
CHCECE032 Nurture Babies And Toddlers

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CHCECE032 Nurture Babies And Toddlers :

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CHCECE032 Nurture Babies And Toddlers
CHCECE032 Nurture Babies And Toddlers

CHCECE032 Nurture babies and toddlers

Student Assessment tool 2 of 3

Version control

DateVersionChanges madeAuthor
April 2022V1.0New development based on CompliantRobyn Beeston

Students, please complete this cover sheet. PRINT CLEARLY using Black or Blue Ink only.

Student name 
Student number 
Student email 
Assessor name 
Assessment due date 
Submission dateAttempt 1 Date:  Attempt 2 Date:  Attempt 3 Date:  
Result for attempt (S or NS)   

Copyright © 2022 Malekhu Investments trading as Queensford College. All rights reserved.


Version control 1

Student declaration of authenticity. 3

Assessment Tool 2 of 3: Knowledge questions. 4

Student instructions. 4

How to submit this Assessment Tool 4

What you must do to achieve Satisfactory for this Assessment Tool 4

Written answer question guidance. 4

Question 1 – Quality areas of NQS.. 5

Question 2 – Quality areas of the NQS.. 6

Question 3 – Quality areas of NQS.. 7

Question 4 – movement guidelines. 8

Question 5 – NHMRC.. 8

Question 6 – attachment and brain development 9

Question 7 – attachment theory. 9

Question 8 – communication. 10

Question 9 – communication. 10

Question 10 – brain development 11

Question 11 – sleep rituals. 11

Question 12 – caring for more than one. 12

Question 13 – nappy changing. 12

Question 14 – nappy changing. 13

Question 15 – nutritional needs. 13

Question 16 – oral hygiene. 13

Question 17 – parental involvement 14

Question 18– safe practices. 14

Question 19 – hazards. 15

Question 20 – safe environment 15

AT 2 of 3 Result (for use by assessor only) 16

Note:   You must sign the student declaration for your submission to be accepted.

Student declaration of authenticity

Before you submit this Assessment Tool you must declare the work is your own. Read the text below. Sign the declaration if you agree with all the statements. I declare:
Signed Dated 
Note: If you are completing this document electronically, use either a scanned and cropped jpg image of your signature or type your name in the space above. For documents submitted through Moodle, the inclusion of this declaration with any form of signature, however presented, with your submission, indicates you understand and agree the declaration is true. If you are completing this Assessment Tool as self-marking questions on Moodle, you will be required to agree to an electronic statement of authenticity at the beginning of the Knowledge questions before being able to proceed.

Assessment Tool 2 of 3: Knowledge questions

Student instructions

PurposeThis assessment contains a set of general and workplace questions testing your knowledge and understanding of the general theory behind this unit.
LocationYour assessor will advise the due date and time for this assessment. You are to answer a series of questions. Complete this activity on Moodle. If the quiz is not available as self-marking in Moodle: Submit this document when you have completed all sections. Upload document to Moodle by clicking on the link named CHCECE032_AT 2 of 3_Submission link. You MUST keep the original of this document somewhere safe.
Resources supplied by your assessor 
Resources supplied by youComputer with Internet

How to submit this Assessment Tool

What?Complete all the questions in this document and upload to Submission link
When?Your assessor will advise the due date and time for this assessment.
Where?On Moodle

What you must do to achieve Satisfactory for this Assessment Tool

This Assessment Tool is the second of three assessments for this Unit of Competency. You must achieve a Satisfactory result (correct response) for every question. You are permitted three (3) attempts at this assessment.
CHCECE032 Nurture Babies And Toddlers

Written answer question guidance

The following written questions use a range of “instructional words” such as “identify” or “explain”, which tell you how you should answer the question. Use the definitions below to assist you in providing the type of response expected.

Note the following guidance is the minimum level of response required.

AnalyseWhen a question asks you to analyse something, you should do so in detail, and identify important points and key features. One or two paragraphs is expected.
CompareWhen a question asks you to compare something, show how two or more things are similar, also indicate the relevance of the consequences. One or two paragraphs is expected.
ContrastWhen a question asks you to contrast something, show how two or more things are different, ensuring you indicate the relevance or the consequences. One or two paragraphs is expected.
DescribeWhen a question asks you to describe something, state the most noticeable qualities or features. Two to three sentences are expected. 
DiscussWhen a question asks you to discuss something, point out important issues or features and express some form of critical judgement. One or two paragraphs is expected.
EvaluateWhen a question asks you to evaluate something, put forward arguments for and against something. One or two paragraphs is expected.
ExamineWhen a question asks you to examine something, this is like “analyse” – provide a detailed response with key points and features and a critical analysis. One or two paragraphs is expected.
ExplainWhen a question asks you to explain something, make clear how or why something happened or the way it is. Two to three sentences are expected. 
IdentifyWhen a question asks you to identify something, you are asked to briefly describe the required information. Two to three sentences are expected. 
ListWhen a question asks you to list something you are expected to briefly state information in a list format.
OutlineWhen a question asks you to outline something, this means giving only the main points, A response two to three sentences is expected. 
SummariseWhen a question asks you to summarise something, this means (like “outline”) only giving the main points. Two to three sentences are expected. 

Question 1 – Quality areas of NQS

In the template below are elements of Quality Areas 2 and 5 of the National Quality Standard (NQS). Use this link to the page on the Quality Areas of the NQS: National Quality Standard

Access and review each of the Quality Areas in the ACECQA website, and for each of the given elements, provide one requirement the element requires from an early years learning centre.

Quality area2: Children’s health and safety
Element 2.1.3: Healthy lifestyle 
Element 2.2.1: Supervision 
Quality area5: Relationships with children
Element 5.1.1: Positive educator to child interactions 
Element 5.2.2: Self-regulation 
Assessors use onlySatisfactoryNot yet satisfactory
Comment if NYS 

Question 2 – Quality areas of the NQS

Complete the table below after studying CHCECE032 Nurture Babies And Toddlers regarding the elements of Quality Areas 2 and 5 of the NQS. Make sure you complete:

Quality Area 2: Children’s Health and Safety
ElementElement 2.1.1: Wellbeing and comfort
Underpinning regulation from National RegulationsRequirement of the regulationUnderpinning section from the ECSNLRequirements of the section
ElementElement 2.2.1: Supervision
Quality Area 5: Relationships with Children
Underpinning regulation National RegulationsRequirement of the regulationUnderpinning section from the ECSNLRequirements of the section
Element5.1.1: Positive educator to child interactions
Element2.2.1: Supervision
Element5.1.1: Positive educator to child interactions
Element5.2.2: Self-regulation
Assessors use onlySatisfactoryNot yet satisfactory
Comment if NYS 

Question 3 – Quality areas of NQS

Complete in the template below relating to Quality Areas 2 and 5 of the NQS.

  • This information will be used if or when you provide legislation that does not have national coverage.

For each quality area provided in the template:

  • The legislation you provide should also either have national coverage or be applicable in the state/territory you have identified. The legislation should also be the latest in force when this assessment is taken.
  • Coverage can either be national or state/territory.

The legislations you provide in this knowledge assessment question may be used more than once, provided it is relevant to the quality areas and the law is not the ECSNL.

Quality areaLegislationCoverageSectionApplication
2: Children’s Health and Safety    
5: Relationships with Children    
Assessors use onlySatisfactoryNot yet satisfactory
Comment if NYS 

Question 4 – movement guidelines

Complete the table and identify two recommendations of the Australian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for the Early Years (birth to 5 years).  Access this here Australian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for the Early Years (birth to 5 years)

Assessors use onlySatisfactoryNot yet satisfactory
Comment if NYS 

Question 5 – NHMRC

Access and review the current National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Staying Healthy guidelines.

Complete each section of the table of CHCECE032 Nurture Babies And Toddlers below by:

Tick the box if the concept relates to Babies or toddlers. You may connect either concept to babies or toddlers if you explain the relevance to babies once and toddlers once.

ConceptExplanationRelevance to babies or toddlers (tick the box)
Edition number Date when guidelines were accessed 
Assessors use onlySatisfactoryNot yet satisfactory
Comment if NYS 

Question 6 – attachment and brain development

Briefly explain how attachment can affect brain development, according to the theories of attachment developed by the people listed below.

DeveloperExplain how attachment impacts brain development
John Bowlby 
Mary Ainsworth 
Assessors use onlySatisfactoryNot yet satisfactory
Comment if NYS 

Question 7 – attachment theory

For each attachment theory of CHCECE032 Nurture Babies And Toddlers in the table below, briefly explain:

 Bowlby’s Attachment TheoryDollard and Miller’s Learning Theory of Attachment
Impact of strong, secure attachment to one or more significant adults on development  
Impact of a lack of attachment on development  
Assessors use onlySatisfactoryNot yet satisfactory
Comment if NYS 

Question 8 – communication

Identify two features of effective communication with families of babies and toddlers.

Assessors use onlySatisfactoryNot yet satisfactory
Comment if NYS 

Question 9 – communication

Briefly explain how each of the actions below support children’s development. Complete the table below to maximise the effectiveness of this using communication.

 ActionsHow does this help with wellbeing?Technique and opportunity
1Describing objects or events happening around the child  
2Talking about routine activities with the child  
3Positive response to exploration  
4Building one on one interactions  
5Communicate to learn – repetition of words, sounds and gestures  
Assessors use onlySatisfactoryNot yet satisfactory
Comment if NYS 

Question 10 – brain development

Information about brain development, especially in babies and toddlers evolves over time. Complete the following table about current and emerging research. 

Research is considered current when it has been published, produced, or created within the last five years.

Research is considered emerging research when it presents an idea that is gradually being recognised and accepted.

In cases where the publication, production, or creation date cannot be determined, you may indicate instead the copyright date or date when the source was last updated.

Brain development in babies
About the sourceBabies – current researchBabies – emerging research
URL (if online)  
Date of publication  
Date you accessed  
Summary of content  
Brain development in toddlers
About the sourceToddlers – current researchToddlers – emerging research
URL (if online)  
Date of publication  
Date you accessed  
Summary of content  
Assessors use onlySatisfactoryNot yet satisfactory
Comment if NYS 

Question 11 – sleep rituals

Answer the following questions about the sleep rituals of babies and toddlers.

What is a sleep ritual 
How do sleep rituals help babies and toddlers fall asleep? 
Outline an example of a baby’s sleep ritual- provide at least three (3) steps1 
Outline an example of a toddler’s sleep ritual provide at least three (3) steps1 
Assessors use onlySatisfactoryNot yet satisfactory
Comment if NYS 

Question 12 – caring for more than one

When you are taking care of more than one baby there are considerations. Identify two (2) areas of concern and briefly explain how to address each concern.

ConcernHow to address the concern
Assessors use onlySatisfactoryNot yet satisfactory
Comment if NYS 

Question 13 – nappy changing

Identify two (2) concerns which must be taken into consideration when establishing nappy changing and toileting routines. Briefly explain how to address each concern.

ConcernHow to address the concern
Assessors use onlySatisfactoryNot yet satisfactory
Comment if NYS 

Question 14 – nappy changing

Answer the following questions about nappy changing and toileting.

Give two (2) examples of practices to create a supportive environment for nappy changing/toileting1 
It is important to avoid be put off when changing a child’s nappy or assisting them with their toileting. Explain why 
Assessors use onlySatisfactoryNot yet satisfactory
Comment if NYS 

Question 15 – nutritional needs

Access and review the current National Health and Medical Research Council’s Infant Feeding Guidelines and complete the table.

Nutritional needs of babies1 
Nutritional needs of toddlers1 
Publication date 
Date accessed 
Assessors use onlySatisfactoryNot yet satisfactory
Comment if NYS 

Question 16 – oral hygiene

Access the following guidelines developed by the Australian Dental Association and answer the following questions:

Oral Hygiene for Babies and Toddlers

Healthy Eating Equals Healthy Teeth

How should you brush a baby’s primary teeth that have just started to appear? 
What is the proper way of flossing for children about 2.5 years old? List three (3) steps.1 
Assessors use onlySatisfactoryNot yet satisfactory
Comment if NYS 

Question 17 – parental involvement

Parents need to be involved in feeding their children, complete the table below explaining how you educators can provide support, and provide two other ways parents can be involved. 

Parental involvementHow educators can provide support
2Provision of prepared food or drinks 
3Parental direction regarding feeding 
Assessors use onlySatisfactoryNot yet satisfactory
Comment if NYS 

Question 18– safe practices

There are safe and unsafe ways of working with babies and toddlers. Complete the table below regarding picking up and holding.

Safe practices for picking up1 
Unsafe practices for picking up 
Safe practices for holding babies1 
Unsafe practices for holding 
Safe practices for picking up toddlers1 
Unsafe practices for picking up 
Safe practices for holding toddlers1 
Unsafe practices for holding 
Assessors use onlySatisfactoryNot yet satisfactory
Comment if NYS 

Question 19 – hazards

There are safe and unsafe ways of working with babies and toddlers. Complete the table below regarding hazards you may encounter. Identify two (2) hazards and the best practice to manage the identified hazard.

HazardsBest practice to address this hazard
Assessors use onlySatisfactoryNot yet satisfactory
Comment if NYS 

Question 20 – safe environment

Briefly explain what makes an environment safe for babies and toddlers

Assessors use onlySatisfactoryNot yet satisfactory
Comment if NYS 

AT 2 of 3 Result (for use by assessor only)

Has the declaration of authenticity been signed, or has it been done in Moodle?☐ Yes  ☐ No
Results for this Assessment Tool
QuestionSatisfactoryNot SatisfactoryQuestionSatisfactoryNot Satisfactory
Name of assessor 
Signature of assessor   
Has reasonable adjustment been made by the assessor in assessing the student’s competency in respect of this Assessment Tool? ☐ Yes   ☐ No If yes, the assessor must specify the arrangements of the reasonable adjustment. Describe here:  
Date of marking assessmentClick here to enter a date.
If resubmission is required, provide dateClick here to enter a date.
If resubmission is required, specify requirementsResubmission due date and time:   The following must be resubmitted:  

Note to assessor: once this Result section is completed, copy the result of S or NS to the cover page and transfer result to the Student Assessment Tracker.


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