CHCCOM003 Develop Work Strategies Assessment

26 March 2023 08:17 AM | UPDATED 2 years ago

CHCCOM003 Develop Work Strategies Assessment:

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CHCCOM003 Develop work  strategies Assessment
CHCCOM003 Develop work strategies Assessment


Instruction to Students: Answer the questions below in the spaces text box provided.Ensure all references are documented under each individual question.Answers are to be typed or for written submissions, useblack or blue ink and ensure your name is attached to the responses.  
Case Scenario 1(This scenario is based on a real-life example) Samir is a new outreach worker for the Salvation Army, assigned to work with his mentorCaptain Paul Mouldswho CHCCOM003 Develop work strategies Assessment is the manager of the Oasis Youth Refuge Centre in Sydney. The Refuge can sleep 14 youth per night and the waiting list is long. Paul needs to communicate a lot of information out to the community about the Oasis refuge and its efforts to get youth off the street. The Caledonia Foundation, in partnership with Shark Island Productions (film company) and The Salvation Army want to raise awareness of the growing incidence of youth homelessness in Australia and together develop a National education and outreach campaign using digital media.   The communication strategies focused on creating a film titled “THE OASIS” showing firsthand how the Oasis Refuge operates in helping youth on the street. CHCCOM003 Develop work strategies Assessment The campaign’s increased awareness succeeded in triggering The National Youth Commission’s(NYC) Report ‘Australia’s Homeless Youth”.   Supported by these ongoing comprehensive education and outreach programs, THE OASISdocumentary CHCCOM003 Develop work strategies Assessment has helped to raise awareness of youth homelessness within secondary schools providing a platform to encourage students and teachers to get involved and become part of the solution in their local communities.   Part of Samir’s job role was to assist with estabilising communication protocols for the OASIS school’s engagement program which provides access to OASIS Schools Liaison Office, educational tools, engagement opportunities and ongoing support to Secondary Schools such as: The Oasis Documentary and Study GuideTeaching resources: Youth Homelessness Matters and Teaching Social Issues through EnglishLive presentations and 60 minutes to half day interactive workshopsReal world volunteering opportunities and local mission tripsYouth Homelessness Ambassador Initiative   http://theoasismovie.com.au/watch/watch-film.php http://theoasismovie.com.au/education/documents/THE_OASIS_Impact_Statement_2008-2013-FINAL.pdf

Provide responses based on the case scenario 1

What were the strengths and opportunities of this collaborative partnership CHCCOM003 Develop work strategies Assessmentof three organisations that contributed to the success of the campaign in promoting themselves to stakeholders and holding back competitors for the same funding opportunities? (Min 100 words)
The collaborative partnership between The Caledonia Foundation, Shark Island Productions, and The Salvation Army for the Oasis Youth Refuge Centre campaign had several strengths and opportunities that contributed to its success.   Firstly, the partnership brought together diverse skill sets and resources from each organization, which enabled them to create a comprehensive and impactful campaign. The Caledonia Foundation provided funding and support for the project, Shark Island Productions brought expertise in film production, and The Salvation Army provided on-the-ground experience and knowledge of the issue.   Secondly, the partnership was able to leverage the strengths and networks of each organization to reach a wide audience. For example, Shark Island Productions was able to utilize their connections in the film industry to get the documentary screened at film festivals, while The Salvation Army was able to leverage their existing relationships with schools and youth organizations to promote the film and its educational resources.   Thirdly, the partnership was able to establish itself as a leader in the field of youth homelessness and prevention, creating a strong brand and reputation that helped them stand out among competitors for funding opportunities. By demonstrating a clear impact and positive outcomes through their programs and outreach efforts, the partnership was able to garner support and funding from a variety of stakeholders.   Overall, the collaborative partnership had a strong and diverse set of resources, a wide reach and influence, and a clear and compelling message that resonated with stakeholders and funders alike. These strengths and opportunities helped to set the partnership apart and contribute to its success.        
How would Samir and the outreach team identify external information needs and how did they adapt communication strategies to suit the OASIS school’s engagement program? (Min 100 Words)
To identify external information needs for the OASIS school’s engagement program,CHCCOM003 Develop work strategies Assessment Samir and the outreach team would need to conduct research and gather information from various sources. This could include consulting with educators and other professionals in the field of youth homelessness, reviewing relevant research studies and reports, and engaging with members of the community who are impacted by the issue. They could also utilize feedback mechanisms, such as surveys and focus groups, to gather input and insights from students and teachers about their specific needs and preferences.   Based on the information gathered, the outreach team could adapt their communication strategies to suit the OASIS school’s engagement program by tailoring their messaging, format, and delivery methods to best meet the needs and preferences of their target audience. For example, they could create visually engaging and interactive materials such as videos, graphics, and online tools, to appeal to younger audiences who are more accustomed to digital media. They could also provide opportunities for live presentations, workshops, and volunteering initiatives, to offer a more hands-on and experiential learning approach for students.   Overall, identifying external information needs and adapting communication strategies requires a deep understanding of the target audience and their preferences, and a willingness to adjust messaging and delivery methods to best meet their needs. By doing so, Samir and the outreach team could create a more effective and engaging school’s engagement program for the Oasis Youth Refuge Centre campaign.        
After reading this case scenario, watch the film and read the impact statement provided in the hyperlinks in the scenario. Part of Samir’s job role is to review communication practices for their effectiveness and obtain feedback from others. List at least 1 political,1 economic, 1 social and 1 technological factor that should go into this review. Complete the table below for your responses to this question (Min 200 words for the table)
 Review of communication practices through feedback from others and assessment of outcomes.
Political  This factor refers to the external political environment that can affect the communication practices. One political factor that Samir should consider is government policies and regulations regarding youth homelessness and welfare. These policies can affect the funding and resources available for the Oasis Youth Refuge Centre’s programs and the wider community’s support for the cause. For example, changes in government policies or a shift in political priorities could lead to reduced funding and resources for youth homelessness programs.      
Economic  This factor refers to the economic environment that can affect the communication practices. One economic factor that Samir should consider is the availability of funding and resources to support the Oasis Youth Refuge Centre’s programs. Changes in the economy, such as a recession, can affect the availability of resources and funding, leading to cuts in programs and services. For example, during an economic downturn, businesses and individuals may have less disposable income to donate to charitable causes, leading to decreased funding for youth homelessness programs.      
SocialThis factor refers to the social environment that can affect the communication practices. One social factor that Samir should consider is the public’s perception and attitudes towards youth homelessness. Negative stereotypes and stigma can affect the willingness of the public to support and donate to programs that assist homeless youth. For example, a lack of understanding and awareness about the root causes and complexities of youth homelessness could lead to decreased support for programs such as the Oasis Youth Refuge Centre.        
TechnologicalThis factor refers to the technology and digital tools that can affect communication practices. One technological factor that Samir should consider is the prevalence and accessibility of digital media channels. The Oasis Youth Refuge Centre can leverage digital media to increase awareness, engagement and support for their programs. Technological advances such as social media, virtual reality, and digital content creation tools offer new opportunities to engage with the target audience and enhance communication effectiveness. For example, using social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to connect with students and schools, provide updates on programs and encourage community involvement.        
When the video ‘THE OASIS’ was being filmed what legal and ethical considerations and disclosure would need to have been assessed before the film was released? (Min 100 words)
    When producing a documentary like “THE OASIS,” there are various legal and ethical considerations that need to be taken into account before its release. Some of these considerations include:   Consent: The filmmakers must obtain consent from all individuals who are featured in the documentary, especially minors. The documentary must have written consent from the guardians of the minors.   Privacy: The privacy of individuals should be respected, and sensitive information should not be disclosed without their consent.   Defamation: The documentary should not contain any false or defamatory statements that could harm the reputation of individuals or organizations.   Copyright: The filmmakers should ensure that all copyrighted material used in the documentary is properly licensed.   Filming permits: Filming permits must be obtained for all locations where filming takes place.   Accuracy: The documentary should be factually accurate and not misleading.   Non-exploitation: The filmmakers must ensure that the subjects of the documentary are not exploited in any way.      

CHCCOM003AT1 Underpinning Knowledge Questions Checklist

 CHCCOM003 Develop workplace communication strategies  
 Student’s name: 
 Assessor’s name: 
 The assessor needs to indicate whether they have conducted the questioning as written questions or as verbal questions by ticking the box below.
 oWritten QuestioningoVerbal Questioning For verbal questioning, the assessor must provide dot points as a minimum on the student’s responses.
 If questions are answered verbally, theassessor must write detailed answers in the sections provided below. The space below does not indicate the size of the answer anticipated. Keep typing and the space will expand. If answers are recorded separate to this document, they must be attached to the assessment documents.Response
 Q 1Case Scenario 1 What were the strengths and opportunities of this collaborative partnership of three organisations that contributed to the success of the campaign in promoting themselves to stakeholders and holding back competitors for the same funding opportunities? (Min 100 words)
 Assessor’s comments and feedback to student on response.Met the min word count      
 Q 2How would Samir and the outreach team identify external information needs and how did they adapt communication strategies to suit the OASIS school’s engagement program? (Min 100 Words)
 Assessor’s comments and feedback to student on response.Met the min word count      
 Q 3After reading this case scenario, watch the film and read the impact statement provided in the hyperlinks in the scenario. Part of Samir’s job role is to review communication practices, and obtain feedback from others. List at least 1 political, 1 economic, 1 social and 1 technological factor that should go into this review. (Min 200 words for the table)
 Assessor’s comments and feedback to student on response.Met the min word count      
 Q 4When the video ‘THE OASIS’ was being filmed what legal and ethical considerations and disclosure would need to have been assessed before the film was released? (Min 100 words)
 Assessor’s comments and feedback to student on response.Met the min word count      
 Q 5After reading this case scenario, watch the film and read the impact statement provided in the hyperlinks in the scenario. Part of Samir’s job role is to review communication practices for their effectiveness and obtain feedback from others. List at least 1 political, 1 economic, 1 social and 1 technological factor that should go into this review. Complete the table below for your responses to this question. (Min 350 words for the table)
 Assessor’s comments and feedback to student on response.Met the min word count              
If student was deemed Not yet satisfactory, assessor and student to agree to a new date for assessment.
Result                   ☐ Satisfactory                  ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory  ☐Student provided with results
Assessor’s Signature:Date:
Student’s Signature:Date:


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