu type must provide nutritionally balanced meal options
    1. The Portion size for each dish must be considered that there are 2-3 courses in a menu and portion size therefore needs to reflect this
    1. Cyclic menu for the week or meal plan should consist of 3-course menu with a vegetarian option for each day.
    1. Use the provided Excel sheet (provided), list the ingredients, and calculate one dish from each menus and show the cost per serve
    1. – Total 8 menus to be costed (6 from draft menus +2 revised menus based on the changes made post feedback)
      1. Gluten free – 3 course Menu
      1. Type one and two diabetes
      1. Vegan/Vegetarian – 3 course Menu
      1. Elderly/Health Care – 2 Course Menu
      1. Kosher/Halal
      1. Cyclical Menu for Athletes

Please ensure costing of Menus must be from the list of Menus item written

  • Attach your yield calculations for any 1 menu (if you use vegetables or meat, then the calculations must show the net price based on net yields) – Yield test template (provided) can be used.
Menu 1 – Gluten free
Dietary requirement 
1st Course 
2nd Course 
3rd Course 
Menu 2 – Type one and two diabetes
Dietary requirement 
1st Course 
2nd Course 
3rd Course 
Menu 3 – Vegan/Vegetarian
Dietary requirement 
1st Course 
2nd Course 
3rd Course 
Menu 4 – Kosher/Halal
Dietary requirement 
1st Course 
2nd Course 
3rd Course 

Menu 5 – Elderly/Health Care
Dietary requirement   
1st Course     
2nd Course     
Menu 6   Cyclical Menu Athletes/Sports
Dietary requirementBreakfastLunchEvening Dinner
Monday   1st Course 2nd Course 3rd Course1st Course 2nd Course 3rd Course
Tuesday   1st Course 2nd Course 3rd Course1st Course 2nd Course 3rd Course
Wednesday   1st Course 2nd Course 3rd Course1st Course 2nd Course 3rd Course
Thursday   1st Course 2nd Course 3rd Course1st Course 2nd Course 3rd Course
Friday   1st Course 2nd Course 3rd Course1st Course 2nd Course 3rd Course

Part B

  1. Create a feedback form and collect information in a simulated environment from at “least 2 person” which can be your Chef or a work colleague and collate information to amend the menus
MUST BE SUBMITTED FOR PART B: Survey 1 completed by customers / Colleagues/ Exec Chef
Menu Survey 1
Buffet menu
Did the menu appeal to you? Why/why not?  
Was there a balanced variety of dishes on the menu?YesNo
Was the menu written with words that made the dishes sound appealing?YesNo
3. Would you regularly eat at this venue if this was the menu? 4. Does the Menu provide options to dietary needs?                                                                                                                                                                   Yes     No                                                                                      5. How do you rate the presentation of the Buffett?  o Excelled,    o Very good,   o Good ,  o Average,    o Poor  6.How likely are you going to recommend our restaurant based on the Menu quality and service Not at all                                                                                  Extremely likely 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10  YesNo                  
  7. What do you like the most about this menu? Why?     What do you like the least about this menu? Suggest changes.      
To be filled by Chef
  MUST BE SUBMITTED FOR PART B: Survey to be completed by customers/ Colleagues/ Exec Chef  
Menu Survey 2
A la carte menu
Did the menu appeal to you? Why/why not?  
Was there a balanced variety of dishes on the menu?YesNo
Was the menu written with words that made the dishes sound appealing?YesNo
Would you regularly eat at this venue if this was the menu?Does the Menu provide options to dietary needs?                                                                                                                                                                   Yes     No                                                                                     How do you rate the menu items listed? o Excelled,    o Very good,   o Good ,   o Average,    o Poor  How likely are you going to recommend our restaurant based on the Menu quality, prices and service Not at all                                                                                  Extremely likely 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10       Comments:  YesNo
What do you like the most about this menu? Why?   What do you like the least about this menu? Suggest changes.    
To be filled by Chef / Colleagues / customer
MUST BE SUBMITTED FOR PART B: Survey 1 completed by customers / Colleagues/ Exec Chef
Menu Survey 3
Buffet menu
Did the menu appeal to you? Why/why not?  
Was there a balanced variety of dishes on the menu?YesNo
Was the menu written with words that made the dishes sound appealing?YesNo
3. Would you regularly eat at this venue if this was the menu? 4. Does the Menu provide options to dietary needs?                                                                                                                                                                   Yes     No                                                                                      5. How do you rate the presentation of the Buffett?  o Excelled,    o Very good,   o Good ,  o Average,    o Poor  6.How likely are you going to recommend our restaurant based on the Menu quality and service Not at all                                                                                  Extremely likely 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10  YesNo                  
  7. What do you like the most about this menu? Why?     What do you like the least about this menu? Suggest changes.      
To be filled by Chef / Colleagues / customer
  MUST BE SUBMITTED FOR PART B: Survey to be completed by customers/ Colleagues/ Exec Chef  
Menu Survey 4
A la carte menu
Did the menu appeal to you? Why/why not?  
Was there a balanced variety of dishes on the menu?YesNo
Was the menu written with words that made the dishes sound appealing?YesNo
Would you regularly eat at this venue if this was the menu?Does the Menu provide options to dietary needs?                                                                                                                                                                   Yes     No                                                                                     How do you rate the menu items listed? o Excelled,    o Very good,   o Good ,   o Average,    o Poor  How likely are you going to recommend our restaurant based on the Menu quality, prices and service Not at all                                                                                  Extremely likely 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10     Comments:  YesNo
What do you like the most about this menu? Why?   What do you like the least about this menu? Suggest changes.    
To be filled by Chef / Colleagues / customer
  • Review feedback methods you have received for each menu. Provide details used to obtain feedback and details of persons you have consulted with.
Menu 1 – Gluten freeMethod used for feedback How/Who?Feedback received – Details
1st CourseSimulated workplace / Peers & Chef (Assessor) 
2nd CourseSimulated workplace / Peers & Chef (Assessor) 
3rd CourseSimulated workplace / Peers & Chef (Assessor) 
Menu 2 -Type one and two diabetesMethod used for feedback How/Who?Feedback received – Details
1st CourseSimulated workplace / Peers & Chef (Assessor) 
2nd CourseSimulated workplace / Peers & Chef (Assessor) 
3rd Course  
Menu 3 -Vegan / VegetarianMethod used for feedback How/Who?Feedback received – Details
1st CourseSimulated workplace / Peers & Chef (Assessor) 
2nd CourseSimulated workplace / Peers & Chef (Assessor) 
3rd CourseSimulated workplace / Peers & Chef (Assessor) 
Menu 4 – Kosher / HalalMethod used for feedback How/Who?Feedback received – Details
1st CourseSimulated workplace / Peers & Chef (Assessor) 
2nd CourseSimulated workplace / Peers & Chef (Assessor) 
3rd Course  
Menu 5 – Elderly / Health CareMethod used for feedback How/Who?Feedback received – Details
1st CourseSimulated workplace / Peers & Chef (Assessor) 
2nd CourseSimulated workplace / Peers & Chef (Assessor) 
Menu 6 – Cyclical Menu Athletes / SportsMethod used for feedback How/Who?Feedback received – Details
Day  1:MondaySimulated workplace / Peers & Chef (Assessor) 
Day  2:TuesdaySimulated workplace / Peers & Chef 
Day  3:WednesdaySimulated workplace / Peers & Chef 
Day  4:ThursdaySimulated workplace / Peers & Chef 
Day  5:FridaySimulated workplace / Peers & Chef 
  1. Identify which factors would suggest that changes need to be made to your menu items.

Part C

  1. Apply the feedback you have received to the relevant menus or dishes write the menus here again in a new template or added tab and adjust the costing for any 2 menus. Clearly mark these as V2 (Version 2) or “revised”.
  • Paste the revised changes to this project for submission.


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